My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1350 Returning in triumph, let’s do one hundred ten-game series first!

Liu Zhi's execution ability is very strong.

Even if the plan was made a few days ago, the speed and efficiency of execution are still far beyond ordinary people.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Sumo just showed up and made a symbolic appearance.

While everyone was still in joy and excitement, Liu Zhi promptly proposed the idea of ​​relocating the territory in the evening.

It cleverly takes advantage of the lively atmosphere and the desire of many people to change the current situation.

About 30 people decided on the spot to follow Liu Zhi and leave their current place and go to the other side of the river to choose another place for development.

Of course, because the four gathering areas have been divided and governed, the people who have agreed are basically Chinese people, and there are very few Niloticians and white people.

But when they heard that the dwarves might attack at any time, these people still couldn't sit still.

The leaders of several small groups tried to come over to see if they could get Liu Zhi's treatment and help them leave their current residence and go to the other side of the river to set up a new gathering place for development.

❻❾Book Bar

In this regard, no one asked Su Mo for his opinion. Feng Tianmin directly refused.

It's a joke. Tianyuan Territory is not a charity, so how can everyone receive a batch of subsidies.

Either prove that you have the potential to be invested, or just exchange labor honestly.

If you want to live on welfare, let alone Tianyuan, it is impossible to go to any serious territory.

In desperation, some small groups had no choice but to give up the idea.

Now they either choose to join the migrating army or decide to go to another place to find a way out.

But some people still hold on to their expectations, planning to wait until the fleet leaves and follow them down the river to Tianyuan.

For these people, Sumo could only say something after understanding the situation.

Gold has been distributed in Tianyuan Territory, brothers, come quickly!

A normal, hard-working and capable survivor is sent to a resource point where nothing is available, and he cannot return home for ten days and a half. He is either working or sleeping. He does still have some psychological burden.

But these people who clearly want to come here to take advantage of the benefits, remote mines, and dark infrastructure are absolutely over-abundant!

Sumo promised not to deduct normal salary, but if someone wants to be lazy.

Sorry, the strict laws will definitely make lazy people understand what life is worse than death.

On the other side, taking advantage of the darkness, the dwarf captives were driven onto the cargo ship and chained in the cabin like livestock.

"Lord, how are these captured dwarf craftsmen to be accommodated? There are nearly five thousand people, and more than half of them have not given up hope of being rescued yet. The remaining ones who are willing to surrender probably have other ideas, and it is difficult to arrange them." Feng Tianmin boarded the ship to take stock. After finishing the number of prisoners, he walked off the boat with a headache and took the roster list and asked.

"Let's arrange to go to our temporary dock first and do physical labor for a while." Sumo said after a moment of silence.

At present, the western suburbs of Qinggang City have been included in the control of the territory, but the east side is still blank.

After crossing the Dragon Immortal River to the other side of the river, there are still large tracts of land waiting to be excavated.

In the future, if Tianyuan Territory wants to develop and control the surrounding waters, it must be included in the territory of power.

Now there happens to be this group of dwarves that can be used. Let's arrange to go there and lay a foundation.

In the process, we will use the method of killing a group of people, beating a group of people, and pulling a group of people to see how many of them can be surrendered in the end.

Of course, the so-called surrender is just to force the dwarf captives to work through violent means.

He really wanted to get the captured dwarves to surrender and rebel against the clan, but Somo didn't have much hope.

Because Tianyuan Territory has been tried several times in the future ruins, but it has never been successful.

Sumo speculated that this may involve the so-called racial spiritual branding.

Before mastering the method of defeating magic with magic, we can only put this idea aside for the time being.

"As for the 20,000 people brought here from the Honghua Gang, and the subsequent population brought from the Mengyue Territory."

Sumo decided that these new arrivals would no longer be assigned to several major gathering places in the territory, but would all move to the western suburbs.

This decision takes into account both the resettlement of new residents and the future development of Qinggang City.

"Our next construction focus will be fully shifted to Qinggang City. We will first make full use of those abandoned buildings and renovate them to meet new living and working needs." Sumo thought for a while: "And this will also It can ensure the employment of old residents.”

