Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 213: Look, hope ~ gray!

Xu Qijing is a very tenacious person. He belongs to the abnormal situation where he bleeds and does not shed tears under normal circumstances. He can also shed tears quickly, but that has nothing to do with the will, just the prerequisite for skills.

After being cut to pieces twice in a row, he still did not give up.

Strike first to be strong, then strike first... Then there is a slap in the face, Wei Wei and Zhao Zhao, bitter flesh...

In a short period of time, he used almost all of the 36 strategies.

In the end, he even tried to use it once.

It turns out that he is not a beautiful man.

When he played the beautiful male game, the six-winged swordsman on the opposite side didn't pity him, but the speed of the sword was increased twice, and the sword gave him a gray meal.

Manpower is sometimes poor.

Xu Qijing used all the methods he could think of, but none of them had any effect. In the end, useless schemes were abandoned.

When the opposing power is absolutely crushing, any strategy becomes a paper tiger.

One force drops ten wisdom.

All he can do is stand hard.

Anyway, turning to ash is not real death, and...the process of ashing is not painful.

In addition to the almost experience, there are no other shortcomings. It can even improve his kendo cultivation.

So, he just spent time with Six Wing Swordsman.



In the end, Xu Qijing didn't know how many times he was beheaded by the Six Winged Swordsman.

At the beginning, he still counted in the bottom of his heart, but in the end, he instinctively resisted the count...just like a person after thirty, he starts not to count how old he is this year.

After even abandoning the count, he could instead devote himself wholeheartedly to the battle with the Six Winged Swordsman.

It wasn't until Xu Qiji's mental energy was exhausted that his eyes went dark and he flashed out of this trial.

713 world.

Xu Qijing's body was lying weakly on the bed, motionless.

Excessive mental energy consumption made his brows tingle slightly. Now he can do nothing, like a hangover.

Even if you want to run the exercises to restore the state, you can't make the mental power be squeezed to a drop.

He could only lie down quietly, waiting for his mental strength to recover naturally.


At this time, the room door was pushed open.

Thrush put on silk pajamas that could make Xu Qiji's eyes bright, and she came to the flop.

But as soon as she pushed the door, she saw Xu Qijing lying motionless on the bed like a salted fish.

"Ah, you are here, Thrush." ​​Xu Qijing wanted to move, but he couldn't even move a finger now.

Excessive heart but insufficient strength.

"A Ji, what's the matter with you?" Thrush came to Xu Qiji's side, lifted his head, and put it on his lap. He stretched out his slender fingers and pressed Xu Qijing's temples to gently massage him.

"How can I say it, I probably experienced **** once." Xu Qijing put on her daughter-in-law's leg and showed a bitter smile.

He is sure that he will have nightmares tonight.

He could even guess the content of the nightmare, and he didn't know how many times the Six Winged Swordsman would abuse him in his dream tonight?

"What hell?" Thrush looked puzzled.

"I... was chopped by a six-winged swordsman for a century. Tonight, let's eat grilled chicken wings." Xu Qiji said bitterly.

At least in the next month, things with wings will become his most irritable point.

"Okay, I decided to grill chicken wings for the supper." Thrush petted.

Under her massage, Xu Qiji's mental strength quickly recovered.

With this mental power as the foundation, he began to transfer the exercises and quickly recovered.

Then there is the couple's time.



Late at night.

Xu Qijing felt like a prophet.

And it's the kind of good, bad, bad spirit.

This night, when he was sleeping happily, his consciousness was drawn into the familiar desert Gobi.

Still a familiar scene, still a familiar Six-Winged Swordsman.

Still the familiar sword-drawing action.

In the end, under the sword of the old formula that penetrated the world, Xu Qijing was not ready yet, and turned into ashes again.

This is not a dream... This is the ‘verification link’ of defense that has not yet ended.

The mental energy was exhausted, but the midfield was suspended.

After the intermission, he will still be involved in the "verification link" to continue the verification process.

"What is the order to end?" After another gray, Xu Qijing will connect with ‘defense’ and try to give an order to ‘end verification link’.

But it may be that the program is out, and there is no instruction to end this verification link, as if to continue indefinitely.

[Does it continue to loop indefinitely until I kill this six-winged swordsman? ] Xu Qijing vaguely guessed the truth.

