My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 56: : How is salted fish made

"For this dream?"


Whether it's the dream of becoming a maid cafe of Ron Hyuga, or the dream of having a battle with Hayakawa Natsuki one day, Shirakawa Zehei's words are true.

"So that's the case..." Aoki Motoka nodded, seemingly incomprehensible: "Student Shirakawa lives a very purposeful life."

"If that's the case, then I'll teach you some basic knowledge for the time being!"

"It's a pity, if Hayakawa-san wants to participate in the school's performance and doesn't have time to teach, it would be more appropriate for her to help Shirakawa-san."

"Forget it..." Bai Chuan Zeping said with a headache.

Not to mention the question of whether she is willing to teach, the key is that Miss Xiazhi will definitely mock him wildly when she teaches!

She is such a black-bellied and vengeful person, it is impossible to let go of this good opportunity to hit Shirakawa Zeping and raise her eyebrows.

"Minister Aoki! What you said is wrong! Hayakawa-san is so busy, of course he doesn't have time to teach Shirakawa-san!" Little Mistress Isshiki immediately retorted.

"You can't kill a chicken with a knife! That would be a waste of Hayakawa-san's talent!"

Hayakawa Xiazhi and Shirakawa Zeping glanced at Shikiha Brocade at the same time. One is a look of admiration, while the other is a look of dissatisfaction exuding resentment.

As my money-printing girl, she actually went to speak to Hayakawa Xiazhi, and she didn't take me seriously.

Shirakawa Zeping silently decided in his heart that at that time, he must give this student who calls himself a weak chicken an assignment that will be super doubled.

"If you don't mind, let's start, Minister Aoki."

"Oh, ok, we really have to hurry up. I'll be watching them for rehearsal in a while."

Since Shirakawa Zehei has already taught himself some music theory knowledge, Aoki Motoka also saves a lot of time to guide Shirakawa Zehei on small issues such as fingering, rhythm, posture and so on.

"Minister Aoki, do you know which songs are suitable for playing in a coffee shop?" Shirakawa Zepei practiced for a while, then suddenly asked.

Right now, Hayakawa Summer Solstice and Isshiki Feather Brocade are no longer nearby, and the two of them seem to have gone elsewhere.

Without these two people, Shirakawa Zeping was finally able to ask this question without concealment.

"Coffee shop?" Aoki Motoka asked with some doubts: "Why go to a coffee shop to play... Could it be..."

Bai Chuan Zeping nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm doing it for part-time jobs."

The surprised look on Aoki Motoka's face disappeared in a flash: "Then you just..."

"This matter has something to do with Isshiki-san, so I don't want her to know about it for the time being." Shirakawa Zeping said helplessly.

"I also ask Minister Aoki to keep it a secret for me."

"So that's how it is..." Motoka Aoki covered her mouth and moved, "Xiao Zhijin will be very happy when she finds out..."


Wait a minute, have you misunderstood something...

"If you want songs that are common in coffee shops, you can choose "Nightingale", "Angel's Third Concerto" with a light and leisurely rhythm... Depending on the time period, you can also consider "Bahrain Waltz", which is suitable for piano at night. …”

Shirakawa Zeping hesitated for a moment, then said, "Is there any... a little more house-like tune?"

Aoki Yuanxiang glanced at him strangely, as if to say that he didn't expect that you are also an old two-dimensional person with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"If this is the requirement, then it's better to choose the piano version of the hot animation OP or ED... But that's an advanced option, Shirakawa-san, don't think about it for the time being..."

Bai Chuan Zeping nodded: "Then learn the few songs you said first."

"Okay, then I'll play it again to demonstrate it to you."

Aoki Motoka tried her best to teach Shirakawa Zeping. After she played it, she turned her head and asked, "Student Shirakawa, do you remember?"


Aoki Yuanxiang couldn't help shaking her head: "Student Baichuan, you can't do this. The most important thing in learning is humility. It's a big taboo to pretend you don't understand."

It's so cool, to actually appear in front of people in front of the first wave of the school year! Aoki Yuanka, as expected of you!

"Okay, I'll play it again next time, you can watch it carefully, if you don't understand, you should ask it in time~"

Shirakawa Zeping hesitated for a while, but did not stop Aoki Motoka's actions.

"Have you remembered this time~" Aoki Motoka asked expectantly.


"You can't be so proud, Shirakawa-san." Aoki Motoka continued to sigh, "I practiced this song, but it took a lot of time~"

So cool, do it again~

"This way... I'll play it again, in a while..."

"Minister Aoki...I really remember..." Shirakawa Zeping quickly stopped her.

Aoki Motoka was slightly dissatisfied with Shirakawa Zeping's interruption of his operation to manifest the saint in front of him.

What, is Shirakawa-san so stingy? It was so cool when I was the first of the school year, but now it's not enough for me to have a teacher addiction!

Don't you just want to appear in front of many people for a while, as for telling such an incompetent lie?

Do you remember the whole song after listening to it twice? If you can really listen to it twice, do it! I am Aoki Motoka! on the spot! Eat this piano!

Shirakawa Zeping hesitated for a while, then sat in front of the piano and slowly played the song "Nightingale" just now.

Although "Nightingale" is not too difficult, it is also relative to a veteran. It will take a few weeks for a beginner to play it completely.

I still remember that when I was learning the piano, it took me a week to play the whole piece, and the teacher was surprised and praised her as a little genius.

Shirakawa-san? This weak chicken still using a metronome? How is that possible... Although I admit that he is an unparalleled genius in learning, the piano is not like ordinary...

Um? What He actually played the first note correctly?

Nani! Did this node fail? really! The next shot...the next shot must be...

Damn it! This guy is off the hook!

Aoki Motoka's mentality begins to gradually collapse...

After the song was played, Bai Chuan Zeping shook his hand, feeling that he was still a little jerky. Although he relied on Hayakawa Xiazhi's unforgettable talent to reluctantly play this song, it is clear that he still has a lot of room for improvement.

"Minister Aoki?"

Aoki Yuanxiang was a little absent-minded and said, "It's a lie..."

She grabbed onto Bai Chuan Zeping's clothes excitedly: "Student Bai Chuan, you must have learned the piano before, so you came here to make fun of me!"


"I'm not so free yet..."

"Since Shengyu, He Shengliang." Aoki Yuanxiang sighed, wondering if this is the legendary genius.

Learning to dominate, looks handsome, and has such a high talent for piano... I'm so sour... I'm really sour!

I don't know who is Shirakawa-san's powerful talent compared to Hayakawa-san...

Alas, the confrontation between the Sons of Destiny is something that a mere mortal can spy on.

"Enough... I don't have much to teach you anymore, so you should start your school." Aoki Motoka said with a tired face.

Being with a genius is really filled with despair every minute. Fortunately, I just proudly appeared in front of him, pretending to be an old master...


"Minister Aoki, please cheer up..."

The piano teacher who was full of vitality just now turned into the image of the salted fish in front of him in a blink of an eye, which made Shirakawa Zeping unacceptable.


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