My Return to Life

Chapter 639 The beginning of the year is all kinds of big projects

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~~~~~~~FD30 minutes~~~~



Rainy in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon.

Sitting in the living room of the Park Hyatt lobby at an altitude of several hundred meters, the clouds outside the window have a different taste.

Fang Nian picked up the coffee cup, leaned back on the chair, and changed the topic in a vague voice: "Dangkang game now has nearly 10 billion in cash, right?"

"There are more than 10 billion." Guan Qiuhe said casually, "Two plans, one is to invest in the construction of the park, and strive to complete it in the middle of next year. It will be soon."

"The second is to invest an additional three billion yuan in major R\u0026D centers."

I have dialed empty numbers so many times, dialed empty numbers, why didn't I think of trying it when I came to Shencheng this time! "

"Tossing so many days in vain..."

There is no doubt that the place of attribution is Shanghai.

This number, Lu Weiyu told Fang Nian, started to be used this year, and after leaving Shanghai, he also kept the one used as a private number.

In addition, Lu Weiyu also had a phone number, which Fang Nian also remembered, belonged to Yangcheng.

But according to the order, Fang Nian has been trying to dial the number that belongs to Shencheng.

Fang Nian took out his mobile phone and wrote down the number, and said calmly, "I'll call you."

Then he spread his hands and said in embarrassment: "Ah, I'm sorry, why did you suddenly owe the money?"

Lu Weiyu was a little surprised, and then asked: "Are you using a mobile card?"

Seeing Fang Nian nodding, Lu Weiyu said with a smile: "Mobile is like this, it must be shut down before it will prompt."

Actually it didn't stop.

But the moment Fang Nian dialed the phone, he remembered that his card was still issued in Tangli.

So I found an excuse for arrears,

Fortunately, Lu Weiyu seemed to have experienced such a time, and took the initiative to help him relieve the embarrassment.

Without giving Lu Weiyu a chance to respond, Fang Nian quickly said, "I have saved the number on my phone."

Then he smiled and said, "See you tomorrow."

Lu Weiyu waved her hand: "See you tomorrow."

Watching Fang Nian leave, Lu Weiyu bit her inner lip quietly, feeling that the boy's smile was very bright.



Fang Nian quickly applied for Shencheng's phone card on the road.

By the way, I bought a Nokia brick machine for about four hundred yuan.

Put the phone card from my hometown on it, and put the phone card from Shencheng on the apple.

Then take the subway across the river and go back to the hotel in Puxi.

After finishing dinner at the hotel, Fang Nian returned to his room, sat in front of the window, paused for a while, took out his computer and searched for China Charity.

Then I searched for today's charity event.

There is a lot of information on China Charity. This is a very large charity organization, involving many charitable donations across the country.

But today, there is not much news on the Internet about this donation activity for out-of-school children.

Now a lot of news is not announced on the Internet.

None of the related results are relevant.

Even so, Fang Nian had some ideas.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Fang Hou leaned back on the sofa.

Think about what happened this afternoon.

After getting acquainted with Lu Weiyu, Fang Nian's trip to Shanghai this time has been very complete.

As for more, Fang Nian didn't know how to proceed for the time being.

It is obviously impossible to talk about feelings just after meeting each other.

Even if it is love at first sight, it takes a certain amount of time to get in touch.

After the excitement, excitement and other emotions faded away, Fang Nian's rationality returned to its original position.

There is a saying that Fang Nian can clearly feel that what he loves now is not Lu Weiyu, but Lu Weiyu who he regretted missing in his previous life.

Or, to put it more directly, what Fang Nian loves is the self who has worked so hard to find Lu Weiyu in this life.

Although Fang Nian's heart was beating very hard when he saw Lu Weiyu again today.

For him, the reunion after a long absence is like love at first sight and love at first sight just like the first meeting in his previous life.

But Fang Nian knew that this was still far from true liking, love, and soul mate.

Thinking about it, Fang Nian couldn't help muttering: "Is it really going to be an idol drama?"



After a night of nothing, the next morning, Fang Nian got up and went to the hotel gym as usual.

A gym with more comprehensive fitness equipment, Fang Nian can choose the exercise method that suits him more reasonably.

This is also the reason why one of the houses in Shencheng should be vacated without decoration.

He intends to use it as a gym.

The area is just right, enough.

Sweating a little, Fang Nian went back to his room and took a shower.

Had a buffet breakfast in the restaurant at exactly 8:30.

Fang Nian set off on foot to People's Square.

Yes, the People's Square is right next to the Four Seasons Hotel, and the walking distance is about 800 meters.

In less than ten minutes, Fang Nian walked to the main entrance of the Grand Theater in People's Square.