But how easy is it to kill this six-winged swordsman?

The sword that runs through the world is even more powerful than the weak ‘Ancestor of Giant’!

"I'm still a weak six-level emperor, and I haven't even reached the sub-sage level." Xu Qiji was also desperate.

He took the iron to kill this six-winged swordsman?

[I have to find a way to fix this verification program. Otherwise, this day will be impossible. 】

He can't always be in a state of ‘squeezed out of mental power’.

If it can't be repaired, then at least he has to master the means of'quick recovery of mental power', which can start with'Xinghai'.

He has a good friend of Star Sea, and with the help of the power of friendship, he can recover his mental strength quickly. Just design an automatic program.

In addition, I have to find a way to store at least one of the mental powers, and seal it on the center of his eyebrows. After he is drained and come out of the'test link', he can at least release this mental power to let himself Can vigorously run the exercises.

After figuring out some clues, Xu Qijing cheered up again and angered the Six-Winged Swordsman.

Come on, Sun Thief! Even if you kill me thousands of times, you never want to knock me down!

Even if I was squeezed dry by you, my will will not give up.

Waiting for me to fix this is your death date!



So, the next morning.

When Thrush opened his eyes, he saw Xu Qijing lying on the side like a salted fish.

"Good morning, Thrush." ​​Xu Qiji smiled bitterly.


She stretched out her hand and poked Xu Qiji lightly, "Going to **** again?"

"I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?" Xu Qiji looked up at the ceiling, his eyes became hollow.

Before repairing, this kind of **** life, I don't know how long it will last.

Thrush couldn't laugh or cry, stretched out his hand to rub his temples for Xu Qiji, to help him regain his mental strength: "Eat roast chicken wings in the morning?"

"No, get angry." Xu Qiji sighed.

He began to have a psychological shadow on the wings.

A new day, he also started from the misfortune of weakness.

However, the new day is not all bad news, and good things happened to his beholder clone.

Yesterday, the group of ‘good friends captains’ jointly called for credit for nothing.

The captains used the most magnificent vocabulary to describe the merits of the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King. As soon as they arrived at the scene, they won the'defense', just like the chosen son of heaven.

The captains all pressed their credits on the empty heads one by one, being selfless, don't take credit for themselves.

The divine ancestor envoy did not expect that the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King would directly take down a layer of defense when he appeared.

He originally only wanted the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King to go to the planet of human life to cross the layer of gold, and he didn't expect him to really do any credit.

"It's a good seed I like." The divine ancestor's mouth raised, and he was extremely satisfied with the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King.

Therefore, he took the opportunity to give a ‘Star Core of Life’ to King Xu Ba Ba Dharma.

This life star nucleus, which is a kind of envoy, is only the smallest star nucleus, incomparable to the star nucleus hosted by the 713 World Red-haired Brother.

But it is enough to maintain the pet space left by the "Mask Senior".

"This is the life star core, the best material for casting magic weapons, and an extremely powerful source of power." When the life star core was given, the divine ancestor envoy also specially introduced the importance of this star core to the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King.

If the life star nucleus is used as the power source of the starship, it is enough to make a large starship run until it is scrapped, and it can be inherited from generation to generation.

"I will hand this life star core to you. In the next time, you will blend with it well and adapt to its aura. Just like a refining tool, refining it. After you fully refining it , I promise you that after you are promoted to Ashen, I will send the master craftsman in the clan to forge exclusive magic weapons for you." The divine ancestor envoy gave a huge promise.

There are two star cores in his hand, both of which are reserved for the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King.

At this time, he asked Xu Ba Ba to refine one of them first in order to prepare for the ‘open up of the temple in advance’.

After the Xuan Ba ​​Ba Dharma King refining the star core, the calculation time also happened to come out of the trial of Sarah...At that time, he will give another star core and let the Xuan Ba ​​Ba Dharma use the first one. The star core opens up the temple.

The other star core is reserved for casting magic weapons.

The divine ancestor envoy had already calculated everything in his heart.

"Thanks to the Lord God Envoy." Xu Qiji's beholder trumpet thanked him. This thank you, but sincerely, promised not to be mixed with water.

Then, Xu Qiji did not forget to ask for help for that group of ‘captains’.

