My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1315 The wind is surging and the spring cold is coming!

Internal affairs has always been a hard and delicate job.

It does not require participants to have superior intelligence or skills, but rather values ​​perseverance, seriousness and professionalism.

Even in ancient times when information was very limited, scholars who only received basic education were able to deal with all kinds of complicated and large affairs with ease, and manage the illiterate officials well.

In today's wasteland, since most survivors have been bombarded by the information age, it is undoubtedly easier to manage.

Soma only needs to put forward a simple idea, and naturally there will be a responsible person to complete the specific rules.

Even if it involves changing the direction of territorial development, it is not too difficult.

In just one afternoon, the new rules for the development of the Tianyuan Territory in version 0 were newly released during the discussion!

Among them, there are three aspects that emphasize execution first.

First, comprehensively liberalize the territory’s external development policy and no longer restrict the movement of residents within the territory.

A new enterprise-like expedition team system is created to encourage scavenger route players who are keen on adventure to actively explore the surrounding unknown areas.

Whether it's discovering precious resources, bringing back advanced technology, or finding a new population.

As long as the exploration results are beneficial to the future development of the territory, they will receive direct rewards from the territory.

At the same time, the Tianyuan Dungeon will also add an expedition team level system.

This system will grade the expedition team based on their contribution to the mission.

As the level increases, the expedition team will be able to purchase advanced equipment that is not available to civilians.

What's more worth mentioning is that when the level of the expedition team reaches a certain level, you can even put forward your special needs to the research institute in the territory to customize exclusive expedition equipment or technical support.

Second, relaunch the investment loan system to provide valuable initial financial support to residents with entrepreneurial dreams.

After the underground city's external investment in the early 2000s ended, the territory's industrial development was in a breakthrough period, so the underground city has not issued external loans for more than half a year.

Although there are no strict prohibitions on private financing and lending, only a few can really convince others to invest.

Most people have ideas and enthusiasm, but often find it difficult to turn their dreams into reality due to lack of funds, and end up succumbing to assembly line work.

Now, the opportunity has finally come!

The second phase of investment in the underground city will release 100 places to provide valuable initial financial assistance to residents who are interested in starting a business. The potential will be determined based on the prospects of the plan and certain tax exemptions will be provided.

And the most important thing is that this time the investment direction is no longer limited to a fixed industrial direction, but casts a wide net to encourage diversified entrepreneurial projects to flourish.

The investment amount starts from a minimum of 10,000 copper coins and can reach a maximum of 200,000 copper coins, which is enough to meet entrepreneurial projects of various sizes and needs.

Third, it will further reduce the difficulty for ordinary residents to possess thermal weapons.

Simply being allowed to leave the territory is obviously not enough. Going out to explore is bound to encounter various dangers.

Therefore, the conditions for possessing thermal weapons are relaxed, allowing more residents to legally and safely carry thermal weapons to respond to possible emergencies.

Not only can it enhance the residents' own protective capabilities, but it can also eliminate possible threats near the exploration territory.

Of course, thermal weapons are a double-edged sword after all.

No matter which direction you enter the territory, you must hand it over to the safekeeping office as soon as possible to avoid abuse and misuse.

In addition to the above three new regulations that will be promulgated and implemented soon, there will also be important changes in the future development route of the territory.

Version 0 mainly emphasizes the strategy of "building walls high", that is, giving priority to one's own stability and accumulation of heritage, keeping a low profile, focusing on the development of industry and technology, and striving to create a clear gap with other players to ensure that the territory can be established Advantages of short-term crushing.

Entering version 0 will usher in a new stage - "Guang Ji Liang".

At this stage, more emphasis will be placed on the reserve and accumulation of resources to lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the territory.

We must not only actively explore surrounding areas, expand resource acquisition channels, and strengthen cooperation and exchanges with other regions to obtain more material and talent support.

At the same time, we will also focus on improving the territory's influence and self-sufficiency to ensure that it has sufficient resource reserves to deal with various challenges.

