My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1070 Expanding influence, the second alliance meeting!

In times of peace, humans cannot yet predict when every turmoil will break out.

In the chaotic wasteland, it is even more difficult to judge the future direction of the current situation.

As the Chilonghua Sanctuary began, the Harbor Sanctuary then announced its unconditional "surrender".

Less than six hours.

Of the thirty-seven shelters in the southern suburbs, eight decisively chose to follow up and opened their doors to Qinggang Shelter.

As dusk approaches, the bustling Qinggang New Town is already bustling with activity.

In the gap opened under the lightning wall, a Ranger Legion soldier who exuded a strong smell of shit was striding in with his head held high.

I saw many New Town residents who came out to greet me frowning and covering their noses.

Not only did they not feel shy, but they puffed out their chests, trying to spread the body odor further.

What a joke. These residents who have stayed in the shelter and have never been anywhere in their lives are just naive. Do they think they can use civilized methods to get the gopher guys in the southern suburbs to come out and surrender?

It was precisely by using these seemingly "stinky" methods that they successfully and perfectly achieved their goals.

Even the casualty rate did not exceed 10%!

Even if the regular army from Qinggang Sanctuary were deployed, it would be difficult to reach this number.

not to mention

He took a look at the lightning wall guards who were usually aloof but now full of smiling faces.

The warriors of the Rangers were increasingly satisfied.

Sometimes when I think about it carefully, it would actually be nice to have no weapons like guns that allow all beings to be equal.

At least now these idiots with cold weapons and daggers in their hands will no longer act like gopher guys.

However, not everyone is happy with the change.

Especially the controller of this new city.

"These damn bedbugs, can't they wash the stink off themselves first?"

Lying on the wall and watching the scattered teams walking in from a distance, not many people were willing to wash up in the temporary bathhouse outside the city wall.

Commander Edmund muttered in a low voice, and the corners of his unshaven mouth with blood blisters were also affected by the rebuke, and there was a stinging sensation.

If it were in the past, there was no way he would have told the guards to open the door to these bed bugs who hadn't even cleaned up their feces and urine.

But now, as guns have become toys, the indestructible tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery have also become scrap metal.

Wanting to restrain these wanderers as severely as before is already something that can only happen in a dream.

without any exaggeration.

After just one night, the military strength of Qinggang Shelter was completely gone.

Let alone launch a decent attack, it is difficult to maintain the current situation.

But fortunately, the gophers who were being attacked in the southern suburbs of the city seemed more frightened.

When the news of the surrender in the afternoon came back through human connection, Edmund felt his tense spirit relax a little.

Although you still have to bear the risk of those people in the southern suburbs overturning the table, the risk is finally decreasing.

Moreover, the scale of surrender in the southern suburbs now gives Qinggang Shelter a good excuse to withdraw its troops.

There is no need to lose face and show cowardice, nor do we need to continue to aggravate the situation in the southern suburbs.

After all the Rangers return to the new city, when will the metal stop this horrific change and when will the next round of stress testing begin.

"Report, the soldiers who went to the western suburbs to inquire about information have returned!"

At this time, the deputy commander's voice came from the stairs below the city wall, which made Edmund quickly turn his head in shock.

There were two soldiers running up in embarrassment, with several tears in their clothes.

"Did people from the western suburbs attack you?"

Edmund was shocked, but he still managed to maintain a controlled expression on his face.

"No, no, we encountered some strange radiation beasts when we came back and were attacked by them!"

"Is it a radioactive beast?"

Edmund breathed a sigh of relief, not paying attention to the strange radioactive beast that the warrior said.

The shelters in the eastern suburbs are all inhospitable, and they are far away from the core urban clusters, so they basically do not participate in urban civil unrest.

In his opinion, the biggest enemies in the city currently are the Southern Suburban Alliance and the Western Suburban Alliance.

Although the Western Suburbs Alliance is only a collection of three shelters, this is also their advantage.

Fewer people means there are less likely to be problems with communication and there will be greater internal harmony.

A trinity of offensive and defensive alliances, plus Yehu, a war madman who is good at hand-to-hand combat.