That group of captains are now Xu Qiji’s senior ‘good friends’, and they are the first group of members who came into contact with the Daxia System exercises.

Xu Qiji hopes that their influence in the Protoss can be even higher, and only these loyal friends can play a greater role in the future.

So as long as there is a chance, he will seek some benefits for these friend captains.

"Very good." The divine ancestor was very satisfied with Xu Baba's performance.

If you have credit, you will never forget your companions, and you will not take all the credit alone.

Moreover, among the captains on the front line, the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King also has high prestige.

This is exactly what the ancestor envoy wanted to see.

In the future, the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King will exist as an expedition vanguard... He just wants to cultivate the Xu Ba Ba Dharma in the direction of wisdom and courage.

Under the recommendation, the novel app I am currently using, both Android and iPhone support!

"I also have all the credit for the frontline captains in my eyes, and they will not lose the rewards they deserve." The divine ancestor promised.

This scene was also seen by the high-level protoss next to the divine ancestor envoy and turned their heads, and they would talk to the captains on the front line to report good news.

After the Xu Ba Ba Eye Demon Trumpet collected the star cores, the divine ancestor said: "In the afternoon, the Sarah Star will be turned on. At that time, the Xu Ba Ba Dharma King, you will bring the team to face each other, as the first batch of trial members. Participate in the trial. After you return, you and your team members are ready to go out."

"I'm ready to wait." Xu Qijing has been waiting for this trial for a long time.

He is looking forward to the legendary trial place where the members of the Protoss can increase their strength. What does it look like? Is it possible for the ‘monster’ in the trial to be transplanted to his dungeon?

Probably because of the influence of Saint Yule, Xu Qiji is always thinking about enriching his own dungeon monster types.



On the other side, in the pet space.

The seven vampire witches, strengthened by their joint formation, finally got rid of the influence of the ‘pet space’ once again, temporarily regaining consciousness.

"Time is running out, I feel that if this continues, even if I am awake, I will not bear to leave this pet space." The blonde vampire witch gritted her teeth.

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the sisters who must want to leave, I don't want to leave this space." The silver-haired vampire witch is weak and weak. She is the youngest of the seven sisters. Because she is young, she is relatively playful. .

Blond vampire witch: "..."

"Stop talking nonsense, break open the space!" the red-haired vampire witch quickly said.

Going on, the ‘temptation’ of this weird space will begin again, making them want to stop.

"Form!" the blonde vampire witch gritted her teeth.

As she spoke, she also looked at the space under her eyes with a bit of reluctance.

This... is the real paradise!

In contrast, the place where birds do not **** in the underworld is really bad.

Unfortunately, they are undead witches, they have their own mission.

Under the solemn order of the blond vampire witch, the seven undead witches stood in their respective positions and activated their own heritage.

A large array appeared under the feet of the vampire witches, and complex array patterns emerged.

Vaguely, a little of the aura itself of the ancestor of the dark appeared on it, and the undead witch inheritance was to provide the ancestor of the dark with a human body.

In the case of a team of seven witches, a small amount of the power of the ancestor can be used.

They just want to use this little Pluto ancestor's power to break through the influence of this space.

Witches team up to activate.

The space is surging, and the pet space seems to be unstoppable anymore, and there are faint signs of collapse.

A small gap in space has already been torn apart behind the silver-haired witch!

"Goodbye, heaven. Goodbye... **** guy." The silver-haired vampire witch whispered.

The red-haired vampire witch beside her stiffened.

Big black?

Is it that nightmare pervert?

What's the situation with my little sister? What has she experienced in this strange space?

"Broken!" The blonde vampire witch pinched the seal.

At this moment she was flying with blond hair, as if the ancestor of the dark descended.

Her Fayin pushed forward hard!

Space torn apart!

The hope of freedom is here!

And at this moment, from the torn space... a treasure was thrown in.

"What?" The red-haired vampire witch moved in her heart, and she smelled the treasure.

If she hadn't insisted on the formation now, I'm afraid she would have reached out to capture the treasure.

"Is it the star core?" the blue-haired vampire witch called.

The star core flashed past them and quickly merged into this space.

The next moment, the originally torn space...healed quickly.

Hope, no more...

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