Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 271: Why did the general surrender to the enemy before the battle?

The sword swept a large area. Before the front row of the sky soldiers fired, they were swept by Xu Qiji's great sword, chopped a piece, and fell from the robbery cloud, emitting a burst of electric arcs. The explosion sound-it's a pity that these'Lei Jie Heaven Soldiers' that were cut in half cannot be received into the pet space. When they fall into the air, they disappear for the spiritual power.

At the same time that Xu Qijing took out his sword, the general Jie Lei, who was as tall as a giant spirit god, suddenly jumped off Jie Yun, grabbed two purple thunder giant axes in his hand, and slashed towards Xu Qijing and Thrush.

This giant Jie Lei is the brand of a strong man in this world. On this planet, Shi Yihua's sister and brother lived on this planet, and once had a powerful giant king.

In ancient times, giants and dragons fought against each other in this world.

This giant tribulation thunder is the brand of the once giant sanctuary powerhouse. At this time, it reunited in the heavenly tribulation, and burst out a terrifying force of the'sanctuary' level-the axe in its hand was entwined with the laws of the thunder system. These laws finally condensed marks on his head.

Coupled with the match between the law of the Thunder System and the ‘Heaven Tribulation Thunder’, the power of this giant Robbery’s eruption at this time is even more exaggerated than before he was alive!

[The real sanctuary-level combat power? 】Xu Qiji clutched the daughter-in-law on her back-he clearly crossed the Tribulation of the Sub-Saint Jin-level Sanctuary. Normally, such a complete Sanctuary-level Tribulation Thunder shouldn't appear in the Tribulation. Even if it does appear, it should be the final blow of the ‘Heaven’s Tribulation’.

But the sanctuary giant in front of him was completely unreasonable. It appeared at the beginning, and it didn't look like it was going to make a single blow. Seeing its vigorous appearance, it was impossible to give Xu Qijing a set of combos to shave his head!

"Thrush hastened." Xu Qiji's expression became serious.

He secretly used secret methods to stimulate the growth of his hair, covering and protecting his thrush, and then he used the ability to transform into a giant, and his stature rose to a 300-meter-high giant form.

These days, the Titan is receiving education in the giant world, listening to the law, and he has a better grasp of the power of the giant.

After becoming a giant, his combat power can resist the sanctuary level.

But this is not over yet.

The Law of Sword was activated, and Xu Qijing maintained the posture of holding swords in both hands-through the Law of Swords, the'Law of the Supreme Giant' was further activated.

In this pure white heavenly calamity space, Xu Qijing no longer had any scruples, and the Supreme Giant's law urged with all his strength.

In the void, an axe was originally branded on the giant that Xu Qijing had cut off his forehead, and his body suddenly stiffened. The giant's brand was actually affected by the'Law of the Supreme Giant', forcibly retracting the strength of the axe!


The double axe of the purple thunder collided with Xu Qiji's double swords, and a mushroom cloud exploded over the two sides.

Xu Qijing felt a little tingling in his arms. He squeezed his fists, thinking about whether to summon the golden belt and vice-brain on the'Giant' body.

The golden belt and accessory brain can greatly strengthen his giant form. With double reinforcement, it may be possible to explode the sanctuary giant head-on.

When Xu Qijing's thoughts just emerged, she saw the giant who had swung an axe at him suddenly fell to his knees and bowed deeply to him.

Xu Qiji, who has not completely mastered the'Law of the Supreme Giant', has no idea how much influence the Giant King has on the giants of this world!

Even if it is only the mark left in this world, it is condensed by the power of the tribulation, and the true body has been dead for countless years, but when this mark senses the law of the'Giant King', it still does not hesitate to break free from the limit of the world. , Transferred to the throne of giants.

"What's going on, isn't this Jie Lei?" The voice of the thrush rang in Xu Qijing's ears. She crawled into Xu Qijing's ears and looked at the outside world.

"It may be the reason for a rule in my body." Xu Qijing probably guessed the truth.

Boom boom boom ~ Jie Yun in the sky became furious, as if irritating the vanguard giant's conquest. Jie Lei roared, and the countless Jie Lei Heavenly Soldiers forming a square array shot Xu Qijing amidst the sound of war drums.

A rain of bullets, countless catastrophes of bullets fell from the air.

Xu Qiji is preparing to use the defensive method ‘Earth Shelter’-although he has only spent more than a week in the giant world, he has learned a lot. He has already used giant fighting skills and giant blood spells.

But the giant spirit **** on the side is faster than him, and even more skilled.

Just as Xu Qiji raised his hand, the Giant Spirit God had already propped up a spell similar to ‘Earth Shelter’. It is similar to the giant fighting technique of the Nine Realms and the Giant Realm, but the shelter spell cast by the giant spirit **** is of the thunder system.

