Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 411 The deal is reached

After Wil Turner said it, he slumped on the chair, and there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. Because of the similar cultural background, Ryan can probably guess why Will is so nervous.

"Relax, I'm a wizard, but definitely not a devil. You don't need to do anything to sell your soul with me." After speaking, he took out a golden contract and handed it over: "Open your eyes and see It's just a contract of employment, it's not evil at all. You're a little too nervous."

After Wil Turner took over the contract, he found that the contract was just an employment contract as Ryan said, only requiring him to sell goods as Ryan's agent in his world and to collect all kinds of information about extraordinary items, intelligence and item skills. . The only difference from ordinary contracts is that the above requires that as long as Will is still alive, the contents of this contract must be fulfilled.

"Help the shopkeeper sell the goods in the store, and at the same time help the shopkeeper collect extraordinary items or extraordinary knowledge from his own world--" Wil Turner raised his head and asked. "I've heard of extraordinary items at least, but what kind of goods can you give me? My hometown is the most prosperous port on the Caribbean Sea, your ordinary goods-"

After he finished speaking, he closed his mouth abruptly, because Ryan opened a space door to reveal a large number of exquisite wooden tableware, white and delicate linen, delicate and firm steel products, canvases piled up like hills, and liquor filled with spirits. bucket.

"Your goods will sell very well, these things are the best sellers in our place." Will said with a change of style. Then he directly picked up the quill on the table and signed his name on the contract.

"Aren't you worried about being punished by me for not finding extraordinary items?" Rose Crystal floated up and said in an indifferent voice, with a kind of soul magic in her voice. As an ordinary person, Will naturally couldn't resist speaking the truth in his heart.

"You have so many supplies for me, and I can buy enough sailors or pirates to ask for news for me with this amount of money. Besides, there are some extraordinary items that are not so practical that can be bought with just money, maybe I A few barrels of spirits and a few sets of ceramic tableware can be exchanged.”

"Very good, it would be best if we could get extraordinary items peacefully." Will's approach was more to Ryan's taste. "Let's go to your side now, I'm going to buy a place to stay first."

"You're right." Will nodded. "Such good goods can't be bought in a blacksmith shop. At least there should be a big shop on the most prosperous street in Port Royal."

"The 32 o'clock offset point, the mysterious side of this world doesn't seem to be weak." Followed Will Lane and brought the rose crystal to what he said was the most prosperous port in the Caribbean: Port Royal.

As soon as he crossed the space door, Ryan smelled the smell of ammonia, the smell of sea fish, and the smell of corruption and fermentation of various things. This made Ryan, who felt more sensitive than ordinary people, suddenly felt a sense of suffocation. Of course, he didn't forget to fill the rose crystal with a bubble head spell.

"Is this a landfill?" After being stimulated by the smell, a sentence blurted out of the puppet's mouth, making Will next to him look embarrassed. He could only pretend not to hear and say to Ryan, "Where are you going now?"

"Buy the land first, and then I thought about it. I can buy a piece of land directly by the sea, and then build my own dock and warehouse. Anyway, I don't think the city is very big, even if the shops are built to the dock, it's not too far. "Lian used the green prophet ability to communicate that a seabird made his own decision after idling around the city for a few laps.

"The wasteland is easy to do,

I remember those lands belonged to the Lordless. As long as you go to the Governor's Palace to report and spend a little gold, you can get it. "As he was talking, a group of lobster soldiers in red clothes rushed over to see them and then left, as if they were looking for something or someone.

"This should be the time when Jack Sparrow at the pier escaped and hid everywhere?" Ryan thought, looking up and just saw the sign of the blacksmith shop. It turned out that they had now reached the blacksmith shop where Will worked.

"Don't you go back and tell your master first? I think you may not be able to work in the blacksmith shop in the future." Ryan reminded as if thinking of something. "And I also want to see what the blacksmith shop here looks like, whether there are any good blacksmith shops for elves or dwarves."

"Naturally, it's impossible to have those magical blacksmith shops." Will also relaxed a lot after returning to his own world. He smiled and opened the door, "Please come in, it doesn't taste very good inside."

There is more than a bad taste, the smell of rust, the smell of coke mixed with the smell of alcohol makes the air in the room very turbid. Of course, it still tastes better than the compost pit outside. Will first soothed the donkey in circles. Then he went to the anvil and found that the position of the hammer had changed, and there was a broken hat that he had never seen before. As he reached for the broken hat, a sword rested on his hand.

Ryan turned his head when he heard the movement, and found a crazy-looking pirate with a sword on Will's neck. So he pulled out his wand and smashed the sword in the pirate's hand with a Disarming Charm.

"Nice to meet you, Captain Jack." After speaking, Ryan stopped Will from trying to catch Jack. "Let him go, he's not a bad guy."

"Yes, but he is a pirate." Will said inexplicably.

"Not all pirates are bad guys. Captain Jack was formerly the captain of a trade ship owned by the British East India Trading Company led by Lord Beckett. At one time he was ordered to deliver a shipment from Africa. It turned out that the shipment was actually on the road. They were African slaves, and out of a sense of justice, Jack set them all free. As a result, he was branded a pirate by Lord Beckett before he became a pirate," Ryan explained.

"Wait, who are you. I don't seem to know you, and you shouldn't know about my past at your age." At this time, a voice sounded from the side, and Ryan and the others realized that Jack hadn't left. Just when Ryan was about to speak, the door was knocked.

"It should be the searched navy, what should I do?" Will said nervously, looking at Ryan.

"It's easy to deal with, don't forget that I'm a wizard." Ryan said and released the illusion spell on Jack, and Jack disappeared immediately. "Keep quiet, that group of people can't see you." Ryan told Jack, and sure enough, the navy searched carefully and left with empty hands.

"It's amazing." Jack sighed after recovering from invisibility. "I've seen a lot of magic and the like before, but I've never seen something so convenient."

"Brother's magic must be the most powerful." Rose Crystal, who was pretending to be a puppet just now, said, making Jack jump.

"Okay Jack, I know you want to retake the Black Pearl. I have a hunch that the Black Pearl will be near here soon, and the arrival of this ship will involve everyone." Ryan learned from Terry Professor Lawney said it in his usual way of speaking, and this obviously coaxed Will and Jack. So after William bought a large piece of wasteland by the sea with gold, the three of them went directly to the newly bought wasteland and set up a magic tent to have dinner inside, and exchanged their knowledge at the same time.

Will's experience was the most boring, so he spent the whole party listening to Ryan and Jack telling their respective adventures. And this kind of situation where you have a story and I have alcohol, the relationship between Ryan and the other two immediately became much closer, and even Ryan successfully borrowed the compass of Jack Sparrow and got it in his hand to observe.

When it was completely dark, the other two brothers had already slept to death because of drinking too much, and Ryan, who had not touched a drop of alcohol, took this opportunity to analyze the compass that could point to the location of what he wanted in his heart. the principle of it. Until a cannon shot woke him from his engrossed state.

Here comes the Black Pearl.

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