This farce finally brought the best result.

Yaya completely accepts Tang Yiyu. Her father and daughter are connected. That night, Yaya fell asleep beside Tang Yiyu.

In her dream, she dreamed of Mr. rabbit again. This time, Mr. rabbit showed his magic and became a father.

Tang Yiyu didn't leave that night. After coaxing Yaya to sleep, he sat side by side with Cheng Anran in the living room.

Cheng Anran poured the wine to him: "Congratulations, you have finally overcome many difficulties and officially become Yaya's father."

Tang Yiyu smiled, picked up the cup and clinked it with him: "thank you for your wife's support all the way."

Without Cheng Anran's support, everything would not develop so fast and so well.

Cheng Anran drank wine: "I just give you support. Your efforts are your own."

Tang Yiyu held her hand and looked at Cheng Anran affectionately: "I've been waiting for this day. I'm not only looking forward to Yaya accepting me, but also want to officially take you home after Yaya accepts me."

He has been looking forward to taking his wife and children home for a long time, and only when Yaya accepts him can he hold a new wedding with Cheng Anran.

These are things that need to respect Yaya's opinions.

He was very urgent in his heart, but he endured and waited all the time.

Cheng Anran felt the warmth in his hand, held his hand back and smiled sweetly: "don't worry, from today on, everything will develop in the best direction."

The two talked together for a long time.

Talk about the good news and tell your family tomorrow. Thinking that the two people will take Yaya back to the old house together this time, Grandpa must be very happy to know the news.

Of course, Tang Yiyu decided to tell Fang Minghui the good news early tomorrow morning. Cheng Anran laughed and said that Fang Minghui must die speechless.

After chatting and drinking, Cheng Anran gradually falls drunk in Tang Yiyu's arms.

Tang Yiyu took her to the bedroom on the second floor.

Tang Yiyu puts the man on the bed. Just about to get up, Cheng Anran is drunk and confused. Her cheeks are red and hook his neck.

Tang Yiyu leaned over and pecked her lips: "good, my husband helped you wipe your face with a towel. You've been tired all day and should go to bed."

Cheng Anran hugged him and didn't let go at all. She looked at him directly and said, "Tang Yiyu, I'm really glad I made the decision to return home."

Tang Yiyu looked at her like ink and didn't speak.

Cheng Anran continued to speak the truth after drinking: "it's good to be back."

Tang Yiyu kissed her tenderly and affectionately: "thank you for your decision."

Cheng Anran: "I... Love you so much. I still love you even after I leave."

Tang Yiyu became more gentle and untied her clothes: "I love you too. I miss you every day after you leave."

Cheng Anran: "I think you want to look at your picture and cry at night."

Tang Yiyu: "I think you want to hold your clothes before you can sleep."

Cheng Anran: "I'm secretly following your news."

Tang Yiyu: "I wanted to find you many times. I was afraid you hated me, so I didn't go."

The two people did not know how to compete. They seemed to want to prove that they loved each other more and missed each other more. They even took out the earliest things.

Cheng Anran: "I've liked you for a long time. In order to make you like me, I deliberately said that I and Tang Yili were boyfriend and girlfriend, so I partnered to set you up and let you pretend to be Tang Yili and fall in love with me. You're not like at all. I know it's you. It's always you."

Tang Yiyu: "desensitization treatment is all my selfishness. I just want to make out with you so much that I always let you have desensitization treatment with me."

Until they got entangled in the back, they forgot to compare.

It's good, or they'll pick themselves up.

Until the end of the passion, Tang Yiyu took Cheng Anran out of the bath and held her in his arms. After watching her sleep, Tang Yiyu kissed her forehead and whispered, "fortunately, you are a person who will be broken when you are drunk, otherwise you will be very ashamed when you get up tomorrow."

Maybe you'll be too ashamed to pay attention to yourself.

This is really good. The next morning, Cheng Anran didn't remember what he said after knowing that he had a relationship with Tang Yiyu last night.

I don't know, so I'm not ashamed. Tang Yiyu is also very kind and didn't expose any.

The morning of Yaya children was even better. They ate the breakfast made by Tang Yiyu, and then went to the kindergarten.

After one night, Yaya accepted Tang Yiyu seamlessly.

On the way to the kindergarten, Yaya also said to Tang Yiyu, "Daddy, are you still coming in the evening and making me dinner?"

Tang Yiyu: "well, what would you like to eat in the evening?"

Ya Ya thought about it and said what she wanted to eat. Tang Yiyu promised to do handicrafts with her tonight. Ya Ya was very happy.

Seeing that she was so happy, Cheng Anran felt that her status would be in jeopardy sooner or later.

Fortunately, she is a generous mommy and will give father and daughter enough time to get along.

Cheng Anran: "Yaya, Grandpa Zeng asked us to play at the weekend. Should we go with Daddy this time?"

Yaya: "yes."

After the two sent Yaya to the kindergarten.

Yaya was generous this time, but she waved goodbye to the two people lovingly: "see you in the afternoon, daddy and Mommy."

Cheng Anran and Tang Yiyu waved at her. They just thought she was cute.

Today is also a lovely day!

After Yaya can't see her at all, Tang Yiyu pulls Cheng an into the car.

As soon as Cheng Anran got on the bus, he said, "just take me to the studio and put me down. When you come directly to pick up Yaya after work, I'll go back from the studio."

Tang Yiyu: "are you going to work today?"

Cheng Anran was surprised: "what am I going to do if I don't work today?"

Tang Yiyu: "of course, do what you should do."

Cheng Anran: "for example?"

Tang Yiyu curled his lips and smiled: "Yaya and I have finally made up such a big thing. How can we call our friends out to celebrate."

Cheng Anran: "

You're toxic.

However, Tang Yiyu is obviously very inflated and really poisonous. He said to do it and soon called a group of people to one place.

At this time, the time is more than 9 a.m.

People who came here said they were speechless.

Fang Minghui speechless: "it's not too late. I don't make complaints about breakfast or lunch."

Tang Yiyu smiled and said, "we can have breakfast and lunch together and drink some wine. I'll treat you to whatever you spend today."

Jiang Luo said: "this is... Something good has happened?"

Tang Yiyu: "it's a great good thing."

Fang Minghui was vaguely aware. Sure enough, Tang Yiyu said, "Yaya finally fully accepted my father. I want to share such good news with my good friends at the first time."

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