Two days ago, Sierra left the captain's office in despair. Two days later, on the day of the draw for the competition, all the fighters from the Mecha Repair Department gathered at the usual training ground.

"That is Sera Bromfield. He is the commander's exclusive repairer. He has a four-level qualification certificate. In the entire mecha repair department, except for the officers, he has the highest level and doesn't usually come out." On the training ground, Su Ming introduced the newcomers Ryan and Lilith, who stood at the front of the team, with a thin body and pale complexion like a delicate white porcelain doll. "He worships under a famous teacher. His teacher is a disciple of Master McAar. He has been praised by Master McEar as a future star of mecha manufacturing. If he does not join the army, he should serve in the imperial mecha. The institute, according to his age and qualifications, should be a teacher for many people present."

Su Ming is a very good captain. He takes care of his subordinates a lot whether he is working or studying. Ryan saw that he was always standing beside Lilith, his eyes followed Lilith's line of sight softly, and he smiled secretly. Of course, there was a reason for this, he was dipped in Lilith's light.

Moving his eyes, Ryan looked at Sera. He had arrogant capital, and he seemed to have a barrier all over his body, shielding everyone from one meter away from him, and few people walked towards him. Under the prestige, there are a lot of commitments.

Su Ming's detailed introduction was in his ear, because Lilith asked, "Why did he choose to go to the Xingtian Ship?"

The Mecha Research Institute is a super institution of the empire, and the treatment is excellent. There are several projects led by Master McAryan. Life is much better.

Lane listened intently.

"Sierra did work in the Imperial Research Institute before. Because of his excellent qualifications, he started a scientific research project before the age of 60. At that time, it was said that he would become the successor of Master McAar and get the core of the biological mecha. Six years ago, The commander went to the imperial capital once, and when he came back, he followed Sera. It is said that it was because of the general that he came to the Xingtian Ship and became the exclusive restorer of code zero." Su Ming said firmly: "I guess he admires the general. ."

Ryan frowned slightly. This was a potential rival in love, and he was better than himself.

"However, the general treats him the same as he treats others. There is nothing special about him. The general will not bring his children's affairs to the ship." Su Ming nodded affirmatively.

Ryan: "..." Oh, I'm an exception.

"It's also very strange. Sera is equivalent to a special employee on the ship. It belongs to the non-staff of the legion, and the establishment does not belong to the Xingtian Ship. In the past, he never appeared on the scene of this kind of competition. I don't know why he is here today?" Su Ming wondered. He frowned. After all, he didn't have any intersection with Sierra in work and life, and he couldn't guess the reason.

"Maybe he wants to change." Lilith guessed indifferently, "Su Ming, talk about other things."

Because Lilith's attention shifted to another place, Su Ming changed the subject. It wasn't what Ryan wanted to know, so he didn't listen. He looked forward and swept over some eager veterans. After the draw was over, everyone who participated in the competition would board the blimp and head to the target location to start the week-long competition.

The competition will start at 5:00 pm B612 time.

His eyes moved unconsciously, and Ryan keenly caught Sera's gaze looking at him, with inquiry and hostility.

why is that?

The only intersection between him and Sera was the chance encounter in the elevator. He wouldn't offend someone just because they were in the same elevator, so this person would be too offended.

Sera withdrew his gaze lightly, leaving Ryan with an indifferent back.

It was not time to think deeply, because the heavy bell rang, the ground in front of the training ground opened, and two machines were raised.

"The lottery is drawn." Su Ming moved his neck and made two crisp sounds. He touched his neck and said, "I have bowed my head too much these past two days, and my neck always hurts. Oh, of course, this is not the time to talk about this, soon. It can be our turn, no matter which camp we are in, everyone is an opponent. On the battlefield, I will not show mercy. "

Lilith raised the corners of her lips, raised her chin confidently, revealing her well-defined neck, "Showing mercy is disrespect to your enemies and disrespect to yourself at the same time."

