My Return to Life

Chapter 557 Mr. Fang, welcome to Luzhou

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Gu Yu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and Wen Ye, who was driving, quickly exchanged glances.

They clearly saw the complicated emotions in the other party's eyes.

Surprised, dazed, dazed, admired, worshiped, and honored.

Those familiar names that were often mentioned in the news media appeared more and more next to the man sitting in the back.

More importantly, after coming here, they all want this man.

The seemingly low-key and unknown college students have already quietly influenced countless people through their every move.

Almost everyone believed that Ma Poli was acting under the pressure of the official superior authority.

But this man told them lightly that it was not a show, but a change of concept.

It was basically because of a meeting with this man.

Be it Gu Yu, or Wen Ye who has more knowledge, he really wants to say "My God".

With these messy thoughts popping up in his mind, Gu Yu slowly came to his senses.

"Ah, oh..."

Then he went on.

"At two o'clock in the afternoon on the 8th, the Mi Chat software registered an official account and officially logged on to Weibo and other public information platforms to promote Mi Chat;

At the same time, the Dangkang game official blog updates, promoting the product features of the Nuwa version of the Dangkang game platform, and strongly recommending some games that are limited to mobile phone users. "


"In addition, the advertisements of the two softwares land on mainstream portal websites, for example, there is an advertisement column on the homepage of the Weibo platform."


"On the 9th, the Mi Chat official blog continued to release related news, revealing that a major mysterious function will be updated in the next version."

"At the same time, Dangkang Games announced the establishment of an independent research and development center for mobile games, focusing on the field of mobile games."


"influenced by,

According to data from Nuwa System Laboratory, the number of users who downloaded and installed version 1 of 'Nuwa' increased sharply within two days, and the total number of online users of the system exceeded 500,000 for the first time, including online users of the previous version of 'Nuwa'. "

"The total proportion of overseas users has dropped a lot, but the number of online users has increased rapidly."


During the reporting process, Gu Yu handed the written summary report to Fang Nian.

Fang Nian flipped through it.

It is obvious that Gu Yu's ability in information collection, analysis, and summary is getting stronger and stronger.

No important information was missed.

There are also excerpts of secondary information.

That's fine.

Fang Nian closed the document, showing satisfaction: "The promotion and operation are well done."

"The development of the Nuwa system is not bad, you have all worked hard."

"The next step is to see how to make the Nuwa system more acceptable to program development engineers, and then wait for the new Meizu mobile phone to be launched."

After thinking for a while, Fang Nian added: "Remember, let Nuwa System Lab conduct online and offline market research through multiple third-party authoritative organizations."

Hearing this, Wen Ye suddenly gave Gu Yu a wink, Gu Yu rummaged through the briefcase to find a few pieces of paper, and said hurriedly.

"Mr. Fang, here is an analysis report on China's mobile phone market for the first three quarters of this year. The target of the research is limited to netizens. Are you interested in reading it?"

"Pick up the key points and read it." Fang Nian waved his hand, "I'm a little tired."

This is why Fang Nian gritted his teeth and wanted to challenge again.

Xiao Zhang's platoon leader is really too much.

Knowing that he was leaving this morning, I called him up at 4:30 this morning, and after practicing alone, we went out together.

Fortunately, Fang Nian was prepared and ordered Wen Ye to come pick him up in advance.

Otherwise, Fang Nian felt that he would not be able to drive the car to Luzhou, and there were still nearly 350 kilometers left!

Gu Yu tidied up a bit, cleared his throat, and read.

"In the first three quarters, the total sales volume of smartphones in my country was 22 million units."

"Nokia smartphones still account for the vast majority."

"The analysis report shows that in 2011, 96.5% of Chinese netizens intend to buy smartphones."

“When Internet users buy or replace smartphones, they pay attention to the operating system, CPU frequency, screen resolution, and main screen size in sequence, accounting for more than 20% of them, and nearly 60% of them pay attention to the operating system.”

"The sudden rise of Android and Apple has made the market share of Symbian and Windows Mobile go from bad to worse;

The survey results show that among Chinese netizens who plan to buy or replace smartphones in the future:

The proportion of Symbian system dropped to 26%;

The proportion of WindowsMobile system dropped to 4.2%;

41% tend to choose the most popular Android products;

10.5% tend to choose Apple iOS.

