My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1042 The phantom mist disappears and is about to explode!

January 6, Year 2 of the Wasteland Calendar, is a day worthy of being recorded in history.

Human beings who were lucky enough to survive will always remember this day and this six-month-long disaster.

The Mist of Thousand Illusions is finally coming to an end.

No longer have to endure the torture of humidity that is like gangrene on the bones, lying in bed all night and staying awake all night.

You no longer have to worry about whether enemies will suddenly pop out of the fog. Clear vision will make the opponent unable to hide.

The appearance of the sun will bring the unique warmth of sunlight.

Even cement that cannot be dried will speed up the progress, making infrastructure construction go more smoothly.

Early in the morning, it was just after six o'clock.

The quiet village became uncontrollably agitated. More and more residents walked out of their houses and looked up to the east.

There, the sun, which had disappeared for half a year, was bursting out with "bright" light, illuminating half of the sky with a blue light.

Several staff members were walking next to the building, tearing off the slogan stickers that read "Residents should not walk around in foggy days, pay attention to personal safety" and replacing them with new slogans.

Because the time was too long, I felt the warm feeling descending on my body.

Many people raised their hands in front of their eyes, looking like they were not used to it.

Standing in front of the underground city gate, Somo also subconsciously raised his hand to block the light that was not actually dazzling.

The world seemed to become clearer.

Whenever I looked at any object before, it felt like it was covered with a veil.

This feeling is more obvious especially when looking into the distance, making people feel like they are living in an illusory world.

But now, there is only the last trace of mist in the air floating on the horizon, which can hardly affect the weather anymore.


"Are the radio channels still blocked?"

"Yes, Master, the fog still blocks the emission of medium and long waves!"

The voice of No. 0 appeared at the right time, proving that although the Thousand Illusions Mist disappeared, its effect did not end immediately.

In the past, because the fog blocked the radio, humans had to go to the world channel to chat and receive messages.

It's a pity that it costs a lot of money, and if you tell it, it will be seen by all players.

Many people migrating across the sea are looking forward to the end of the fog, and they can connect to human territories in the New World through radio channels, thereby receiving more detailed information and help.

However, the current approach of the game is to cut off this expectation and not completely let go of radio wave transmission.

This feels like a monopoly capitalist trying to make his product (World Chat) more popular.

In order to allow more people to still use the game panel, I don’t know how long this last trace of fog will be retained.

Of course, it's not all bad.

At least the communication between the indigenous people has been hindered, and their intelligence communication is still firmly restricted.

"What is the maximum communication distance?"

"Uh, two hundred kilometers? Or three hundred kilometers?"

"That's okay."

Although long-distance communication is still blocked, it will not feel like losing contact when traveling to Qinggang City.

Now, even if you leave the territory, you still can't use the territory chat, but the radio communication channel can finally be used.

Sumo could already imagine that the two allies who discovered this phenomenon were overjoyed and quickly sent people to send encrypted channel numbers.

It's so nice to be able to communicate, and I don't have to endure the damn human transmission of information anymore!

However, it was not yet time for Sumo to check out further changes.

On the four-lane asphalt road in front of the underground city, Sudben came roaring over on an off-road motorcycle.

After parking the car and taking off his helmet, Su Deben, who was already over fifty years old, did not accept his age and was dressed like a will-o'-the-wisp boy.

Looking at the surprised Su Mo, he took a long breath and said quickly:

"There's good news, there's bad news, and there's news that's neither good nor bad. Which one do you want to hear first?"


Sumo raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Looking at your appearance, let me hear the good news first."


Already prepared to tell the bad news first, Su Deben was a little surprised and quickly stopped what he said.

From the back of the motorcycle, he took out a folder.

"The good news is that although there were some twists and turns during our publicity process, we finally successfully sent it out. In less than half a month, our publicity advertisement will be broadcast at sea stations 10,000 nautical miles away from the New World, and every passing survivor will I know that there is a 'Tian Yuan' territory in the New World that can cure the Hell Flower Virus."

Before leaving, the village's communications department had already agreed on a time.

