My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1297 An unexpected guest, a company comes to visit!

Recently, even the old-fashioned and stupid gopher guys in the southern suburbs do not intend to follow the old path and live a small life guarding one-third of an acre. Instead, they choose to jump on the high-speed train of alliance development as soon as possible.

According to Yehu's brave and vigorous character in the past, he will naturally not shrink back and choose to stand still.

What's more, compared to the price he had to pay, the treatment Sumo offered was simply delicious.

A special force entirely led and managed by him.

They must also be equipped with the most advanced equipment in the territory and become the sharp knife of the alliance in the future.

What is this concept?

In the past, when wars broke out frequently, that was the standard equipment of the feudal officials, and it was a sign of extreme trust.

Yehu was worried all night last night, and spent most of the time worried that he would be dependent on others and be controlled by others.

After all, his playing style is basically a wild approach that he has figured out by himself. It is the kind of side approach that can make sneak attacks but never take the main road.

If you change to a commander who adopts an academic style of play and a kingly route, let him forcefully execute the plan.

Let’s not talk about the effect at that time, whether it can achieve the strategic goal.

The key is that he is worried that he will not be able to learn.

When I think about people in their forties, they still have to be lectured every day and have to learn a lot of things that they are not interested in.

Hunting a tiger is exciting at one moment, and sad at the other. Even when the mood gets high, I want to give up my rash ideas.

Fortunately, Jin Guqiao persuaded him to come over first and ask, if it didn't work, then forget it.

Hunter Tiger then made up his mind and ran over as soon as it was light.

Unexpectedly, the answers he got now were all based on the best presets, and the bald man's face wrinkled in happiness.


The various problems caused by the mutant bloodline have not been solved for a day or two in Blue Star. There has been no solution for hundreds of years.

Although he didn't care about Sumo's seemingly empty promise, he thought that none of his fellow mutants in the city cared about the influence of his bloodline, and now an outsider actually cared about him.

It feels warm in my heart and quite touching.

"Your worries are indeed reasonable. If a person who has never been exposed to the orthodox academic style of play is commanded to perform a task, no one can guarantee whether there will be big trouble."

After hearing Yehu's concerns, Sumo couldn't help but smile and said:

"But you haven't changed your mind. It's difficult for a wild person to learn from an academic school. Could it be that it's easier for an academic person to learn from a wild school?"

"That's true. Most people can't learn my dirty fighting styles." Hearing this, Liehu nodded repeatedly.

The commander's way of thinking is like a double-edged sword, which can lead the team to victory or lead it into trouble.

The difference is not only reflected in tactical choices, but also in a deep understanding of the nature and goals of war.

For example, when encountering strong enemy barriers, academic commanders tend to behave more prudently and rationally.

They are more inclined to consume the enemy's strength by cutting off the enemy's supply lines, cleverly setting up ambushes, etc., and their eyes are not limited to the immediate battle, but will pay more attention to the overall control of the entire battle situation.

He is better at using the general trend and gradually forcing the enemy into a desperate situation through clever strategic layout and troop deployment.

But Yeluzi doesn't pay so much attention to it. It can be said that it only focuses on success or failure at the moment.

When encountering a formidable enemy, Hunter Tiger will definitely be able to make unscrupulous tactics such as sending assassins, poisoning food, digging holes in the ground, etc. without hesitation.

And this difference in the way of thinking is also the reason why it is difficult for Wang Dao to surprise.

"As long as we have orthodoxy, we can't expect to defeat the enemy through trickery in all wars. It's inevitable that there will be a few tough enemies to pick on slowly, and the academic school is good at overall planning, which happens to be your biggest disadvantage. , I don’t trust you to be responsible.”

Now that he decided to join the territory, the relationship was no longer an ally but a superior and subordinate relationship. Naturally, Sumo's tone was no longer as polite as before.

The contrast between before and after was obvious. Xie Hu didn't have any thoughts, but felt more comfortable.

There is even a feeling of becoming one's own person, and all the barriers in the past have disappeared.

"You're right, I just said you are a smart man and I won't suffer any loss if I follow you."

When I think about it, in the past, I would only take a few thousand or ten thousand people with me to roam around Qinggang City.