Only 3.9% tend to choose Nuwa system products;

Followed by WindowsPhone, BlackBerry, others, have not yet decided. "

Fang Nian, who was rubbing the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes: "In the first three quarters, the tendency of netizens to Nuwa system products ranked among the top five?"

"Yes, Boss Fang." Gu Yu confirmed.

However, Gu Yu then added: "But according to the survey report, the penetration of products such as Android and Apple has obviously accelerated."

"Especially for Android, according to the survey report, because of its commitment to Android, the proportion of HTC brand attention among netizens continues to grow rapidly. It has surpassed Samsung and ranked second, and Nokia is the first."

"Samsung has also withdrawn from the Symbian camp and turned to Android, but it takes time for new products to launch, and the mainstream products are still old models equipped with Symbian and WindowsMobile;

In addition, according to the survey, Samsung will also support its self-developed Bada system at the end of last year, so the proportion of attention has decreased. "

Seeing that Fang Nian didn't say anything, Gu Yu continued to read.

"Among the top ten Chinese mobile phone brands among Internet users, only Lenovo is the only brand in mainland my country, which has increased compared with last year. The attention of Dopod, headquartered in Wanwan, is only lower than that of Apple."


"Netizens are paying more attention to whether mobile phones support 3G networks."


"Finally, my country's smart phone brand growth index, HTC is the first, Nokia's reverse growth trend is very obvious, followed by Dopod's reverse growth trend.

In addition, Motorola, which chose to run Android, ranked second, and Apple ranked fifth. "


"Secondly, the overall price of smartphones is on a downward trend, and analysts believe that it will begin to fall below 2,000 yuan in the future;

But the current mainstream products are more than 2,000 yuan. "


Finally, Gu Yu added: "The survey part is only for Chinese netizens, and does not combine offline surveys."

After Gu Yu finished speaking, the car fell into a brief silence.

After thinking for a while, Fang Nian said: "You guys make a smartphone survey plan;

Combining online and offline, it mainly investigates the more specific inclinations of users towards the operating system, CPU frequency, etc., and adds brand coefficients as much as possible;

To distinguish between 'nuwa' and 'nuwa'1.

Let the Nuwa System Lab cooperate to summarize the characteristics of the version of 'Nuwa' 1, and simultaneously add the user preference survey coefficient. "

After a short pause, Fang Nian added: "Remember, the Nuwa System Laboratory may plan to establish a separate marketing department;

For specific matters, I asked Mr. Lu to communicate with the Nuwa Alliance to a certain extent before making a decision. "

Gu Yu recorded them one by one.

The reason why the market research department is said to be or established is that Fang Nian has to consider the factors of the Nuwa Alliance.

Because strictly speaking...

In addition to being responsible for independent development, Nuwa System Lab is also responsible for the review and editing of the functions submitted within the alliance;

At the same time, the Nuwa System Lab is only responsible for launching the original version. The alliance is open source and can be deeply customized. For example, Xiaomi quickly established the MIUI department, and Meizu also established a UI department.


After the Nuwa system was taken over by Frontier Innovation, the R\u0026D capabilities of the Nuwa System Laboratory, which was quickly established by Frontier Innovation, are really too top-notch.

It is almost concentrated the strength of the professors who are masters and doctoral students in related majors in Chinese universities.

As a result, the contribution of the alliance to the underlying field of the system has been basically zero so far.


Fang Nian promised that Frontier will never get involved in mainstream mobile phone manufacturing.

In fact, Fang Nian was not in the mood to let Frontier make mobile phones.

It is an exaggeration to say that Fang Nian despises this assembly job.

He prefers to let the frontier do a good job in the mobile Internet "infrastructure".

This job is also very profitable.

For example, the Nuwa system charges internally at 5‰ of the sales price of the mobile phone.

Externally, it is based on 3%.

Therefore, there may be some misunderstandings here, and Nuwa System Lab does not need to be responsible for the market. Good Chinese

Therefore, it is the internal member companies of the alliance that really need to establish a marketing department and focus on market research.


