My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 188: Earl Dracula has been added as a friend

Anyang jumped on the high rack, sitting on the iron stand and watching the fight below.

"No, this is impossible!"

The count said in surprise, not knowing what he thought of, suddenly opened his hands and laughed, and at the same time backed away from Fan Haixin.

"Gabrielle, we are all part of this grand game, but we don't have to be opponents."

Regardless of him, Fan Haixin rushed towards him with a loud roar, and the count changed his fists instantly, and the two strange and equally monstrous monsters crashed together.

The werewolves are obviously stronger and violent and arrogant, but the vampires are more agile, and the greater advantage lies in flying and reason, but neither of the advantages of fighting the count in such a narrow space.


Fan Haixin rushed forward, hitting the Earl's body in the air and hit the barrel. The Earl did not fall down. He was after all a powerful creature that had dominated Transylvania for hundreds of years.

I saw the Earl knocked Fan Haixin to the ground with one claw, and he could not get up again with several hits. Then he suddenly grabbed his body and flew up across the laboratory to hit the wall. Fan Haixin wanted to resist, Earl punched In the past, he knocked him to the ground, grabbed his large and strong body and threw it forward.

The whole fighting process is full of primitive sense of violence, and each blow is the outbreak of power, which makes Anyang frightened!

But no matter how the werewolves and vampires fought in other movie settings, at least in the Fan Haixin movie, the werewolf is the only nemesis of the vampire, and Van Helsing is the only existence that can kill the count. This war is doomed from the beginning. .

The Earl had just taken off and was about to rise to the sky, but was caught up by a few werewolves immediately following him, and dragged down from a height of tens of meters to the ground, causing a chemical explosion in the laboratory. .

It's no exaggeration to say that the Earl's grace and calmness are almost neurotic. Even if he is dead, even if he knows he can't beat Fan Haixin, he still stands up and restores his human shape, adjusts his collar, and gazes calmly at the front.

"You are used, Gabriel, just like me!"

"But I fled, so can you ..."

The werewolf got up from the ground and saw the earl who was pointing at him at a glance. He was now in a stage of unreasonableness. He could not listen to any words, only knowing to rush towards his enemy.

The Earl transformed into an instant and wanted to take off, but was caught by the werewolf of Fan Haixin's incarnation. Even after he broke free, he was caught up by Fan Haixin. The terrain here is too narrow, which is really not conducive to his play.

The two monster figures were entangled in the air, sometimes hitting here and sometimes there. The earl ’s pair of wide wings did n’t know how much they fanned, and the werewolf almost grabbed him to fight, almost spreading to the distant crowds. .

Well, Anyang.

Finally, the Earl was pressed against the wall by Fan Haixin, rebounded and slammed on the ground. When he stood up from the ground and wanted to fly, he was hit by a machine with a huge electric light in the distance, and slammed down. On the ground.

The werewolf stood up from the ground and glanced at the count. Suddenly, his sharp claws stretched across the wall, sparking sparks, and the claws reflected metallic colors under the electric light.


The werewolf leaped onto the platform with ease, standing next to the earl and approaching him continuously, even stepping on the wooden board on the ground, letting the sparks emitted by the nearly damaged machine fall on the body regardless of it.

The Earl was finally in a state of confusion, standing up and backing away, trying to persuade Fan Haixin while trying to attack him.

"Don't you understand, we can be friends, buddies, empathy!"

Anyang cleared his throat in the distance, and the calm voice echoed in the laboratory.

"Dear count, you are dead, but if you are willing to transfer your life from the devil to my hand, I can find a way to keep you alive. Of course, just find a way, you know, my friend I won't listen to me now. "

The werewolf incarnation of Fan Haixin glanced around and seemed to be looking for who was talking. Anyang hurriedly hid behind the shelf. Now is not the time for unprovoked.

The count gave Fan Haixin a quick look, and quickly jumped into a vampire to escape, and was naturally caught by the werewolf who reacted quickly. He pressed it against the metal boiler, grabbed his neck and lifted it, and his nails fell deep into his flesh.

"Oh ..."

The earl should have no fear, but at this time he felt the shadow of death, he was unwilling, so he remembered Anyang, turned his head to look at the corner where the previous voice came out, but was strangled to say nothing.

At this moment, Fan Haixin's body shrank for a while, and the hair and wolf skin quickly fell off, until it turned into the original human shape, and the hand that grabbed the earl's neck was naturally put down.

He regained his senses, instantly reacted and jumped to the side, and fell to the ground and began to run away.

