My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1047: Hedging trade, history opens a new page

Chapter 1047: Hedging trade, history has turned a new page!

The road to the pumpkin bunker was not as easy as expected.

Although there is only about 70 kilometers between there and the southern suburbs, in order to avoid the battle that may break out at any time in the city, the two personnel carriers equipped with the latest "Dianlang" low-power energy machines can only circle in an arc. Pass by.

The suburbs of Qinggang City that can be seen along the way are full of ruins of buildings that have descended from the Thousand Fantasy Fog.

Occasionally, there are some radioactive beasts that have escaped from the city, hiding in the ruins and looking out, trying to feed on passing creatures.

However, facing two vehicles that were obviously full of civilized atmosphere, a group of radioactive beasts did not dare to jump out and attack.

Even though they have been hungry for many days, they urgently need some food to replenish their empty stomachs.

"Fortunately, we don't have to stop halfway to change the battery, otherwise it would be really dangerous in this situation."

The last scene of being besieged by radioactive beasts in the southern suburbs was still vivid in my mind. These guys were not afraid even in the face of whizzing bullets.

Sitting in the back of the troop carrier, 'Lao Dao' looked outside through the small window for a while and said with lingering fear.

The shape of the personnel carrier using the new energy machine is basically similar to that of Baili Deng.

There are almost no differences between the two vehicles except that two small explosion-proof windows are added to the compartment for extending the muzzle of the gun for shooting.

Of course, there is nothing we can do about it.

To be able to build a complete assembly line, the production capacity of the industrial mother bed has been allocated for about two months.

If you want to expand new product lines in addition to this, the amount of work is so huge that it is daunting.

Even if it was just to add two windows to the cabinet, eight workers had to work overtime for two full nights to complete it.

"It's a full two hundred and fifty kilometers one way. If it weren't for the development of the Electric Wolf Machine, we wouldn't be able to transport goods even if we expand the trade route." Closing the lid of the thermos cup in his hand, Yoyo Firepower King put it back in his arms, His eyes were full of longing.

Since the territories and villages began to allow residents to possess guns through the process of applying for gunman certificates, the sales volume of the fire weapons store has embarked on the road of Waterloo, and is currently less than one-tenth of its peak.

Cheap guns are flooding into the market in waves, constantly reconstructing the original force structure.

Although the consumption price of bullets is much higher than that of crossbow arrows, the power of the two is not the same at all.

Those who are not going to the battlefield would rather hold their belts and save money to buy a pistol than buy a powerful crossbow for self-defense.

In other words, the Firepower Weapons Store is on the verge of bankruptcy!

If it were not for the metal aging disaster, the final sales would have been lost in a very short period of time.

Now, things seem to be getting better again.

There have been obviously more customers entering the store recently to choose crossbows than in the past few days. Even if most of them just come to inquire about the price and see the performance of the latest generation of wolf crossbows, it is enough to make people feel excited.

Coupled with the new market that is likely to be opened up here, the firepower weapons store will become bigger and stronger just around the corner!

"I heard there are 7,000 people there, which is quite a lot. It's a huge market.

“Just don’t know if they have enough trash.”

In the chat channel, he said "You have no one in Gary", but in reality he was a handsome and handsome young man.

Relying on the recycling machine brought back from Pingtan Shelter before, it was repaired and handed over by Sumo using the survival point.

The 'Sweep' recycling plant has received a lot of orders recently, providing a lot of rare elements.

However, the emergence of the ban has made it difficult for scavengers to bring back valuable items. In order to open up new recycling business routes, this pumpkin bunker is also one of his goals.

Use cheap products to exchange for the garbage in their hands, and then use recycling machines to break down the useful elements.

With frequent transactions, the recycling plant can easily make a lot of money.

"Haha, you will get satisfactory results. You will know that the structure there is no better than a normal shelter."

Seeing the old electrician and Candy sitting in the corner in silence, the nuclear-powered rifle cleared the topic with a dry cough.

For players on the manual enthusiast route and the mechanical apprentice route, the basic version has been extremely miserable recently.

Especially for the former, the industrial production lines that have been gradually established have no place for them to play.

As for making some gadgets, the villagers don't have the extra funds to buy them back and appreciate them.

