My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 289: War reserve

Chapter 289 War Reserve

ps: Hey, distracted ...

ps1: However, the amount is still more than the day, and it really is suitable for writing 2000. After that, I will write three chapters in one go and publish it together, otherwise I will always be relieved after sending out one and then the speed will start to slow ...

Are you in love with her? Teacher you. Michelangelo sat down squinting at Kylar, his heart filled with inexplicable thoughts.

But no one could dissect his heart to see his dangerous thoughts.

"Continue," Kaylar let go of the subject lightly and looked at Rayler.

Lehler is the third disciple of Kaylar and is responsible for the military, including the research and development of the military weapons bureau, the discussion of military tactics, and the cultivation of the next generation of soldiers.

Kailar's disciples have more than 800 people, but the chief also has chapter 289

The war reserve is only thirteen.

Regardless of age, just look at results.

Rayler was the first of Carlar's disciples. Armed and military tactically.

Perhaps in terms of the changing battlefields, Lehler could not compare to Joan, who was born with a keen sense of smell, but if it was his turn to defend.

In any case, Jeanne can't be equal to Reyler, who has been cultivated by Kailar for many years.

General politeness is talking about people like Rayler.

Even though Lehler's sense of smell on the battlefield is not as good as other geniuses, but he has one thing that even geniuses can't.

That's calm.

No matter how sudden the raid, he can calmly respond.

There was once a simulated war.In theory, it was a confrontation between the chief and the chief, and the two chief military disciples of Kailar.Each side had two masters studying military tactics as helpers. In that battle, they ranked the 13th chief fee Onando has actually enticed Rayler to a canyon that can be easily attacked.

Since they are all new troops, no one has seen this.

The defeat didn't happen when Feronand led a three-hundred Red Leaf Guardian sneak attack.

You know, this is weird. Although each of the three hundred is a recruit, the morale of both sides is sharp. Chapter 289

War reserves are different.

One side carefully prepared the attack, while the other was attacked. In a state of panic.

Morale is invisible, but it does exist, and it is vital to the soldiers. If many people are scared, it will spread to the whole army.

If many people are afraid, the entire army will flee, and if many people are angry, the entire army will lose their mind. If many people are aggressive, the combat effectiveness of the entire army will increase.

There is a word in medicine to describe morale: [infection]

That's right, infectiousness, and morale has an infectious power that is more terrifying than a virus. He can make a person who is stronger than the last moment into a deserter who is worse than a coward.

Morale is terrifying.

But the Red Leaf Guards on the Reyle side who were recruits did not retreat.

In fact, Kylar asked them afterwards that they did not detect the other's attack in advance, but they retreated thirty meters under the calm command of Lehler, blocking the other with the strange terrain of the canyon. The impact speed then used the last five minutes to resist the opponent in a formation.

It was also by virtue of that battle that Lehler won the seat of the third chief disciple, military.

It was that steady word that Kaylar saw in him.

Rayler flipped through his laptop. Stand up, because not everyone has the memory of Kailar. So memos and notebooks for people of this status are essential. Kylar left the idea.

"Teacher," Rayler said with a smile on his face. He was almost in charge of ordnance and military training, almost as a military chief.

Of course, now he can't control Camelot's regular army: the Cavaliers head up.

But he kept the red leaf guards in custody for the military's confidential materials.

It can be said that he kept the existence of Hongyeling's most precious and confidential military supplies, and his existence was also extremely low-key.

Even many weapons workshops do not know that their own workshop surrounded by red leaf guards is for royal work.

"Teacher, we take three years as a sequence. After ten years, there have been 200,000 guns from the first batch of lances to the fourth batch of rifles now, and they are now being produced continuously." Lehler lowered his head. Slightly happily said.

The spear he refers to is a large gun made from a peach heart and a poplar heart.

These large guns are 1.8 meters long. It can be used by both infantry and cavalry.The planed round sticks will be soaked in tung oil for three years.It is harder than iron.This weapon has a simple manufacturing process and saves a lot of blacksmiths for fine gun heads. The time of the armor or sword was a great invention.

Although the manufacturing process of this gadget is simple, it is stronger than ordinary iron, and lighter than iron.It is better as a standing equipment. The only thing that makes people speechless is to wait three years, otherwise the process is not enough. Fine and fragile.

This is why, although the Silk Road has brought a large number of books to the West, the West has not developed a long weapon like China. Since Rome, they have never had a country that can last more than a hundred years. Time to make a cheap but long time weapon you don't know you need ...

Speaking of European and American ghosts, there is indeed no such courage.

But Kailar made them from the time they adopted them.

This is not the same size every time.The first year's test product is only 5,000 handles. Each disciples of Kailar made two handles, and then took out the third year to change the correction formula. How much tung oil should be poured? The autumn of the third year is still spring. Should it be birch or peach or aspen.

These have been slowly discussed and completed. This is a geometric figure, from 5,000 in the first batch, 50,000 in the second batch, and 150,000 in the third batch.

Camelot, which slowly accumulated, the empire, which slowly accumulated.

Built by Kailar.

Kailar produced the Carmelo Empire. It is fresh and uplifting, fresh and delicious, but it has a hint of mint. Although it is fragrant, it can repel insects and cure diseases.

"What happened to the armor reserve?" Kaylar asked with a smile.

There are four styles of Camelot armor.The city guard, that is, the police force, or the paper armor used by the Armed Police Force ~ ~ uses hard cloth as the bone, and the layer of paper reinforcement is used as a defense. Good effect, non-strong crossbow can not be worn, because sometimes the city guards will adjust to the city head as a garrison, paper armor is light and good defense against bows and arrows is favored by Kailar.

The light infantry used rattan, which is the kind of rattan that Zhuge Liang burned Meng Moli.The rattan was easily made after soaking tung oil in the sun, although there was a danger of burning, but there was a buffer after the wax was applied. The time allowed the people inside to escape.

This kind of rattan armor has a certain defensive force regardless of the bow and sword, so it is used for light infantry.

The heavy infantry used plate armor.The plate armor was originally used by the knights, but after Kailar invented the heavy armor, it was eliminated for heavy infantry. Take the big shield, the first row with the hammer, and the second row with the axe. The third row took the mace, but with the domineering arrogance.

The knights used heavy armor, with vests, shoulder pads, hand guards, knee pads, and armor groups as defense but leaving sensitive areas such as calves and forearms as martial arts.The weapons were different, but the horse stables Horseshoe horse armor must be equipped.

This is what Camelot is now equipped with. .rt

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