My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 86: : Big Brother locked He Jinyin!

As we all know, almost every high school in Huaxia was built on a former cemetery. If it weren't for this setting, it is estimated that more than half of the campus thriller novels would not be able to continue to be edited.

Isshiki Hajime subconsciously took a step back, pulled Shirakawa Zeping's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Sir Shirakawa...the cemetery legend or something, it should be fake..."

"Schools shouldn't be so careless..."

Bai Chuan Zeping said speechlessly, "You really believe it."

"Hey~ this classmate, I would rather believe it or not, this matter was researched by our supernatural detective agency in various ways~" A staff member who maintained the queue order said mysteriously.


Although I know that you are trying to induce the customer's psychology, please pay attention to whether the object is good or not. This girl has almost shrunk into a small quail by my side.

Bai Chuan Zeping didn't argue with the staff. This kind of thing was meant to be fun. If you really want to seriously argue with the other party, it's not true. That's what a fool does.

"Didn't you say Tachibana-san is around here? Where's her?"

"I don't know, maybe Minister Sakurazawa and the others have already come out... Why don't we ask them how they feel?"

"Forget it, what's the point of the haunted house after asking?"

"That's right, Shirakawa-san, you can't be so scared that you leave me and run away."

"It's me who should say this."

During the conversation, the team in front of the two slowly disappeared into the haunted house, and every now and then there was a girl's scream, which added a terrifying atmosphere to the haunted house.

"Please give us two tickets! I'll go in with him!" Isshiki Kawaii covered her ears and hurriedly handed out the change.

"Welcome to visit. After a group of people is gathered, the staff will take you in."

Hearing this, Ishiki Yu Zhijin couldn't help but relax: "So there was a group of people who went in together, I should have told you earlier~"

It's just that Shirakawa Zeping felt that it was not a good signal for a group of people to act together.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the arranged haunted house scene, the crowd was dispersed in twos and threes, and each one led the way. It looks like it should be staff hidden from tourists.

Shirakawa Zeping seems to have understood the horror core selling point of the D-class haunted house - most people follow the crowd, and when there is a leader in front of them, most people will not feel fear.

However, when the leader also starts to turn around and run, many people often turn around and run without thinking, without even the courage to look back.

On the other hand, this hidden staff member can also give certain psychological hints to maximize the horror effect.

From this point of view, the person who designed this haunted house is also considered to be very clever.

He followed along, watching a lot of horror elements that were quite mild to him along the way. For example, the dummy suddenly moved in the anatomy classroom, the cold air suddenly came from the back of the head, and the disguised floor bricks suddenly loosened under the feet.

His expression did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

It's just that although he thinks it's nothing, the Isshiki Feather Brocade around him is different. Stepping on a loose fake brick or the sudden blowing of the curtains could make her jump up in fright, and then hugged Shirakawa Zeping's arm tightly.

Weak, pitiful, and helpless.

Thanks to Ishiki Yu Brocade's startling performance, this group of tourists was not lightly frightened. When Shirakawa Zeping was visiting, he would occasionally think that this girl might be the caregiver invited by Class D's haunted house.

For her perfect performance, at least the ticket money has to be waived for her.

Even though she has become so frightened, Cutie Isshiki still has no intention of closing her eyes peacefully. She is in a stage where she is worried and afraid of being exposed to the sun, which is called frantically testing on the edge of death.

Bai Chuan Zeping intentionally persuaded her to close her eyes, grab the corner of her clothes and walk forward, but she didn't listen to anything she said.

"Destroy it! Shirakawa-san! Don't be so timid! No matter what kind of difficulties we face... let's not be afraid!"

Baichuan Zeping: Oh, woman, holding my hand and speaking is so tough.

Fortunately, the haunted house in Class D is not too big. After passing a few classrooms, there is finally a staff standing in a arranged corridor to pick up the tourists.

"The finished guests, please go in this direction, don't be crowded..."

"It's over?" Isshiki Haori separated her fingers that covered her eyes, looked at the exit that was clearly radiating light, and was determined in her heart.

"It's okay~ It's not very scary. I don't know why those couples are scared to break up."

As she was talking, she walked briskly in front of Baichuan Zeping, looking like she was not afraid of the sky. Anyone who sees her like this will never think that the girl who just frightened into a quail and huddled beside Bai Chuan Zeping in the haunted house is the same person.

There were also many people walking around in twos and threes. Many people began to discuss the experience of this haunted house, and they were a little excited. They seemed to think that the results of Class D were very good.

When the crowd was the most relaxed, the staff members who were hidden in the crowd calmly slowed down and slowly came to the back of the crowd.

They are not interested in participating in the final surprise with these people. Although they have watched it many times during the rehearsal, it is still quite scary to say it.

A corpse wearing a blood-stained school uniform was suddenly dropped from the top and hung in the center of the road where everyone was walking.

At the same time, the shrill sound effects sounded together, as if everyone had entered the scene of a horror movie in an instant.

Many people were barely a step or two away from the sudden appearance of a terrifying device.

Bai Chuan Zeping only heard a thunderous scream in his ears, and the girls around began to look for a nearby support. Those with companions hugged and kept warm, and those with boyfriends hurriedly shrank into their boyfriends arms.

Kawaii Isshiki was different. She jumped onto Bai Chuan Zeping very calmly, and her whole body tightly wrapped around Bai Chuan Zeping.

If I had to describe it in one explanatory term, it would probably be: Big Brother locked up He Jinyin!

No, it was He Jinyin who locked up the big brother!

When everyone's mind is the most relaxed and most undefended, suddenly doing this, the effect can be said to be quite significant. Bai Chuan Zeping just discovered the details of the disappearance of the staff, but he thought that those people were going to pick up the next group of people, but he never thought that there was such a trick.

The sound of music gradually disappeared, and the horror dolls were slowly recovered, waiting for the next batch of victims to come in. Bai Chuan Zeping stood on the spot and reminded helplessly.

"It's over, Isshiki-san..."

However, Isshiki Haori seemed to be frightened, and she refused to raise her head without saying anything. Bai Chuan Zeping sighed, only to use this strange posture to walk out of the haunted house with cute Isshiki.


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