My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 269: : Stealing for half a day

I deliberately walked around the canteen in the East District, bought Zhao Kuo instant noodles with braised beef flavor, and then returned to the dormitory.

However... Zhao Kuo was not even in the dormitory.

In the entire dormitory, the singing of Mao Juxing's "Relieving Sadness" echoed everywhere. Jiang Tao sat at the table with his legs crossed, playing with his mobile phone and giggling.

It seems that Jiang Tao seems to be obsessed with this song since he heard Ye Luoqiu sing this song "Relieving Sadness" in the Royal KTV of Golden Harbor International last weekend.

It's been almost a week, and I don't know how many times he has looped the single, and he still hasn't gotten tired of listening to it.

Obviously, Jiang Tao was immersed in music and mobile phones, and he didn't even notice that I had entered the dormitory.

Of course, I'm not saying how big my face is, Jiang Tao must have noticed that I came back.

I just think... He didn't even notice the big movement when I entered the door. How deep was he in the music and mobile phone?

It wasn't until I put the instant noodles on Zhao Kuo's empty seat, walked over to him, and patted his shoulder lightly, that I attracted his attention.

Jiang Tao was obviously taken aback by my "sudden appearance".

As if there was something shady on the screen of his mobile phone, he hurriedly put the screen upside down on the table, then turned his head and looked at me with a startled expression.

Seeing the 'scared' look on his face, I couldn't help but smile,

"Brother Tao, what are you doing? Are you scared like this?"

"No, nothing!" Jiang Tao hurriedly waved his hand and explained nervously, "Just take a look."

I looked at his appearance, and couldn't hold back, so I made a somewhat muddled joke, neither light nor heavy.

"You won't be hiding in the dormitory alone, secretly watching small island action movies, right?"

"No, I never watch that!"

Jiang Tao refuted me with a serious look on his face.

I smiled lightly. In fact, I also knew that he didn't watch "little movies" at all. At least, there was no such thing on his mobile phone.

This kind of thing is now very strictly managed online. If there is no more extensive interpersonal relationship, you can't find those so-called "seeds" at all.

As for Jiang Tao, I don't mean to look down on him, let's not talk about his interpersonal relationships and the breadth of friends. Even if he can get it, he can't store it on his mobile phone. If someone finds out, it will be very embarrassing. what!

Yes, this kind of video is very common for boys of this age, but for Jiang Tao, who is somewhat introverted and inferior, it is a very humiliating thing to be discovered.

I always feel that chatting with Jiang Tao is very boring. He is too serious about everything.

Yes, I admit that being serious about things, to a certain extent, will make both parties feel respected for each other.

But if you are too serious about everything, it will make people feel very boring, and even if you want to joke a lot of times, you will not dare to open it, for fear that you will accidentally take the joke seriously and cause embarrassment.

So, I took the initiative to open up the chat with Jiang Tao, and then pointed to Zhao Kuo's bed,

"What about that guy?"

Jiang Tao first turned to look at Zhao Kuo's bed, and then said,

"He took a phone call before and went out."

Okay, go out, go out, anyway, he brought back the instant noodles he bought, and my task was completed.

I didn't say anything to Jiang Tao, just ran under the bed, took off my shoes, went to the bathroom to get a bucket of hot water, and put my feet in it to soak.

After soaking and drying, I flushed the foot soaking water to the toilet, then changed into my pajamas, and then rolled over to bed, holding my phone and starting to check the information.

After replying to a few close friends one by one, the unimportant information prompts were eliminated.

After finishing it, my sister and I started a message.

Later, when I learned that my sister was writing a novel, I took the initiative to stop talking.

I didn’t have the habit of taking a nap at first, but in the third year of high school, because of the heavy study pressure and heavy tasks, I woke up early and late every day, so at noon, I developed the habit of taking a nap for a while.

However, this habit has almost disappeared after a summer vacation.

I was lying on the bed, my eyelids felt a little heavy, and I wanted to sleep, so I set my phone to an hour-long alarm, then threw it to the pillow and closed my eyes.

When people doze off, they fall asleep very quickly. I don't know when I fell asleep. I only know that I woke up with a loud noise.

He opened his eyes in a daze, only to find that the so-called noisy voice was Liu's only voice to answer the phone.

The balcony door of the bedroom is not closed and the windows are still closed, and he is also walking around on the balcony to answer the phone, the sound is loud, like a quarrel.



"Mom, why don't you just give me some more money?"

"Can't I just let my dad know?"

"I said that you are really, so desperate to make money, but you are not willing to spend it, what are you trying to do?"

"Mom, if you leave me alone, your precious son will starve to death!"

"Mom, the money you and Dad earn is not all mine in the end. Don't you give it early or late? Since it will be given sooner or later, why not give it to me when I'm short of money now?"

"You know, the icing on the cake is not as good as the charcoal in the snow. I am not only in the snow, but also the worse. Mom, I said you quickly bring me the heating!"



Listening to what Liu Weiwei said, it felt as if he was asking his mother for money, and he had to be shameless.

Since I was so old, I never once took the initiative to ask my mother for a penny. Every time my mother asked me if I had enough money, and then, no matter what the answer I gave her, she would give me a little money. In the account, the euphemism is called, be prepared.

Over the years, I don't even know how many digits I have accumulated in my bank card account.

On the whole, I am a lazy person, and I have no interest in checking the balance of the bank card account, so let it keep accumulating like this.

I turned on the phone, checked the time, and found that it was only after 2:30 in the afternoon, and I had set the alarm clock for 2:40, and the alarm clock hadn't gone off yet.

After struggling for a second or two, I decided to get up and forget it.

After I folded the quilt, I walked over and closed the balcony door and window. Then I pulled the curtains and asked Jiang Tao, who was lying on the bed, listening to music and playing with his phone, while the quilt was being cushioned.

"Do you mind if I draw the curtains?"

Jiang Tao smiled and shook his head, not knowing whether he was responding to my question or his own phone.

With a hula, I drew the curtains over, and the bedroom suddenly darkened a lot.

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