If everyone flocks to the factory in Longteng Village, then wages must be paid according to the current average level of Tianyuan Territory, which is very unfair to the old residents who have contributed a lot to the territory.

Moreover, it is also a huge pressure for those who have some funds in their hands after the expedition and want to try to start a business this time.

With a daily salary of two copper coins, a single person's monthly salary expenditure reaches sixty copper coins.

Ten people, that's 600 coppers, plus the initial capital required to purchase equipment and space. Very few entrepreneurs who are just starting out have this capital reserve.

Of course, doing this will also breed class within the territory.

But again, there are pros and cons to everything.

In the past, Sumo always tried to avoid showing any obvious class, but now after seeing it more often, he has completely figured it out.

For these survivors who are struggling to survive, it doesn’t matter what your class is.

As long as they are given a bite to eat, many people are willing to work as cows or horses, betray humans and join other races.

Under such circumstances, he still insists on maintaining equality for everyone, which is indeed a bit too idealistic.

And when Tianyuan has developed into a giant, it will not be too late to consider class issues.

"We arranged for a boat to take them there, free accommodation, a period of relief supplies, and adequate and decent jobs. This would be a fantasy in any other territory. I also considered whether they would feel uncomfortable. I never realized how outrageous this was.”

Sumo thought about it secretly.

After Feng Tianmin listened, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

The western suburbs are no longer as abandoned as they were before. First, they were mostly restored due to blessings, and then were repaired by Pingtan Shelter for half a year.

It may still not be as good as the living environment in Hope Town, but it is still much better than the mud houses in the Honghua Gang.

And there is another advantage to going to the western suburbs. The collective work system will greatly improve everyone's efficiency.

For example, in farming, if the land is contracted by the farmers route players and cultivated and harvested, the yield will definitely be much higher than if each of them fights for each piece of land.

Survivors can definitely join various familiar and suitable industries after receiving training.

At that time, the materials that can be earned and stored will be much greater than those from farming now.

"Then I'll make arrangements. Does the territory need to be notified in advance, such as a triumphal ceremony?" Feng Tianmin asked.

"It's up to you. This is the territory's first decent expedition, so it would be nice to have a ceremony."

Although Soma was not particularly keen on this form of things, he knew very well that it was very important to the leaders.

It was of great significance to the local residents, so they nodded in agreement.

Moreover, the sacrifice of more than 400 people, this number weighs heavily on everyone's heart, and a grand ceremony and ceremony is indeed needed to dilute everyone's fear of future war and bring a sense of spiritual comfort.

After receiving Su Mo's reply, Feng Tianmin turned around and left to make arrangements.

Somo stayed on the shore for a while. He leaned on the railing and quietly watched a ship getting ready for departure.

The afterglow of the setting sun in the evening dyes the broad river surface golden, and the boats on the sparkling water seem to be covered with a golden coat.

This was a very decompressing process, at least for Sumo. Watching these huge mechanical arms working back and forth in an orderly manner, he actually felt like he was playing a simulator game.

The faces of the conscripts responsible for transporting the goods onto the ship were also beaming with joy, and they no longer felt any nervousness from the previous few days.

It wasn't until the sunset completely set that Sumo turned around and returned to the central command ship of the Polar Star Fleet.

Captain Cui Lu hurried over with an envelope: "Lord, there is an urgent report from the territory!"

"Urgent report?" Su Mo took it in surprise and glanced at the color of the logo on the envelope.


It means there is important information, not an accident.

After returning to the office with the envelope, Sumo immediately opened the envelope and checked it, and then he couldn't help but feel good.

It was the Sirius fleet that set out for Mengyue territory that sent back the news.

The Red Flower Gang's expedition here is in full swing, but the Sirius fleet's rush to aid Meng Yue has not been affected in any way.

Just yesterday, we had successfully arrived at the Southern Fire Territory Plate and had established initial contact with the Mengyue Territory.

After preliminary discussions, the number of survivors that could be transported back in the first wave alone was as high as 27,000!

Among them, there are nearly 800 research talents who are currently in short supply in Tianyuan Territory.

This is almost the same size as the research institute!

Once these people enter the research system, the existing research and development progress can easily increase by three to five times.

But why can a Mengyue territory have so many talents?

Sumo continued to look down and quickly found the reason.