As for implementation, complete details have not yet been discussed.

But what is certain is that in the first stage of accumulating "grain", the choice is definitely population.

"Qiao Yuansheng, the general manager of economic development, is responsible for promoting the implementation of various industrial investments. I need you to put aside other matters during this time, devote yourself to market research, and accurately review every entrepreneurial need. You must ensure that the economy in the territory continues to be healthy. develop."

"Bao Lei, the general manager of population transportation and rescue, is mainly responsible for dealing with the transportation of immigrants. I need you to pay close attention to the safety and efficiency of transportation and provide a safe and smooth experience for every new resident. Yours The responsibility is particularly heavy, so you must do your best and don’t make any big mistakes.”

"Feng Tianmin, you will be responsible for the selection of the general Tianyuan Army. You will have certain privileges. You will be given priority in the selection of soldiers among the foreign population, and you will quickly improve the territory's external combat capabilities."

"Feng Long, as the general leader of the expedition team, you need to fully support and assist the expedition team in its external exploration work, especially in the early stages. You must ensure that every exploration by the expedition team can be carried out safely and effectively. Do not Cause heavy casualties.”

"Chen Kai, general manager of resource development and utilization"

"Jiang Chenfeng, General Manager of Culture, Education and Communication"

"Su Wei, general manager of information technology and digital development"

"Lu Kuan, in charge of technology and innovation"

"Li Hu, general territorial security and defense"

"Lin Yueru, general manager of environmental protection and sustainable development"

"Gong Zhengyang, General Director of Diplomacy and External Relations"

"Ai Jianqiang, Fan Fuzheng, general in charge of infrastructure construction and planning"

"Yan Xiaqing, Zhuo Junfan, general manager of public health and health management"

'Ai Jianfeng' Sumo's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his eyes kept scanning the unfamiliar or familiar faces one by one, until he finished giving instructions to all aspects, designated the person in charge, and then ordered: "Everyone, your responsibilities are important. , we must do our best to lay the foundation for the development of version 0!"


Nearly a hundred people answered in unison.

Compared with the situation when Tianyuan Territory was first created, its current scale is already far different.

In this process, only the specific work needs to be arranged.

As a lord, Soma plays more of a supervisory role. He only needs to check the results regularly to ensure that all work is carried out as expected.

"By the way, let Chen Shen start taking action as soon as possible. Let's bring back the recently gathered talents first."

"There is also Mengyue Territory. Contact us as soon as possible to communicate relevant rescue information."

After calling Gong Zhengyang to stop, Sumo made further arrangements.

"I'll go right away."

Gong Zhengyang nodded repeatedly, wrote down the requests one by one, and left briskly.

There have been a lot of diplomatic requests recently, but the rules of Tianyuan Territory have not been completely relaxed yet.

So much so that every day he had to think of a new excuse to fend off those inquiries, or simply pretend not to see it.

Now that the new regulations are implemented, it feels like a big stone has fallen to the ground.

"We have to inform Meng Yue first, they must be very anxious!"

Southern New World.

The sun shines through the thick clouds and dapples the vast tropical land, bringing ample light to this fertile land.

If there had not been the threat of the upcoming "three cold springs" disaster, according to its unique geographical conditions, it should have quickly emerged as a major gathering place for human beings.

But unfortunately, there are only three days left before disaster strikes.

Most of the territories are enveloped in an atmosphere of tension and busyness. They are busy preparing various anti-movement facilities and doing their best to protect the crops that have just been sown.

In those territories where rice cultivation is the main focus, the peace and tranquility of the past have long been gone.

Most of them were in a mess at this moment, as if they had just experienced a tragic foreign invasion.

The rice seedlings in the field fell to the ground, withered leaves swayed feebly in the wind, and broken farm tools scattered everywhere, quietly telling the impact of this disaster.

Especially in Mengyue Territory, where more than 80% of the rice is planted, and the lord is running away with supplies.

The situation here is even more serious than in other territories, and order has long been on the verge of collapse.