Over time, almost all players on the manual enthusiast route ranked at the bottom.

As the hope of the whole village, Xiangchitang not only shoulders the mission of exploring the market, but also shoulders the hope of the rise of manual route players.

The old electricians and mechanical apprentices were also miserable.

Fortunately, there are very few players who choose this route, and there are only about fifty people in the entire territory.

"I wish they had a bunch of broken machines for us to fix. I'd rather work for nothing."

The forty-year-old middle-aged man shrugged, with a slight embarrassment on his face.

"Don't worry, your mechanical apprentice route is a late-stage route. When the territory can provide a development platform, the upgrade will definitely be very fast."

After reviewing the data in his hand, Dream Taoist raised his head and gave a comforting sound.

"Based on the intelligence we already have, we can probably judge that the other party is a gathering place mainly based on agriculture, supplemented by small-scale light industrial manufacturing and low-cost services."

"Most of the residents inside are slaves bought by the owner of the bunker. They don't need any expenses and don't have much pressure to survive. Of course, I don't know if the owner there is benevolent and whether he will distribute the production surplus as a reward."

"If he chooses to take all the money back, there's a good chance every resident won't have a penny in their hands."

"If you don't have money, if you don't have money, wouldn't it be the end of the world?"

The Fire King was stunned for a moment.

He also hoped that the residents there would be rich enough to be armed to the teeth with a wolf crossbow in their hands, a wolf crossbow on their backs, and another wolf crossbow in their box.

But if this is what I told Dream Taobao, and they have no spending power, then why sell a hammer?

Several other people also had different expressions on their faces.

But soon, before the second person could ask a question, Dream Taoist continued to explain.

"You have misunderstood. In fact, having no money is the best news for us."

The so-called ‘money’ is actually synonymous with production surplus.

It is impossible for the Pumpkin Bunker to circulate Tianyuan copper coins or iron coins, and it is impossible to have its own currency due to size restrictions.

"Think about it, if the currency they have is the same Foundation coupons as the Red Spider Caravan, it is almost a piece of waste paper that cannot be redeemed in the short term."

"Even if they have currency that can be redeemed, once the internal economic system collapses, the currency we get back will quickly depreciate."

"But on the contrary, they have no money, but they have a lot of valuable materials. That is the best news for us."


Return to the most primitive time.

Neither party will worry about the depreciation of the purchased materials, nor will they worry about currency impediments.

"Will they have supplies as slaves?"

The Yoyo Fire King swallowed, still a little worried.

"That's not necessarily the case."

"If their masters were not stupid, they would definitely have rewarded them in order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for work."

"In addition, the situation is different now. The Pumpkin Bunker has descended from a safe place to a dangerous wasteland. If the slaves inside make trouble again, the good days of the bunker owner will be completely over."

Obtaining information through intelligence analysis is a specialty of Dream Taoists.

After hearing what he said, everyone present finally breathed a sigh of relief, and all the previous slights disappeared.

The new additions to the scavenger team, ‘Butcher’ and ‘Two Two Makes Four’, also showed some surprise, gaining a closer understanding of the strength of their new teammate.

"If you are willing to believe me, you must not hide or hide information about our territory when you go there."

"They have no ability to resist, let alone invade."

"On the other hand, this is exactly what they need."

"I know this. It's just to convince them that there are benefits to forming an alliance with us, so that we can lower the price in the transaction."

The old Taoist finally understood it for once and hurriedly spoke.

"Yes! We know what they need most and can provide what they need most, but they don't know what we need."

"This is a huge advantage in trade."

The dreamer nodded slightly.

"The previous transactions between the Peaceful Flats Shelter and the Giant City Shelter were just a small deal and could not be brought to the forefront."

"Their internal productivity is too strong, even one level stronger than our territory. Most goods have no market."

"But this bunker is different. If they were just slaves, they would definitely need a lot of things."

"If we do a good job in hedging trade, we can make profits ten times or a hundred times."

There are actually many explanations for the so-called ‘hedging trade’.

The most common ones on earth are physical purchases and futures sales, which are used to preserve the value of the materials in hand.

But in physical transactions, hedging also means that risks are greatly reduced.