The power of thunder and lightning pulled the black sand-like metal and stood in front of Xu Qijing.

The giant spirit **** held an axe in both hands, screamed rhythmically in his mouth, and was still dancing war dance while shouting.


It is using its own power to provoke all the Heaven Jieking Heavenly Soldiers and generals.

Xu Qiji: "..."

The vanguard officer of the robbery, this is a betrayal of the enemy!

I thought that under the influence of the'Law of the Supreme Giant', this vanguard giant spirit **** would only surrender at best, and it would be good to stop attacking him and Thrush.

Unexpectedly, this direct rebellion reached his own camp, and in turn became the vanguard of the world.

Looking at its active appearance, he was happily like a big fat man of 280 meters and 300,000 tons.

After holding on to the defense and blocking the rain of bullets for Xu Qijing and Shumei, the giant spirit **** saluted Xu Qijing, and then jumped hard and jumped directly onto Jieyun.

He flew with two axes to kill.

Wherever his axe went, the corpses were everywhere—fortunately, the heavenly soldiers in the sky were transformed by ‘robbing thunder’. After being chopped off, they would turn into spiritual energy, and the scene would not be so bloody.


The robbery cloud in the sky was violent, and the Thunder Mang was scrolling frantically, seeming to be annoyed by this rebellious giant spirit god.

As a result, the robbery cloud ran frantically, activating all the forces that would have followed several waves, and releasing them in one breath.

Four more ‘marks’ appeared in the robbery cloud and turned into four huge images standing upright in the sky. This is the mark of the giant giant's birth, the quadruplet giant, holding four different weapons.

"After the giant spirit god, are the four heavenly kings?" Xu Qijing felt that the scene was familiar, it was a coincidence.

It's the same as the script.

After the appearance of the four giants, the four gods flew to lock onto the giant spirit gods.

At the same time, there were countless weapons that Xu Qijing knew and didn't know, stretching out from the robbery cloud. Among these weapons are antique-grade bronze cannons, some advanced modern weapons, and high-tech that Xu Qijin doesn't recognize--and some magical weapons, formations and other things emerge.

All styles of weapons or attack methods such as magic, fantasy, fairy, magic way, high technology, creatures, etc., can find the corresponding form in the robbery cloud.

"Hiss~" Xu Qijing gasped at the sight.

He can now be sure that this is definitely not the ‘catastrophe’ of Ascension’s promotion to the sanctuary—who’s Ascension’s promotion to the eighth realm of sanctuary has such power, he ate the tribulation on the spot!

This level of catastrophe, no matter which sub-sage comes from, is a dead end!

Even if he is now, he has several cross-level combat methods, and there are many trumpets behind silently supporting him. Facing this terrible catastrophe, he can only stay on his side at best, and then find a chance to open the'door of miracles'. Jump!

This is not the catastrophe that Subsheng can face at all, and even this is not the catastrophe that the'Sanctuary' faces!

"A Ji, can you resist it? If we can't, let's run." Thrush's voice sounded, and she was also a little worried.

"Slowly first, do you want to see the attitude of the four new giants?" Xu Qiji cast her gaze on the newly emerged incarnation of the "Four Heavenly Kings" Jie Lei Mark.

This is his hope, and it is also the possible miscalculation of Jie Lei.

Can these four kings surrender to the enemy like a giant spirit god?

If it can, then this tribulation still has to fight.

If the four heavenly kings do not defect, then he has only Tianmen to escape!

Above the robbery...

The marks of the four heavenly kings first surrounded the giant spirit gods, and were about to make a move. But suddenly, the four heavenly kings all sensed something, and they lowered their heads and looked down to Xu Qijing.

Ok! Stable!

Seeing the eyes of the four heavenly kings, Xu Qijing knew that the situation was stable.

Sure enough, the same as the previous actions of the Giant Spirit God, after seeing Xu Qijing, the four heavenly kings bowed down on the clouds and bowed solemnly to Xu Qijing.

They forcibly broke free of the restriction of the'Tian's Tribulation' and turned and plunged into the arms of the Giant King.

"Your biggest mistake is to project a giant. This is the reason for your failure." Xu Qiji's mouth raised: "Give it to me!"

The giant spirit **** + the imprint of the thunder of the four heavenly kings, forming a five-person team, is a wave of counter-kills against the robbery!

Each of the four heavenly kings is more powerful than the giant spirit gods, and as quadruplets, they also have combined skills, and they are more powerful when they are together.

In a short period of time, the clouds in the sky were shocked and shattered.

Xu Qiji was happy, and he took the opportunity to open the combination of ‘pet space + miracle door’, and tried to pull in these tribulations.

