
The code was right, and the other end of the phone asked, "Boss Yu, what's the matter?"

"Help me deal with someone!" Yu Haiming asked in a deep voice.

"How to deal with it?"

"Gone from this world forever!"

"Remuneration 100 million won!"

"No problem!" Yu Haiming said, "This person is called Lin Feng! Lin Feng from China!"

"That star Lin Feng?"


After two seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, he opened his mouth and said, "This price increase will cost 10 billion won (about 537 million RMB)!"

"You might as well go grab it!" Yu Haiming said angrily. "Whoops!" Yu Haiming was miserable when he pulled the wound.

"Boss Yu, what are you talking about?" The other side said calmly: "Who is Lin Feng? The most popular star in China, a public figure, is going to attack him now. The consequences can be imagined. Our side The risk is also great!"

"Sit it (Korean, it means bastard!)." Yu Haiming said cursingly. The other party is also right.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Haiming said, "As long as you handle this matter properly before tomorrow, I'll give you the money without knowing it!"

"Boss Yu is a cheerful person! Haha!" The person opposite said with a smile: "We do things, you can rest assured, Boss Yu, besides, this is not the first time we have cooperated!"

"Don't let me down!" Yu Haiming said with fire in his eyes.

"Definitely!" The other party smiled and said after a pause: "Old rule, pay the deposit first!"

"No problem!" Yu Haiming replied, hung up the phone, and murmured in his mouth, "Lin Feng, let you know the consequences of offending me!"

"Lin Feng Smecta, you were really amazing just now, I found out that I like you, what should I do?" Xu Zhuxian said with a look of admiration.

"Me too, especially when I beat Yu Minghai, it was really relieved!" Li Shungui also said.

"Okay, sisters, talk about something serious!" Jin Taiyan looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, aren't you afraid that he will call the police when you treat Ming Hai like this?"

"No!" Lin Feng said confidently: "He himself is the first to lose. When I asked Ye Bing to deal with those surveillance videos, I also threatened you and kept the unspoken rules for you. , he won't call the police!"

"But he is very familiar with the people in the police station!" Lin Yuner said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, he is familiar with the people in the police station. He has no evidence and dare not do anything to me!" Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

"He won't go back, will he?" Kim Taeyeon said.

"No, don't worry!" Lin Feng said confidently: "Now all the evidence is in our favor, and Yu Minghai will not mess around."

Both Kim Taeyeon and Lin Yuner nodded, but they were still uneasy in their hearts.

Back at the hotel, Hu Yifei saw that Lin Feng had come back safely, and immediately put down his dangling heart, smiled and asked, "Lin Feng, everything has been dealt with!"

"It should be no problem!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"That's good!" Hu Yifei said happily.

Everyone ate lunch together. The girls of Girls' Generation can now be said to be free, so their faces were all smiles. Only Jin Taeyeon and Lin Yuner were a little sad and worried.

"Cheers!" Lin Feng raised his glass and said.

"Cheers!" The girls of Girls' Generation said happily. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng solved the problem that had been plaguing them all at once.

The crowd drank it all.

After lunch, the girls of Girls' Generation went back to their room to rest, while Lin Feng handed Ye Bing aside, and the two sat face to face at an empty dining table.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Feng said, "Ye Bing, be careful these two days, I'm a little worried that Yu Minghai will jump over the wall and do something extreme!"

Lin Feng knew Ye Bing's heart and knew that she also had feelings for him, otherwise he wouldn't appear in the harem group.

"Yeah!" Ye Bing's heart warmed, but without any expression on his face, he said lightly, "I think you should take care of yourself!"

"Haha!" Lin Feng smiled. But I still have a trump card - the Love Saint system is useless.

At this time, a waiter held a tray with two glasses of water on it and walked towards Lin Feng and Ye Bing.


Chapter 304 New System Features!

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong, alarm, alarm, there is danger approaching the host, alarm!" Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of the voice of the Love Saint system in his mind.


Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at the waiter who was slowly approaching, his face changed greatly, and he shouted in a hurry, "Be careful, Ye Bing! There is a killer!"

At the same time, the waiter flew the tray in his hand towards Lin Feng. Raise your hands at the same time. A dark hole was facing Lin Feng.


"Bang bang bang!"

Lin Feng's expression changed greatly, and he avoided the Frisbee first. Immediately after that, the figure jumped away in a flash, and the bullet hit the sofa, spattering a burst of cotton wool.

is a killer!

Lin Feng saw that the waiter was so skilled at this time, and at a glance, he knew that he was a professional-level killer.

"Bang bang bang!"

Seeing that the killer missed a hit, he fired four shots at Lin Feng, but they were all dodged by Lin Feng one by one.

No matter how high Kung Fu is, you are afraid of kitchen knives, and no matter how powerful Kung Fu is, you are also afraid of bullets!


Suddenly the whole restaurant fell into a panic! Everyone else ran to the door.


Because the killer had been staring at Lin Feng, ignoring Ye Bing, Ye Bing had been hiding beside him, and finally found an opportunity to pounce on the killer.

The two fell to the ground at the same time.


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