My Stunning CEO Wife

Chapter 497 Just to survive

Returning to the medicinal material library again, Kang Bo has already sorted out a list and packed them all in boxes. At least there will be no problems in a short period of time.

Li Tian waited by the side for more than an hour. There were seven boxes neatly arranged, big and small.

The box in Jun's house is obviously the largest, and Li Tian's box is the smallest. Anyway, he can come and pick up the medicinal materials in it at any time, so take some back and test it first. It should last for about a month.

"Compaq, how much is the total?"

"Twenty million."

We are talking about US dollars here, which is more than 100 million Huaxia coins.

Although Li Tian's box is relatively small, the price of some of the medicinal materials in it is outrageously expensive. Li Tian's small box is worth 20 million Huaxia coins.

If one calculates one by one, it will definitely not be an integer, but Kang Bo didn't care about it, and directly erased the fraction.

The five billion U.S. dollars owed to the Ghost King has already been paid back. The Ghost King spends money really fast. There are more than 100 medicinal material procurement points in the world, and the staff alone is tens of thousands. The annual expenditure is an astronomical amount. number.

"I don't have a card here. I'll call tomorrow and ask Yuhan to transfer the money."

"it is good."

Li Tian's card was handed over to the monk. After all, the monk had to purchase a lot of things for the company's base.

After transporting all these boxes to the elevator, the two of them returned to the manor. Bo Platinum, Hey Eye Brother, Close Your Mouth Heart Chapter

Sitting down for a sip of tea, Kang Bo said, "Master Tian, ​​the master must have told you the matter, right?"

"Well, I have a rough idea of ​​the situation. The reason why I didn't leave is to ask Kang Bo. I don't know the specific details."

Li Tian also took a sip of tea, since he came, he must ask about this matter, because Li Tian felt that the ghost king did not seem to be successful.

"Since the master has already said it, there is nothing inappropriate for me to say it again. This matter actually started twenty years ago..."

Li Tian was listening by the side without interrupting Kang Bo's words.

Although Kang Bo deliberately avoided some sensitive topics, he still made Li Tian understand the whole thing.

It turns out that the ghost king has been in poor health since he was a child. As he grows up, the ghost king knows that he is due to a congenital deficiency, and such a person generally does not live to be fifty years old.

He didn't want to die, so he began to secretly collect methods that could cure this birth defect in Miao Village.

Finally, in a very old secret recipe, something was written.

Life extension Gu!

As the name suggests, it can extend a person's lifespan for several years, but the cultivation of life extension Gu is particularly difficult. According to the above method, it is impossible for a person to cultivate it. Life extension Gu needs to consume 500 milliliters of blood essence every day. Cultivate it continuously for five years, and then implant it into the human body. When the human body's blood essence is insufficient, the life-sustaining Gu will release its own blood essence to maintain the owner's survival.

If a person wants to live, he must first have organs that can work normally. The second is the essence and blood needed to make these organs work. The ghost king has less blood essence innately, so he can't live for a long time. Those martial arts masters,

The reason why he can live to be eighty, ninety or even over a hundred years old is not because of his own sufficient blood.

He can't practice martial arts, so the essence and blood in his body can't grow at all. If he wants to live longer, he can only use this method.

But where did he get so much blood to feed the life extension Gu? In less than two days, he died before he developed the life-sustaining Gu.

This is not called life-sustaining Gu, this is called life-sustaining Gu. According to the records in that ancient book, only one person succeeded in the end, and that person was a master-level expert who successfully used the Life-Extending Gu to extend his life for ten years!

Life-sustaining Gu is asking you to use your own life to support it, and when your life is about to end, it will use your own life to support you.

But the ghost king can't do this, because he can't afford it.

Later, he got something, that is gene potion, if he injects his gene into the body of an animal, then the blood essence of that animal can also meet the needs of life-sustaining Gu.

But the success rate is too low. Over the years, the ghost king has been injecting these animals with genetic potions, and the animals they choose are those with strong vitality and blood.

Although many, many animals were sacrificed, he just wanted to survive. Especially after grafting a psychic Gu to Lin Yi, the little blood remaining in his body was almost exhausted.

He knew that he might not survive even five years, so he immediately launched this plan, which was originally just an idea in his brain.

Over the past four months, he has used his connections to continuously transport these animals from various countries, but unfortunately only one hundred of them survived in the end.

Life-sustaining Gu is being cultivated, and it is very hopeful that it will succeed before the ghost king's life comes to an end.

After listening to everything, Li Tian didn't speak for a long time. Is the ghost king cruel? No, at least he didn't experiment with living people. With the ghost king's ability, even if he brought a thousand living people over, the problem wouldn't be too big.

The ghost king has only one original intention, which is to let himself live for a few more years... nothing more.

As long as you can live, you can use any means.

"What are vampires used for?"

Li Tian continued to ask.

"The master said that the hearts of vampires seem to be different from those of humans. They can absorb other people's blood to keep their organs functioning normally, so vampires are difficult to kill. As long as there is a breath, as long as there is blood for them to drink Yes, they can quickly recover from their injuries. The master just wants to find a way to study this aspect of distance, if he can succeed, maybe with the help of other people's blood, he can live for a while longer."

In the eyes of vampires, other people's blood is their essence blood, and the essence blood is continuous, and they can recover quickly after being injured.

Of course, the vampires here are not as scary as in the legends. There is no such thing as immortality. The vampires Li Tian knows are just like ordinary people. They also have life, old age, sickness and death, but they love fresh blood.

"Well, I see. Please, Comber drove me to the helicopter. If you need anything here, you can call me."

"it is good."

Today, Li Tian's mood was not very calm. He did not expect that the ghost king had already faced such a situation and was on the verge of life and death. At this moment, Li Tian only had guilt and anxiety in his heart, and he had no other feelings.

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