Fang Nian thinks that Meizu is so active in announcing the launch of new products and ending the skipping of tickets, probably because it has done a lot of research on the market.


Three hours later, Audi slowly stopped at the Swan Lake Hotel.

A total of more than 330 kilometers are high-speed sections. Wen Mi did not waste the performance of Tremella Audi at all, and basically drove at a speed of +10% of the maximum limit throughout the whole journey.

It took just over two hours.

Arrived just in time for lunch, and I can check in and pack up for a while.

Lazy dog ​​Fangnian didn't have to do anything, because Lu Weiyu flew from Yangcheng to Luzhou at ten o'clock.

Half lying on the sofa in the suite, Fang Nian hugged his sweet-smelling fiancee and pinched her little face.

With a smile on his mouth, he said, "Is it hard for Ma'am to go home this time?"

Lu Weiyu shook her head, she went home this time to spend money to buy a shopping mall for her family.

As a result, Fang Nian knew about it on the way to Luzhou.

It went well. After a comprehensive inspection, Lu Weiyu bought a ready-made one.

Tell Fang Nian that he plans to tell his family at the beginning of next year, and keep it a secret for a while.

"There are 1.1 million left, I will transfer it back to you." Lu Weiyu

"Take it, integers are easy to calculate interest."

"Okay." Lu Weiyu didn't care, and said with a giggle, "Anyway, you forced me, so I'm sure I can't afford it."

Fang Nian laughed: "That's not necessarily the case."


Then he briefly talked about the affairs arranged for Wen Yeguyu.

"Leave the specific affairs to them, and you have to personally come forward to communicate with the members of the alliance."

"Secondly, next, you have to fly around, lead the team to further implement the frontier institute of the implementation of the cooperation memorandum, complete the handover of affairs, and keep an eye on the Luzhou project."

Hearing what Fang Nian said, Lu Weiyu asked with a serious face, "Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to hold on?"

"That's not good. If you can't hold on, you should resign quickly and give me a football team at home." Fang Nian said with a hippie smile.

Lu Weiyu pouted: "Tsk~ Are you planning to marry a sow?"


After a few laughs, Lu Weiyu changed the subject and said seriously: "The most important thing about the frontier right now is the issue of funding."

"Nuwa System Laboratory can produce results so quickly, there is a price. Not counting the academic project investment funds passed on to frontier projects, the laboratory itself has burned 80 million."

"After going to work on the 8th, the laboratory made a budget report, planning to apply for the first batch of 30 million funds, and there will definitely be a second and third batch in the future."

Hearing this, Fang Nian thought for a while and asked, "Counting the transfer to the frontier project, how much money has been burned in total?"

"The initial capital is 110 million yuan, and the follow-up funds for frontier projects will be nearly 150 million yuan." Lu Weiyu replied.

"However, at the beginning, the professors of related majors in major universities were very active. At least the teams participating in the current research and development work of Nuwa System Laboratory have all applied for resources;

There are a total of 61 items, and Wen Ye is exhausted. "

Fang Nian said calmly: "Fortunately, as expected, after all, 'Nu Wa' 1 is a commercially available version, and I expected to invest 200 to 300 million at the beginning."

After a short pause, Fang Nian said again: "The small amount of funds in the Frontier Academy is easy to solve, so don't worry about it."


After all, when Fang Nian proposed this radical and adventurous plan, he asked Dang Kang to prepare for it.

Overseas revenue of 1.6 billion has not yet been consolidated.

Secondly, cutting-edge innovation itself also has credit qualifications.

So even if Li Robin's behavior made Fang Nian decide not to raise money from outside at this stage, it would not particularly affect the frontier development...

Later, Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu appeared in the hotel restaurant together, and also met Guan Qiuhe.

During the dinner, Guan Qiuhe smiled and asked, "Mr. Fang, how was your experience in the military camp?"

"Don't mention it, if it wasn't for Wen Mi and Xiao Gu driving on the way to Luzhou, I took a rest for a while, and I'm afraid I won't be able to walk now." Fang Nian looked indescribable.

Now, even Lu Weiyu was aroused to gossip.

"How to say?"

