My Super Apocalypse Tank

Chapter 399 The current situation of the earth

In five years, the earth has changed a lot. The biggest change is that the power of the zombie country is getting stronger and stronger. With their terrifying reproduction and evolution speed, Xia Kingdom officials in other areas do not know, but in the coastal areas of Xia Kingdom The zombie kingdom is expanding towards the interior of Xia Kingdom.

The zombie kings of the Zombie Kingdom seem to know how to occupy land. They occupy a place and move some zombies to build villages and clean up all the mutant beasts nearby. The behavior of the Zombie Kingdom is no longer much different from that of human countries.

The zombie country has armies, farms, handicraft workshops, and other organizational structures that appeared in ancient human society. According to the observations of the Xia Kingdom and the Mao Xiong Kingdom, the development speed of the zombie country is much faster than that of human society before the end of the world. I know how many times faster.

It can only be said that zombies are an incredible new species. This new species is very likely to become the overlord of the earth in the future, or become a new human being. This is what the two countries are most worried about.

The development process of zombies in more than ten years is similar to that of human beings in tens of thousands of years. Can this still worry the humans left on the earth?

Moreover, zombies have shown extremely strong aggression, which may be related to their reproductive ability. With the super reproduction speed, they are eager for land and food. If this continues, it may not take hundreds of years to Not only do humans have no place to stand, but even the seemingly endless number of mutant beasts may give up their position as the overlord of the earth.

This is no joke. Although the life span of zombies is similar to that of humans, and they are also threatened by various mutant beasts, with their reproduction speed, they can double their numbers in a short period of time if there is sufficient food.

In order to prevent the zombies from expanding too fast and threatening the base city, Xia State officials have made many strategies. They not only sent elite troops to eliminate the small zombie tribes, but also tried their best to attract various mutations with blood or other things. The herd goes to attack the zombie village.

Human intelligence is still much higher than that of zombies. The implementation of several methods will soon prevent the rapid expansion of zombies and greatly reduce the number of zombies.

On the one hand, it is to combat the expansion speed of zombies. On the other hand, the exchanges between the two countries are now more frequent. The two countries have spent a lot of manpower and material resources to open the road between the two base cities, which can make the exchange of materials and personnel between the two countries more convenient. The Xia Kingdom is indeed a pre-apocalyptic infrastructure maniac. Thousands of kilometers of special roads, like vacuum pipelines, were built in a few years.


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Of course, in order to ensure the safety of this road, both countries sent elite troops to protect this road.

It is also a heavy burden for both countries to protect thousands of kilometers of roads. Fortunately, the elite troops sent by the two countries only need to focus on a few locations. Those locations pass through relatively dangerous mutant beast gathering places. , although the two countries had already sent people to clean it up, they still had to be prepared for attacks by mutant beasts that would come back after escaping.

As for other sections of the road, there are naturally regular road protection troops guarding them. These regular troops are stationed at each station at a certain distance all year round. These stations are a bit like the inns on the official roads in ancient times.

Vehicles or people can stop at these stations to rest, or go to the restaurants of the stations to eat. These stations are not only military depots, but more like service stations on the highway before the end of the world.

Zhang Mingwen, the original leader of the Fengshi base, has become much older over the past ten years. His family members had already passed away when the zombie virus broke out. This is why he did not continue to hold any position after the entire Fengshi base was relocated. The reason is that he went directly to primary school to be an ordinary teacher.

However, after the base city was built, and the Xia Kingdom and the Mao Xiong Kingdom built an unprecedented road for the transportation of materials and personnel exchanges, the shortage of personnel made Zhang Mingwen volunteer to sign up. After all, he was still a real person in his heart. The Xia people who have faith will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the country.

So just like that, Zhang Mingwen became the webmaster of a website, and he planned to devote the rest of his life to the website.

In the morning, Zhang Mingwen got up from bed, put on warm clothes, washed up, left the room, and went to the corridor. Along the corridor, all his subordinates greeted him when he met him. There were more than a hundred employees and two people in the entire site. Hundreds of soldiers, of course, the leader of the soldiers is not him, but the logistics of the soldiers is under his management.

The construction area of ​​the site is ten thousand square meters, which is one hundred times one hundred, which is about one hundred thousand square meters.