Once they launch a revenge counterattack, they will become a big trouble in Qinggang New City!

"Yes, they are a few special radiation beasts that look like humans. They seem to have learned how to use weapons."

"Don't worry about this. Where is the western suburbs? Is there any sound coming from the western suburbs?"

After interrupting the soldier's voice, Edmund continued to ask impatiently.

"No, the Western Suburban Alliance is still constructing defensive separation facilities step by step. They have established a simple pass on the High Ring. We were not able to pass there, but we can see that the people building it are not panicking."

"In addition, we also saw people from Pingtan Shelter. They were leading people to patrol the entrance and exit of Gaohuan. It seems that they don't want to start any war and just want to defend their territory."

"Tianyuan Tianyuan Refuge"

Speaking of this, a hint of anxiety suddenly appeared on the soldier's face, and his voice stuttered.

"What's going on? What happened there?"

"Although we entered their territory, we were discovered not long after entering!"


Edmund was slightly startled, and there was a complex look on his face.

Since the last night attack broke out, the command headquarters has made a simple ranking of the surrounding neighbors.

Among them, Tianyuan Sanctuary ranked thirteenth, with a combat strength of approximately fifteen thousand people.

But now, it seems it’s time to move this ranking up a bit.

"They are still building a high wall on the border. They are learning from our lightning wall. In addition, these people are very cunning. They deliberately left gaps that have been set up for ambush, waiting for us to enter."

"Our people were arrested less than a kilometer into the area."

"Then what?"

Already prepared, Edmund was not surprised this time.

Originally, he had sent people to investigate the situation of the Western Suburbs Alliance, and he had already made full plans and even prepared for war.

Everything that is happening now is still within the acceptable range.


The soldier was stunned and said with an embarrassed look, "There's nothing more to do. We were afraid of being discovered by the other party, so we all ran away!"

"Alright alright"

Rubbing his temples, Edmund knew that he could not put too much pressure on these intelligence soldiers.

Since the other party is fully prepared, they will catch everyone who goes in.

With their teammates captured, the best thing for the remaining people to do is to retreat in time and bring the news back to New City.

After asking some more details, Edmund raised his hand and waved away the two soldiers, and immediately convened a temporary meeting.

Regardless of how the other party reacts, whether or not they will launch a retaliatory counterattack.

As the undoubted bosses in the city, they must not show cowardice and must make plans in advance to prevent sudden attacks from causing trauma to the new city.

After all, the losses caused by the last raider attack were too exaggerated.

Behind the lightning wall, it can no longer bear any trouble!

Of course, that's not what Edmund would have thought of.

At the same time he held the defense meeting, the Western Suburban Alliance was not as calm as imagined, but immediately started its second formal meeting after its establishment.

That night.

Two kilometers due east of Tianyuan Warning Wall.

Behind the heavy wooden gate that had been prepared in advance was an outpost that was being built overtime.

Hundreds of architecture players are walking lively through the large construction site, planning and building houses.

Due to the outbreak of the metal disaster, the material of the house was temporarily changed from reinforced concrete to brick concrete.

However, this place was not originally intended to be used as a military base, so there was no need to worry about reduced defense capabilities.

In contrast, the southern suburbs of Qinggang City, which had been bustling for more than half a month, were extremely quiet tonight.

Without the harassment of the Rangers, the Gophers finally lived a peaceful life that they had not seen for a long time.

However, even if it is already past ten o'clock in the evening.

The door under the security wall was not closed as usual, but instead several spotlights were turned on.

As the hour hand moved forward a little further, sparse figures began to appear at the end of the darkness.

It’s the people from Pingtan Shelter!

The guard on the high wall immediately identified the approximate identity of the visitor through his conspicuous uniform.

Then, further information was obtained from the encrypted communication signal sent by the opponent's flag.

Of course, such a simple verification may still allow someone to steal your identity and impersonate it.

But it's not needed at this moment.

The tall figure walking in front of the crowd was extremely identifiable. He was clearly the manager of Pingtan, who was over two meters tall.

Tiger hunting!

Even the darkness could not cover the conspicuous crimson complexion. Instead, it highlighted a strange black-red color, as if the evil spirits from hell had crawled back to the human world.

