Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 324: Report 1 Paragraph

After roughly speaking with Hermione, Ryan used life magic to soothe Hermione's spirit. Seeing Hermione, who was asleep under the influence of magic, stretched her eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and began to arrange the scene according to the plan.

Ryan first poured out the wreckage he had prepared earlier from the space gate, and then roughly pieced the wreckage together into what it looked like before. In the end, together with the vampire corpse in front of him, they were burned into ashes with a simple sunshine.

Looking at the two piles of human-shaped ashes and the bizarre ashes that could not see anything turned into two blood puppets, Ryan nodded with satisfaction. This is almost the arrangement. After everything was done, Ryan thought of something and changed back to his original shape, and then changed his clothes to the one he wore when he came.

"Next time, be sure to prepare your hair in advance." Ryan told himself as he walked to Hermione's side and sat down against her, and finally lifted the seal on the fireplace when he came over to restore the function of the fireplace.

Five or six hours later, when Hermione woke from her slumber, sparks came out of the fireplace again. Ryan stood up straight with his wand pointed in the direction of the fireplace, and Hermione did the same.

"Who?" While asking, Ryan also threw a sunlight crystal, and a strong light instantly enveloped the entire space. Fortunately, this time it was indeed a rescuer, and he was just immune to this kind of strong light attack.

"Boy, very good." The hoarse voice made Ryan recognize that this was Moody, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Ryan still pointed his wand at him. "Please prove that you are indeed Professor Moody."

Moody was not angry, but said with a smile. "Like I told you in my first class, we need to be vigilant at all times. Glad to see you took my word for it."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the piles of ashes on the ground and nodded. "You really don't think about becoming an Auror after graduation? At least two adult vampires and two blood puppets are not something that ordinary underage wizards can handle."

"Just luck, some alchemy products on my body can restrain these dark creatures." After Ryan, they were revealed by Moody with his followers.

After a strong squeeze, Ryan and Hermione were led by Moody in front of the cast iron gates of Hogwarts. In a few minutes, they had appeared in the principal's office with hot black tea.

Because Moody had said something before, Dumbledore directly asked the two people what happened to them when they were kidnapped before. Ryan and the others told Dumbledore according to the agreed content that after they were caught in the underground cell, the two used the Some special magic weapons escaped and then used the power of sunlight to kill the vampires who tried to kidnap them.

Later, a monster rushed out of the fireplace, and then a combination of a monster and a vampire rushed out, but they were all destroyed by Ryan with the help of alchemy props and magic. Strangely, after these monsters were eliminated, no other enemies appeared. After discovering that the fireplace leads to a fixed location, the two decided to take turns resting and waiting for help, and Moody came to pick them up.

"Then, Mr. Liang, how did you determine that there was something wrong with that box?" Dumbledore asked after waiting for Ryan and the others to finish telling the story, with his hands folded on the table.

"Because the fact that Harry signed up for the competition this year was so fraught with problems that it made me feel like something bad might be going on. So this year I've been on the highest level of vigilance. I was on Hogsmeade Street. The girl's eyes were a little dull, and when I found it, I immediately thought of the Imperius Curse that Professor Moody was talking about. So I was worried that there was a curse and released defensive magic on both of us, but I didn't expect it to be a door key." Ryan said with regret.

"You have done a good job in this matter. No wonder Professor Moody was still praising you just now." Dumbledore nodded and said, "The magic item you just mentioned was the bracelet in your hand, right?"

"Yes." Ryan nodded. "It's a pity that all the sunshine gems above have been consumed this time,

It is equivalent to losing hundreds of Galleons at one time. I don't think it's worth it to exchange a life for this kind of consumption. "

"It's good for young people to have your mentality." Professor Dumbledore laughed and suddenly became serious and asked: "Can you tell me what the ingredients in the potion you gave Harry earlier? Of course I don't mean to spy on your secrets, you just need to tell me what the ingredients of the medicine are."

"The unicorn blood that removes the curse, the solidified sunlight, the dragon's blood—" Ryan burst out a dozen medicinal herbs in one breath. "That's it, Headmaster Dumbledore. That's what a centaur witch doctor I knew told me, and she gave me the unicorn blood."

"Yeah, all intelligent creatures have their advantages, but unfortunately many wizards hold their heads high and pretend to be invisible. When I was young—" Dumbledore shook his head at this point. "Forget it, the past is over."

Ryan looked at Dumbledore's appearance, and guessed that he was thinking about the time he was with Grindelwald when he was young. But Dumbledore quickly woke up from the memory, and then looked at Ryan and Hermione and asked seriously: "If I told you that Voldemort is back, would you believe it?"

"I think the mysterious man—" Ryan thought it might be that Old Deng was about to pull someone's head, and was about to answer seriously, but was interrupted by Dumbledore as soon as he started.

"Lane, Hermione, call him Voldemort, always use the correct name for things. Fear of a name reinforces fear of the thing itself."

"But professor, there is magic on that person's name that will detect whoever calls his name. You, as the most powerful white wizard, are naturally not afraid, but not only are we not as strong as you, but our relatives are not magic. A person who can't protect himself. If he does come back, I don't think Hermione and I can bear the consequences of calling that person by name." Ryan directly confronted Lao Deng on this issue, he always felt that In the original book, Old Deng asked Harry and the others to call Voldemort's name directly, which is to deceive people. Especially for someone like Hermione whose family is Muggle, it's like putting her family in mortal danger.

"Sorry, I was not thoughtful." Dumbledore took the initiative to apologize, "I can understand your efforts to protect your family."

"Thanks, and on to your topic. I'm sure that man has come back, because I know Harry isn't one of those gibberish people. But I'm also sure that most of the wizarding world won't believe it, or even that they will. Actively deny it."

"Is it like the signing of the Munich Agreement?" Hermione also responded at this time and asked.

"Yes, British wizards are just as reluctant to admit imminent danger as the British Muggle community was before the war, from top to bottom," Lane replied.

"Oh? Tell me what you think." Dumbledore asked with great interest. Originally, after Harry came back today, he planned to go directly to Fudge to tell him the news of Voldemort's return, and use the power of the Ministry of Magic to limit the maximum extent possible. Voldemort's recovery.

In his inference, Fudge and the Ministry of Magic should start preparing for war as soon as they get this information and make some wizards vigilant, so as to curb the development of Voldemort's forces. However, the two students who did not want to be affected by this incident put forward another point of view. He now wants to hear what the two Muggle-born students want to explain with the cases that happened in the Muggle world.

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