After receiving the news of Tianyuan's rescue, Xi Ruyue did not wait there. Instead, after settling in, she immediately used this advantage to go to the surrounding areas and secretly searched for many talents from other territories.

Commonly known as: poaching!

"This is much easier. Others might be suspicious if they do this, but it is obvious to all that Xi Ruyue followed me in the Wanjing Arena. No wonder it was so easy to recruit her."

I don’t know how many territories I went to, but I was able to lure so many people back.

But yes, it is too wasteful to place high-end research talents in ordinary territories. Only Tianyuan Territory can currently provide a platform suitable for them.

Sumo thought about it and felt that he was really lucky today.

First, Ji Sheng was subdued, and then the lord Liu Zhi was discovered. A large number of survivors with acceptable abilities were gathered on the front foot, and an urgent report came in on the back foot to add to the good news.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Let's take a shot today first!"

Putting the envelope aside, Sumo went to the shower room next door and washed himself for more than half an hour before coming to the bedroom wearing a loose nightgown.

Open the system panel and enter the limited-time campaign function interface.

After several days of accumulation, the battle points in the upper right corner have reached a very terrifying level.

Even though Sumo has opened it countless times in the past few days, he still can't bear it.

Live in ecstasy in your heart.


Unlike the nearly 100,000 points awarded for capturing Blackstone City, the subsequent rewards for the nine major tribes have been significantly reduced.

But based on the calculation of one thousand points for one ten-company, these points are enough to draw two hundred and seventy ten-companies!

"If you're lucky, let's do a hundred ten companies first!"

Suma himself felt that he was too rich now. This feeling was really great.

The first ten consecutive draws were blue sky and white clouds.

If it were normal, this kind of surprise-free harvest would definitely make him feel depressed.

But now, just draw.

"Power currency. Advanced technology. Special buildings."

Su Mo muttered to himself, opening one ten-consecutive reward after another.

Visible to the naked eye, the roulette in the center of the system panel was about to smoke, and there were flashes of light constantly jumping out.

When it was about the seventh ten consecutive draws, a gorgeous purple finally jumped out among the blue sky and white clouds.

[Drawing level: purple]

[Randomly selected rewards.]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the transaction currency: Academy Identification Coin * 500]

"It's hidden deep enough. I finally drew out the power currency of the academy, hahaha."

Fake draws: special states that look awesome, points to improve attributes, virtual cards with various functions, etc.

Real draws: power currency.

Su Mo felt that as long as he didn't pay out, this power currency was the most valuable thing in the entire draw.

Especially the currency of the academy.

Ordinary school coins can only be used to use the machines made by the academy, but the knowledge coins can be used to purchase various technologies.

The technology of the academy, this is not ordinary mainland stuff.

Even if the enterprise has collected so many technologies, it dare not say that it has accumulated more than half of the academy.

"Draw, increase the intensity!"

The roulette wheel continued to turn. Perhaps it was the increase in the number of draws, or perhaps it was because of today's good luck, the number of blue sky and white clouds was obviously getting less and less.

There was a purple-level reward for every three consecutive draws, which made people very happy.

Except for the faction currency, Su Mo did not open the other rewards for the time being, and only waited until all the draws were finished before checking them carefully.

The 33rd draw, a dazzling golden light jumped out.

Su Mo directly turned over the award.

[Drawing level: gold]

[Randomly selected reward.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special card ticket: Urban underground pipe network reconstruction ticket (for areas covering an area of ​​no more than 1,000 square kilometers, the underground pipe network can be completely reshaped)]

"Damn!" Seeing the flashing reward, Su Mo almost jumped up.

What problems need to be dealt with urgently in Qinggang City?

The aging and complex underground pipe networks are definitely the primary problem!

Especially the sewage pipes, most of which have reached the end of their lifespan and cannot be replaced without heavy machinery.

And this remodeling voucher can solve this problem.

Similar to the God's perspective in a certain Skyline game, users can directly reshape the pipe network within the range, including but not limited to changing the direction of the pipe network, circulation veins, replacing parts, etc.

It can be said that as long as enough accessories are prepared, it is equivalent to rebuilding a set of pipe network supporting facilities for the western suburbs.

It's simply amazing!


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