The cat and mouse game started a short reversal.

The count also turned into a figure, and looked up, the moon outside the window was gradually blocked by the passing clouds, he touched the wound that was caught on the neck, and licked the blood of his fingertips in his mouth, revealing elegance And cruel smile.

"Gabrielle, I just want to continue my life and continue my family. Do you want to reject me at this little point? Look at what you are like, how foolish, arrogant and weak ... … "

"Don't be afraid, Gabriel, I will give you back your life and your memory, and then we will fight together against the evil God!"

Anyang was helpless for a while, perhaps the vampire bride's long-winded was infected by the earl, everything was at a critical juncture, and he did not show the aristocratic demeanor in a hurry, and it would be killed by Fan Haixin in the plot.


Perhaps because of Anyang ’s secret threat, he did not verbose to death as in the plot, but screamed, suddenly turned into a vampire, and rushed to Fan Haixin, but the blue light flashed behind him, causing a violent explosion, and suddenly he Bounced aside.


When the strong wind blew, the clouds opened.


Fan Haixin turned into a werewolf again. When he just wanted to pounce on the ground, the blue light flashed not far away. A transparent shock wave hit him and flew him out, flying for several meters.

The count quickly got up and flew upwards, but did not go far.

Anyang paid attention to Fan Haixin, who lost his mind, and raised his head and said, "Count, how have you considered my proposal?"

A huge dark shadow suddenly rushed into the sky, grabbed the earl's figure and pulled him down. The two struggled in mid-air, falling continuously under bumps, and the werewolf continued to draw irreversible wounds on the earl.

Finally landed with a bang.

"I will!"

At the same time, Anna, Viken and Carl came in with the potion, and just heard this sentence, froze in place.

What's happening here?

Anyang suddenly rushed forward, lifted his left hand and blasted the werewolf away, throwing out a cyan badge, and took out a relatively less powerful and more powerful wheel grenade launcher, aiming at the nearby At the foot of the werewolf.

"Mr. Earl, stare at this badge and let go of all resistance, just like when you signed the agreement with the demon, but you better move faster, I can't deal with this big man."

As soon as the words fell, the werewolf yelled toward Anyang, but was blasted away by an invisible pulse wave, followed by a series of grenade explosions under his feet, and the continuous shock wave made him unable to stand up.

Next Anna and others opened their eyes wide.

"Mr. Anyang, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Anyang, you are helping Count Dracula against Van Helsing, what on earth do you want to do?"

A strong blue light flashed through them, shaking their eyes.

Forced by life, the count succumbed.

Anyang lifted the grenade launcher at the wall and hit it directly. He shattered the window and said to the count: "You will leave here first, and I will find you!"

Fan Haixin rushed up, but was blasted away by another pulse wave of Anyang, but he completely ignored the damage, roared, and climbed up to Anyang at a speed much faster than the T1000 of the Terminator World, and then riot The gun has not yet been recharged.


Anyang was slammed into the air and fell right next to his Tang Dao.

"Anna, give me the potion soon, the bell in the early morning will be over!"

Anna was completely at a loss, and now that she had just helped the count, she could not believe Anyang at all.

"Anna, the earl has been controlled by me, he is no longer an enemy of God, and no longer an apostle of the devil, I will take him out of this world, then he will no longer exist in this world, and die no respectively."

Anna still didn't move. She didn't believe it, but she didn't dare to believe it.

Fan Haixin rushed over again, the momentum was fierce, and the speed was extremely fast, much stronger than the ordinary werewolf.

Anyang held a Tang knife and fought with him for a moment, sparks were splattering, and he felt that his strength could not keep up, and the speed was still barely. The main thing is that this werewolf was not afraid of his damage at all. Fighter mech.


Anyang's figure flew out again ~ ~ The werewolf's head turned around and rushed towards the window, but the earl had already spread his bat wings, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The sky is vast and the werewolf can never catch up with the vampire, and after the terrain is no longer narrow, it is difficult to say whether he can beat the count.

Anyang flashed to Anna and said to her solemnly, "You see, I have the ability to kill him, but I don't, so give me the potion, hurry! Otherwise I will kill him!"

Anna stubbornly asked: "What the **** do you want to do?"

Anyang Yuguang saw that the werewolf had looked to this side. His eyes were sharp. He grabbed the potion in Anna's hand and ignored the silver pile stabbed at him by Carl's teeth, allowing him to pierce his shoulder.


The werewolf rushed quickly like a dark shadow, but he was greeted by the pulse wave of Anyang's medicine and non-weapon riot gun.

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