Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 252: Hidden files in the big law

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Even if the two big guys don't want these sub-sages, he can use the "pet space" to influence each other, and first lay the foundation for each other's "friendship".

Looking back, after he unearthed the detailed steps of the "Ancestor Puppets" in the Divine Ancestor Inheritance, he can convert these sub-sages into his "Barbecue Ancestor Puppets" to protect the human race and let them contribute to the human race Own power.

No matter how he counted this deal, he didn't lose.

The vampire witches obeyed the order, sealed the spiritual power of several subsages, and dragged the subsages like dead dogs to jump back to the "pet world"... During the whole process, the vampires and witches seemed a little anxious.

A few witches are like players who play a game at a critical time, but have to open a door or go to the toilet due to external factors.

After opening the door, they rushed to return to the pet world impatiently, without delay for half a second!

In the colorful world outside, how can the pet world smell?

After the seven witches went back and forth, they sent away the seven first, and the remaining few Yasheng waited for the witches to solicit the second wave.

"Wait, Master Mingzu, please wait...I am willing to redeem myself!" Taking advantage of this gap, the Yasheng who defended his artistic conception tried his best and shouted.

He is rich, he has many treasure troves hidden all over the world, he originally intended to redeem himself!

But unfortunately, because of language barrier + his energy was blocked, he could not use spells such as'psychic communication method'. His screams sounded like Brother Miao squeaking in Xu Qiji's ears, completely unable to understanding.

In the desperate cry of the remaining few Asacles, their bodies were dragged up mercilessly by the vampire witch who came out again, and they were dragged into the pet world under all eyes.

After there was no scream from Yasheng, the world became quiet.

Gu~ In some corners of the imperial capital, there were members such as spies and spies secretly swallowing saliva.

This ‘Medical Ancestor’ is too powerful.

That towering golden body, and the fact that he had suppressed all the sub-sages in one fell swoop just now, summoned a team of sub-sages, it was trembling.

With this ancestor of the Ming Dynasty guarding, even if the guardian sword saint is lost, this country will be fine for a while.

More importantly, this ancestor of the Ming Dynasty is cruel and ruthless.

The sub-sages screamed to redeem themselves, but this ancestor did not even frown and dragged the sub-sage away. He didn't know what cruel means would be used to target the captured sub-sage?

From this point of view, this ‘Ancestor of Hades’ is not tempted by money, and may be the owner of no money.

"This news must be passed back quickly."

"Don't think about taking action against this country in a short time. Even if there is no Sword Saint Protecting the Country, you have to slow down."

"It is necessary to find out what Mingzu, his forces, and their attitude towards this country."

"What is the relationship between him and the brother and sister? This is very important."

These spies used their own methods to pass the news back to their forces.

It is estimated that Xu Qijing will be the headline of the world tomorrow.


The entrance to Pet World is closed.

Xu Qijing passed a ray of consciousness to monitor and guide the sub-sage’s ‘dreams’ in the pet world.

With the improvement of his strength, the authority of the pet world has also increased a lot.

At first, he could only passively observe the dreams of the ‘pets’, from which he could obtain the pet’s preferences and wishes and satisfy them.

Now he can induce the dreams of pets and get the information he wants to know. For example...Where is the "wealth" of the new sub-saints?

He can guide the Ashens to dream about wealth and collect clues through dreams and dark box operations.

This is what Xu Qijing said before [You will become my wealth in the future].

Anyway, people are collected by him, and wealth is also kept. It is better to leave it to him to operate and use wealth to earn more wealth!

For example, using a large amount of wealth to exile the soul of an ‘ancestor’. Once this kind of business succeeds, at least one can obtain the core or body of an ‘ancestor’, receive the wealth of the ancestor, and make a small profit.

——The spies of the World Yihua World thought that Xu Qiji was the owner of no money and no money, but they would never expect that Xu villain harvested together with people and money.

People also want money.



After processing this batch of sub-sages, Xu Qiji used the illusion rune to reveal a lower body on her body with illusion, so as not to float half of her body in the void and frighten the children.

Then he floated and fell back to the clock tower.

In the bell tower, Shi Yihua's sister and brother had already lifted their fit.

Xu Qiji's plan was feasible. With the effect of the combination, Shiyihua·Brother completed the final step of condensing the golden core and stabilized the state.

In this way, the younger brother finally didn't have to worry about becoming a vegetable, and finally he was made into a weapon.