As soon as night falls, the fatigue and depression during the day will explode instantly.

The gathering place is no longer a paradise for people to enjoy peace, but a place where scenes of brutal robbery are staged.

In order to compete for the meager supplies, the strong male survivors were like wild beasts, fighting to the death and using all possible means.

The desire to survive pushes them to the edge of ruthlessness, and some people even use any means to lose their humanity in order to survive. Others gave up completely in despair and allowed themselves to sink into the darkness without any hope.

In such chaos, women and children undoubtedly became the most innocent victims.

They are weak and unable to resist men who are driven crazy by the desire to survive.

Many people can only huddle under dilapidated roofs or live in desolate wilderness with nowhere to go.

The cold night wind penetrated their skin like a knife, making them shiver.

The scorching sun during the day scorched the earth mercilessly, leaving them nowhere to hide.

Life has become like hell for them, with hunger and fear becoming the main theme of every day.

It was just evening, and night had not yet fallen.

Mengyue County was already filled with an atmosphere of chaos that was stronger than the previous few days.

There were sounds of sharpening knives and shouts of curses and curses everywhere, foreshadowing the coming battle.

Although before the disaster struck, they never thought of wielding a butcher knife against their own kind.

But now, in order to survive, those male survivors who chose the fighting route have almost all been pushed to the edge of the cliff and have completely lost their minds.

Even if Xi Ruyue walked with the remaining defense team in the gathering place, trying to maintain the shaky order and order those survivors who were preparing to cause trouble to return to their residences, she could not avoid the battle that was bound to break out at night.

She saw endless exhaustion and despair on those people's faces.

Their eyes have long been empty, and they have lost hope and confidence in life.


Unless these people can be awakened to have the confidence to live, they can only rely on fighting violence with violence.

Some may ask why not escape this hellish territory?

The answer is simple.

Without supplies, where can we go?

Other territories in the New World are busy preparing for the coming cold spring, and no one is willing to take in a group of burdensome people.

And as the area continues to expand, it is almost impossible to cross thousands of kilometers of barren mountains and rivers with just legs and a few supplies.

Taking advantage of the last ray of sunset, the defense team returned to the only remaining station.

"No news yet?"

As soon as she returned to the station, Xi Ruyue couldn't wait to find Chu Chaofei.

However, it is disappointing, or despairing, that the message they send out is like a mud cow sinking into the sea.

Most people in the defense team have used up all their disaster points, but still haven't received any reply.

"No, we monitor the World Channel all the time."

"Don't worry, maybe you missed it because you were scrolling too many times."

Chu Chaofei comforted him gently, but in fact he was also enveloped in anxiety and uneasiness.

If I didn't see it once or twice, I would be forgiven, but I didn't see it hundreds of times.

Xi Ruyue took a deep breath and seemed to be trying to calm down her emotions.

She raised her head and looked at Chu Chaofei, with a hint of determination in her eyes: "How much supplies do we have?"

Chu Chaofei was stunned, thinking that Xi Ruyue would suddenly ask this question.

But as his eyes involuntarily glanced outside the station, he had an answer.

Unknowingly, more and more women and children had gathered near the defense station.

Today's scene seems to be more severe than ever before. The crowd has almost filled the two surrounding blocks, their eyes full of helplessness and longing.

"This is too much. If we still send it to them, we will last for half a month at most!"

Although half of the inventory was taken away by the previous lord, many people still hid some supplies, and there is absolutely no problem in sustaining them for a few months.

Most of the people gathered around now are poor people who have been robbed of supplies.

Xi Ruyue was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about something, but finally said: "Come on, we can last at least half a month, they"

Before she finished speaking, Chu Chaofei looked at the red bloodshot eyes and couldn't help feeling sad.

As the new Lingzhu elected by the defense team, Xi Ruyue had not had a good rest for many days in a row, but she still failed to clean up the mess.

Things are getting worse now

Chu Chaofei took a deep breath and could only try to make his voice sound firm: "Okay, then you can rest for a while, and I will lead people to distribute supplies."

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