Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 214 Scabbers and Werewolves

The next day after the holiday, the school began to teach, and the first class was the protection of magical creatures. Two hours on a snow-covered playground in January wasn't a comfortable thing to do, but Hagrid had the idea to teach everyone about salamanders.

In this class students gather dead branches and leaves to keep the fire going, while the flame-loving or lizard hops up and down the cracked, white-hot log. I have to say that this class was better than anyone could have imagined.

After the class, Ryan ran to ask Hagrid about the hippogriff, and learned that Hagrid was determined to have nothing to do with the accident under Dumbledore's vouch, but that he and the hippogriff were required to have a relationship with the hippogriff. The Winged Beast traveled to London for a hearing on April 20.

Ryan could only comfort Hagrid, because he knew that the members of the Committee on Disposal of Dangerous Creatures had been bribed by Big Malfoy. No matter how Hagrid prepared, it was useless, and Dumbledore could not break up with the Ministry of Magic because of such trivial matters.

But it was obvious that the hippogriff could not die from sin, and Ryan decided to discuss it with the centaur tribe in two days. When the time comes when the executioner comes, he can steal Buckbeak and put it to the centaurs. Of course, this kind of thing can't be told to Hagrid, otherwise, it will definitely leak before the action.

Back in the common room after class that day, Ron found Ryan with his Scabbers.

"Lane, can you help me see my mouse? I think it's been getting worse since the summer vacation, but I haven't been able to find out why."

"Ron, I'll see a doctor, but I'm not a veterinarian." Ryan looked at him helplessly.

"The owner of the pet store said that it was about to reach the end of its lifespan. I also knew that he should not be cured, so I thought, is there any way to make it more comfortable." As long as it is not a momentary blood Ron is also a very reasonable person.

"How about euthanasia? You have to know that in the Muggle world, if pets are not cured, their owners will let them die without pain and prevent them from suffering from illness."

As soon as the words fell, Ryan saw Banban waving his claws desperately trying to run out of Ron's hands. Not to mention Peter Pettigrew's desire to survive is so strong.

"You see that it's very energetic now, it should be trying to live. So is there any other way?" Ron calmed down as soon as he finished speaking. Ryan is now sure that this rat is an Animagus. After all, although animals in the magical world are smart, they can only understand simple human words. Proper terms like euthanasia are theoretically incomprehensible to these animals.

"Then show me." Ryan took the rat from Ron. After taking over the rat, Ryan really wanted to strangle it to death, but thinking about Peter's record of bombing half a street back then still suppressed this thought.

"Maybe it's better to change the environment." Ryan said after pretending to look at the mouse. "Well, you can try it with me first. But you'd better put it in a cage, after all, I'm not its owner, and it would be bad if it ran around."

"This sounds like a solution, wait for me." Ron ran back to the dormitory after speaking, and came down with the cage with Scabbers in it, and a paper bag in addition to the cage.

"Here, the paper package contains food specially bought for it. Just feed it ten grains a day." Ron said and handed it over.

"Don't worry," Ryan said firmly. His heart is now happier, because he has finally controlled an uncertain factor. Correspondingly, after being brought into Ryan's bedroom, Banban's anxiety has also decreased a lot. I think it may be because he feels that Sirius is not so easy to find when he is not by Ron's side now.

After dealing with Scabbers, Ryan entered the Emerald Dream at night to greet his friends in the Forbidden Forest. As a result, he happened to meet Aunt Betty, who had a happy face. Aunt Betty told him that Wolfe would come to the Forbidden Forest tomorrow to find them. .

The next day, Ryan and Hermione rushed to the edge of the Forbidden Forest just after the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The Forbidden Forest after the snow is extraordinarily quiet.

Wolff circled under a tree on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Looking at the circle of footprints under the tree, he knew that he should have been waiting here for a long time.

After greeting each other, Ryan gave a gift, Wolf said happily after opening the gift. "Thank you for the gifts you brought me this time, the purest South American rubber ball, the magic on it is guaranteed not to be bitten by me like the ones I played recently, and this book of American flora and fauna. You really are Have a heart."

"We're friends, and that's what we should do." Ryan said using magic to clear an open space, then sat on a tree stump and began to communicate with Wolff about the latest situation.

"Did you know? Bain, the old bachelor among the centaurs, is married, and the bride is Betty."

"Is that the savage centaur?" Ryan said in disbelief. He really couldn't connect the barbarian with the suave Aunt Betty.

"Rough, maybe. But listen to the centaurs in the village. Baine was the first hunter in the village when he was young, and he was also the most handsome centaur. He was enviable with Betty, the prettiest girl in the village at the time. A couple of lovers. Unfortunately, centaurs advocate reproduction, and Betty rejected Bane's pursuit after being cursed. Since then, Bane has stopped taking care of himself, letting his hair be messy and his temper is getting worse and worse. "

"But." Speaking of this, Wolff pricked up his ears excitedly, which made him look more like a husky. "Recently, Betty's curse was lifted, and she agreed to Bane's proposal. I heard them say it seems to be related to your adventure in Brazil, isn't it?"

"It can only be said that by chance, I killed the dark wizard who cursed Aunt Betty." Ryan replied.

"No wonder Betty has said that she will give you a present for a while." Wolf's wolf face showed a sudden realization.

After Ryan and Wolff finished chatting about Aunt Betty, Hermione also joined in and started chatting about various experiences in Brazil this time, and Wolff also interspersed with some recent events in the Forbidden Forest.

While chatting, Wolf suddenly stopped and twitched his nose forcefully.

"What happened?" Ryan asked curiously as he watched Wolf sniffing around the two of them.

"I seem to smell the same kind of breath from you." Wolf said with a serious face.

"Similar?" Ryan suddenly remembered that Wolff was actually a very special werewolf descendant, and the same kind he said was probably a werewolf.

After circling Ryan and Hermione twice, Wolff targeted Hermione's schoolbag.

"What's in your bag?" Wolf said solemnly.

"Only things for today's class." Hermione said, taking out the books one by one, while Wolfe sniffed them one by one. No problems with the previous books were found until Hermione pulled out a notebook with a brown cover that looked old.

"That's right, this notebook smells of my compatriots." Wolff confirmed after sniffing a few times, and after speaking, he raised his head to look at Hermione: "Can you tell me where this notebook came from? ?"

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