At this time, he won't use the ‘Prison of Tears’ technique. He doesn’t have enough tears. Can only forcefully load these tribulations into it.

Fortunately... he succeeded!

Those Heavenly Tribulation weapons on the technological side, those Heavenly Tribulation Magic Arrays on the magic side, those Heavenly Tribulation magical weapons on the mystical side, and in short, all the Heavenly Tribulation weapons that were washed away by the marks of the five giants were included in the pet world by Xu Qijing.

——The pet world is very wonderful, even the ‘spiritual body’ of the Six Winged Swordsman can earn, let alone these substantive catastrophes.

In the sky, the five giants sacrificed their bodies and minds for the giant king, and bravely attacked the catastrophe. Under the sky, Xu Qijing opened the pet space, collecting loot like a pet that ‘automatically picks up treasure’.

This day, Jiedu got it, it was really easy and happy.

"I always feel that this is not the normal way to open the robbery." Thrush said in Xu Qiji's ear.

She also had a video recording device in her hand to record this scene. Go back and prepare to share with Brother Miao, Fairy Yule, Miehuang, Miefeng and others.

"Don't care if the opening method is abnormal, as long as we are happy." Xu Qiji smiled.

The reason why he wants to receive so many Heavenly Tribulation Arms is to do a few experiments-in addition to the power of purifying the pollution of the 713 world, he also wants to test whether these Heavenly Tribulation Arms can be detonated in the Nine Realms?

Although the rules are different, it should be okay to simply release + detonate.

If it can be done, then after he transfers the humans in his world, he will be filled with these heavenly tribulation armed forces in a certain important area of ​​the world...When guests from outside the world enter the world, they will be detonated.

After all, Daxiaguo has had a hospitable habit since ancient times. Guests come to the door and order a few firecrackers and fireworks, right?

After half a day.

"I'm a little hungry." Thrush said in Xu Qiji's ear: "How long is the catastrophe over? After we go out, let's find a place to cook. What do we want to eat?"

"I want to eat a dragon meat feast, I have dragon meat in my trumpet hand. I will give you the ingredients when I turn around... Well, there is no need to look back, so let's just stay here. I think it will take some time for the catastrophe." Xu Qi Ji looked at the sky above.

This time, I really don't know what level it is.

Not only is it powerful, but it also has a long staying power. The five giants have been rushing in the void for a long time, and Xu Qiji's pet world has also been loaded with countless celestial weapons, the number is no longer countable, and there is no count.

But the Lord's Tribulation is still very stubborn, and it hasn't been drained yet.

"I can get a complete set of kitchen equipment and ingredients... We can cook on the spot for Thrush." ​​Xu Qiji suggested.

His set of kitchen equipment was originally intended to be prepared for the Lijuan girl in the Giant World. Now it happens to come in handy first, he and Thrush have a pot first.

At most, after Thrush prepares the dishes, he also gives the Lijuan girl a portion.

"Okay~" The thrush crawled out of Xu Qiji's ears.

Xu Qijing sat cross-legged and protected her daughter-in-law with her body so that she could cook with peace of mind. In terms of ingredients, the two trumpets, the Giant God and the Hallmaster of Mo Ni, can both be provided.

An hour later...Because many materials are not owned by Thrush requires various combinations and trials when cooking, so it takes longer than usual.

In the sky, the mighty Jieyun finally reached its limit-perhaps its food has arrived. Every time the robbery cloud shakes, the newly born robbery becomes smaller and smaller, and it is about to be squeezed out.

Another half an hour later.

Thrush finished lunch.

Coincidentally, the robbery cloud in the sky also completely dissipated, leaving only five giant spirit gods and the four heavenly kings, who had shrunk several times in size.

They are also part of the catastrophe, and if they don't dissipate, the catastrophe is not over.

The five giants stared at each other, and they were about to fight each other to help the "king of giants" underneath. The giants are martial-oriented, and it is normal for the giants to watch the tribe fighting while eating.

Even the flesh and blood flying in the air, on the contrary, it can make the giant who eat rice more appetite!

Xu Qiji laughed, stretched out his hand, opened the entry to the ‘pet space’, and directly absorbed the giant spirit **** and the four heavenly kings.

Like the'Heavenly Tribulation Weapon', this giant spirit **** and the four heavenly kings may be both expendable and cannot be refilled. But after putting it in the ‘pet space’, it can be maintained.

As long as it is not completely consumed, it may be fished out and used next time.

These are five free thugs, how could Xu Qiji waste it?

After this tribulation was over, the tribulation space that day did not disappear immediately, but began to gather, as if something was about to be condensed.

"Should it be to condense welfare, right?" Xu Qiji held a rice bowl in one hand, sitting in a row with his daughter-in-law.

It's time to have dinner.

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