"Well, it's really dangerous. After all these years, I can't think of the defense of the Maelstrom Clan, it can still have this effect, what kind of glory is it in its heyday?"

Uchiha Kasuke was a little curious.

At the same time, I wonder what kind of force can be used to completely destroy a village under such a defense.

Put aside these careful thoughts for the time being, it's useless to think more, it's best to go to Wuchao's hermitage village to have a look.

At this moment, Uchiha Kasuke ignores the current trend and heads towards the whirlpool to hide the interior of the village.

Worse tidal hidden villages, after a long period of destruction, anything of value has been taken away.

Here, in addition to ruins, there are ruins.

Gravel covered the ground and was baptized for twenty years.

It's not big, much smaller than Hokachi, but it's only an hour, and Uchiha Kasuke walks around.

Uchiha Kasuke was a little disappointed, there seemed to be nothing here.

In fact, this situation was also expected by Uchiha Fusuke. After all, it's been too long.

Twenty years is enough to change a lot of things.

"There seems to be no gain. "

After the demise of the Uzumaki clan, the Konoha Society sent a man, and the leader at the time was Shoki Saku, the father of Uchiha Kasuke.

I just don't know what happened then. In order to cover up his teammates, Shigeru Kusaku stayed behind and disappeared for a year.

Others return to Konoha with the strange masks of many families.

Three generations of Hogachi people at that time also built a temple of the Uzumaki clan for these masks and enshrined them.

One of these masks is the one that hides the ghoul's secrets.

No one knows where Mu Nian disappeared.

Even in the subsequent mission report, Mu Sheng did not mention it.

The only product is Uchiha Kasuke.

These are all things that Uchiha Kasuke can gather in the dark times.

After all, as Ambu's deputy minister, he still has that power.

However, the specifics are not described in detail.

This is also one of the reasons why Uchiha Fusuke wants to come to Whirlpool Hidden Village.

Here, perhaps, my life experiences are hidden.

Until now, it seems that there are only ruins here.

Just when Uchiha Kasuke thought he was useless, suddenly, something caught the attention of Uchiha Kasuke.

A piece of paper!

Uchiha Kaze's eyes were raised, and he immediately appeared next to the paper and grabbed it.

"It's... The sacrificial boat?"

The paper in the Uchiha Wind Helper is visibly burned, and the material and type of paper is only used for the color boats that make sacrifices.

"Is there a sacrifice here? is it an orphan in a hidden village?"

Uchiha Kasuke stroked his chin. The scorch marks on this piece of paper are not new. It looks like it should have been a few days.

In this way, it is not easy to find the source of this piece of paper.

But finding something happens to be Uchiha Kasuke's forte.

The ninja dog in the ninja costume appeared, and it was Vortex Pho.

"Yo, Uchiha Kasuke, it's been a long time, what's the matter?"

"Vortex Phosphium, help me find out where this piece of paper came from. "

Uchiha Kasuke handed the paper to Vortex Kaopho, who sniffed it and said, "This paper seems to have been used for a few days, and it is not easy to find it. "

"Do your best, it's not raining these days, there should be some traces. "

"Okay, let me try. "

As Vortex Pho says, he concentrates his chakras on his nose. In an instant, his sense of smell increased several times.

Vortex phosphoric is a spirit that seems to have discovered something.

"How's it going, Vortex Phosphine?"

"Found it! Follow me!"

As Vortex Pho said, the four short legs slammed into the dust.

Uchiha Kasuke began to cheer up and immediately followed up.

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