The size of a football field and a half, it has dormitories, a canteen, a training ground for soldiers, and other functional buildings.

Zhang Mingwen came out of the dormitory building. He went directly to the cafeteria to have breakfast. When he came to the cafeteria, there were already many people eating breakfast in the cafeteria, and some were businessmen traveling between the Xia Kingdom base city and the Mao Xiong Kingdom base city. These businessmen have made a great contribution to the material exchanges between the two countries, otherwise official material transactions alone will definitely not be enough.

For the sake of profit, businessmen cannot take great risks to travel between the two places. Of course, they will also make considerable profits. The two countries have also relaxed restrictions on private business, which are not as strict as those in the early days of the apocalypse. After all, Compared with the early days of the end, the two countries are not so short of supplies now, and the two countries have already stored a large amount of supplies.

In addition to many businessmen traveling between the two countries, some are exchange scholars or students from the two countries, and others are adventurous hunting teams. The hunting teams usually want to hunt some rare species in Siberia, the country of the furry bears. The mutant beasts are brought back to the base city of Xia Kingdom for sale. The profit will be relatively high, but the risk is also very high. If you are not careful, the whole army may be wiped out. After all, there are many wild animals in Siberia before the end of the world. Those wild animals become more powerful after turning into mutant beasts.

Except for official personnel who can eat in the canteen for free, everyone else has to pay to eat in the canteen, but it is much more comfortable than eating dry food, and after eating, you can also take a rest at the site, or It's a stroll.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria is similar to that of a university cafeteria before the apocalypse. Everyone is chatting with friends while eating, and it looks very lively.

Zhang Mingwen was very happy when he saw this situation. Only with such a popular and lively atmosphere could he feel that there is still hope for the future of mankind in the doomsday.

Many passers-by also knew Zhang Mingwen, the webmaster, and they all greeted him one after another.

"Hello, Webmaster Zhang!"

"Webmaster Zhang, you are getting older." .🅆.

"Stationmaster Zhang, sit here with me later."

Zhang Mingwen is so popular not because he is the webmaster. People respect him so much because Zhang Mingwen sincerely treats passers-by well.

Zhang Mingwen also smiled and greeted everyone. He came to the window where the food was served.

When waiting in line for food, he did not jump in line because he was the station leader, and his station did not give any special treatment to the cadres. All cadres, regardless of their position, had to eat with everyone in the canteen. There will be no kitchenette.

Zhang Mingwen has long been dissatisfied with many of the bad habits of Xia Kingdom before the end of the world. Now in the end of the world, those who still want to enjoy the special treatment of being cadres will definitely not be able to do so in his site. This is why those who pass by pass by A reason to respect him.

Many things are seen by the people. What kind of person Zhang Mingwen is is seen by everyone. He is definitely a very good cadre who treats the people selflessly.

After eating breakfast in the cafeteria, Zhang Mingwen started his day's work. He had to inspect the entire site first.

The site is built on the edge of the road, and the entire site is also surrounded by that new type of glass material. There is an entrance on the side facing the road, and there is an exit on the other side of the site facing the wild. The exit is for the soldiers. Yes, they have to go out to hunt mutant beasts every day, firstly to exercise their combat capabilities, secondly to increase the site’s food reserves so that they don’t have to supply food to the site every day in the base city, and thirdly to clean up the nearby mutant beasts and prevent them from having any The opportunity comes to attack the glass surrounding the road. Although most mutant beasts cannot break this new type of glass material, problems will still occur if the number of attacks is too many. This is what soldiers at each site do every day. .

After an hour of inspection, Zhang Mingwen returned to the office and started to deal with various things on the site. This is what he does most of the day's work.

While Zhang Mingwen was handling official duties, the soldiers at the site had already set off from the back door of the site to start their day of hunting. However, they still left one-third of their men to guard the site, and two-thirds of their men went out to perform daily tasks. .

The leader of the team divided the team into several teams as usual, and each team chose a direction to go. Someone may ask, they all go to one side of the road, what about the other side? Don't they need to clean up the mutant beasts?

In fact, they don't really need to do the cleaning task on the other side. That is the task of a station not far from their station. The soldiers from the other station will clean it up. The troops at each station are only responsible for their own side. Just clean up the task.

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