"Thanks to Mr. Qi Ji." Shi Yihua's sister and brother thanked in unison.

"You're welcome, it's an effort." Xu Qiji waved her hand and looked at the sky at the same time.

In the world of Si Yihua's sisters and brothers, there are also the rules of the ‘catastrophe of promotion’. Counting time, their ‘catastrophe’ should come.

"Is it necessary for me to cross the robbery for you again? Anyway, protecting once is protecting, protecting twice is also protecting. Looking back, you just need to be my guide." Xu Qijing asked.

His ray of consciousness unearthed a lot of information about the ‘Sub-Holy Treasure’ in the dream of ‘Pet World’.

After a while, he might bring Thrush over to randomly select a treasure, and the couple will experience the joy of digging treasure together.

But he is not familiar with the world and needs a guide to lead the way.

So he took a fancy to the brother and sister.

"Then trouble Mr. Qiji." Shiyihua's sister nodded—Xu Qiji made sense, protecting once is protecting, and protecting twice is also protecting. It doesn't bother the two masters.

"Then go through the catastrophe well, with your strength, the five-level catastrophe is not a problem. Do you need to change the place?" Xu Qijing asked.

"Our Jie, if you only need to control it well, it will be individual, and you don't have to worry about it spreading to others. So Mr. Qi Ji don't have to worry." The siblings explained.

Monolithic disaster?

This is not friendly to those who cross the robbery-if someone counts that you want to cross the robbery and attack you when you cross the robbery, you have to fight with others while you cross the robbery, which is too hurt.

More importantly, a single tribulation cannot be a cleanup worker.

It’s better to have the catastrophe of the 713 world, and clean up the world’s pollution is a good hand!

Since there is no need to worry about being involved in the catastrophe, Xu Qiji retreats to the edge of the clock tower to protect the world's sister and brother Yihua. On the one hand, he drew out the ‘big law of the sword’ again, thinking about it.

He is not a native monk, so he doesn't know how to use this'big law of sword'? It is said that possessing the big law can guarantee the promotion to the holy realm, but no one told him the method.

"Do you want to swallow this thing?" Looking at the "Law of the Sword" that was at least one meter in length, Xu Qiji decisively gave up this idea.

Swallowing a sword is a kind of technical work, obviously he does not have this skill.

Swallow this sword, white knives in, yellow knives out...

"Looking back, try to see if you can get some useful data from the dreams of those'Asian Sages', or it's not bad to get in touch with the'Sword Sage'." He looked at the Guardian Sword Saint Mansion.

The Juggernaut's Mansion was quiet at this time.

Since the "Law of the Sword" was sacrificed, the aura of the sword saint fell again and again. The eyes of the outside world were also shifted, all falling on Xu Qiji's body.

No one pays attention to the Juggernaut who has lost the'Great Law'.

[Is a decisive person. ] If the Sword Saint is not willing to abandon the law of the sword, then the entire Sword Saint Mansion and even the Imperial Capital may be destroyed by outsiders.

‘Om~’ Just as Xu Qiji was thinking about it, the ‘Law of Sword’ in his hand actively hummed.

It finally found a new master, but the new master has held it for a long time, and there is no intention to cooperate with it at all.

The Law of Sword can’t wait for itself...

The new master does not cooperate, so it has to take the initiative to cooperate.

As it buzzed, a ‘power of law’ emerged.

Like the law of the element sea that the Gemini trumpet stays in, the law of the sword itself is a substantive rule. As long as you hold it, there is no need for the sub-Holy to suffer to understand a certain world rule, to guess and understand.

——The other sub-sages want to advance to the holy realm, just like building a car with bare hands, understanding and manufacturing part by part, and finally combined into a vehicle of their own. The most painful part is that the sub-sages do not have a design drawing in their hands! I know I want to build a car, but I don't have any technology in my hands and I need to start from scratch.

——And Xu Qiji's silver-haired twin trumpet is in the sea of ​​elements, like having countless mature vehicle design drawings and vehicle manufacturing knowledge around him. Silver-haired twins only need to refer to the design drawings and learn the knowledge of vehicle manufacturing. They can make it thousands of times easier than others, and build their own vehicles, which will be better than ordinary Yasheng! knowledge is power!

——And this big law of the sword is even more powerful, not only has a complete design drawing, but even the parts for manufacturing vehicles can be provided! Although there is only one design drawing, as long as the design drawing + parts are followed, any Asheng that meets the standards can build a ‘car’.

