My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1066 Big infrastructure version, preparation for war!

Red light flashes.

As the Metal Sigh disaster officially began, the strange, miserable red moonlight seemed to be breathing, and its frequency became faster and faster.



No one could see what had happened to the environment. Various metal objects piled up in the center of the square began to make spontaneous sounds.

Visible to the naked eye, countless scalp-numbing rust spots began to appear on the silver-white surface of the farm tools.

It only took less than two minutes to form a complete black rust stain.

"Damn, this is too scary!"

During the corrosion process of metal, some white corrosive gas evaporates.

Under the red light, it looks absolutely penetrating.

And this aging rate of up to a thousand times is definitely not a simple multiplication operation. Under the superposition of magnification, the metal has shown a strange change.

It's not like he's aging, it's more like


Countless lamentations joined together and could be heard hundreds of meters away, like the sound of an old-fashioned tractor starting up.

Soon, the metals that were molded into various styles aged to a critical point and began to enter the deformation stage.

A powerful hoe.

The metal attached to the wooden pole began to fall off, and rolled to the ground to form small black balls as if it had lost tension.

A Gentleman Series rifle.

The gun body made of metal has been twisted into a twist, and the gun barrel has naturally bridged together and turned into an iron rod.


Continuous noises began to come from the end of the horizon, and the earth began to shake.

Looking up at the stars, the sky suddenly became bright.

A stream of fiery red meteors drew graceful curves in the red night sky, flying towards the horizon.

One of them hit the Tianyuan territory without missing a beat, hitting a newly opened plantation hard.

The fierce fire burned, and the dark night was instantly brightened.

"Is there another new building coming?"

There are only more than ten days left before the opening of the black building. When seeing the meteor falling, everyone subconsciously had this idea.

Even Su Mo was a little surprised and quickly led people to the big pit.

However, when we got closer, we could see clearly what the falling thing was.

In the pit that was smashed out more than ten meters, a black-gray ball with a diameter of about one meter was making crunching sounds and was still deforming.

On the outermost layer of the ball, there are still some white painted writings that have not been erased.

This is

"Enterprise satellite?"

I learned a lot of corporate news from Bernie just a few days ago.

Now when he really saw the "triangle" symbol representing the enterprise appearing in front of his eyes, Sumo understood why the game wanted to increase the intensity of the metal aging disaster.

It has only been a while, but the company has already launched satellites into the sky of the wasteland, wanting to open the mini map and play games.

With this kind of progress, no wonder the game can't bear it.

"I suddenly have a feeling that this wave will set back the civilization of the Blue Star people at least fifty years!"

"Especially those gopher guys, it's no longer feasible for them to continue to huddle underground."

Standing in front of the scorching pit, he looked at the meteors scattered in the sky and the explosions that still didn't stop.

Chen Shen said with eager eyes.

Sumo also touched his chin with his right hand, his face full of surprise.

This battle was much bigger than that in the ruins of the future, and it directly defeated the efforts of the Blue Star natives for nearly half a year.

But for human players who are about to land in the New World, this is really good news.

In the next month, at least there is no need to worry about the outbreak of large-scale fighting.

When the disaster passes and all forces regain their ability to manufacture firepower weapons, there will be at least three months in between.

"Let's break up. Don't worry about the further impact of this disaster for the time being."

After the meteors in the sky fell one after another, the movement from the distance began to calm down.

After instructing the guards to temporarily close the area around the satellite, Somo yawned and returned to his room in the dungeon.

The next door neighbor didn't cause much trouble even with the firepower, but now it's even harder.

Perhaps those homeless people will take this opportunity to become more and more hostile to the shelters in the southern suburbs.

But the Western Suburban League.

Don't worry, I wouldn't even dare to give those guys a hundred courages.

Everyone knows that Hunter Tiger has a team of mutants, and those guys are simply bugs in cold weapon combat.

Of course, Sumo also thought about taking advantage of the temporary failure of the thermal weapons to gather the allies to take revenge on Sunny Harbor Sanctuary.

But after thinking about it, he finally chose to suppress this bold idea for the time being.

First, because a large number of human players are about to migrate to the New World, launching a war at this juncture is not conducive to the territory recruiting players.

It is very likely that the refugees discovered that this place was not peaceful from afar, so they chose to go directly to other places.

