"How is that possible?" "Impossible!" said Percy and Hermione at the same time.

"Didn't you say Peter Pedilu was killed by Sirius Black?" Hermione said.

"That's why he needs to turn into a rat to hide himself, because theoretically he's already dead. And after Sirius broke into the school, I checked the old newspapers about this matter, and the old newspapers reported that Sirius is a future child. After being tried, they were put in jail directly, which means there is no 100% certainty about what happened at that time.”

"It's just..." Hermione looked a little annoyed. "Even the most vicious criminals must be tried before they are executed. How can the wizarding world do this?"

"There's another reason for that," Percy said awkwardly. "Because the mysterious man had just been defeated at that time, everyone's emotions needed to be released, and sometimes the procedures might not be so strict. Not to mention that my father said that after Sirius was arrested, he did not ask for interrogation at all, so at that time he Sent him straight to jail."

"I really don't know what to say to people." Hermione muttered and sat there leaning against the sofa with her arms folded in front of her chest.

Percy turned to Ryan at this time: "On these two points alone, we can't be sure that Scabbers is Peter. Do you have any other evidence?"

"Of course, Scabbers is missing a toe. The biggest piece of Peter's remains that people found after Peter's death was his finger."

Percy seemed a little persuaded by Ryan, who saw the situation and struck while the iron was hot and said, "Besides, did you notice that Scabbers started getting anxious at the same time Sirius escaped."

"It seems so," Percy said after recalling. "Then what do we do now? Report to the professor immediately?" It seemed that the situation had already made Percy a little confused.

"Personally, you'd better send your father an owl and invite him to the school. After all, your father is a staff member of the Ministry of Magic, and letting a suspicious person live in your house for a long time I think if confirmed, it may be harmful to your father. It's not good, you'd better discuss it."

"Yes, you're right." Percy reacted immediately and held Ryan's hand tightly. "It's really inappropriate for me to ignore this. I'm going to write to my father now."

After Percy walked away, Hermione asked strangely: "Since it has been determined that there is something wrong with the mouse, why don't we directly send this suspicious mouse to the professor? We must let Percy join in. ?"

"On the one hand, the Weasleys are good people. If we send the mouse, it will easily cause some trouble for their family. Like I just said, it is not a good thing to keep a suspicious person. On the other hand, I guess At that time, many people were involved in this case, and the Weasley family was one of the 28 pure-blood families. They should be able to settle the people involved in those years, but it would be hard to say if it was us."

"You're right." Hermione nodded slightly. "Not to mention that we can give Percy a favor. After all, our dreams need the support of enough people, and it is naturally the best for Percy, who is destined to enter the Ministry of Magic, to help us."

Having said that, Hermione glanced at Ryan: "Do you think my thoughts are somewhat utilitarian?"

"No, you just grew up." Ryan shook his head and said.

"Oh, that old father-like tone again." Hermione patted Ryan on the back playfully.

After joking for a while, the two entered the learning mode again. For the rest of the day, Ryan was still the same as usual. The only difference was that before going to bed, three talismans were added to the cage to prevent Peter from escaping at night.

The next morning, when Ryan got up and packed up and was about to go to breakfast, he saw Percy walking over and whispering to him, "Lane, everyone is waiting in the principal's room now."

Ryan nodded and went upstairs to get the cage, at this time he didn't have to hide it. While Peter was still sleeping there under the influence of the soothing spell, he poked his wand into the cage and pressed Peter to release the stun spell.

After packing up his belongings in the cage, Ryan went downstairs and went to the principal's room with Percy. On the way, Ryan said to Percy: "By the way, after you go in after a while, you will say that these doubts are mainly found by you, and try to mention me as little as possible."

"Why, this is obviously what you found." Percy said with some puzzlement.

"On the one hand, I have a very good relationship with your two twin brothers, and I can feel that your family is a good person. I don't want your father to be implicated because of this. I think if you make a contribution, your father doesn't need to take too much responsibility. Responsibility." After finishing speaking, Ryan smiled at Percy, looking at Percy's uneasy look, Ryan comforted.

"Also, if Scabbers is really Peter, it may involve a lot of Ministry of Magic officials who were involved in the Sirius trial. You must know that I am a hemp wizard, but I can't bear to offend so many people in one breath."

At this moment, Percy stopped to look at Ryan and said very seriously, "Thank you! You will be my best friend from now on."

After that, the two walked silently through the corridor without pictures and came to the door of the principal's office.

"Pile of cockroaches." After reading the password, the stone stairs slowly turned upwards. Ryan came to Professor Dumbledore's office again.

It's just that this time is different from the last time I came with my laptop. There are many people in the office. In addition to Professor Dumbledore and the Weasleys, there were also Professor Lupin, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and a wide, square-jawed man he didn't know. A middle-aged witch with short gray hair and a pair of monocles.

"My father said he would invite an official from the Ministry of Magic as a witness. I didn't expect him to invite the Director of the Law Enforcement Division." Percy introduced in a low voice.

Amelia Burns, after listening to Percy's introduction, Ryan finally knew who this unknown person was. It is reasonable to invite this one. After all, Edgar Burns, Amelia Burns' brother, was one of the founders of the Order of the Phoenix, and the whole family was killed by Voldemort. With such a relationship, if it is said to deal with cases related to Voldemort back then, it would not be too difficult to ask her to move.

"Okay, two lads, can you tell me why you think this mouse is Peter Pedillo, who died that year?" Dumbledore said very seriously, sitting behind the table.

"When Ron handed this mouse to me and asked me to treat the mouse, I was very curious and asked how old is this mouse? But Ron couldn't tell, just said that it was obtained from Percy. Here it is. Then yesterday when I had the opportunity to ask Percy, he told me that the rat had been in his house for twelve years. I said at the time that this rat theoretically only has a lifespan of about three years, and Percy was a little surprised at the time. I don't know much about the latter, until this morning when he asked me to come here with a cage." Ryan first said the lines that were negotiated.

Then Percy said all the questions raised yesterday. After listening to Percy's words, Headmaster Dumbledore motioned for Professor Lupin and Professor McGonagall to come forward and check Scabbers in the cage.

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