The fat lady Wu Shufen has arrived with some volunteers, including Lu Weiyu.

After seeing Fang, Wu Shufen greeted in harmony: "Xiao Fang is here."

"Today our task is to arrange the event site..."


Wu Shufen's organizational skills are pretty good, and she organized tasks into categories in a more detailed manner.

Fang Nian listened very carefully, and the calmness he showed made Wu Shufen obviously more willing to trust him.

Since he participated in it and wanted to be Lu Weiyu's brother, Fang Nian was of course very responsible.

Lu Wei also listened carefully.

She is very enthusiastic about this volunteer work.

He also brought a small notebook to write down the arrangements Wu Shufen said.

The affairs were not complicated. After tidying up, Lu Weiyu spread out the notebook for Fang Nian to read.

Fang Nian glanced at it twice: "Let me talk about my thoughts first, you can see if it works, let's prepare the materials that will be used at the event site..."

"After this is done, let's..."

Lu Weiyu really had no objection, nodded and said, "Okay."

After all, on the surface, both of them are students who have finished their junior year and have corresponding basic abilities.

Things are simple in the first place, and there is no need to make any complicated plans.

After the consensus was reached, Fang Nian took out his mobile phone and said, "I went back last night to recharge my phone bill, so I'll give you a call."

Not long after the call was connected, Lu Weiyu took out her mobile phone, which was a relatively small Nokia with a slider.

I don't know what model Fang Nian is.

Lu Weiyan raised her phone: "Is this the 135 number?"

Fang Nian nodded, and didn't say much to let Lu Weiyu save it for a while.

Then he beckoned: "Let's go over there..."

Busy time flies by.

Lu Wei didn't speak much, of course she was extroverted, and she was more lively.

At noon is a box lunch.

Provided free of charge by charitable chapters.

It is a basic subsidy that volunteers are guaranteed.

What should I say? If you really have no food to eat, you can try to be a volunteer.

But the general organization is only for lunch.

In the afternoon, we are still setting up the event site. Although the theme is charity fundraising, the corresponding preparations have also been in place.

After a busy morning, the two of them became familiar with each other.

When he was busy in the afternoon, Fang Nian took the initiative to bring up the topic, and said insincerely, "You look so young, do you just go to college?"

Lu Weiyu replied: "No, I'm also in my third year. I, I just look tender. Like your school, the school's exams are scheduled at the end of the month."

Lu Weiyu didn't mean to hide this from Fang Nian.

Fang Nian raised his eyebrows, showing confusion: "Then why did you come to be a volunteer? Was it required by the school?"

Lu Weiyu shook his head: "We're not. It happened that the branch was recruiting volunteers, so we signed up. We didn't come until the 10th."

Then I inquired curiously: "Are you still asking for a summer internship?"

Fang Nian replied in the tone of a college student: "No, but the senior year is required for an internship, how about you?"

These are common sense things, Fang Nian still knows.

Lu Wei said: "We also require seniors to do internships, and we can find internship units in advance during the summer vacation."

Fang Nian: "..."

On the surface, he asked curiously: "I heard from Aunt Wu that this event will end on the 23rd. When the time comes, do you plan to go back to take the exam first, or go to an internship unit?"

Lu Weiyu thought for a while, then spread her hands: "I don't know yet, I'll talk about it after the exam."

Fang Nian stopped talking and didn't continue.

His main purpose of bringing up this topic was to know about Lu Weiyu's itinerary.

Knowing that she hasn't gone to the internship unit yet, she is relieved.

Because according to Lu Weiyu's occasional mention in her previous life, she had a relatively difficult life after she found an internship unit.

For example, after eating the last meal, you have to think about the next meal.

Whether it is now or in the future, there will always be interns who encounter no salary and so on.

Perhaps it was after this that Lu Weiyu encountered such an unscrupulous company.

Because sometimes for college students, the stamp of the internship unit is quite important...

Thinking of this, Fang Nian smacked his lips inwardly.

I wonder if there is really such a thing as induction in this world.

The last time I met Lu Weiyu in Shencheng was because I was restless before.

The reunion with Lu Weiyu in Shanghai this time was because of a dream.

Think about it, it's all related to some inexplicable intuition... was past six o'clock in the evening.

Fang Nian clapped his hands, looked at Lu Weiyu and said, "Xiaoyu, I'm going back first."

Then he scratched his hair and said, "Ah, I see everyone calling you that."

The volunteers in Wu Shufen's group were of different ages, but none of them should be younger than Lu Weiyu.

Lu Weiyu waved her hands to indicate that it was okay, then waved her hands: "See you tomorrow."

After returning to the hotel, Fang Nian quietly let out a sigh of relief.

At least now Lu Weiyu didn't become a volunteer because she didn't have a meal, so everything is still in time.

