Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 368: The Hall of the Elf King

There are not many roads in the dark jungle, and most of them are kept in their most primitive state. However, Ryan moved quickly and easily in the woods, not much slower than the surrounding elves.

After observing for a while, the surrounding elves relaxed their vigilance, because they felt the natural breath from Ryan. And neither those humans who take refuge in evil nor those troll orcs will be so close to nature.

Soon everyone began to chat together. The puppet and Tauriel were very compatible, and Ryan's stories about the various worlds he had experienced also made these elves who have lived in the woods for hundreds of years feel refreshed. Especially when they heard the story of how Ryan used the power of nature to eliminate those evil undead in a world, they all felt a sense of common enemy. Of course, through this chat, the relationship between everyone also quickly became closer. .

Because everyone can travel fast in the forest, an hour later Ryan Lane noticed a moss-covered stone-paved path beneath his feet.

The elves looked a lot happier after setting foot on the trail, because it meant they were getting home soon. After following the path through many dangerous valleys, forests, swamps and streams, they finally came to the edge of a swift stream six or seven meters wide.

A narrow stone bridge without guardrails spans the stream, and beyond the stream is a steep stone hillside. There is a beautiful stone gate directly opposite the bridge, and several elves in armor are guarding there with spears.

Unlike the imagined elves' residences, the elves' royal court in the dark jungle is an underground building. This should be to commemorate Minnigos, the city of a thousand grottoes.

Soon under the guidance of Legolas, Ryan met the owner of the place, Thranduil. Thranduil was a good-looking man, dressed in a very fine silver robe, with a crown of red leaves and berries between his blond hair.

After talking to his son, Thranduil said in a magnetic voice: "Welcome, friend of nature. I can see in you the care of nature for you, and what you say should be true. . So as long as you are not malicious, I agree to trade with you."

Soon, Ryan was taken to a very open place by Legolas and Tauriel, with many elves coming and going around.

"Where is this?" Rose Crystal asked curiously in mid-air, probably because there aren't many things in this world that can fly without wings, and Rose Crystal's beautiful appearance. The elves who came and went around looked at the rose crystal with curious eyes, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"This is the largest square in the hall of the Elf King. People usually gather here and trade some things they need. That's why my father asked me to bring you here." Legolas said beside him.

"So I can show my cargo?" Ryan asked. After seeing Legolas nodding, Ryan began to take out a piece of specialties from various worlds.

In view of the habits of elves, this time the product is not industrial equipment. It is mainly based on various magical plants and some extraordinary materials, and some high-end daily necessities, such as porcelain and lacquer ware, are also included.

Soon, these exotic goods attracted the elves who came and went. After all, Ryan is not just for making money, so he used magic to tell the elves aloud that whether it is knowledge, interesting items or even stories that Ryan himself finds interesting, they can be used as a way of trading, and now Touriel is bored. The team, plus Legolas, was hired by Ryan to help set prices at the cost of a whole set of magical seeds.

Lane found that sunshine mushrooms and sunshine sunflowers were the most popular trade items, and even many elves couldn't wait to be around their houses after they got them. When they learned how to use the Sunlight Crystal, with the help of their own natural magic, the underground city was filled with sunlight in just a few hours.

Ryan felt that this made the Elf King's Hall completely lose its previous mysterious feeling, but Tauriel dismissed the mysterious silence in Ryan's mouth.

'"We elves have always loved nature and sunshine. It's just that we placed the royal city underground for safety reasons because of accidents. But that doesn't mean we like this dark environment. The sunshine that came here even gave everyone a feeling of returning to the golden age of the past when we were still living on the ground. Don't you see more and more people coming out now? This already shows our hobby."

Sure enough, as the sun spread further, more and more elves appeared nearby. Even Thranduil was alarmed at the end. After asking what happened, Thranduil signed a large order with Ryan, which almost emptied Ryan's reserves of these magical plants. Because he found that he could use these magical plants to build a green line of defense in the dark forest, so that the dark forest became bright again.

"But, Thranduil. This forest is so big, it may take you more than 100 years to achieve such a grand goal." When handing over several planting methods and seeds to Thranduil, Ryan pointed out the biggest flaw in the Elf King's approach.

"It's okay." The Elf King looked very happy. "As a future immortal, you should gradually get used to our way of life. Otherwise, you will definitely be very sad in the future. I think allowing you to do business is the most correct thing I have done in the past few hundred years. One of the decisions, because of your arrival, today is also the happiest day for my people in the past few hundred years."

Looking down his fingers, every elf had a cheerful smile on his face. Many of the elves surrounding outside have begun to sing, dance, and play musical instruments. At the same time, many elves rushed over with food and wine, and it seemed that they were going to hold a feast.

"It's been so many years since everyone was so happy." Legolas sighed on the side. In this atmosphere, Ryan and Rose Crystal also joined the banquet.

Unlike a few hours ago, the previously stone-filled underground city was now flooded with greenery brought by Ryan from several worlds. Coupled with the irradiation of sunlight crystals, it now feels like a forest.

Greeted by the elves, Ryan and Rose Crystal enjoyed an absolutely sumptuous feast. Unlike previously imagined, the elves here still eat meat. However, all the food tastes a bit bland. Fortunately, the cooking skills of the cooks are very superb (after all, the elves who are almost immortal have enough time to learn various skills), so that Ryan can experience the ingredients themselves from these dishes. delicious.

The trade went on for a full week, and Ryan also made a lot of gains. Thranduil opened all the libraries in the city to Ryan, and even allowed Ryan to go to the most secret room in the library to view the Codex and Notes that Celebrimbor left behind when he forged the Three Rings of the Elf.

After recording all the things he was interested in, Ryan went to the palace to say goodbye to Thranduil. In the previous chat, Lane learned that Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield were seen at the Prancing Horse Inn in recent days discussing the recovery of Lonely Mountain. That means there's still a year left until The Hobbit story begins.

Knowing this time point, Ryan decided to look elsewhere. Because he felt he could do something with this time.

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