The hottest day since summer is finally coming to an end, and everything seems to be enveloped in a sleepy silence. In the Muggle community, the cars that usually shined brightly are now all parked in the driveway, and the once green grass has turned yellow. Due to the severe drought, watering hoses have been banned. .

But Lane's lawn looked lush. As a plant remodeling guru (self-styled), it's pretty easy to do a few tricks on your lawn to make them look good.

The interior is quite different from the beautiful environment outside, with mess everywhere. People in the house are getting ready for an important trip, so a lot of bins have been opened for better packing.

Why is the house as messy as moving house now? The reason for this situation starts from the first day Ryan arrived home.

That day, Ryan was surprised to find that his parents were not at home after dragging the suitcase tiredly, so he had to open the door and go in by himself. As a result, he didn't see his parents walking into the house with a tired but relaxed expression until the evening.

"Oh, God, we actually forgot that today is the day our son comes back. These two days are really busy." Mother Sally patted her forehead and exclaimed while looking at the prepared table of dishes in the restaurant.

"It's okay, I can take care of myself by myself." Ryan put the last dish on the table and said, "By the way, why did you come back so late? Is there anything wrong?"

"A more important matter." Mr. Lambert wiped the sweat from his face as he hung his suit on the hanger. "Let's talk after dinner, because this matter is very important. We need to talk more formally."

"What? Are you planning to go to China in the next few years?" After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and started chatting, but Mr. Lambert's first sentence shocked Ryan. Although he did hope that his parents could go to a safe place after Voldemort returned, Ryan never thought that his parents would leave voluntarily before he found a suitable plan.

"Yes, and it's not just us. The same is true of the nearby Granger family. Today we went to the embassy to get a visa." At this time, Mr. Lambert broke another big news.

What the hell is going on here. Although things are indeed developing for the better now, Ryan still wants to find out what happened. Fortunately, Mr. Lambert clearly explained the reason behind.

It all started from the summer when Sirius escaped from Azkaban. During that summer, the Ryan family and Hermione's family dug up a treasure, and then exchanged more than two million pounds with the French. One million in cash.

With that money in hand, Lane's parents started their globetrotting as soon as the vacation was over. Naturally, the final project of this trip is to go to China to have a good time, and visit Ryan's grandparents who returned to China to support him.

As a result, in China, Mr. Lambert received unprecedented hospitality in the small town where Ryan's grandparents lived. That small town is near Lin'an, but unfortunately it is surrounded by mountains and a bit far from the city. Although the road repair is good, because there are no local special products, everyone's life is not very good.

Mr. Lambert found a very good business opportunity there, and she chose to invest there with a sum of money in her hand. Although 1 million pounds may not be a big deal in a big city, it was an astronomical sum in a small town in the south in 1993. With the help of all parties, the investment soon paid off.

"Dad, what did you vote for?" Ryan was a little curious.

In his impression, foreign capital was welcomed everywhere in that era. It's normal for a father to be greeted with hospitality, let alone as the descendant of a well-known writer and local people.

"Nursery and Chinese herbal medicine planting base." Mr. Lambert no longer sells Guanzi, "It is a fast-growing place, many things are in great demand but there are not enough suppliers. After investigation, we found that the mountains in our hometown are very suitable for growing these things, so I invested in those things.”

No wonder my father wrote several letters in third grade asking himself if wizards had any tips for growing trees and herbs? At that time, Ryan had mastered Dave's skills in growing plants, so he thought of a lot of good ways to mail it to his father.

"This is also thanks to you." Mother Sally said: "The plants grown according to your method have fewer diseases, are easy to manage and grow better than others. Relying on these plants that are obviously different from others, in the past two years We have made a lot of money. Because of this, we plan to temporarily move to China to take care of the business nearby. After all, our business is in a period of rapid development. If people are not around, there will always be all kinds of troubles. "

"And you've grown up. I believe you can take care of yourself. Besides, you can come to see us during the holidays." Finally, mother Sally touched Ryan's head and said.

"Father, isn't your recent Edwardian adventure series very popular, don't you want to write it in the future?" After reading this series of books, Ryan felt that it was very similar to the Indiana Jones and National Treasures series novels, and the father was still showing off himself in the letter before. How popular this book is.

"You can also write in the Celestial Dynasty. It's more conducive to writing in a different environment. You can just send the manuscript to the publishing house." Lambert said relaxedly.

"Then, what happened to Hermione's family?" Ryan asked the next question after knowing the reason for the move.

"It's also because of investment. I told Mr. Granger about it when I was drinking in the bar after returning from the Chinese dynasty, and told him that the Chinese dynasty was very suitable for investment. As a result, he and his wife spent a month or two doing research. , and finally went to China to investigate for two weeks." Mr. Lambert said.

"And then?" "Then, after he came back, he bought several patents and licenses from his alma mater and classmates and friends, and then opened a dental consumables and equipment manufacturing plant in Lin'an City, as well as a dental clinic. You know that dentistry is generally a subordinate department of the hospital there, and there are very few professional dental clinics. They moved here this time and the development there is very fast, so they must direct the nearest command to avoid any problems, professional managers are indeed useful, But there are a lot of things at this stage that they can't handle."

"Well, I figured it out." Ryan thought that money can indeed change fate, especially a lot of money. But this is also good, once the fight starts, you don't have to worry about the safety of your home.

The next morning, Ryan and his family called a taxi to Heathrow Airport in London with a large bag of things on their backs. In the departure lounge they met the Grangers and it seemed they were supposed to be on the same flight.

"Okay, I heard that you are going to live with your classmates next week, which is good. But you must take care of yourself when you are at home this week. When you leave home, remember to lock the door and turn off the water, electricity and gas," the two parents began. After the ramble, Ryan and Hermione stood there and listened earnestly.

"Okay, that's it, we're about to board the plane. You have to help each other with anything. I believe you can take care of yourselves." After speaking, a few people took their luggage and left.

Ryan and Hermione watched their parents walk away from sight before leaving the airport to take the bus back to their neighborhood.

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