The preparations for the prom are much simpler for the boys, and it's ok to put on a dress robe after taking a shower. It's just that Ryan gritted his teeth before going out before he made up his mind to spray some perfume from Hermione on his body. After all, the matter of spraying perfume was really challenging for him, who was a little straight.

Fortunately, what Hermione sent was a magic perfume, which only faintly smelled of pine and cypress branches, which made Ryan feel a little more comfortable.

After going downstairs, Ron came up again to thank him. If it wasn't for Ryan's help this time, he would definitely make a big fool in front of everyone. He had invited Parvati on a desperate gamble the day before yesterday, thanks to Harry's encouragement, and luckily she said yes. It also allowed Ron to avoid the awkward scene of going to the dance alone.

"Harry, your body-" Harry walked out of the crowd at this time, wearing a very gorgeous red and yellow dress robe.

"Ah, don't mention it. Sirius bought it for me, saying that as long as it is worn, it will attract the attention of the audience. But I just thought of Lockhart. If this dress is not made to order, it is very expensive. If I return it, I will definitely not wear this." But when he said the disgusting words, he also showed a happy smile on his face, after all, after so many years as an orphan, he finally has relatives who are willing to care for him, and this care may be Harry I really don't want to change clothes.

"Good evening, Harry." Ginny in a pink dress robe walked downstairs and greeted Harry. I have to say that Ginny looked more dazzling than usual at this time.

At this time, Harry walked up and grabbed Ginny, and then left the common room directly. Ron was left alone in the wind.

"My best friend invited my sister to the dance, but I didn't know it at all before." Ron looked a little crazy, but fortunately, when Parvati came over, he had adjusted his mind.

Hermione came downstairs after most of the people were gone. Today, she is still wearing that yellow dress robe, and her hair is pulled back into an elegant bun at the back of her head. On her right wrist is the silver bracelet adorned with a small piece of amethyst that Lane gave her today.

This bracelet is Ryan's latest alchemy product. Not only can a magic shield pop up automatically when attacking, but there is also a compression space inside, where Ryan put two newly made Valyrian steel light swords. After all, Hermione has been practicing the inheritance of assassins for more than two years, and she should have her own weapons. At least that was what Hermione said at practice last Saturday.

"You are beautiful today." Ryan looked at Hermione after saying that. At first Ryan just thought that Hermione had dressed herself up to make her look prettier today. But after staring at her face for a few seconds, Ryan was surprised to find that all the blemishes on the skin on her face had disappeared, and even the two front teeth had returned to their normal size, and she even looked like a beautiful girl.

"Why are you staring at my face all the time?" Hermione asked uncomfortably seeing Ryan staring at her face all the time. "Is there something wrong with my face?"

"You seem to be a little different from what you used to be?" Ryan said subconsciously, but he got a blank eye.

"Did you just find out now? It's thanks to the gift of power that I got in the temple on my last adventure. I've only since felt that power can improve not only physique but also one's appearance. So now I become This is what you saw." Hermione explained in a low voice on the way downstairs to the auditorium.

Ryan felt that he might have been optimized too many times before, causing the changes to be less obvious than Hermione's. And he saw Hermione every day, so he didn't pay attention to the little changes in the usual way, and didn't realize it until he noticed it today.

When they reached the first floor, they found that the hall was crowded with students, after all, the door would not open until eight o'clock to let people in. A lot of people were digging through the crowd to find their dance partners at other colleges.

At this time the oak front door of the auditorium was opened, and everyone saw Durmstrang's students enter with Professor Karkaroff.

Krum walked in the front, next to a girl in a pink dress with a flushed face. Lane recognized the girl as one of Ravenclaw's seniors.

However, after finding Hermione standing beside Ryan, Krum's face looked gloomy. After all, for a super-celebrity to be cut off on such a thing is a very unpleasant thing.

At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice sounded: "Please come here, warriors!"

Today Professor McGonagall is wearing a red tartan robe with an ugly wreath of thistles around the brim. She told the six warriors and their dance partners to wait by the door, and let the others go in first. After the students were all seated, they lined up to enter the auditorium.

In the front are the two ladies of Beauxbatons. Ryan can see that Fleur's dance partner is still stunned by the grand prize, while Ryan and the others are at the end of the line as the hosts.

"I'm a little nervous right now, Ryan." Hermione said suddenly in a low voice beside her.

"It's okay, we've even seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood. There's nothing to be nervous about in this situation." Ryan turned his head and whispered comfortably. Maybe it was because the movement was a little big, and Professor McGonagall gave him a stern look.

After everyone was seated in the auditorium, Professor McGonagall told the Warriors and their dance partners to line up two by two and follow her in. They filed in and walked towards the big round table in front of the auditorium where the judges were sitting, and the people in the auditorium applauded enthusiastically. Ryan saw the members of the book club waving to Ryan and Hermione. The one who surprised him the most was Swinton, who was actually this year's Ravenclaw freshman Celia.

In addition, some acquaintances waved. For example, Angela, Hermione's roommate, went to the dance with Maine, a new member of this year's book club, but she looked a bit funny that she was a head taller than her male partner. It is estimated that they will not dance together for a while, it is just that Maine can participate in the dance through this method.

After looking around for a while, Ryan realized that there were not only the same-sex dance partners, Crabbe and Goyle were also sitting at the Slytherin round table over there, just don't know which of the two of them danced the female step for a while.

A pair of lilies and a pair of bases really deserves to be a country of corruption. Lane thought while waving to acquaintances with Hermione.

The walls of the auditorium were covered with gleaming silver frost, the ceiling was a starry night sky, and hundreds of garlands of mistletoe sprigs and ivy hung. The four academy tables were gone, replaced by a hundred small lantern-lit tables, with a dozen or so people seated at each table.

After sitting at the table, Ryan realized that the Warriors were eating at the same table with the referees. He felt that this meal was definitely torture. Just sitting at the same table as the unlucky and stern elders during Chinese New Year. Especially the straight-faced Mr. Crouch just across from where Ryan was sitting.

There was no food on the shiny golden plates yet, but there was a small menu in front of everyone. Dumbledore looked at his menu carefully, and then pointed to his plate and said very clearly: "Pork chops!"

The pork chops came right out. The others at the table suddenly realized that they followed suit and ordered their favorite food on the plate.

Krum looked a little silent on Ryan's table, but just lowered his head to eat. And Fleur Delacour is criticizing the Hogwarts decor to her dance partner Roger Davis.

Fortunately, Headmaster Dumbledore resolved these embarrassments with humorous words, and the dinner was finished smoothly.

After everyone finished eating, Dumbledore stood up and told his classmates to stand up too. Then he waved his wand and all the tables whizzed up to the wall, leaving a clear space in between. He turned into a high stage and attached it to the root of the right wall. It seems that we are about to enter the main part of the dance and dance.

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