My Phone Can Swipe Money

Vol 4 Chapter 622: startled bird

622 , the bird of the bow

When Tang Wen was enjoying the art night, it was just dawn over the two Wei brothers. Today was a big day for the two brothers of the Wei family.

Once they stood firm here, the Jiang family would have nothing to do with them. Thinking of this, Wei Zhong is very happy. Although he was cheated of $1 million yesterday, it did not affect his groundbreaking ceremony today.

Wei Zhong originally planned to go alone today, but he thought that his younger brother could cause trouble so often, so he felt that he should take his younger brother to get along with him.

At least he can brush his face if something happens in the future.

Wei Zhong came to Wei Cheng's room and woke up Wei Cheng, who was still a little confused, and came to the hall. In order to show his sincerity, Covas introduced the two brothers to HT, a relatively powerful security company in Brazil.

Speaking of this company, it is also very legendary. It is said that the three founders of HT all joined the Brazilian special forces after graduating from the Hunter School in Colombia, but were expelled from the special forces for violating the "Geneva Convention".

This made it even worse for the people who were originally financially distressed. Fortunately, with the help of Kovas, they set up a security company.

Because he has sufficient "combat experience", HT is very popular in the circle of the rich. HT, which strikes while the iron is hot, has recruited a lot of retired special forces, and this has made their strength even more outstanding.

It is precisely because of Kovas' help that HT can get a lot of "goods" from the United States. Although the firepower is not comparable to the perverts of the skulls, it is enough to deal with ordinary people.

Wei Zhong was also more worried about his comfort this time, so he hired more than 30 HT members at one go, each of whom was paid as much as $5,000 a day, which is a very significant figure in Brazil.

Of course, what comes with it is "hard work". If you want to get high wages, you must take high risks.

Jiang Yi learned that Wei Zhong hired 30 HT members in one go, but it was quite difficult, but after Mr. Pony turned over 15 million US dollars, his waist instantly stiffened.

The Jiang family hated the two "traitors" deeply. This time, they took out 15 million US dollars to clean up the door. It can be said that they made a lot of money.

The wealthy Jiang Yi directly dropped 10 million US dollars and hired more than 1,000 people from the Sequoia Army, preparing to deal a devastating blow to the Wei family.

This price is very "sincere". On average, a person can have an income of 10,000 US dollars. Of course, the leader of the Sequoia Army must take a lot of this money.

But for the bottom of a slum with an annual income of less than 10,000 Chinese dollars, even $500 is enough to make them jealous.

You must know that the most important thing in Brazil is the people from the slums. The Sequoia Legion saw that Jiang Yi was so generous, and they simply announced that they would pay for the consumption of "equipment" this time.

And let out ruthless words, this matter will definitely satisfy them.

The poor Wei brothers didn't know that they were already targeted by more than 1,000 people before they went out. If they knew, they wouldn't dare to go out.

At 8:30 in the morning, Wei Zhong and his younger brother Wei Cheng got into a bulletproof Mercedes-Benz prepared by the Covass Hotel and drove towards the factory.

This time, the factory that Wei Zhong chose was more than an hour away from the hotel. In order to reassure Wei Zhong, Kovas also arranged for some officers on duty to ride motorcycles and two armed pickups to clear the way.

Bulletproof Mercedes-Benz, the motorcycle driver Wei Zhong looked at the envious Brazilian outside, and said in his heart: "Haha, I didn't expect that Wei Zhong would also have a day to let people open the road."

When Wei Zhong was complacent, the people of the Sequoia Corps immediately began to gather all the troops to prepare for an ambush after receiving the news that Wei Zhong had left the hotel.

Jiang Yi and others hid in a nearby hotel to watch the show.

After the Mercedes-Benz slowly drove into the slum, the four motorcyclists who were in charge of clearing the road in front were particularly nervous, and the two armed pickup trucks were even loaded.

With more and more cars in front, Wei Zhong also started to get restless, maybe he really shouldn't be so ostentatious.

At this time, the unique ordinaryness of the slums is already densely packed with "players". The two pieces of land that Kovas gave to Wei Zhong are located at the back of the slums, which can be said to be quite desolate.

Kovas originally wanted to use his work to win over people in the slums, but ordinary businessmen were frightened when they saw the dense crowd of ordinary people here. Who would dare to invest?

It was not until the appearance of the Wei Zhong brothers that Kovas saw hope.

At this time, Wei Zhong had regretted it in his heart. The "cheap" land that Kovas gave him was simply a bait. Seeing such an environment, a fool would know that it could not be peaceful here.

Suddenly, a huge muck truck crossed the middle of the road in front. Before Wei Zhong could react, the waterproof plate on the muck truck was lifted, and people in red sweaters and hats carried "GUN". Fiercely, he looked at Wei Zhong's motorcade.

Before Wei Zhong could speak, the four motorcycles in charge of leading the way turned around and ran towards the side alley.

"I'll wipe it." Wei Zhong scolded, and Wei Cheng, who was beside him, was already frightened and shrank beside the car door.

Fortunately, the security guards of a few HTs were still very "responsible" and did not run away. They directly picked up the walkie-talkie and started calling for support.

"Headquarters, I'm No. 1. We were surrounded by the Sequoia Legion, and the other party has a large number of people asking for support." After talking about all the security, he held the guy in his hand nervously.

"Reverse the car, you pig brains." Wei Zhong yelled in English.

Only then did the leading security guard come back to his hurriedly directed the convoy to start to retreat.


Before the car started, I heard the security guard yelling. It turned out that two muck trucks came from behind and completely blocked the road. What's worse, people wearing red sweaters and hats were constantly surrounded by people in the alley. come up.

Just as the leading security guard was hesitating whether to break through, a man holding B51 slammed the glass with a pitch-black hole and signaled them to come out.

Looking at the dark entrance of the other party, the security guard who took the lead smiled wryly and then opened the door obediently. Just kidding that there are at least 1,000 people on the other side, what can you do with only 30 of them?

He is not a group of perverts like the Scarlet Sabres, who can wipe out more than 2,000 people within an hour. Not to mention the guy in the other party's hand that crushed his side.

Forced by reality, he could only choose to open the car door and try to "negotiate" with the other party.

But the other party completely ignored their security guards. After a few people stepped forward to put hoods on the two Wei brothers, they quickly disappeared deep into the alley.

Looking at the gradually dispersing crowd, the leading security guard picked up the walkie-talkie and reported, "The employer has been taken away by the people of the Sequoia Corps, please ask for instructions."

After a moment of silence on the walkie-talkie, he said helplessly: "Let's close the team, I just received the news that the other party dispatched more than 1,000 people, and now to support, that would be death."

"Okay." The lead security guard said helplessly. He also wanted to save people, but he wouldn't do it if he knew it was courting death.

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