Ryan happened to be going to the library on the second floor to read, so he happened to go upstairs with Hagrid. While watching Hagrid put the Christmas tree in the prescribed position and lift up his armor, Ryan finally couldn't help but ask his own question.

"Hagrid, aren't you able to use magic now? Why don't you use magic to move this thing?"

"Just getting used to it." Hagrid patted the armor on his shoulders, causing another round of Peeves yelling inside. "Seriously, the Christmas ball is a good opportunity to relax. I usually see you and Hermione studying with a book all day long. You can also take this opportunity to take a good rest this time."

"Yeah, it's Christmas holiday after all." Having said that, the two of them had already come to the corridor on the second floor. Ryan was about to walk towards the library when he suddenly stopped as if thinking of something.

"Hagrid, have you been getting closer to Madam Maxime recently?" Ryan asked Hagrid looking at him. Hagrid also stopped, and then said a little embarrassedly, "Yeah, after all, I've only seen a big woman like her after all these years."

Lane nodded, then observed that there was no one else around, and said, "Hagrid, as a friend I need to tell you, now in public, no matter if there is anyone else, you must never talk to Madame Maxime about yours. The giant blood problem."

Hagrid looked blank. "Why is that?"

"You have to know that the entire wizarding world attaches great importance to blood, and generally excludes wizards with non-human blood. Especially once wizards are mixed with the blood of some evil creatures recognized by the wizarding world, they will be rejected by most wizards. Trust. Madame Maxime has gone through untold hardships to become the principal, but once others know that she has a giant blood, they will definitely attack her. At that time, most of her life's efforts were in vain. And I imagine Mark A woman as elegant as Mrs Simm doesn't want to be associated with a giant, so that she can think of something bad."

Hagrid was a little dazed by Ryan's words, but he nodded and said, "I know you're doing it for my own good, so I swear I won't hurt her by talking to her about this."

Having said this, Hagrid suddenly reacted and said, "Wait, when did you know I'm a half-giant?"

"Shh, be quiet." Ryan made a gesture with his hand in front of his mouth. "Most people don't like half-giants. Why are you shouting so loudly?"

After finishing speaking, Ryan then said in a gentle tone: "You said that I read books all day long, and we can naturally infer this from your physical resistance and your aging speed. After all, normal people are not affected like you. Fantastic Beasts recover so quickly from injury, and it doesn't look like a 40-year-old in your 60s. These characteristics, combined with your extraordinary size, made me know you were a great man when I was in first grade. Half-giant."

Having said that, Ryan patted Hagrid's arm and said, "Of course, I think you are a good person. I will also help you keep this secret."

After that, Ryan left the confused Hagrid to study in the library, leaving only the confused Hagrid standing there.

After an afternoon of reading in the library, Ryan and Hermione went to dinner in the Great Hall. Due to the presence of foreign guests, the school meals have been kept at a relatively high level recently, especially with the addition of many exotic dishes. For example, tonight's German-style grilled white sausage made Ryan very happy.

"The food here in the UK is too greasy." At this time, from the direction of Ravenclaw, Fleur's voice with a French accent came, "I feel that I have gained a lot of weight recently, and I can't wear my gown!"

"No one forced her to eat so much. Who can blame her for not being able to control herself? Ryan, you should at least win over this woman who only cared about herself." Hermione said to Ryan who was a little unhappy after hearing this. .

"Don't worry, I can definitely beat her," Ryan replied vaguely, drinking a German-style creamy shrimp soup.

"Don't have food in your mouth when you talk." Hermione picked up the book on the stool and patted Ryan a few times, but judging from her expression, she should be satisfied with Ryan's answer just now.

After eating, the two chatted for a while about Transfiguration before getting up and going back to the common room. When they walked to the hall with the book in their hands, they saw a large group of people surrounded by Ron's loud voice.

"Miss Delacour, can you be my dance partner?"

"Is he crazy?" Hermione said as she squeezed to the front of the crowd under Ryan's path, and she saw Fleur standing with a few Beauxbatons girls looking at Ron with contempt, as if He was a sea cucumber or something, and he didn't bother to answer at all.

In this embarrassing atmosphere, the blood on Ron's face faded suddenly, and then he covered his face and got into the crowd and ran away.

"Is he going to be alright?" Hermione was still kind, and asked worriedly after reading the joke.

"It's okay, didn't you see Harry and Ginny going up to support him?" Ryan had always had good eyesight after mastering Hawkeye, and easily crossed the crowd to see Ron being helped away by Harry and Ginny.

When Ryan and the others returned to the common room, they saw Ron sitting there with a gray face, and several people were comforting him.

"It's alright, Ron. Furong is a mixed-race Veela, maybe at that time she just had the magic power of charm to be released." Ryan stepped forward and persuaded.

"Mixed Veela, really?" Ron asked as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

"Really, Fleur said her grandmother was a veela when she checked the wand that day. Ask Harry if you don't believe me."

Harry nodded quickly to show that what Ryan said was true, which finally made Ron's face look better. But his face quickly collapsed. "Harry, Ryan, you've all found a dance partner, but I don't have a dance partner yet. By the way, Ginny, can you go to the dance with me?"

"Dude, that would make it seem like I don't want anyone. Besides, I've found a dance partner."

"You found a dance partner, who?" Ron looked in disbelief.

"This is my private matter, you just need to know that someone can appreciate your sister." Ginny said in an exaggerated tone.

Ron kept thinking about this for the next time, and Ryan took an opportunity to whisper to Harry, "You didn't tell Ron that Ginny was your dance partner?"

"No." Harry shrugged. "Both Ginny and I think it's more appropriate to talk about this kind of thing at a later time, otherwise—" Harry quietly pointed to Ron, who was nagging his sister where he was.

"Okay, you are right." Ryan also made a sympathetic expression at this time. With such a brother, there are indeed some things that are not suitable to be said in advance.

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