Su Ming likes Lilith like this, with undisguised appreciation in his black eyes, "If we are in the same camp, we can form a team and become teammates when we meet, then we are not in a hostile relationship, we are fighting side by side. partner."

Others looked at Su Ming teasingly, including Ryan, but they didn't say a word. It wasn't them that Su Ming wanted to form a team, so they shouldn't be humanoid portable light bulbs.

Now, Ryan is not part of the "cleaning group" and will never be last in the order of the team. It's a good thing to be a direct line of Colonel William.

Is this what it feels like to be privileged?

Ryan chuckled, he liked the privilege of relying on strength.

"It's our turn, come on, everyone." Su Ming urged all his teammates. He would say these words every time he played against each other, nagging tirelessly, "Honor is important, but life is more important. If you can't solve things that you can't solve, you must ask for help and protect yourself, so that you can get more honor. Do you know that?"


Everyone responded loudly.

Su Ming looked at everyone, especially the two newcomers. He said everything he could. Next, it depends on personal development. He hoped that after the game, everyone would be there and everyone would be complete.

"Set off!"

The lottery is carried out by two machines at the same time, whichever is empty will go to which one. Colonel William stood in the middle of the machine, showing two thick arms with his sleeves rolled up, covered with thick curly hair like two fluff sleeves. Bite his pipe and didn't smoke, just to keep his mouth from idling, Colonel William shouted: "What the hell, move quickly, everyone must complete the draw within an hour, if you miss the time, hehe, the competition will be directly If you fail, you don’t have to participate. If you want a small life, just grind it, weak chickens, I understand your timid psychology, when the cruise is over, you will apply for the labor and management to be discharged from the army, so don’t get in my way.”

A pair of eagle eyes swept over some nearby people, making their scalps numb, speeding up their hands and feet to complete the lottery, and staying away from the lions that were ready to go.

Ryan stood in front of the machine, pressed his palm, and his personal information quickly appeared on the screen.

Lieutenant Ryan Smith Mecha Restoration Division 1st Team Member Number: 100008065

Below is a rapidly changing box, Ryan called to stop, the color of the box stayed in blue, and the landing coordinates: Moon Bay & Ice Prairie D6.

Seeing the landing coordinates, Ryan's eyes flashed with clarity, and he guessed right. Derrick must have been surprised when he saw it, and he might even say that he has inside information.

Ryan smiled, and when he turned around, he saw Lilith stepped forward to draw lots, not knowing where to go. However, Su Ming, who had drawn the lottery before, did not leave quickly to go to the boarding port. He kept turning his head to look at Lilith, wondering which landing area Lilith was assigned to. Ryan had to remind Su Ming, "The colonel has already come over."

Su Ming's scalp tightened, and his eyes quickly swept the direction of Colonel William. Sure enough, he looked in his own direction, and hurriedly turned his head and pretended to be on his way. Su Ming tapped Ryan on the shoulder, "Thanks."

Ryan shook his head, "No thanks." He wouldn't say, Colonel William has been staring at you for a long time, a father's stare.

Su Ming's face was a little dignified, and the difficulty of the mission location exceeded his expectations, "I didn't expect it would be Moon Bay & Ice Grassland, but there is a danger level of 7.5 there. This time, the person who can reach the core area and send the badge there, Estimated not half of the last match."

If the risk level of B612 is rated on a scale of 1 to 10, the risk factor of the Valley of the Wind with turbulent winds and the ubiquitous phoenix beast is 6.5, and the risk factor of the ice grassland where the temperature is below zero day and night is 6.0, which is used to confuse The risk factors for the other two places of sight are 5.5 and 6.0, respectively. Of the five areas provided in advance, the Moon Bay map is the most dangerous. The risk factor of 7.5 is only an approximate number. In the narrow and long valley of Moon Bay, the risk factor in some areas can approach 8.5.

In the end, the ones who can complete the task must be the soldiers of the combat department, the soldier kings with extremely strong individual soldier qualities.

