Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 436 Invasion of the Ministry of Magic

"Harry, what's going on?" After three or two dinners, Ryan and Hermione rushed to the common room to find Harry. At this time, everyone else was eating below. Sloping common room. There was only Ron in the empty common room, with Ginny and the twins standing beside Harry while Harry collapsed on the sofa, looking ugly.

"I heard from Ginny that Harry came back from dinner and had that nightmare again." Hermione whispered close to Ryan, "Then Harry went to Professor McGonagall, but Professor McGonagall told him to wait here quietly for news, He is absolutely not allowed to leave the school."

"Professor McGonagall is right, we can't afford to lose another person, not to mention that this kidnapping seems a little unusual—" But Harry was interrupted by Ryan before he could finish.

"But the one missing now is my only relative, and I have to find him. Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, and even Lupin, they have good intentions for me to stay here, I know, but Sirius means everything to me and to them. Not the same. They might give up Sirius for my safety, after all, the Order of the Phoenix wasn't without sacrifices. I can't just sit here. Not to mention I think Voldemort already knew I was looking at him, and at noon this The dream was his warning to me. If I don't show up at the Department of Mysteries again, Voldemort will probably kill Sirius."

"Please let me go with you if it's your decision." Ginny stood up first, looking at Harry's shocked face. "You don't think I'll allow you to face this alone, do you?"

"Yes, and us, we are adults, and there are things to do." This is the answer to the Weasley twins.

"I'm your best friend, how can I let you take the risk alone." Ron continued.

"Well, although I still think it's a bit stupid to do so. But it's obviously not enough to rely on you alone." Ryan is also preparing to go to the Ministry of Magic. After all, he has coveted the good things of the Department of Mysteries for a long time, and this time he finally got a chance to sneak in. Definitely can't let it go. Not to mention that he was worried that if things changed and Harry hung up, what would he do?

"I said, I will follow your future adventures." Hermione squeezed Ryan's hand and looked at him.

"Listen to me, it's my own business. You don't—" As a result, before Harry could finish, there were protests from several people. Making his scar hurt even more again, Harry realized that every minute they procrastinated was precious; he didn't have time to argue.

"Okay, fine, it's your choice," he said sloppily, "but the problem is that all the external communication channels at Hogwarts are now monitored by that old woman in Umbridge, and we don't have enough. How can you get to London like this, broomstick?"

"It's very simple." Ryan stood up and said. "Fred and George have a secret road to Hogsmeade. Once in town, we can use the fireplace in the Weasley's Joke Shop there to use the Floo network to get to the head office in Diagon Alley. in the store."

"In that case, let's set off now." Harry eagerly led people to set off. However, Ryan and Hermione asked to go upstairs to make some preparations. When Ryan came down, he found that only Hermione was waiting for him in the leather armor under the school uniform.

"Where's Harry?" "They left first."

At this moment, Hermione recognized the box in Ryan's hand, "You brought the rose crystal with you, is the situation so bad now?"

"It's worse than you think." Ryan said, taking out the meteorite iron amulet that can block a death curse and hanging it around Hermione's neck: "So just now I called the rose crystal sisters again,

Now they are all in the box. This time, the big game of the mysterious man will definitely not be a small fight, we will face a war. "

From the secret passage behind the one-eyed witch sculpture, Ryan and Hermione arrived at the Hogsmeade branch of the Weasley Joke Shop an hour later. Before setting off, they specially left a letter to Professor McGonagall to inform them of the situation, hoping to get support from the Order of the Phoenix at that time. Ryan didn't think they could go head-to-head with Voldemort and a horde of Death Eaters with a bunch of little wizards.

In the backyard of the Weasley Joke Shop in Diagon Alley, Ryan and Harry meet up. After arming themselves with a batch of magic props from the second floor, they took the subway to a bleak side street. There are only a few shabby-looking offices, a bistro, and a dump truck that is overflowing. The only thing that stood out was the tattered red phone booth on the street.

"It's here, we're here." Harry pointed out the guest entrance of the Ministry of Magic for everyone. Ryan looked at the watch on his wrist and found that it was 8:30 in the evening, and the people at the Ministry of Magic should be off work.

Sure enough, the hall was empty when they took the elevator from the red phone booth into the Ministry with their badges pinned to their chests. No imaginary security guards.

"That's not right, the Ministry of Magic should have staff on duty even at night," Ryan murmured. "Guys, I think we'd better get our wands ready and everyone try to be aware of what's going on around them."

Everyone else nodded, and as soon as the elevator stopped, the seven people ran at full speed in the hall with their wands raised, and the sound of chaotic footsteps echoed in the hall. Other than that, the only sound that can be heard in the main hall is the constant rush of water from the golden fountain, from the wands of witches and wizards, the arrows of centaurs, the tips of goblin hats and the ears of house-elves. It spewed out and landed in the circular pool.

"I can feel that Sirius is still alive..." Harry felt the scar hurt again as he rushed into the elevator. But also got the current situation of Sirius. He poked the ninth button in pain, and the fence slammed shut. The elevator made a rattling sound, which was very harsh. But no one came out to check the situation.

When the elevator stopped, the indifferent woman's voice said, "Department of Mysteries." The fence opened, and they stepped out into the corridor, where there was nothing but the nearest torches flickering in the air of the elevator. There was no movement.

Harry turned to the plain black door. For months he had only seen it in his dreams, and now he was finally here.

"This is it," he whispered, leading everyone down the corridor, while the remaining six followed him while watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"I think I should keep an eye out for two people outside," Harry said suddenly to the others, standing in front of the door.

"Don't be stupid." Ryan stared at Harry. "The Mystery and his lackeys should be lying in ambush right now, somewhere, and we have no use for spreading them apart so they can destroy us all."

"Okay." Harry wanted to let a few people stay away from the battlefield, but after listening to Ryan, he realized that everyone had no choice now.

He turned to the black door and walked over... As in a dream, it opened. He stepped over the threshold, and the others followed.

They were standing in a huge round room. Everything here, including the ceiling and the floor, is black; the surrounding walls are evenly embedded with identical, unmarked, black doors without handles, and some blue-flaming candles dot the walls, cold and cold. The faint, flickering candlelight was reflected on the polished marble floor, making the floor appear like calm and deep water.

At the end, Ryan closed the door, and the mechanism in the room was activated. With a loud rumbling, the candles began to move sideways. The circular wall swivels. For a few seconds, the walls spun rapidly, and the blue flames blurred around them, forming a blue band of light. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the rumbling ceased, and everything calmed down again.

In Harry's dreams, he always walked through the room without hesitation, went straight to the door facing the entrance, and continued onward. But here is different from the dream, there are actually 12 doors. It is likely that this is a security measure to buy enough time to confuse the judgment of the intruder. But it was a difficult obstacle for Harry, who needed to save lives.

"I think we should try these doors," he said hastily. "I know where to go when I see that house. Come on."

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