The second reason is that Qinggang Sanctuary has not yet shown its full strength. It is definitely a stupid decision to start a war without knowing the opponent's cards.

If the opponent cannot be completely destroyed and conquered at once, then the war will only continue endlessly.

This is completely inconsistent with the concept of survival and development in the wasteland.

In addition, although the Tianyuan Army soldiers in the territory have undergone several rounds of expansion, their scale is only no more than three hundred.

Even if all the guards were to attack, there would only be about a thousand people.

Not enough, not enough at all.

There are tens of thousands of wanderers on the other side. If you want to fight head-on with cold weapons, you need at least a team of nearly ten thousand soldiers.

"Fortunately, we will be able to expand our staff soon, so we don't need to be short of manpower for everything."

Expecting to train a group of life-type players to the battlefield, it is better to imitate the signs of Sunny Harbor Shelter and some wanderers.

According to the news from the Desolate Bone Village, the hundreds of homeless people who were previously captured have become extremely well-behaved recently.

Although these people cannot be expected to live and die for the territory, they can always be sent to perform tasks on some insignificant battlefields.

Sitting on the bedside, Sumo drank an unpacked soda while opening the game interface and browsing the world channel to see the extent of the impact of disasters in other places.

It's quite different from what I imagined. The aging of metal has really caused a lot of trouble, but it can be said to be a real threat.

That's really not much.

On the contrary, the individual players cheered for this, saying that the next journey to the New World would be more peaceful and they would not have to worry about those damn pirate attacks.

With this information in hand, Sumo turned off the panel and called up Zero to take a look at the recent developments.

In the past time, the large amount of food supplies accumulated in the territory has been enough to cover the expenses of 100,000 people for a year.

The residents' per capita material accumulation has also increased to thirty-seven days.

Of course, this number does not mean that everyone has exchanged materials, but the value of currency accumulated in their hands.

The average cost per capita is about 30 copper coins, which is still a healthy value.

At first, Sumo was a little worried that the gap between the rich and the poor between the old residents and the new residents was too high, which would allow some people to control the means of production, withdraw from the production ranks and become the rentier class, becoming worms in the territory.

But recently, he has clearly discovered that residents do not seem to be saving money as quickly as expected.

The reasons for this phenomenon are complex.

On the one hand, part of the income is consumed by eating, drinking, and eating every day, causing all the money earned to flow back into the village to form a cycle, or the money earned by resident A falls into the pocket of resident B, and only a small part of it will fall into the pocket of resident B. The market circulates.

On the other hand, most of the current bulk business is in Sumo's own hands, such as the foreign trade goods exported to Pingtan and Jucheng, such as the output of several large factories, and all the money earned goes into his pocket.

It is no exaggeration to say that the sum of money in Somo's own accounts is definitely higher than the income of all residents.

Most of the money circulated several times and eventually ended up with him as the lord.

But this model happens to be the healthiest way at this stage.

Such as the money-burning military industry, or some basic industries, and very forward-looking factories like the underworld.

It is definitely not feasible to expect villagers to raise funds for investment. They do not have such a high ability to resist risks.

When the money comes to Sumo, he will use it to invest in various basic livelihood facilities to support the territory.

This method just forms a cycle, which is somewhat similar to the practice of supporting "pot" enterprises on earth.

However, it is unrealistic to expect that this method can solve all problems as the population increases.

With the improvement of various basic production industries, if you don't want to find a way to solve it in advance.

As the population increases, the money in residents' pockets will inevitably lead to an increase in the prices of some in-demand commodities.

For example, if the daily output of the best-selling Dali series of agricultural tools is only a hundred, there are a thousand people in need.

If the territory does not implement regulation, price increases will definitely happen.

In economics terms, this is called "squeeze hyperinflation."

The solution is also very simple, and methods are given in various economics books.

The most straightforward thing is to build a "reservoir".

Put the excess resources in the hands of all residents to ensure that everyone's economic level is similar.

If you don’t have any money in your hands, there is no possibility of hyperinflation.

"Is there anything in the wasteland that everyone is willing to pay for?"

Sumo fell into deep thought.

He immediately thought of selling the house the old-fashioned way, but after thinking about it carefully, the possibility of this method being successful was slim.

