My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 84: : On the Difficulties of the Maid Barista

"Let's talk about the operation of Twitter accounts."

Riyue Hyuga: "..."

"Bai Chuan-kun, don't resist so much, it's just a title, you can call yourself the foreman."

"It's just the foreman of a group of maids, we usually call it the head maid."

Shirakawa Zeping's face turned black and black, while Natsuori Asano covered his mouth, trying his best not to laugh out loud.

Unexpected! Little white face, you also have a deflated day!

"Is there really nothing else in the store?"

"I really don't have it anymore. If you want to be the store manager, I can think about it. Unfortunately, Uncle Yuanhang said that you shouldn't bother Bai Chuan-kun too much..."

Bai Chuan Zeping's head is full of black lines. This unreliable tauren painter actually really wants to be a shopkeeper. He is obviously an adult big sister, but he doesn't have the maturity and responsibility of a sister.

Maybe this is the happiness that belongs to the rich second generation...

"Actually, the foreman can consider letting Miss Xiaoshan serve." Shirakawa Zeping thought about it carefully: "She has a gentle temperament and is suitable for the communication job of the foreman."

He is thinking about this matter sincerely, rather than trying to quit the position from his own perspective. When there was really nothing he could do, he would be the foreman, and at most he would be snickered a few times by Isshiki Feather Brocade.

"I've also considered this issue." Hyuga Riyin frowned slightly: "But Haruko-chan seems to be a little inconvenient. She also said that you are more suitable."

"The official account is just a joke, Bai Chuan-kun, I also wanted you to be the foreman from the beginning."

"I don't think it will be a problem if Shirakawa-kun comes to handle all kinds of personnel, rest, scheduling, and emergency plans. After all, you are a talent recognized by Uncle Yuanhang..."

Bai Chuan Zeping sighed secretly in his heart, it seemed that the name of the head maid was going to be taken down by himself.

"The only fly in the ointment is that, Shirakawa-kun, you are still a high school student, and the foreman needs to guard the store all the time..."

Riyin Hyuga tentatively asked: "How about... Shirakawa-kun, you go and kidnap a beautiful maid and bring it back for me to use?"

"Why do you make me sound like a criminal?" Bai Chuan Zeping sighed: "My social circle is also on campus, how could that kind of talent be easily recognized by me."

"Cannian~ It seems that I can only take turns with Shirakawa-kun as the foreman."

"This is the best way." Bai Chuan Zeping nodded and said, "It's up to you to decide the personnel arrangement and shift schedule, and I'll adjust it when the time comes."


After putting the sticker in his hand on the wall, Shirakawa Zeping clapped his hands and said, "Are there any flyers? I'll go and distribute some too."

"On the counter over there."

Shirakawa Zeping walked over and took a stack, looked at the flyer, and felt that the little comics on it should be from the cute style of Isshiki Yu Brocade—he could be considered half-stuck by Hyuga Rione to see some Isshiki Yu The purpose of the tapestry and her works is to allow him to comment on which sect is better to use.

Cough cough... It's not easy to use, it's beautiful.

Shirakawa Zeping was busy brushing the experience level, glanced at the style of painting at random, and then never opened the gift of Hyuga Rione again.

Poor Isshiki Haorijin still doesn't know that she has been betrayed by Hyuga Rione, and every time she talks about this topic, she pretends to be pure and says that she has been closed for many years.

Little Loli doesn't seem to like this cute style of painting. There is a saying that what people lack, the more they like it. Maybe what she yearns for more is not cute? But... Opie?

Bai Chuan Ze divided her stack of leaflets equally. Natsuori Asano's beauty is not necessary for white. This girl has a high rate of turning back when she walks on the street. When Bai Chuan Zeping took her on the road before, she experienced countless glances. a feeling of.

Such a cute little loli handed you a flyer with a sweet smile. Do you think you would accept it or not?

Of course it will be accepted! Therefore, although handing out flyers is a physical task, it is undoubtedly more suitable for girls to do.

Maybe someone saw the content on the flyer and thought that Natsuori Asano might be an employee here, and maybe he came here to cheer him up?

Natsuori Asano didn't have much reaction to Shirakawa Zeping's prostitutes, and there are many things that people hate about Xiaobai's face, which is acceptable to her.

Isn't it just prostitutes for nothing, whoever prostitutes forever! At that time, I will go back for free! Earn money back hard!

With this idea in mind, Natsuori Asano and Zehei Shirakawa began to vigorously launch flyers in the night when the neon lights were shining.

During this period, Shirakawa Zeping also met Koyama Haruko and Isshiki Feather Brocade. Isshiki Feather Brocade was very pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Asano Natsuori, but she hesitated for a while after seeing the strange head decoration of Asano Natsuori. asked.

"Xiazhi-kun... your head..."

"My head is fine." Natsuori Asano smiled coldly: "How's the flyer for classmate Zhijin?"

The friendship between girls is indeed progressing faster than that of boys. Both of them have started to call each other by Bai Chuan Zeping is still the unstoppable classmate of Bai Chuan.

Hmm, but that's not bad. If someone called him Zeping, he still felt uncomfortable.

"We're almost finished! Sister Haruko has posted a lot!"

Bai Chuan Zeping hummed and asked, "Then are you going to rest now?"

"Well, Ms. Haruko said that in the later time period, people on the street will no longer be our potential customer group, so we decided to send it again tomorrow."

Shirakawa Zeping was stunned for a moment, but he also came to his senses. When he got to the back, the people walking down the street were probably regulars who went to various izakayas to drink and drink, or were regulars in Ginza. These people would definitely not go to maid cafes for consumption.

They are not old two-dimensional elements, and it is estimated that they are more or less called inverse two-dimensional elements.

Thinking of this, he also put away the flyer and said, "Then let's go back together."

Isshiki Haori took Natsuori Asano and started chatting, and Shirakawa Zeping took this opportunity to chat with Koyama Haruko.

"Miss Xiaoshan, the store manager Hyuga has already talked to me, and we will be responsible for the foreman's work separately from now on."

Xiaoshan Haruko smiled softly, and gently hooked the hair around her ear: "This is also reasonable, Shirakawa-kun's temperament and ability are not like ordinary high school boys, which can also be seen by the store manager Liyin. get it out."

"Actually, the store manager and I both hoped that you could be the foreman." Bai Chuan Zeping said, "After all, I'm a high school student, so I can't do it full-time."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Koyama Haruko's mouth: "This... I think so too. The manager of the store also told me that the salary of the foreman will be much higher... It's just..."

She sighed faintly and said helplessly, "It's just my home..."


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