Now we have the opportunity to increase this scale several times and make contributions to further places.

Xiehu was happy, and so was Somo.

Before they knew it, it was lunch time. The two of them were chatting, and Somo simply sent guards to book a table at a restaurant in the town, intending to study the upcoming dwarf battle.

"Let's go, let's talk while eating. I originally planned to let you be an assistant in this dwarf battle, so you can get used to it first and get back the feeling on the battlefield. But now that you're in such good condition, I can't guarantee that. It’s up to you to attack the enemy.”

"Weapons? Weapons are easy to talk about. The volunteers we sent from you last time were very powerful. This time you bring your own troops and they won't be even more powerful. Don't worry, I have to arrange the weapons properly for you. Sure."

"You don't need to take care of the logistics. I will arrange a dedicated person to connect with you when the time comes."

When it came to business, Sumo didn't stop talking. He arranged everything from start to finish, and praised the group of volunteers at Pingtan Shelter from the inside out. He didn't let the hunting tiger interrupt him at all. Opportunity.

This is also true.

The gap between the current war situation in the wasteland and modern warfare is as big as a day.

Modern warfare relies 80% on equipment. Because the situation has initially stabilized, more attention is paid to the sophistication of weapons and equipment and how far ahead the opponent is.

Most of the research on weapons tends to be defensive, with the foundation laid first before thinking about offense.

And even if humans are needed to operate these high-end weapons, they also need highly sophisticated talents.

If an ordinary conscript has no special merits, he will serve you for two years at most, and then he will be forced to retire and go home.

The current war in the wasteland is somewhat similar to the war in the last century. Good equipment and weapons currently have no basic industry to support them, and they are still centered on manpower.

As long as the trained soldiers are of high quality, even if the weapons are lagging behind, it is still possible to win.

On the contrary, if only the weapons are advanced and the people who use them are arrogant, then even a superior war may be lost.

As soon as he heard Sumo's tugging from shallow to deep, Yehu was also very excited. No manager in Qinggang City would discuss this with him, even the people in his own shelter would always compliment him.

People like Jin Guqiao, who have followed him since he was young, dare to tell some truth at most when he is in a good mood, but at other times they can't hear it even if they want to.

Yehu knew that these people were afraid that he would go crazy.

But he couldn't explain it. How could he say something?

If the punishment is unpredictable, then the power is unpredictable!

If the group of people below knew that he was a talkative, I'm sure someone would have other ideas.

He is not as different as Su Mo, who dares to say anything and doesn't care about anything!

"I might as well move here tonight. It's been very deserted in my place recently. And since the alliance was introduced in the western suburbs, there's no place where I'm needed every day."

Yehu smiled and simply thought of moving directly.

During the previous period, he had heard Jin Guqiao say more than once that the veterans who came out of the Pingtan shelter were living an extremely nourishing life. The news of the second batch of volunteers had just spread, and the influx of people almost gave him a break. Break through.

Everyone originally thought they were going to the frontiers, but now they realize that they are going to enjoy happiness.

For this reason, Yehu was sulking for a while.

Now that I think about it, this group of people really came here to enjoy themselves, and they were not as miserable as before.

As for Sumo's request for him to step down as the manager of Pingtan Sanctuary, Yehu didn't care.

Things in name are always illusory.

If he could control an army alone in Tianyuan Territory, he would have an important say in the alliance.

It doesn’t matter who the manager of Pingtan Shelter is, so how could he still dare to block him from going home?

"That's alright. I'll have someone make arrangements for you later. You can see whether you want to live in the underground city or go to the barracks over there in the Bone Village."

Sumo nodded, and the two walked happily to the Huoli Restaurant.

Many people saw the huge hunting tiger walking behind him, looking like a subordinate, and they all showed curiosity.

"Look, isn't that the manager of Pingtan, Yehu, why is he following our lord now?"

"It's strange. I heard people say this morning that this hunting tiger is going to join the lord. I didn't expect it to be true?"

"If he goes to the battlefield with his size, I'm afraid he can defeat ten of them, right?"

"It looks like he can do it. We can't envy him with his physique, but if we can raise the route level a little higher, I'm sure we can catch up with him."

"What's the point of chasing him? When I get a higher level in the future, I'll feel better if I beat him ten times with one hand!"

