Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 221: Everyone has the right to embrace freedom!

"Even if a normal person wants to become a **** ancestor, after listening to your explanation, he won't have this idea again." After Xu Qiji's eye demon trumpet was caught by the tail, he suddenly felt weak.


This tail, like an alien, has a weak attribute after being caught?

[But you are not a normal person, you are a family of beholders. ] The Valkyrie said sweetly: [With my lessons learned, even if you become the ancestor, you will have a chance to get away in the future, right? It is not difficult for you to find a stand-in person. Isn’t this what the Eye Demon Clan’s pupil skills are best at? 】

"I believe you are a ghost?" The beholder trumpet wants to roll his eyes to the other party. The end of the era is already coming. Where can I find someone to take over the identity of the ‘Ancestor Toolman’? Time is too late.

Woman's mouth, deceitful ghost!

It's so easy to find a substitute. Will you wait so long before my trumpet is online?

The tool man of the **** ancestor requires aptitude, which is much better than the dead witch of the **** ancestor. This may have something to do with gender. The ancestor is a big boss, not as delicate as the ancestor Ming, and the inheritance process is simple and rude.

[Then you resist? ] The corners of the Valkyrie's mouth rise.

Xu Qiji: "..."

What kind of words are you talking about?

I think someone is a man with a family, how can I cooperate with you in this kind of play?

How do you love it!

Throughout the whole process, Xu Qiji's beholder trumpet did not resist, allowing the Valkyrie to complete the ‘Ancestral Inheritance’.

[You really don't resist? Seeing that the beholder trumpet was really motionless, the Valkyrie couldn't laugh anymore. She frowned and looked at the beholder in her arms.

This person is like this. If the target resists too strongly, they will threaten the target and keep the target still. But if the target does not resist at all, they will feel deceitful again and wonder if the target has a conspiracy.

"Why should I resist? As you said, I originally wanted to be an'Ancestor of God'. Even if I knew I would become an instrumental person of an Ancestor, I still want to see how the realm of'Ancestor' exists. . You have already experienced this realm yourself, so you are no longer curious about the realm of'ancestor'. But I am different." Xu Qiji said slowly.

[It makes sense. However, if you don't resist, I feel very disturbed. Said the Valkyrie.

Having said that, the movements on her hands did not stop.

She speeded up the second stage of the ancestral inheritance process, and carefully observed the changes of the beholder trumpet, alerting every small movement and reaction of it.

But until the final key to the second stage of the "Ancestral Inheritance", the beholder trumpet did not struggle.

I really let her do whatever she wants.

[It seems that I have really found the right substitute. 】At this time, the Valkyrie finally felt relieved.

At this point, it was no longer possible for the Eye Magic King to resist or reverse this process of ‘Ancestral Inheritance’. The overall situation is set, and there is no way to go back.

This means that she has succeeded and secured the victory.

It seems that the other party sincerely wants to be a'tool man of the ancestor', and wants to get a glimpse of the realm of the ancestor... just like she was back then.

At that time, it was not precisely because she could no longer advance in the realm of the **** of war, that she finally wanted to touch the taboo of the **** ancestor.

[That's at the end, as a thank you, let me bless you. ] The Valkyrie has a soft tone, and sincerely blessed Xu Qiji's eye demon trumpet: [May you fully observe the realm of the ancestor and master everything about the ancestor... And I hope you can find it before becoming a real tool person A stand-in. 】

With her blessing, there seems to be a buff blessing on the beholder trumpet in the whole world.

"Thank you?" Xu Qiji smiled.

[You are welcome, after all, you have become my stand-in, because of me, you have become the tool man of the ancestor. I owe you a cause and effect, and if there is a chance in the future, I will repay this cause and effect. ] Valkyrie said sincerely.

After all, she firmly grasped her tail with a pair of jade hands.

At the moment when Xu Qiji is connected with the'Ancestor of God' and will soon become a new'Tool Man of the Ancestor', the consciousness and soul of the Valkyrie escapes from the body of the'Toolman Valkyrie' and escapes into her own tail. .

The waist of the magic weapon·The Valkyrie also slipped from the beholder trumpet and turned into a small circle, buckled at the point where the tail and the beholder trumpet were connected...The waist began to tighten desperately, this is to be Before the beholder trumpet becomes a tool man, separate the tail from the beholder!