The mecha repair department is classified as a combat department, but it is only classified as that. In fact, the requirements for physical fitness are only half of those of real warriors. When they go to the battlefield, they wander around the periphery.

Ryan: "It is the cold winter in the northern hemisphere of B612, and many beasts have entered hibernation. The risk assessment can be reduced by 0.5, and the risk factor of 7.0 is not an exaggeration."

"I didn't even think about this, Ryan, you really did a lot of homework. I believe you will be the winner. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what is your camp?"

Ryan showed his personal terminal, and the lottery machine had already sent the camp and the landing spot - the blue team, Moon Bay & Ice Prairie D6 landing spot.

Su Ming showed Ryan his own, "Fortunately, I'm not in the opposite camp with you, but we are far away. Whether we can be teammates depends on luck." Yes, Ryan is definitely a strong opponent.

The landing site is on the icy grassland surrounding Moon Bay. It is divided into 26 areas, and each area has ten landing points. Su Ming is U7, which is very far away.

Ryan stood still and said, "It's here."

The two walking side by side walked out of the training ground, got on the elevator, and then walked to the spaceship.

"Your ship is almost full, and you will be able to leave soon." Su Ming glanced at him and said enviously. It is also an advantage to be familiar with the environment at the landing point in advance.

He looked at the small spaceship belonging to U7, but only 40% of the people got in, and there were others waiting.

Ryan smiled lightly, "I'm off."

"come on."

"The same to you."

Ryan walked to the airship he was about to take. Behind him, Su Ming was not in a hurry to get on the boat.

At the docking port of the Xingtian Ship, the spaceships lined up in a row could not see the end at a glance. Ryan walked over to the spaceship marked D6 and took a look. He walked in and there were more than 200 seats inside. Four people can fill up, and they quickly scan the audience. They are all unfamiliar faces, and there are no familiar people. There are still many people who are wearing masks, revealing a pair of eyes. The man in the corner has a pair of black eyes. Ryan looked over and saw that the man had lowered his head, his face was completely hidden in the shadow of the hat, and the pair of black gems could not be seen. Normal eyes.

Before the start of the competition, the red and blue signs were not displayed, and the camp was unknown.

When Ryan looked at others, others were also looking at him, making various judgments. Those who were looking at Ryan ignored them. He chose one of the only vacancies, picked up the marching bag on the seat, and sat on it. Pinch the bag chain and enter your fingerprints. After opening it, you can see that there are two camp patches, two camp badges, a compass, seven tubes of nutritional supplements, three pieces of compressed dry food, a packet of fine salt, a dagger, and a gun. Three bullets, a signal flare, a small medicine box, and a small hard drive can be inserted into the personal terminal to get the map and the competition rules and winning criteria.

Other than that, nothing else.

Faction patches and badges must be worn after entering fingerprints, and experienced veterans wear them at the beginning of the game.

Now, Ryan didn't spread too much energy in the backpack items, took out the small hard drive and closed the backpack. After raising the arm to expose the personal terminal, insert the hard disk, without choosing to project the hologram in the air, and directly use the small screen of the personal terminal to quickly read the content on it.

The total area of ​​Moon Bay, Ice Grassland, and the desertified area between them is 4148.77 square kilometers. The Ice Grassland is a hollow circle, and Moon Bay is the center of the circle, which is surrounded by the Ice Grassland. The 26 landing areas are on the edge of the ring-like icy grassland, and the distance from each person's departure point to Moon Bay is almost the same.

