"Does that mean that this kind of thing can't be sold in the joke shop?" Ryan was a little frustrated, after all, he needed Jin Galleon to purchase raw materials. If he doesn't sell things for money through this channel, he can only go to a pawnshop, but in this way, he will lose a lot of money.

"Of course not." Fred waved his arm vigorously, how could he give up this lucrative industry. "This level of alchemical products is just right for the high-end products of our joke shop. By the way, Ryan. How do you produce these alchemical products?"

"I can make one product at this level in a week. If I work overtime, I can make three in two weeks." Ryan didn't dare to reveal the fact that he could actually make one in 40 minutes. But the speed also surprised Fred.

"One a week is enough, and it's impossible to sell too many high-end products in this kind of joke store. I just heard you say this level of product, can you make other levels of things?"

"There are more advanced things." Ryan rolled up his sleeves to reveal a delicate silver bracelet on his wrist, inlaid with seven pinball-sized pale gold gems.

"What is this?" Fred looked at this exquisite jewelry with some curiosity, and he felt a faint light energy from it, which made him feel warm all over.

"This is what I've been working on for more than a month." Ryan said in a condescending tone. "It can neutralize the negative energy in the surrounding environment, and has a weak amplification effect on some white magic related to life and light."

The core of the bracelet is mainly the seven golden gems above, each of which is smelted together by a thousand sunlight crystals through alchemy. These sunlight crystals form a stable energy aggregate when they accumulate in sufficient quantities. This aggregate is Ryan's only magic crystal that can be obtained in bulk. Unfortunately, this crystal has properties and is not suitable for all magic props production.

"Forget it, just give me a few of the bracelets just now." Fred shrugged. "This kind of magic item with a price of at least 500 gallons is not suitable for sale in a store like ours."

Ryan took out two more copper bracelets from the space bag at his waist. "Okay, let's put these things here for consignment first, hoping to make our store's reputation better."

"Enough, three of these things can be sold for a while. But I suggest you stock up on more. When we go to the Quidditch World Cup, it is estimated that a lot of people will buy our stuff."

At this time, there was the sound of the door opening downstairs, and soon George came up with a large bag and a small bag.

"Lane, why are you free to come to Diagon Alley today?" George asked, putting his things aside.

"Bring some of my new research and development to let you guys see if it can be used as a new product in our store, and buy some raw materials by the way."

"New product, what's going on?" As soon as George asked this question, Fred pulled him aside and explained it quickly.

"That's right, then you can go to the potions store and raw material store on the street later to see if there is anything you need. There are also some more precious raw materials in Gringotts. You can buy it at the scale auction house behind Gringotts. Buy it." George enthusiastically introduced Lane to the shops in Diagon Alley that sold alchemy raw materials.

"There is an auction house on Diagon Alley, why have I never heard of it?" Ryan asked inexplicably.

"After all, students generally don't interact with the auction house. We can't afford to buy the things in it anyway, so we just heard our father say something about the auction house."

"By the way, if you have something you still can't find, you can write a list to us, and we will help you find it in Knockturn Alley." Fred finally added.

After saying goodbye to the Weasley brothers, Ryan took a lap around Diagon Alley to buy most of the basic alchemy ingredients he needed. But there were a few ingredients he couldn't find anywhere in Diagon Alley. After all, there are some things in the alchemy raw materials he needs that are really not fair.

"It's just a mummy powder and a vampire blood. It seems that I have to go to Knockturn Alley." Thinking of this, Ryan found a corner of Diagon Alley, and then drank it after casting a magnifying spell on his clothes. Take the compound decoction with you.

The compound decoction seized in Brazil last time was enough for two hours, and he took half of it when he came out this time. The hair inside was also pulled out by a middle-aged man of southern European descent on the way home from the train station that day.

The compound decoction tasted like overcooked cabbage, and after a quick swallow, the muddy potion seemed to come alive in the stomach. After all the potions entered the stomach, there was a burning sensation and quickly spread to the whole body, Ryan felt that the whole body was about to melt. Soon he found himself growing rapidly, and the baggy clothes he had worn before because of the magnifying spell became fit. When all the discomfort stopped, he had turned into a middle-aged man with a public face.

"This feeling is really wonderful, but I hope I don't need to drink it again in the future." Ryan shook his head and changed the color and style of his robe, then lowered his head and turned out a cloth wrapped in a space bag that was similar to a football. The large cylinder is hung diagonally over the shoulders with a rope and the hood of the robe is conveniently worn. Then Shi Shiran walked into Knockturn Alley.

Knockturn Alley is a dirty alley that seems to be lined with dark magic shops. Brown poisonous spiders and shrunken human heads can be seen through the dirty shop windows. The wizards wandering the streets also don't look like good people. Some people are openly selling some herbal medicines that are poisonous or some weird silver products.

"How can I look like a dark wizard who often visits such places, anxious, online, etc." Lane encountered a big problem when he walked into Knockturn Alley, that is, he did not know how a dark wizard deals with people, I don't even know what these stores are selling. After a brief thought, Ryan decided to head to the Boginbok store, as he only knew about it.

The Borgin Bock store was the largest store in Knockturn Alley, and Lane found it easily, with crates full of skeletons and bottles on either side of the door.

As soon as the store door was opened, the bell on the door rang, and Ryan walked straight to the front of the counter. A hunched man appeared behind the counter, stroking his shiny hair back with his hands.

"Welcome, may I ask who you are?" asked Mr. Borgin in a tone as slick as his hair.

"You don't need to know that." Ryan imitated the pirate's tone in the Assassin's memory legacy and said in English with a heavy Spanish accent, while releasing some of the breath of the dead part of life magic. "I'm just here to buy a little and sell a little something, I don't have a lot of cash on me after all."

"Okay, what do you want to sell?" Perhaps because of the deterrence of those death breaths, Mr. Borgin quickly stopped the temptation and asked solemnly.

"How much does this cost?" Lane said, putting the cloth bag hanging on his shoulders on the counter, and then tore off the cloth on top.

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