As long as the separation is successful, she will completely get rid of the identity of the ‘Ancestor Tool Man’, and there is no need to worry about becoming a conscious puppet in the future!

At that time, she will be truly free. Moreover, she still has the insight of the realm of "ancestor". If there is a chance in the future, maybe she will have the opportunity to explore this realm of ancestors?

The body of the Valkyrie, her eyes dimmed, she lost her high light, and she became apathetic.

But every cell in her body seems to be revealing a color of ‘joy’ to the outside world. This is the taste of freedom!

She is free today!

When you have freedom, you will not experience its preciousness. But once you lose your freedom one day, you will find it hard to change!

"If the Valkyrie wants to repay the cause and effect, how about repaying me now?" When the consciousness of the Valkyrie was all ‘smuggled’ into the tail, the beholder’s trumpet sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

The cheerful "heartbeat" of the Valkyrie suddenly slowed down.

What do you mean?

This double, the King of Magic Eyes, seems to have something to say?

[No, now is not the time to care about it. No matter what it means, don't try to stop me from embracing freedom anyway. 】The Valkyrie ignored Xu Qiji's words, she controlled the'Valkyrie's waist' and turned vigorously.

The place where the base of the tail and the beholder Xu Qiji were connected was slowly cut away!

Seeing that the tail is about to separate from the beholder trumpet...At this moment, there is suddenly a gentle energy that begins to circulate between the tail and the beholder.

That kind of energy, with a friendly atmosphere.

The tail that was originally controlled by the Valkyrie and was about to fall off suddenly seemed to be stuck to Xu Qiji's beholder and refused to come down.

This cycle is getting faster and faster.

It is the energy of "Daxia System".

In an instant, Xu Qijing activated the ‘power of a good friend’.

The power of good friends is destined to become one of the strongest forces in the Nine Realms in the future.

The Valkyrie on her tail only felt swayed, and felt that the guy connected to her tail was so kind that she couldn't bear to leave.

[Interesting, is this what you want to do? ] The Valkyrie laughed.

However, this method wants to prevent her from embracing freedom? too naive!

After all, it's a young man, it's sweeter.

Things like gentleness and kindness will only restrain little girls. Mature women like her don't want this.

Her heart was cruel, and the "War God's Waist" turned hard.

The tail, successfully dropped from the beholder trumpet~

become free!

"Little guy, the emotion card is useless to me. Then... we will have a period later." This time, a magnetic female voice was heard from the tail.

Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

The sound is tape-powered, so you don’t need to add electronic sound to sing.

Xu Qijing is still quite curious, how does the sound come from his tail? The tail has no mouth.

After the farewell, the Valkyrie controlled her tail and the "Valkyrie's waist", and would run away if she was happy. Others fly with a sword, and she can fly away with a waistband.

After being free, even the air seems to become sweeter... the spiritual power in the air carries the fragrance of freedom.

As she flew, she felt the tool man and beholder began to fully integrate into the position of the ‘Ancestor’.

But due to the lack of realm strength of the beholder, there is only the pinnacle of the sixth stage, and there is still a long way to go from the sub-Saint Capital. Therefore, when he merged into the person of ‘God Ancestor’, it relied on the strength of the body she had abandoned.

This is also in the calculation of the Valkyrie.

She is a tail docked to survive. The gecko discards the tail after docking, and the body that the Valkyrie discards after docking. She knew that with the current strength of the Magic King, it was impossible to completely rely on the personal power of the ‘Ancestor’, and that there must be a medium to reconcile it.

So she simply threw down her body and formed a ‘whole’ with the Eye Magic King, to take over the identity of the ancestor tool.

But now the problem is... she has clearly separated from the Eye Magic King, and her tail has been broken.

Why does she still feel that her body and the Eye Magic King have inherited the entire process of the "God Ancestor Person" together?

[What's wrong with the script? Is it that my soul and will are not completely separated? ] A bad premonition surged in the Valkyrie's heart.

At this moment, the pupils of the ‘valkyrie’ on the throne regained focus and brightened.

The Valkyrie's body reached out and hugged the beholder trumpet, her mouth raised.

"This kind of experience is really new. Does it mean that I have one more puppet of the ancestor group? It is this puppet that consumes a lot of mental power when used..." The beholder trumpeted.