You only need to use some simple encryption methods at three o'clock in the middle of the night when there are the fewest people, and the information can be transmitted smoothly.

At this time, Su Deben opened the folder, and what was recorded on it was the message Bao Lei sent back through World Chat.

Sumo took the document and glanced at it, and found that it did not record the twists and turns of the propaganda process. Instead, it contained some secret information about the deep sea and the general situation there.

"Are pirates so common on this sea now? We humans on Earth actually join the aboriginal team as pirates to deal with our own people?"

Sumo couldn't help but click his tongue, admitting that he still underestimated the bottom line of mankind and the cruelty of the wasteland.

Not everyone can maintain their true nature in the chaotic wasteland. Most people can't help but fall after difficult choices. Even if they don't fall, they are forced to fall by others.

According to the news from Bao Lei, the number of pirates has now reached a terrifying level.

Based on the rough calculation of the population distribution, in a sea area where 100,000 people gather, nearly 3,000 people choose to become pirates.

They will not only attack the inns established on the sea, but also plunder the materials and people in the inns.

They would also pretend to be migrants to gain trust and rob fleets heading to the New World.

What's more, they even thought of building a fake 'sea station'.

Any team that enters here to rest rashly without inquiring clearly will eventually be divided and dealt with.

Those who were willing to be pirates were left behind, while those who were not willing were either made into slaves at the lowest level or directly thrown into exile at sea.

And the most terrifying thing is that this number is still rising.

According to the intelligence transmission statistics within the station, there will be another month until the migration wave reaches its peak.

The number of pirates in an area of ​​100,000 people will skyrocket to at least 20,000 people.

"Isn't this just an attempt to make a fortune before going to the New World? Even people who don't have this idea will be tricked into it, right?"

"Yes, when you see a fat sheep carrying supplies passing by and no one else is watching, how many people can resist the urge not to do anything?"

Ninety-five percent of people are not professional pirates.

Looting was just a temporary idea that couldn't help but be tempted when seeing a large amount of supplies.

Looking at Sumo with a serious look on his face, Sudben, who was standing aside, continued.

"But you don't have to worry too much about pirates. According to my experience, there is a high probability that it will not develop into such a bad forecast for the sea station. You have to know that pirates will not only rob ordinary people, but as long as their number expands to To a certain extent, internal chaos will arise on its own.”

"Coupled with the arrival of large human troops, more and more people will definitely choose to travel in groups, and they will have fewer opportunities to take action. After all, their weapons are best handmade guns, and there is no real weapon at all. Highly powerful weapons of destruction.”

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that your sweetheart, Pauley, has to take his men to deal with those pirates!"

Su Deben spread his hands and pretended to be helpless.

"You read that right, this guy is really brave. The intelligence dealer in the giant tree root sea area took advantage of his remuneration, and only used less than 20% of the funds to deliver the news. As a result, guess what? The rules of the inn have actually changed, the price of message transmission is more expensive, and there is an intelligence businessman who sprayed our territory on the world channel and Bao Lei saw it."

"This kid immediately led people to kill the intelligence merchant. In the end, he didn't know how, but he actually gained the trust of the manager of the sea station and became the new intelligence merchant."

"But the price is that he has to lead people to deal with a group of pirates in the surrounding area as a token of recognition."

Even if Su Deben kept his story short, Su Mo could roughly guess that the process was not that simple.

The permanent population of Jushugen Station is close to 20,000, and the number of guards alone is several hundred.

In such an environment, the intelligence dealer can be killed and replaced.

This is not something that ordinary boldness can summarize.

"So he came to us for help?"

"Yes, Bao Lei only brought fifteen people. The other party had at least three hundred people, and they were still expanding as time went on. Even if he could command the ordinary guards at the station, it was unlikely that he would be able to encircle and suppress this group. pirate."

"Then how long did the inn manager give him?"

"Fifteen days, of course, does not mean to encircle and suppress them all, but to ensure that the pirates will not attack the inn again."

"That's troublesome. Our support won't arrive for half a month."

Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

"What about the rest of the news? Is it related to the deep sea?"

"It doesn't matter, but it's still a request for help."

Sudben shook his head.

"Do you still remember that there was a village-type tribe descending to the south in the southern suburbs? Because of the invasion of Sunny Harbor Sanctuary and the loss of the protection of the fog, they were afraid that the desperate gophers would invade their homes, so they sent People are coming in asking if they can join our Western Suburban Alliance and get protection.”

"The southern suburbs are further south. Are you looking for protection from our western suburbs?"

Sumo smiled lightly.

Unknowingly, Tianyuan Territory has also become one of the powerful forces in the surrounding area.

With Qinggang City as the center, apart from the unshakable overlord "Qinggang Sanctuary", the strongest remaining one is the Western Suburbs Alliance.

In terms of force, there is a flat beach shelter for hunting tigers as a guarantee, and it can be used to harden any shelter except Qinggang.

In terms of development, Tianyuan Sanctuary provides vast land and can harvest a large amount of renewable resources every day.

In terms of intelligence, the Giant City Shelter has recently become enlightened and spread out spies along the high ring for a long distance.

Compared with the false alliance in the southern suburbs, which is called an alliance but actually fights on its own, the relationship between the three major forces in the Western Suburbs Alliance is indeed "solid."

"They have no choice. The southern suburbs cannot provide shelter. They will only become invaders."

Sudben couldn't help but continue.

"Although I don't recommend incorporating them into the alliance, if what the messenger said is true, we may have to think about it carefully."

"Tell me."

Sumo did not refuse directly.

In fact, it was one of the main reasons he formed the alliance.

The purpose is to speed up the development of the territory and have sufficient self-protection capabilities as soon as possible before chaos comes.

Including this group of tribes that may be more than 300 kilometers away from each other into the Western Suburbs Alliance would have been nonsense in the past.

But now the disaster of weakening firepower weapons is coming, and after the metal ages, the attack in Clear Harbor Sanctuary will no longer be so crushing.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity for the Western Suburbs Alliance to take the initiative!

"The gathering place is called the Pumpkin Kefu Bunker. It is a small gathering place with about 6,000 people."

"At first I thought they were just a small wandering tribe in the Blue Star wilderness, and they had no contact value."

"But the messenger brought us a surprise."

"If I'm not wrong, the owner of the bunker should be related to a big shot in the college, probably his family member!"

"What? Are you sure?"

Hearing Su Deben say this, Su Mo couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on his face.

The Academy, on Blue Star, is a huge organization comparable to the Foundation, possessing countless coveted and rare technologies.

Rumor has it that they did not give up the Blue Star people's previous research on artificial intelligence, and continued to push forward after the war.

That holy city, where the college is located.

It is the safest place in the entire Blue Star. No weapons can break through the surrounding defenses.

If the family of a big shot doesn't live there, would they choose to live in a bunker with thousands of people?

"You know, even big shots sometimes have inconveniences. Some statuses may not be so suitable for living in the Holy City or living close by. In a bunker like this with abundant living facilities, most of the time it is more convenient."

"The messenger didn't tell me all the information, but the reward she offered was very tempting."

"As long as the owner of the protective bunker waits until the college guards arrive, and after she leaves, the place will be ours."

Su Deben showed an ambiguous look. It was obvious that he had experienced similar things before.

"You mean the owner of the bunker has contacted people from the academy?"

"Of course not, otherwise how could he come to us."

Su Deben couldn't help but shake his head.

"You're trying to say why they didn't go to Clear Harbor Sanctuary to seek asylum, right? The reason is actually very simple. The owner of the bunker used to be childhood sweethearts with Hades, the manager of Clear Harbor Sanctuary. The two of them were only one step away from being able to escape. She walked to the marriage hall, but in the end, due to some very coincidental reasons, she chose to betray and successfully fell in love with a big shot in the college."

"Yes, it's such nonsense. I suspect that the game deliberately placed them around Qinggang City just to stir up chaos!"

"What if Hades really knows that she is flattering and flattering her?

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