Guan Qiuhe was more direct: "Say it out so we can have fun."

Fang Nian didn't mind either, and said bluntly, "Get up at 4:30 this morning for exercise."

"At the beginning, the instructor Xiao Zhang didn't treat me as an outsider. He just went in the day before yesterday and took me to have a meal. After the meal, the training started directly. The beginning was a five-kilometer cross-country. This morning, we first came to a five-kilometer cross-country;

Before leaving, I came to a wave of military gymnastics with me. "

As he spoke, he began to gnash his teeth.

"Yes, Mr. Guan, you can help me get a long-term training ticket, I will go to practice when I have time, and sooner or later let Xiao Zhang experience the feeling of being abused!"

Guan Qiuhe responded again and again: "Okay, okay, I will contact you after dinner."

"Sir... Are you a masochist?" Lu Weiyu asked hesitantly.

Fang Nian looked at Lu Weiyu with a threatening look in his eyes.

"Ms. Lu, you should study more in the future. This is called courage after knowing shame!"

Guan Qiuhe pretended to smooth things over as if watching the excitement was not a big deal.

It's not uncommon for Fang Nian to talk to Guan Qiuhe.


After one o'clock in the afternoon.

University of Science and Technology of China campus.

Fang Nian and his party unexpectedly attended the listing ceremony of the Frontier Institute of the University of Science and Technology of China.

Guan Qiuhe and Lu Weiyu will cut the ribbon on behalf of cutting-edge innovation.

This time not only the leaders of the University of Science and Technology of China were present, but also the leaders of the Luzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

Gu Yu did her homework and introduced Fang Nian.

"In the middle is leader Sun from Luzhou, and next to him is leader Wu from the city government."


Fang Nian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Both of them attended, the University of Science and Technology of China has quite a face."

Did he know that Luzhou was a high-ranking official, and he was also the deputy secretary of the province.

He has the same position as the previous Huangshan father, but with higher authority.

"That...Mr. Fang, they probably came after you and Mr. Guan." Gu Yu whispered.

"Because the frontier courtyard land affairs and listing ceremony were postponed until today, in order to save the time for Sun to lead them;

Mr. Lu should have told you that the relevant local personnel conveyed Leader Sun's apology on their behalf. "

After Gu Yu finished speaking, Fang Nian murmured softly, "I just said that the land use affairs and listing ceremony don't need to be so procrastinated."


But Fang Nian doesn't matter, as long as it comes, it will be safe.

It's two o'clock.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the listing of Frontier Academy officially began.

There were bursts of applause and cheers.

The red silk was pulled away.

The iron door plaque behind it was exposed, and a letter was written:

Frontier? Academy of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China.

The word "frontier" follows the cursive brushwork style of the frontier company.

No one was hired to design it, it was written by Fang Nian himself.

Looking at the word 'frontier', Fang Nian couldn't help but recall the scene where he spent three days writing 'frontier' more than a hundred times and finally selected it.

Really... I almost broke my hand.

It's not that there was no money at the time, but that Fang Nian thought that he had to leave a mark on the frontier.

After the ribbon-cutting, Sun Ganlong delivered a brief speech, expressing Luzhou's expectations and expectations for the project of the Frontier Academy, as well as its importance, and also expressed his gratitude to the Frontier Company.

At the same time, a special welcome was also expressed to Guan Qiuhe and Lu Weiyu for participating in the ribbon cutting.


That's it.

But this is not the focus of Luzhou in the past few years.

After finishing the matter, Fang Nian was thinking about waiting for Lu Weiyu and the others to come down so that they could discuss a matter.

Turning around, I saw Sun Ganlong walking up to him, smiling and extending his hand: "Mr. Fang, Luzhou welcomes you."


PS: I finally waited until the limit is free, and it will be available in the afternoon~

This time, the exemption was applied for. I hope that the broken bowl can be passed for free, so that everyone can read the content written later, and I will definitely want to read it after reading it (anyway, it is limited and free, and I can’t see who subscribes and who doesn’t, no. Affect me bragging)

PS1: Regarding the update, try to stick to the daily update chapter 2 with a total of 7 or 8,000 words after the end of the limited exemption.

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