Coupled with the mace he was carrying that made people unable to take their eyes off him.

The length of this thing is already over one meter, and the spikes on it alone are as long as a baby's arm.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you can play with this weapon, it will definitely be called a road roller in the cold weapon era.

However, although the hunting tiger looks murderous, it becomes strangely polite when it gets closer.

He first sent someone to approach him individually according to the rules, and then led the remaining people into the level.

In the distance, when he saw Sumo standing at the gate of the outpost talking to someone, Liehu's stern expression relaxed.

"My dear ally, the master of Tianyuan Territory. The construction speed of this base is really fast. Remember the last time I came here, I didn't even build the foundation. It's going to be big in the blink of an eye!"

Yehu said compliments that he was not good at, his face was red and he looked a little silly due to his height.

But these words were from his heart.

Since infrastructure construction began in the western suburbs during this period, he discovered how difficult it was to restore humankind's glory.

Let alone building such a base.

Just clearing the ruins, arranging materials, and planning the construction is enough to give a headache.

"This is due to the recent stability in the western suburbs, which gives us a lot of time to develop infrastructure."

Turning around and looking up at Yehu, Sumo continued with a gentle smile on his face and a relaxed tone.

"You came very quickly. The rest of the people should be on their way now. Do you want to go in and sit down first?"

"No, I mean, if you can, please give me some snacks like the one you had last time. It's been a long time since I took someone on such a long journey. I'm really tired from walking all the way."

The Metal Sigh has destroyed all vehicles.

Including Yehu's exclusive tank vehicle, he witnessed it with his own eyes and quickly aged into a ball of scrap metal.

Hiking all the way here, in order to beware of dangers that may arise at any time.

Xie Hu only ate three-thirds full before going out. Although his physical strength was astonishing, he was inevitably a little tired at this time.

"No problem. From now on, if you come to my place and don't worry about anything else, you'll have enough to eat."

The palm-sized chive box, which can be eaten by an adult in just two, was described by Yehu as a snack, which was in line with his body type.

Sumo turned his head and gave some instructions, and soon a guard brought hot meals from the canteen of the outpost.

Hunting tigers are not afraid of being burned, let alone being poisoned.

He picked up three steamed buns with his right hand, and a plate of vegetables with his left hand, poured it into his mouth and started chewing.

"Yeah, it's delicious. I won't be used to it when I eat it here!"

Not used to it?

Sumo's eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers.

"How about I send a few cooks to the Pingtan shelter and open a canteen inside your shelter. Then you can eat there every day!"

Hunting Tiger: ""

Is this guy serious?

If someone else had said that, he might have turned against him.

The main way the Gopher Man's Sanctuary can maintain its "purity" is to close it.

Like a frog trapped at the bottom of a well, he will always feel that the sky is only as big as the mouth of the well.

The same goes for the residents of the shelter.

If they knew that life outside was not so dangerous, the sun on the surface was hot and warm, and the air would no longer have that lingering stench.

How many people are willing to stay underground in a damp, cold place without sunlight all day long?

After reading the notes left by the previous manager, Yehu didn't think he would be able to perfectly control the shelter by then.


If you think about it, more and more residents have come to work on the surface recently, and they have begun to come into contact with the outside world.

It doesn’t seem like a big problem to have more cooks, right?

There was a pause, just as the tiger-hunting gods were fighting, and while eating, they were thinking about whether to agree to Somo's proposal.

In front of the wooden door, a new team came again.

The blue, white and gray uniform has a conspicuous colorful circle around its neck.

The number of people in the team was not large. At a rough count, there were nearly a hundred people, and they all held various cold weapons in their hands.

"Hey, it looks like our new ally is not slow either!"

Relying on the bonus of the Eye of True Sight, Soma's sight penetrated the darkness and finally landed on the center surrounded by the crowd.

A thin man was standing there, looking curiously at the warning wall covered with light sources.

Sumo also met this man at the meeting held at Sunny Harbor Refuge.

‘Horsens’ refuge from the southern suburbs.

Administrator, Kevin Horsens.

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