My Wife May Be a Saint

Chapter 68: 4 Fang Shen Jian

   Jiang Zuo is still watching TV, by the way, thinking about what to eat tonight. In theory, Su Qi is at home, she can cook, but she can't hold her up from being angry.

   Jiang Zuo can only think of a way on his own. Su Qi's strength is in the upper reaches of Tier 2, and it is no big deal not to eat a meal. He is different. Although he does not eat often, it does not mean that he is not hungry.

   Especially when there is nothing to do.

   Just before Jiang Zuo could think about it, Su Qi got dressed and came out.

   She sat next to Jiang Zuo and never spoke.

   Seeing Su Qi dressed neatly, Jiang Zuo knew that he might have gone wrong again.

   Don't know why, Jiang Zuo always feels a little lost in his heart.

   probably just came back, let's go out again.

   Although they are not so happy to get along, Jiang Zuo is not disgusted, or that he is not unhappy at all.

   "Go on a business trip again?"

  Su Qi shook her head and nodded again: "It's my sister, she asked me to live with her for a few days. It's mandatory, and there are elders coming, it seems to be related to work."

   This Jiang Zuo is a bit surprised. Instead of going on a business trip, I went to live for a few days? There are elders coming?


   Is it dangerous to live here? The blood demon's sake? Or do you need to make preparations in advance?

   Jiang Zuo can only nod to this: "En."

   "Well what." Su Qi said dissatisfied: "You come with me."

   "Huh?" Jiang Zuo refused without even thinking about it, "No, I won't join in the fun if I have elders. Also, I'm not used to going to your sister's house."

   Su Qi said angrily: "Why aren't you used to it? And..."

  Speaking of this, Su Qi remembered something again, and finally had to say: "Then you live in the company."

   "Don't go."

   "Then you ask for leave to stay home and don't run around."

   "It depends on the situation."


   Before Su Qi was angry, her cell phone rang.

   As soon as he picked it up, Jiang Zuo heard the voice from the other side: "You are downstairs, do you want me to go up and explain to your husband?"

   Su Qi hung up the phone directly.

  How about an hour?

   She looked at Jiang Zuo and said, "I'll be back as soon as possible."

   Jiang nodded left without saying much.

   Su Qi went out. Although she hit the corner when she went out, it did not prevent her from going out.

   Jiang Zuo didn't send Su Qi off, but sighed on the sofa, but he was also relieved.

   Although getting along with Su Qi is not very smooth, but it is not a big problem.

   And it feels completely different from the lonely years of the last life.

   Okay, now that Su Qi has left again, Jiang Zuo can start his upgrade plan again.

   Moon lotus and Xuan Tiemu were taken out, and the formation was redrawn.

   Sensing No. 1 group also turned off the shielding.

   As soon as the shielding was released, Jiang Zuo @了月雪: "Fairy, I have time, when can the elixir be delivered to Tianhe Group?"

   June Xue replied: "It's okay anytime, but I just said silently to you."

   Breaking dawn: "Give me the elixir, and I will go over and get it."

   As for Yu Moyan looking for him, he was ignored by Jiang Zuo.

   Seeing that June Xue agreed, Jiang Zuo waited at home for a meeting, he had to give Su Qi and the others time to leave.

   Otherwise, it won't be good if you go down and run into it.

   Before leaving, Jiang Zuo specifically confessed to the sweet potato, taking good care of his family.

   Sweet potato nodded happily.

   When Jiang Zuo came to Tianhe Group, the express delivery was also delivered.

   This time, he belongs to the Xuezong Sect in June, not a courier, but he is also a younger brother.

   After handing the spirit stone to him, Jiang Zuo put away two panacea.

   I went to the second department of the market to see if I had anything to do.

   It is a pity that there is no entrustment, that is, the entrustment of the Holy Land and the secret realm have been dropped.

   "Is the Holy Land not held accountable?" Jiang Zuo felt a pity, but it was actually a good opportunity.

   Then Jiang Zuo sighed again, because the commission of the fairy cave was gone, which probably meant that the people inside were coming back.

   There are more business robs.

   Fortunately, Jiang Zuo has found something to do for himself, and he doesn't care if there is any commission recently.

   Waiting for these two days to raise his cultivation base a little bit, when his innate two qi recovers, he plans to go to the palace where the blood demon is based again.

   That palace was built in the general situation of heaven and earth.

   Of course, Jiang Zuo is more curious about the master of the palace.

   Especially that palace actually resonated with the spirit cards on his body, and spirit cards were things from the ancient battlefield.

   If the two are really related, then this palace is most likely a creation of the age of the ancient battlefield.

   In addition to these, there is another point that Jiang Zuo has to go, and that is that it seems to have affected Su Qi, help disintegrate it, and Su Qi should come back sooner.

   The only pity is that the holy land is cheaper.

   Otherwise Jiang Zuo is planning to wait for the Holy Land to fight the blood demon before entering.

   Then Jiang Zuo left Tianhe Group, but just after leaving the building, Jiang Zuo was blocked.

   is a silent word.

   "Big, big, finally caught up." said silently, breathlessly.

   Jiang Zuo asked: "Look for me, something?"

   "Yes, something is going on."

   did not dare to delay the silent words, and directly said: "Is the big guy short of silver? No, is there a lack of spirit stones?"

   Jiang Zuo squinted his eyes and said, "Go on."

   "In order to promote the learning attitude of the juniors, some of our masters specially set up a four-party magic mirror."

   "The Four Directions God Mirror?"

"En," explained silently: "The Sifang Shenjian is composed of a square array of four and there are many treasures in the square of four elephants. The name and function of the treasure will give you the treasure."

   Jiang Zuo was slightly surprised, this would indeed make those people learn the formation and all aspects of knowledge.

   "You guys are pretty generous, but isn't fighting the point?"

   "That's right, so I have already brought the Scarlet Blood Boy. Among my peers, he can beat him best."

   "Same generation? I remember Brother Scarlet Boy is very strong."

   "I'm too old, I must be under 30 years old."

   Jiang Zuo: "..."

how old is he? Can't remember at all.

   Forget it, this is all over, then Jiang Zuo said: "So you want me to go?"


   silently nodded: "As long as the big guy goes, we get two to eight points. I and the red-blooded boy are two, big guy eight."

   Jiang Zuo was surprised, but gave him all the benefits?

   At this time, he said silently: "But there is a small condition."


   "I want to win the championship."

   "Let's go." Jiang Zuo readily agreed.

   Jiang Zuo now expects them to give good things.

   silently said excitedly: "Then let's go over quickly, it's about to start."

   Jiang nodded left, and then walked to the road.

   silently surprised: "Boss, what are you doing? Isn't it going to pass?"

   Jiang Zuo said as expected: "I'll take a taxi and go there."

   "But it's faster to run past, and then you can go to the rooftop and jump all kinds of jumps next time."

   "..., the cultivation base is not enough, and I can't move."

   At this time, the silent words suddenly realized: "Yes, running over will hurt the boss and force the standard, or I will carry the boss?"

   Jiang Zuo: "..."

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