The body left by the Valkyrie became a ‘magic weapon’, a magic weapon for him to use. Moreover, this magical weapon does not need to consume the energy of Xu Qiji's body. Her energy comes from herself and the ‘Ancestor Person’.

It is to control it and requires strong mental power to operate.

At present, Xu Qijing is limited by the realm, and it will be a little bit difficult to operate. After he is promoted to the realm of sub-saint, holy rank, god-level, etc., the operation of this'artifact' will be easier.

At least until the end of this epoch, the body of the Valkyrie can be driven by Xu Qijing... but the driver of the'Evil Small' is needed.

Just like a matryoshka, Xu Qiji’s body controls the beholder trumpet, and then the beholder trumpet manipulates the body of the Valkyrie. The body of the Valkyrie is connected to the'divine ancestor personality'. Power to control a huge system.

"Congratulations, the King of Magic Eyes. Or you can call you the'new **** ancestor'." The Valkyrie's voice sounded. After congratulations, she said again: "Then, can you please explain me and your current state? ?"

She had discovered a weird place that she couldn't seem to be too far away from the Beholder Trumpet, and when the Beholder Magic King manipulated her body, she would have telepathy.

This is hell.

Doesn't match her perfect plan, what accident happened in the process?

Obviously, she was completely separated from this magic king!

"What's the state between you and me? Is there any problem?" The beholder trumpet put on a puzzled look and asked back.

"Don't pretend to be garlic, why can't I leave your body within two meters?" The Valkyrie tried her best to suppress her temper.

Subject to others, keep a low profile.

Before getting out of trouble, I can say anything.

After she gets out of trouble, she can say anything!

"Huh? Valkyrie, you can't leave me within two meters? How is it possible, haven't you already disconnected from me?" Beholder trumpet asked ‘surprised’.

His big eyes are full of expressions of ‘incomprehension, doubt, and innocence’.

In fact, in Xu Qiji's own eyes... the tail is still firmly on his beholder trumpet.


There is no separation at all!

From beginning to end, this tail has never been separated from his beholder trumpet. The waist of the Valkyrie is tightly looped where the tail connects, but it does not cut the tail.

The picture that the Valkyrie'sees' her own tail and the beholder trumpet is disconnected... is just the picture she'sees'.

Since they are still connected, how can they be separated?

"Let's die together." The Valkyrie understood it. After this guy knew that he wanted to become a ‘tool man’, he was going to take her and blew herself together.

But fortunately...she finally cut contact with the Eye Magic King.

As long as the cut is made, she still has a chance.

"You don't want to answer, just forget it." The Valkyrie didn't speak any more, and curled up her tail.

She can think of a way.

After she figured out the state between herself and the Eye Magic King, she could break this bondage.

At that time, don't blame her for making this beholder again.

While thinking about it, suddenly she felt waves of ‘energy’ coming from somehow, pouring into her tail.

After this energy wandered around in her tail, it flowed out again...

Just as if her tail was in the back garden, she strolled around. And her tail provides the service of ‘refining, strengthening’, making that energy stronger and higher quality.

Valkyrie: "..."

Soon, the energy came back, and another cycle was completed in her tail.

She felt clearer this time.

Because of the ‘resonance’, she felt more things. For example, the energy would not only wander in her tail, but also circulate in the ‘body’ she abandoned.

Valkyrie's body, beholder, trumpet, Valkyrie's tail, the three constitute a stable energy circulation system.

The triangle is the most stable structure~

The biggest beneficiary is naturally the beholder trumpet.

After all, his strength is the lowest and he is only at the peak of the Sixth Realm. It is equivalent to two high-horsepower engines, taking him to fly.

After a few cycles, the realm of the beholder trumpet increased crazily, and soon it touched the bottleneck of the'Asian Saint'.

"Interesting." Xu Qiji was happy.

He still remembered that the divine ancestor had prepared two ‘star cores of life’ for him, and wanted him to open up the ‘temple’ in advance.

But if his beholder trumpet can directly step into the sub-sage realm, he can open the palace without the life star core.

At that time, they will be able to earn another "life star core" for nothing.

Moreover, the identity of the ‘tool man of the ancestor’ can also be used slightly.

You don't need to come forward directly, just let the ‘Ancestor Toolman·Valkyria’s Body’ issue some ‘ancestor’ commands behind the scenes to achieve the effect!

As long as he operates properly, from today to the end of the era, the Protoss will be his old Xu~

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