My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1366: Position swap, how come my weapon activated itself!

No one expected that the balance point within the Mining Island Alliance that lasted for several months would be broken so abruptly.

Including the instigator Lu Guangyin, he was also dizzy when he saw hundreds of sampans and wooden boats surrounding him on the river.

Why are so many people interested in this iron boat?

Are they all crazy?

However, he soon realized that these people's eyes were not on the boat under them, but on...

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘡, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Tiantie Island and Shuima Island!

A few kilometers away, the flames on Shuima Island have soared into the sky, and the raging fire has dyed half of the sky blood red.

The faint shouting and killing sound came along the river, which was the last struggle of the guards who stayed behind.

Although Tiantie Island did not take the initiative to participate in the war, as a passive party, it was also put on the table by the other four families.

It seems to be a fair and reasonable solution for the two families to divide an island.

Shuima Island, which has poor development and poor residents' quality, was handed over to Qianshan Island and Yinsha Island.

Tiantie Island, which has a higher quality of residents and occupies a key position, was eaten alive by Jinyan Island and Huoshi Island.

It can be said that as long as there is no accident, the Mining Island Alliance will become a gathering place composed of four islands after tonight.

Tiantie and Shuima will become a thing of the past forever.

"Damn it, if you want to fight each other, just fight, don't come to mess with me!" Lu Guangyin was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead.

Several directions leaving the dock were all surrounded by the wooden boats of Jinyan and Huoshi.

Even if he tested the correct password now, it would be difficult to crash out from these boats without experience in driving this ship and not knowing how to use the weapons on it.

And leaving at this time is simply too conspicuous. Even if the other party has to pay a certain price, it is impossible for them to leave so blatantly.

Lu Guangyin is very aware of the madness of these survivors.

Old Xu tied bombs all over his body to act as a self-destructing truck, and it is possible that others will follow suit to blow up the ship.

"Quick, ask Old Xu if he has found any weapons down there. Forget it, ask him if he has found any other information. Now we only have one last chance. If we can't figure out the password, we still have time to jump into the water and escape." In a hurry, Lu Guangyin could only enter the only information he found in the cabin.

It seemed to be the code name of this ship, Mayfly.

But unfortunately, the password was still wrong, and a cold reminder that there was only one last chance soon popped up on the screen.

Seeing this, Lu Guangyin had no choice but to send someone to the cabin to find Old Xu, while trying all the buttons and levers on the console without missing a single one.

Reality is cruel. Without entering a password, all buttons are blocked.

No, there is one last button.

Focusing his eyes on the red button wrapped in a transparent protective shell, Lu Guangyin was a little unsure of what this madman's weapon meant.

Weapons are just weapons, why add the word madman.

But he couldn't care less at this time. He raised his hand, opened the protective shell and pressed the button.

Still no response?

Lu Guangyin turned his head to look at the screen in disappointment. Sure enough, there was no success prompt popped up on it.

"Boss, there is a major discovery in the cabin!" The shouts of the henchmen came from outside the deck.

Lu Guangyin immediately threw the things here aside and rushed over immediately.

I saw that Lao Xu had already led people to open the lock to the lower deck and was standing at the door looking inside.

Lu Guangyin walked over and saw that there were forty or fifty black boxes neatly displayed on the left side of the door. The outermost one was pried open, and there were yellow-orange rifle bullets inside.

Moreover, these boxes are exactly the same shape as the ammunition boxes they found on the first floor. If nothing unexpected happens, each box should contain at least four thousand rounds of bullets.

"So many bullets, are they really selling arms?" Lu Guangyin's voice showed some joy. He quickly opened another box to check and found that the bullets in each box seemed to have been produced not long ago. After opening it, there was a strong metallic smell.

According to the calculation of 4,000 rounds per box, there are nearly 200,000 rounds in it.

If the enemy had not surrounded them now and there was no time for them to secretly transport these bullets, otherwise these bullets and guns alone would have supported their comeback.

"There are more over there!" While Lu Guangyin was checking the ammunition box outside, Lao Xu searched inside and ran back with a strange look on his face.

There are three compartments on the second deck, and the first one is where these ammunition boxes are placed.

The second compartment is also full of boxes, but the ones filled with them are no longer repeated rifle ammunition.

"Grenades, damn, so many, are you going to fight?" After opening three boxes in a row and seeing that they were all familiar grenades, Lu Guangyin knew why Lao Xu looked weird.