Dungeon rooms are not so popular anywhere.

Prices are too high and residents prefer to make do by living in allocated communal rooms.

After all, no one knows if a disaster is coming and the house they worked so hard to buy will collapse into ruins.

Well, actually there is something wrong with saying that.

An independent house is still an urgent need for residents, but the problem still lies in the acute issue of pricing.

Somo needs a gentle way to digest residents' labor surplus and ensure fair distribution of resources.

"It seems we can only continue to increase investment in infrastructure!"

When things go wrong, infrastructure opens the way.

Not only will it create a large number of jobs, it will also stimulate domestic demand to flourish.

As long as there are more places to spend money, the speed at which residents accumulate resources will always slow down.

And as long as the territory can continue to expand and radiate to more and more places, there will always be more channels to spend money.

Public facilities, medical buildings, basic education

After clarifying his thoughts, Sumo suddenly became energetic and picked up the notebook on the bedside to type out.

[Tianyuan Territory Version 0: Big Infrastructure! 】

[Change: The goal is to look at the entire territory, and strive to develop at least six villages within half a year, and strive to build the Hope Village to the town level, and divide the residents into different collective groups to create competition, so as to accelerate infrastructure construction]

[Change: Increase infrastructure investment, accelerate the development of basic science and technology, and strive to restore living standards to modern levels as soon as possible]

[Change: Resources are differentiated, and the business environment within the territory must be cultivated to form a good business cycle]

[Change: The independent Tianyuan Army, exclusive to Tianyuan Dungeon, expands the recruitment scale to 3,000 people]

[Changes: Recruit more Blue Star humans, transfer low-end industries, and leave more time to train players]

[Change: Open up trade routes, short-term goal: around the territory; long-term goal: Enterprise Hu Lai City. 】


Regardless of whether it was right or not, Sumo chose to write down everything he could think of for the time being.

The specific details of the changes can be revised slowly. They are all minor issues and there is still a long time left for him.

For the last one, Sumo hesitated and finally added four words.

War preparation.

This is an unavoidable part of the development of the wasteland, and it is also a necessary process for territory expansion.

If you want to accommodate hundreds of thousands or millions of people, you must at least develop it to the size of the Tianyuan territory in the future ruins.

Otherwise, there will not be enough land to grow crops, and there will not be enough strategic depth to ensure security.

All infrastructure can be destroyed by a dispute that can break out at any time.

"Manpower, I still need more people to help me complete these things, otherwise it will be too difficult to do it alone."

The plan becomes more and more grand, and Somo becomes more and more troubled.

To be honest, who would have thought that a year ago he was still studying how to survive, but now he would be focusing on the wasteland dispute.

To be fair, Sumo still prefers farming.

Seeing more and more supplies in the warehouse, seeing the technology tree climbing higher and higher, and seeing houses rising from the ground in the territory.

Life quickly returned to modern levels and even developed to a higher level.

These are the things he likes.

But there is no way, who made this a wasteland.

If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance.

Not to mention the natives of Blue Star, the constant introduction of games with various disasters means that the wasteland cannot be peaceful.

And as the game goes on, the threats only grow.

"The metal aging disaster will last for a month, which means everyone will return to the same starting line."

"Of course, the speed of territory recovery is definitely not as fast as those of Blue Star's big forces, nor as fast as Enterprise's Hu Lai City."

"But it doesn't matter. There will be many disasters and opportunities in the future. There will always be time to catch up."

"The biggest enemy now is actually Clear Harbor Sanctuary!"

With his goal firmed up, Sumo's thinking became clearer.

The biggest unrest factor in Qinggang City is the Qinggang Shelter.

If the Tianyuan Territory wants to gain a foothold on this land in the future, one of the two parties must surrender.

And there is a high probability that the difference will not be made until the difference in strength is obvious.

Sumo can already see that with the continuous development of the Western Suburbs Alliance, there will definitely be times when Sunny Harbor Shelter can't help it.

When they feel that the threat is irreconcilable, a war between the two sides will completely break out.

"We must start planning in advance to neutralize the damage and threats caused by the outbreak of war."

"Since the two sides will face each other sooner or later, if we shrink back, we will bear more pressure."

"As infrastructure develops, force must not be left behind either!"

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