"Hey, people are coming, don't let anyone hear you."

"What are you afraid of? He is from Blue Star and can't understand our Chinese dialect."

"Aren't you afraid that the lord will hear it and cut your big tongue?"

"Bah, don't curse me, just go about your business."


Most of the people who can stay in the town during normal working hours are the elderly in the territory.

With an industry that they have worked hard for in advance, many people's lives are even better than on earth.

In addition, he is familiar with Somo's character, so he is not afraid of taking offense when making jokes.

A few busybodies even followed nearby, smiling and saying hello to Yehu in Blue Star language, which made Somo very happy.

Unfortunately, this smile did not last long. As soon as the two of them sat in the restaurant, Sumo saw two security motorcycles speeding towards him in the distance.

Seeing that the rider at the front was Feng Long, Sumo quickly stood up.

"What's going on? Are you in such a hurry?"

"Over there at the dock." Feng Long had just jumped out of the car and before he could stand firmly on his feet, he hurriedly prepared to report the situation.

However, just when he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Yehu sitting next to him, and he stopped talking.

"It's okay. Yehu will be one of our own from now on. Besides, he can't understand our Chinese dialect. Please speak quickly."

"One of our own?" Feng Long smacked his lips in surprise.

Under the urging of Sumo's eyes, he continued: "Five large ships have just arrived at the pier, and they are corporate ships!"

The dock is outside the territory, so there is no need for private chat in the game channel to deliver news immediately.

Feng Long simply took a full-angle photo with his camera and hurried back.


Su Mo was startled and quickly took the photo and looked through it.

Although when the giant dragon Xianjiang first appeared, he had a hunch that the three major forces of Blue Star would not give up using waterways to explore this world.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast. In just half a month, the company had already sailed the ship to the territory pier.

Next to him, Liehu also leaned his head over and was startled when he saw the big ship and the company logo in the photo.

Compared with the central command ship that is currently standard in the fleet in Tianyuan Territory, the enterprise's ship is larger.

The captain was at least about fifty meters away, and the draft looked quite shallow.

And the most important thing is that the company's ship is very eye-catching at first glance. The silver-white hull shines with a cold metallic luster, as if covered with a thin layer of frost, giving off a sense of mystery like science fiction.

The bow is sharp and straight, while the stern is designed to be simple yet powerful, as if it is a pair of strong wings.

The streamlined design of the hull is simple and elegant, with smooth and silky curves, revealing its industrial heritage everywhere.

Although I couldn't see the weapons installed on the ship's hull, since I dared to explore the surrounding area along the Dragon Immortal River, I must have good offensive and defensive methods.

"Companies are not like foundations or colleges. Generally speaking, there is nothing to worry about."

Seemingly sensing Sumo's worry, Liehu said softly from the side.

"The reason why enterprises can develop from humble beginnings is to stick to their own principles. As long as we don't take the initiative to launch an attack, they will definitely not rashly use force against us.

Furthermore, there is no need for us to compete with them. These five ships should be advance exploration ships, used to explore the road. "

"Well, let's go take a look first and then have this meal when we come back."

"Okay, I'll go with you. I'm sure there will be people I know." Yehu didn't care about the meal, picked up the clothes hanging on the chair and walked out.

I have known the company's style for a long time, and also expected that the three major forces would send people to explore the waters.

Sumo nodded slightly and followed, but his mind couldn't help but become more active.

Businesses seek money.

He asked for a way.

At present, the industrial development of Tianyuan Territory has entered a long bottleneck stage.

Although technological breakthroughs have not stopped, it will take a long time to fully apply them to factories for large-scale installation.

Especially for ordinary basic industries, it takes half a month just to teach workers to start production.

This has led to the fact that most technologies have been developed, but have been unable to be applied because the situation has not been completely stabilized.

Now that the company has arrived, if we can trade a batch of heavy industry materials that the territory urgently needs.

"These boats are really nice. I wish they were mine."

The five sci-fi ships in the photo flashed through his mind. Somo licked the corners of his mouth, feeling suddenly itchy.

If only Tianyuan Territory could possess this technology.

If nothing else, the next year would be enough for the New World to go sideways.

With such power, how much supplies would have to be brought back?

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