When he provoked the dispute before, he used the other party's sale of weapons to Tiantie Island to stimulate Wu Jiahao.

But from the bottom of his heart, Lu Guangyin did not think that this foreign force would deliver weapons to the local area.

At this stage, the territory with the ability to produce standardized weapons is almost invincible.

It's a very simple truth. Since they can use force to get whatever they want, why should they hand over this power?

The more gathering places with weapons, the greater the resistance to the external expansion of this force.

As long as they are not stupid, they will never choose to trade weapons.

But now, Lu Guangyin hesitated when he found so many brand-new weapons and ammunition in the cabin.

Could it be that he found the correct answer by just guessing?

Wu Jiahao attacked Tiantie Island so decisively at night. Could it be that he really found that Tiantie Island traded weapons?

"Look for other things. It would be a crime for us to throw away so many weapons." Lu Guangyin immediately raised his head and said.

As the lord of a territory with a population of 100,000, he knew too well what effect these weapons would have if they were given to the Mining Island Alliance.

To put it bluntly, if the weapons were given to Wu Jiahao now, he could even occupy the five islands with his men.

What Jinyan Island, Huoshi Island, the number of people is nothing under modern weapons.

Just a few rounds of shooting can completely break the psychological defense of the survivors and then win.

Of course, Lu Guangyin couldn't help but feel regretful at this time.

If the internal conflict hadn't broken out before, he would have at least 50 people under him now.

With so many guns and bullets forming a firing line, the current situation can be easily dealt with.

Soon, the remaining boxes were also dismantled.

In addition to grenades, there are many brand-new guns, including pistols, submachine guns, rifles, and light machine guns. The total number is enough to arm a team of 500 people!

And the most horrifying thing is that there are five boxes of RPGs in it.

Lu Guangyin, who has been shocked several times, picked up a rocket launcher and was inevitably silent for a long time.

If there was only this ship, he could still guess that the other party had good luck in other ways.

But now these weapons... can already prove the other party's identity.

No matter which super territory, they are absolutely not allowed to offend!

"How about retreat?" Lao Xu swallowed his saliva, and was also scared when he saw the boxes of weapons and ammunition.

"Retreat, where can we retreat to? If these weapons are taken by them, the Mining Island Alliance will probably be in complete chaos next!" Lu Guangyin still did not put down the RPG in his hand, and his eyes flashed with a special light.

"Lao Xu, do you think it's possible for us to make a name for ourselves in this mining island alliance with these weapons..."

"You want to?"

Lao Xu was startled, and the two of them looked at each other.


"Charge, charge, whoever can kill Wu Jiahao and Sun Guangmin, I will give him 10% of Tiantie Island's profits for the next year. The opportunity to get rich is here, it depends on who can seize it!"

"It's time to play a role, soldiers, please charge, your people are watching you!"

As they approached the landing, the managers of Jinyan Island and Huoshi Island inevitably stood up and shouted to their subordinates.

However, compared with Hua Qingyun, the manager of Huoshi Island, who directly shouted out real rewards, Enkobat, the manager of Jinyan Island, was much more stingy.

It was visible to the naked eye that there was also a clear gap in morale between the two sides, and it was obvious that the people of Huoshi Island were more excited.

However, this scene fell into Enkobat's eyes, but it made him laugh triumphantly.

Why did Jinyan Island become the strongest of the six islands?

It depends not only on the fighting power of his men, but also on the IQ suppression of him as a manager.

It's not time to reap the fruits of victory yet. Are you looking for death by rushing so fast?

Being forced into a dead end on Shuima Island and Tiantie Island, Sun Guangmin might still have some ideas of negotiating.

But Wu Jiahao, this reckless guy, will never accept the reality of becoming a prisoner, and he must know that the Mining Island Alliance cannot accommodate people like him.

Forcing such people into a dead end will definitely cost some price.

But soon, after Hua Qingyun mobilized his men, Enkobat's smile froze instantly.

Damn, they are all old foxes.

This guy asked his men to charge on the surface, but the landing point was chosen at the dock in advance.

Unless he asked to squeeze in, the people of Jinyan Island could only go along the previous landing point of Shuima Island.

Even if you think with your butt, the landing pressure at the unoccupied dock will definitely be much smaller than that on Shuima Island.

"I'll take one side, and you take the other. Big brother, you won't refuse, will you?"

"Ha, ha, ha, that's good." Enkobat suffered a loss and could only laugh a few times with a gloomy face.

