My Stand-in is Steve

Chapter 20: War God Fang Mo's Lifetime Enemy

   Chapter 20 War God Fang Mo's Lifetime Enemy

   "Craftsman Soul, you are so gentle..."

   Looking at the Craftsman's Soul Collection in Steve's inventory, Fang Mo couldn't help but sigh.

   In the early years, Fang Mo didn't feel much when he was on the liver server with his friends. However, until today, after losing the means to check the synthesis list, Fang Mo realized... how understanding the modules with their own tutorials are.

  Craftsman Soul Module, as the name suggests.

   This is a mod about craftsmen and tools.

The    Craftsman Soul mod adds many new minerals, metals, and tools to the game.

  All tools in Craftsman's Soul are composed of different parts, such as a pickaxe, which is divided into three parts: pickaxe, handle, and binding section by Craftsman's Soul.

Players can use different materials to make these parts, such as gold ingots to make handles, diamonds to make pickaxes, and bindings made of obsidian. Of course, you can also use materials from other mods, such as Industrial age steel ingots, bronze ingots, or iridium ingots or something.

  In the craftsman's soul, almost every material is endowed with special properties.

   For example, a tool made of sponge has its own precise collection property, while an iron tool has its own magnetic effect, which can increase the pickup range or something.

   Of course, there is also the high-grade alloy that comes with the craftsmanship module, Mayu Ling, the weapon made with this thing has a very high attack power, and the original monster can almost do one knife at a time.

   In addition, the craftsman's soul also added something called a "strengthening slot" to the tool.

Each tool comes with three enhancement slots. These enhancement slots can be used to strengthen some effects similar to the "original enchantment", such as lapis lazuli, which can make the tool obtain the effect of fortune and plunder, and redstone can be used. Increases the swing speed of a tool or weapon.

   Of course, if you like, you can also strengthen these tools with diamonds or emeralds.

  Diamond can increase the attack power and durability of the tool, and also allows the tool to dig obsidian, while the emerald can increase the extra durability by 50%, which are all very good attributes.

   And even if the tools of the craftsman are used up, they will not disappear directly like the tools in the original version.

   Players can place materials on the forging table to rebuild tools. to say?

Although   Craftsman's Soul is not as complex and huge as technology-based modules, its playability is very high. Players can DIY their own exclusive weapons according to their own preferences.

If enough linkage modules are installed, players can even create a real sword. The more monsters they kill, the higher the attack power of the weapon. Even the Wakanda Zhenjin in the Marvel Universe, As well as the Asgardian God's Metal Ulu, it has also been made into an accessory module of the craftsman's soul.

Think about it, when Hela, the goddess of death in Thor III, squeezed Thor's hammer with her bare hands, and Thor was in pain, Fang Mo directly poured him a brand new battle axe with Ulu metal. What would it be like? scene?

  Good guy, the dwarf king Aitri calls him an expert.

   Of course, none of the above is actually the most important.

   In fact, for the current Fang Mo, the craftsmanship module can send him a tutorial directly after loading, which is the thing that moved him the most.

  The Craftsman's Soul Collection almost records the entire gameplay of this mod.

   For Fang Mo at this stage, nothing is more important than this.

"Well, it's decided, first get the equipment of the Craftsman Soul, and then kill all the guys like the Withering Ender Dragon." Looking at the Craftsman Soul Collection in his hand, Fang Mo clapped his hands and determined his next course of action. .

   And after setting the target, Fang Mo and Steve acted immediately.

As a humanoid wheel bucket, Fang Mo said that his family would never be short of minerals, and of course the same is true now. The minerals in the furnace were quickly smelted into metal ingots, and then he waved his hand, Steve's side Immediately shotguns for guns.

   The worn iron swords and shields on the body are directly replaced with new ones.

The   stone pickaxes were also thrown away. The mining speed of that thing was too slow, so I just made ten iron pickaxes to make do with it.

   As for the iron armor on Steve.

   was also directly replaced by Fang Mo with a new set of diamond armor.

In fact, there is an armor attached to the craftsman's soul, which allows players to forge their own armor in the way of the craftsman's soul. It is a pity that Fang Mo has only unlocked the body of the craftsman's soul, and the armor module attachment has not been unlocked yet, so he can only Let Steve wear a set of diamond armor first as a transition.

   After changing to a new set of equipment, Fang Mo immediately controlled Steve to go out to collect sand, clay and gravel.

  These three materials are used to make the craftsman's soul furnace.

   Unlike the original furnace, this is a large multi-block structure. After the player throws the ore into the furnace, the furnace will use the power of the magma to melt the ore into double liquid metal.

   Next, just pour the molten metal into the mold, and you can get the corresponding parts.

  Because it was the early stage of the game, the craftsmanship furnace made by Fang Mo was not large, so the materials needed were not too many, and Steve soon came back with a few sets of materials.

  Mixing the materials together and firing them into charred bricks, Fang Mo immediately rolled up his sleeves and started building the craftsmanship furnace.

   Actually, Fang Mo has never built this thing by himself.

   In the server, this is the responsibility of others, and you just need to enjoy the fun of mining and fighting.

   Fortunately, Fang Mo had the help of the Craftsman Soul Collection. After repeated comparisons and revisions several times, he finally succeeded in building this multi-block structure.

   When mining before, Fang Mo had brought back several barrels of magma from the ground, and now it is poured directly into the furnace.

   Accompanied by a burst of fire, the craftsmanship furnace began to work, and the ore thrown into by Fang Mo slowly melted under the high temperature environment and turned into a molten form.

   "Well, next is the forging table."

   rummaging through the Craftsman's Soul Collection, Fang Mo tried to make a series of workbenches.

Like what kind of mold processing table, parts processing table, and tool forging table are all messed up. I have to say that synthesis is indeed Fang Mo's weakness. Just these worktables, Fang Mo actually squatted there and stumbled. Most of the day.

   After everything was done, it was already the next morning.

   "No... this is too difficult, isn't it?"

Fang Mo had a headache fiddling with the stone parts in his hands, as well as several repeated gold casting molds, and the whole person gradually became irritable: "It didn't take me so long to dig a mine, MD, why don't you give me one Equivalent exchange module..."

  Also thanks to the tutorial of Craftsman Soul Collection, Fang Mo finally made a whole set of parts casting molds for himself after exploding in place three times.

   After the casting was done, Fang Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   After digging for three days in a row without blinking, he felt an indescribable feeling of exhaustion at this moment.

   However, what Fang Mo did not expect was.

   More difficult things are still waiting for him.

  I saw Fang Mo took a lot of ore to melt. He originally wanted to make a bronze alloy, but because there was some residual molten aluminum in the furnace, the bronze alloy directly turned into molten aluminum brass.

   Seeing this scene, Fang Mo exploded instantly.

   "Damn, why!"

Fang Mo felt that his whole body was about to be unable to hold back, and he really started to become incompetent and furious: "Crap... What kind of **** mod is this, why don't I go to Marvel World next time to collect Infinity Stones, hit Just snap your fingers and see if you can pull her over to help me synthesize... Otherwise, it won't work, it's almost impossible to play!"

   (end of this chapter)

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