Competition requirements:

1. The point is to stop, without hurting the lives of comrades in arms;

2. Do not break the environment and maintain the ecological balance of asteroids;

3. Protect yourself and not endanger your own life;

4. Teamwork no more than five people.

Winning Criteria:

1. Collect as many faction badges as possible, the most wins;

2. Hunt and kill two-horned snakes to collect snake horns, whoever has the most wins;

3. Entering Moon Bay, whoever enters three days before (the deadline is 24:00 on the third day) wins;

4. Hunt and kill rose lizards to collect "roses", whoever has the most wins;

5. Entering the Moon Bay Center and throwing the collected items into the basket will be awarded the Warrior Medal and 50,000 Star Coins;

6. The winners of the above four items will be awarded the Pentagram Medal and 70,000 Star Coins, and will be selected into the National Day Military Parade;

7. All the above winners will receive the Golden Cross of the Rose Medal and a bonus of 100,000 stars.

8. Above, the winners of 5, 6 and 7 will be commended by the whole army.

Lane closed his eyes after reading it, flipped through the maps of Moon Bay and Frost Prairie in his mind, screened the optimal path to reach the designated valley entry point, and then entered Moon Bay Canyon. The straight-line distance was impossible, so he had to prepare a few more plans. , and also take into account the distribution of two-horned snakes and rose lizards. Ryan believes that the map must be kept in his mind and enter the competition mode, but he has no time to figure out the map on the terminal.

Teamwork of no more than five people can be put to good use. But teamwork is good, but it’s hard to tell if someone you’re not familiar with is a partner or a pig teammate, maybe it’s a betrayal, the winning standard is clearly placed there, only by getting more badges, snake horns, and “rose” victory.


Lane opened his eyes and spoke to the pale blond long-haired lady sitting on his left. She smiled sweetly and intellectually, with a few small freckles on both sides of her nose. She didn't look like a soldier, but a teacher who went to class with a textbook. .

Lane said, "Hello."

"Where?" The blonde long-haired lady was very familiar. "I'm from the headquarters, Su Liye."

Ryan replied: "Mecha repair, Ryan."

"Ryan Smith?!"

This voice was said by the man on Ryan's right. He looked at Ryan in amazement, "So you look so handsome. There is a post in the entertainment section of the forum saying that you are short and dry, with a small nose and small eyes."

Ryan: "..." Fuck! Ryan couldn't help but swear in his heart. He didn't browse the gossip entertainment section very much, and he didn't know how much discussion and analysis of his posts. Depressed, what **** arranges him like this, Tintin wants those **** to take care of him!

"Haha, those people are talking nonsense. If you win, they will talk about you everywhere. You are a celebrity on the Internet." Su Liye pursed her lips and snickered, obviously she also knew the content of the gossip.

Ryan: "Haha." After the competition is over, he will exercise the privilege of his general husband, blow the pillow, and delete all the nonsense posts on the Internet about him.

"It's different as soon as you come in. You are calm and airy, calm and capable. It's not easy to deal with at first sight. Just watch it. After landing, the game will start. Hehehe, you will become a thorn in the eyes of many people. Be careful of being beaten." The man said with schadenfreude.

Su Liye smirked, "The gang fights are cowards, I despise them."

The man is anxious, how can he admit that he is a coward in front of the lady, "I won't do that. Forgot to introduce myself, I am Michelle from melee combat, you can just call me Xiaomi. I am 22 years old and I have come to Xingtianjian for two years. Now, this is my first time participating in a cruise, and also my first time participating in a competition, gene sequence X, hey, is my little brother interested in a relationship?" It's not that he revealed his gene sequence as soon as we met, but it must be few.

Ryan smiled, "I'm married."

Michelle smacked her lips regretfully, "That's a pity, I'm cute." Indeed, Michelle's eyes were large, her honey-colored skin was lustrous and shiny, and she had a small dimple on her cheek when she smiled, which did not look like He is 21 years old, like a boy of sixteen or seventeen.

Su Liye came over and said, "I really like your type. I can consider my sister and let you have a baby." So, the subtext is that Su Moer's gene sequence is Y.

Michelle spread her hands, "I like little brother, but I don't like little sister."

"Forget it, I also like sister paper."

Lane... Lane thought it was good to end this topic. He glanced at his terminal, and Derrick sent a message to inform him that he was assigned to the blue team and the landing place was D3. The two are close enough to work together.

However, let's get the big mess out of the way first.

He smiled and looked at Su Liye and Michelle, "How about the cooperation."

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