[However, it is precisely because even the ‘rule parts’ are provided by the Daru, so the holy realm promoted by the Daru has an upper limit... it is difficult to break through the restrictions of the holy realm. 】Xu Qijing grasped the great law of the sword, and instantly understood the inside.

After all, he has the inheritance of several ancestors and his vision is very high. Looking at the Holy Land from the height of the ancestor, you can see its inherent advantages and disadvantages at a glance.

[But it's not that there is no chance to break through. In the later stage, only a little modification, a little bit of replacement of the parts provided by the'big law' with your own, and then fine-tuning the laws you master according to yourself, you can still break through to a higher level in the later stage. Even if you understand the law of the sword, turn it into your own, and truly master this great law... Then let alone the holy realm, you can directly reach the top of the **** level. 】

But this is not easy and difficult. It seems that in the world of Shiyihua's sister and brother, there hasn't been a trance-level existence so far, because of the influence of Dafa.

Xu Qijing felt the great law of this sword, and did not reject the ‘rule information’ it passed.

How to say this is also a powerful force of law, through which you can comprehend the ‘design drawing’ to increase your knowledge. As long as you are promoted at the time, don’t use the ‘parts’ in the Dafa rules.

Just follow the path of comprehension of the law in the ocean of elements, comprehend and learn, but don't copy it.

With the simultaneous strengthening of Xu Qijing and the "Law of the Sword", he faintly sensed that nearly fifteen aura coordinates emerged from all over the world.

These breaths and coordinates exude the same taste as him.

[Could it be that other sacred realms that master the ‘Great Law’? ] Xu Qiji's heart moved.

At the same time, the masters of these fifteen breaths also felt in their hearts.

In different places in the world, a strong man in the holy realm looked up at the coordinates of Xu Qijing.

[The sword saint has fallen? The rule of sword has changed. 】

[This is a new breath, and it has been recognized by the Great Law of Sword so quickly. The new Ashen is very strong and has unlimited potential. 】

[Who is closer to the ancient kingdom of Nuo, to see the current situation of the sword master, and explore the new sword master by the way? 】

The masters of these ‘great laws’ seem to be able to communicate to a certain extent.

Even some of them have good personal relationships in the Holy Land.

[The new sword master is very strong. It is said that with one person, he swept more than ten sub-sages. 】This should be the master of the law with relatively well-informed information. He almost got first-hand information at the first time.

[It's a pity... I wanted to help the Juggernaut, but he refused. 】

[Sword Saint was originally in a semi-retired state, he might also want to take this opportunity to find a new master for the law of the sword. 】

[At this point in time, if you go to help, it will be unhelpful and will be rejected by the law of the sword. 】

[I don’t know when the new sword master will grow up to the holy can help us and guard this world. 】

[I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years to wait for even the top-notch sub-sage to get the big law. It will take a long time to run in. In the end, it will take hundreds of years to prepare for the tribulation before they can hit the holy realm. Although the difference between Yasheng and Shengjing is only one word, we know the difference between them. 】

[Speaking of which, I don’t know if the new sword master is a male or female? I wish I was a female swordsman. I'm still single. 】

[Sorry to disappoint you. In addition, I am not single, I have a daughter-in-law. ] A cute voice suddenly sounded.

In an instant, the masters of the'Great Law' fell into a state of silence.

[Yuexue! The voice just now was the new sword master? 】

[How did he enter the'Da Law Communication Channel'? Isn't he Yasheng? 】

[Could it be that he has been promoted to the holy rank? 】

The lord of all the laws was stunned.

[How did you come in? Newcomer? ] Asked the single ruler.

[I don’t know, it just came in anyway... Maybe it’s because I have come into contact with more similar ‘communication’ methods and I’m used to it? ] Xu Qijing guessed.

He has a roster and an undercover ‘Nine Realms Ancestor’s Chatting Space’, all with the function of cross-border communication.

[Stop talking, let me continue to understand this great law...] After Xu Qijing replied, she narrowed her eyes and looked at the great law of the sword in her hand.

This big law is stronger than he thought.

In addition to the law information related to the sword, there are hidden files on it.

An image of a giant appeared in Xu Qiji's consciousness. The giant bent over and squatted on the planet, propping up the sky.

This giant also represents the power of the law. Perhaps, still above the big law?

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