After being kicked out of the office, Harry wandered around the dazed castle for a long time before returning to the Gryffindor common room very late.

When he went to breakfast the next day, Harry was in a state of confusion. He really couldn't accept that his father was the kind of person he hated the most.

The appearance of something wrong with him was so obvious that anyone who was a little bit familiar with him could see that he was abnormal. After breakfast, Harry finally confided to Ginny what he had encountered in the Potions classroom, under pressure from Ginny.

Ryan and Hermione also greeted Harry with concern, but Harry only said that Snape felt that he now had some groundwork to learn on his own. Ryan probably guessed what was going on, but since Harry didn't want to say that he wasn't a talkative person.

"Does that mean you're not taking Occlumency classes anymore?" Hermione asked, frowning, always feeling that Harry shouldn't stop taking Snape's teachings until he was in full control of those dreams. But Harry looked a little impatient.

"Okay." Seeing that the atmosphere became more and more hot, Ryan reached out to stop Hermione. "It's not a bad thing that Harry didn't take Snape's guidance. I think so many of Harry's nightmares lately have something to do with Snape's previous brutal dementors. Those spells made Harry's brain go crazy. More fragile, I think Harry can take a break at this time, and it may be better to learn by himself after a while."

"Maybe, you're right." Hermione was finally persuaded to stop talking about it.

With the removal of Headmaster Dumbledore, many articles demeaning Dumbledore began to appear in various magazines controlled by the Ministry of Magic, and it seemed that Fudge wanted to completely destroy Dumbledore's prestige.

However, unlike the situation after Dumbledore's death in the original book, a living top white wizard is not something that others can humiliate at will, at least the level of those reporters is far from enough.

In particular, no matter which world, being a journalist is a well-informed person. Now we all vaguely know some news about the extinction of the ancient vampire family and the last group of giants in Europe. Under such circumstances, they would at most vaguely mention something, and they would never dare to publish something like "Albus" as in the original text. The Life and Lies of Dumbledore.

But even this extremely vague description still caused an uproar in the wizarding world. People began to pay attention to what Dumbledore, considered the most powerful white wizard and symbol of justice, did when he was young?

Since wizards generally live longer than Muggles, there are many older people who have lived through the Grindelwald era. In this case, many of the young wizards at Hogwarts got a lot of stories from their elders about Dumbledore's youth.

As the news spread, the Ministry of Magic's purpose was also partly fulfilled. A lot of bad news began to circulate in Hogwarts Castle against Dumbledore.

"Is all the news about Dumbledore true?" On the third day of the Easter break, Ryan was making a new defensive bracelet in an empty classroom when Hermione slammed the door and came in, looking at her armpit. With the book in her hand, she knew she had just come from the library.

"What news?" Ryan gently turned the crimson solution suspended in the air into a bracelet and placed it on the metal table next to him, then turned his head and asked.

"It's about... the stories of Dumbledore's youth." Hermione looked a little disbelieving. "I heard from a Ravenclaw girl that her great-grandmother was in Godric's Hollow and had seen Dumbledore and Grindelwald together when they were young.


"It's not just that." Ryan pulled Hermione and sat down at a table, then looked at Hermione and said. "I know a lot more than you know, and I can tell you if you want to hear it."

Hermione nodded immediately after hearing Ryan's words, and then stared into his eyes. Ryan smiled. It is human nature to pursue the privacy of celebrities. It has nothing to do with the person's age, gender, and personality.

Half an hour later, Hermione sat back in the chair with a dull expression on her face. The information she had received before was just too unbelievable. From the beginning of his schooling, Dumbledore proclaimed that love is the greatest power, and he felt like a kind old grandfather. But in Lane's account, she knew that Dumbledore and Grindelwald had tried to build a world ruled by wizards and Muggles when he was young. This was really hard for her to accept.

"Which place do you find it difficult to accept, whether it is Dumbledore's actions towards his family or his idea of ​​trying to rule the world." Ryan made a tea set and poured a cup of black tea for himself and Hermione.

"The idea of ​​trying to rule the world, of course." Hermione picked up a teacup and took a sip. "If his sister is a silent one, I can understand why Dumbledore hides his sister. Thinking about the attitude of wizards to werewolves now, I know that it was the best choice for him to hide his sister at that time, and in the end he The death of his sister was also an accident, and it is not appropriate to blame him entirely. I just can't understand why he had the idea of ​​ruling the world when he was young, especially the sentence for the greatest benefit, which was actually proposed by him."

"It's normal." Ryan also raised his teacup and took a sip. "If you think about his family's tragedy because of what the three Muggle boys did to his sister, it's only natural for him to hate Muggles in that situation."

"But you have to pay attention, even in this situation, Dumbledore finally wakes up. Recognizing his mistake and correcting the damage he caused himself, then defeating his lover in a duel, and then insisting on it for so many years. Doing righteous things and cultivating generations of young wizards. From the results, we can see that Dumbledore was at most confused in the early days, but after he woke up, he has always insisted on justice and fought against various evil forces. This is why I don't agree with some of his views, but still think he's a great wizard for reasons."

"Yes, our Principal is not a god. He naturally makes mistakes. But he made mistakes when he was young and corrected them, and finally made up for the losses caused by his mistakes. We can't deny it because of his mistakes when he was young. His greatness." Hermione came to her senses and seemed more lively than before. "By the way, the Grindelwald you just said was Dumbledore's lover?"

After figuring out her biggest doubt, Hermione shifted her focus in a strange direction.

"You heard that right, our principal's sexual orientation is not that mainstream. But the wizarding world is much more enlightened than Muggles in this regard-" For the next ten minutes, the two began to chat about the relationship between wizards and Muggles. Different places, while accumulating some interesting material for their magazine.

"By the way, when is the next issue of the magazine?" Lane asked shortly after referring to the magazine.

"It will be released on time in the middle of this month." Hermione said confidently. "Thanks to the stupid policy of the Ministry of Magic we've got several good hemp wizards like Penello. And as people who know both worlds, they have a huge advantage in compiling this magazine. Seriously. Yes, I think they are capable of holding some important positions in the Ministry of Magic. Even the worst one is much better than Umbridge."

"These excellent wizards can only do the lowest level of work in the Ministry of Magic, and they lack enough room for promotion. Just because they are Muggle-born, this is why they are determined to change all of this." Ryan said seriously.

"Yes, this is indeed worth risking everything to do." Hermione nodded in agreement. "Even if the price is life, whether it's Mysterio and his lackeys or ours."

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