And when they reunited at this time, Fang Nian happened to be able to participate in everything about Lu Weiyu.

The sun was setting.

The figure grows longer.

Lu Weiyu was covered by shadows, she looked up at Fang Nian.

Fang Nian also looked down, and the first thing he noticed was still the pair of clear and bright eyes under the sun visor.

It was a hot day, and a few strands of sweaty hair stuck to his forehead.

The bridge of the nose is straight, the lips are a youthful light red, the lower lip is slightly thick, the chin is smooth, and there is no trace of makeup on the fair face.

The ponytail tied up was blown by the summer wind, swaying Fang Nian's heart. Visually, his height was still the same as in his previous life, 169 centimeters.

She is still so pretty.

Even pedestrians who are in a hurry want to stop and take a look.

A trace of doubt flashed in Lu Weiyu's eyes.

The boy in front of her, who just blocked the sunlight for her, had a clean smile and a slightly shy face, so she couldn't help but take a second look.

Realizing that others were waiting for her to answer, and also aware of her mission, Lu Weiyu quickly opened her mouth to explain.

"Ah, yes, I am a volunteer of the China Charity Shanghai Branch."

"We will hold a fundraising event to help out-of-school children return to school at People's Square at 5:00 pm on June 19 the day after tomorrow. You are welcome to come, sir."

In addition to distributing brochures for public welfare activities, volunteers like Lu Weiyu are also responsible for answering reasonable doubts raised by pedestrians.

For example, Fang Nian is now a pedestrian raising reasonable doubts.

It's just that what Fang Nian didn't expect was that the first conversation between the two of them in this life would be like this.

It's not romantic at all.

There is also no romantic scene as expected.

In short, it shouldn't be like this.

There was even a problem with the dialogue, Fang Nian even suspected that his brain was lost on the leaflet in his hand, and the reunion after a long absence was broken and broken...

Listening to Lu Weiyu's crisp and pleasant voice, Fang Nian tried his best not to let the joy in the depths of his eyes flow too much on the surface.

But Fang Nian's mind was spinning rapidly, and soon Fang Nian made a decision, first he smiled shyly, and then opened his mouth: "No sir, I'm still a third-year student."

Then he said solemnly: "Actually, I have an embarrassing thought."

"Our school requires us to use extracurricular time to do more social practice, you volunteers..."

Speaking of this, Fang Nian stopped talking in a timely manner, the meaning was obvious, he also wanted to be a volunteer.

And the reason is also good - the social practice arranged by the school.

I have to admire Fang Nian's quick brain, he just made a decision that might be successful based on some information in Lu Weiyu.

Hearing this, Lu Weiyu blinked her clean eyes, and looked at Fang Nian: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call your husband that you were old."

"Our volunteer..."

Fang Nian's violently beating heart had gradually calmed down, and he interrupted Lu Weiyu with a serious face, saying, "Because I saw the words 'children out of school', I really wanted to do something for this charity event."

As he spoke, he raised the public service brochure in his hand: "So I also want to be like you and volunteer for this project."

"Can you introduce me?"

Lu Weiyu slightly raised her eyelids, perhaps the seriousness on Fang Nian's face moved her, she hesitated a bit, and said, "Okay, I'll try."

"Our team leader is at the temporary publicity point ahead, follow me."

At the end, I added another sentence: "However, being a volunteer will be tiring."

Fang Nian waved his hands and said indifferently, "It's okay."

Soon, Lu Weiyu brought Fang Nian to the temporary propaganda point.

Having said that, in fact, the temporary publicity point is just an extra parasol, a table with brochures on it, and another girl is here to distribute brochures to passers-by and take care of the items.

Fang Nian saw the fat elder sister who was also wearing a vest at a glance.

After listening to Lu Weiyu's brief introduction, the fat lady looked at Fang Nian kindly: "Young man, do you want to be a volunteer for our event?"

Fang Nian nodded seriously: "Yes, eldest sister."

"I'm about to end my junior year, and the school has no classes for the time being, so I want to do some social time. I just happened to meet you guys who are promoting this charity event. I want to see if I can help out, be a volunteer or something."

"But it can only be done for more than ten days, because the school still has exams."

"is it okay?"

The fat lady smiled and said, "Why not, it's too good!"

"But you have to call me Auntie, you look a little older than Xiaoyu at most."

"Auntie has to tell you clearly that being a volunteer is different from other social practices. This is unpaid and is voluntary labor."

Fang Nian smiled and nodded: "Auntie, I used to be a volunteer."

"My name is Fang Nian, and this is my ID card."

"My name is Fang Nian, and this is my ID card."

"My name is Fang Nian, and this is my ID card."

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