The two sides dispersed, and about two hundred sampans went to the dock in all directions.

The remaining three hundred turned their bows and formed a fan-shaped circle to surround the landing point on the shallow beach.

From a distance, the two sides had already started to fight with earth guns.

The continuous sound of gunfire made the hearts of the defense team members who were gathering in the gathering place beat wildly. Some people had never seen such a scene at all, and their calves were trembling.

"Let Wu Jiahao's people fight them first, and wait until they consume a few waves before we go up."

"Don't be afraid, we have a geographical advantage, and there is no reason for them to win."

"Yes, we still have support, everyone move towards the dock to support our Mengyue allies!"

Hu Shulin kept cheering and distributed crudely made earth guns according to the number of people.

There are 110 guns in total, and 29,000 rounds of bullets.

If we fight sparingly, it is unlikely to defeat the enemy, but the possibility of defending Tiantie Island is very high.

After all, the enemy is not an iron army, but a team of survivors, and they will disperse immediately if the casualty rate is high.

As long as we can hold on tonight, there will be room for operation after dawn.

At worst, we can switch places. If you come to attack me, I will turn my guns around and attack your island.

We either live together or die together!


The rear base of Tiantie Island.

Spicy Hammer and Madman of the End of the World, who had just fallen asleep, were not awakened by the gunfight on the other side of the island, and they didn't even hear the rapid beeps from the bedside communicator.

A dull snoring sounded.

The two walked around the island for a long time during the day, probably about 60,000 to 70,000 steps, and were almost exhausted.

Until the door was violently knocked open by several men in black from outside, rushing in like wolves and tigers.

Madman of the End of the World was frightened and sat up straight to touch the pistol hidden in the corner.

"Brother Madman, it's me, damn, why are you sleeping so soundly?"

"Ah? Brother Cao, why are you here?"

The lights came on, and they looked at each other.

Seeing Cao Su and all the guards including those who stayed on the ship, everyone rushed in and looked at them with concern.

The doomsday madman slapped his head, still a little unresponsive.

Didn't they communicate before going to bed? Why did they come here in the middle of the night?

"They are fighting. There are thousands of people on the dock, fighting with the people of Tiantie Island. There are also many people who want to attack our frigate. It's too damn dangerous here."

As the captain of the frigate, after confirming that the two were not attacked.

Cao Su wiped the sweat from his head while speaking, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You two didn't answer the communication, I thought you were in trouble, and quickly brought people to check the situation."

"Ah? Where is the ship?" Mala Tiechui was stunned and took out the communicator.

There were indeed dozens of communication requests on it, but unfortunately they didn't hear any of them.

"I locked the ship. The scene is too chaotic. Unless we suppress it, it won't be quiet for a while." Cao Su said directly.

Not actively participating in disputes between local forces is one of the basic rules of the Tianyuan Fleet.

But if a force takes the initiative to move its target to the fleet, necessary counterattacks are also allowed.

However, the fate of the Doomsday Madman and the Spicy Iron Hammer is uncertain, and Cao Su has no intention of staying at the dock.

Compared with a frigate, the directors of the two major factories in the territory are obviously more important.

If Yao Dingshan knew that he did not save people for a ship, he would definitely be skinned when he returned.

If he could not save it, he would be punished by the lord and sent directly to the hard labor camp.

Therefore, Cao Su simply left the ship and rushed over with everyone to inquire all the way.

"What, Shuima Island and Tiantie Island went to war?"

The Doomsday Madman slapped his head in annoyance: "Then why didn't you activate my weapon when you left?"

Before going to bed at night, the two of them planned to find out the location of Wu Jiahao's residence first, and then kill him back after leaving, and directly send a short-range missile over.

But I didn't expect this guy to act faster. He didn't wait until the next day to take revenge. He brought people to attack that night.


Cao Su didn't say anything, but seeing the deep embarrassment on his face, everyone knew what he wanted to say.

The products of the Madman Weapon Factory are excellent, but the weapons developed by the Madman of the End of the World have never been stable.

There were explosions every two or three days in the specially designated test site in the territory, and then the test subjects attracted by the reward were directly taken to the hospital for rescue.

If this kind of weapon is on board, who knows if it will explode immediately after activation and send everyone to heaven.

But at this moment, the communicator in the Madman of the End of the World rang again.

"Hey, wait, why did my weapon activate itself?"


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