For example, on small handmade products that are not urgently needed by the slaves in the bunker, we offer a very low price, even to the point of losing money after taking into account the cost and craftsmanship, to provide a channel for craft enthusiast route players to gain experience.

But for the weapons they desperately needed, they were given a price that was so expensive that it made their hearts bleed.

The two can be sold separately or bundled with low-priced products.

Under profit hedging, money is made, experience is gained, and every aspect can be developed properly.

"With only that little information, can you analyze these things?"

Everyone sitting in the carriage looked at each other.

If only there were dream hunters who said it was that simple.

If the hedging trade can be successfully completed, it will simply open a new page in the history of the territory!

Dilonghua Park, nearly a hundred kilometers away.

The excited Rangers poured the gasoline brought from the supply point evenly on the ground, hummed rude shouts and songs, and brought in a lot of fire starters.

There were dry branches, bundles of weeds, torn garbage bags, and

I don’t know who took off the red underwear.

"Hey, I just found a pair without patches. This pair of underwear that has been with me for three years has come to an end!"

A homeless man bared his teeth and smiled as he waved the large underpants he found in the corner of the ruins in his hand.

To be honest, since joining Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, their living supplies have indeed become much richer than before.

But compared to spending battle points to buy it from the logistics store, this kind of thing picked up from the garbage dump is more delicious.

The wanderers don't care if they do it cleanly. In their eyes, an object can only be divided into three states.

Easy to use, can be used, can't be used.

"Stop yelling. Just light up the fire and fire a few shots. We will retreat immediately!"

Confirming that the fire could spread to the entire park, Xia Zuo showed a satisfied expression on his face and quickly returned to the exit of the park.

To be honest, even with the map he got before leaving, he just couldn't find the entrance and exit of the Dilonghua Sanctuary.

But who cares? The mission only said to cause some trouble for them, and never said that they wanted to fight head-on.


A match struck his fingertips, spun gently in the air, and landed on a pile of weeds.

At first, it was just a faint cloud of smoke rising from the weeds, but it only took a few seconds to turn into a small flame visible to the naked eye.

Blown by the midday breeze, the flames grew in the wind and soon came into contact with the spilled gasoline.


A slightly harsh explosion sounded, and the crumbling fire stabilized instantly and spread to the surrounding area at an exaggerated speed.

"Ho ho, burn down the gopher guy's house and see if they can get out!"

"Burn them to death and let them taste the feeling of losing their home!"

"Such a beautiful scene, it's a pity that I can only use my one eye to record it. It would be great if I had a camera."

"No, their guards have discovered us, fire quickly!"

"Over there, in that bell tower, damn it!"

When the drum-like sound of explosions and gunfire sounded together, the Rangers realized that the fire was in the wrong place.

The other party's shelter is not under this park, but in another smaller park nearby.

But despite this, looking at the furious looks of the shelter guards, their goal was achieved!

The two sides fired at each other behind the bunker. The crackling bullets hit the concrete wall and brought up a trail of fly ash.

"One-eyed Death, please let my bullet hit!"

"God of the Antelope, your followers definitely did not intentionally commit evil deeds. The other party did it first!"

"Blessed by the big rhinoceros horn god"

The distance between the two sides is at least 500 meters. It is a luxury to hope that it can hit and cause damage.

But in the mouth of the wanderer, there are all kinds of different prayers coming and going in a jumble.

Call them devoid of faith, almost everyone is praying.

But yes, everyone prays for different gods, and together they can play several tables of mahjong.

The battle lasted for about three minutes, and I don't know which lucky person got a shot.

Seeing an unlucky guard on the tower fall straight down, Xia Zuo waved his hand, and the Rangers retreated as soon as they were ready, and then ran away to the distance.

The raging fire blew up with the wind, and half of the southern suburbs seemed to be on fire.

Many wanderers who were still heading to the mission site raised their heads curiously and looked at the fiery red color on the horizon in surprise.

Even the commander who had not yet had time to return to the new city raised his head in surprise and couldn't help but admire.

"I thought that only our legion could carry out such an offensive, but I didn't expect that the Rangers could also do it. This team led by the captain is so brave!"

"Go, find his location, and give this team a head start!"

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