My Mech Queen

Chapter 468

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Silent at night, people can’t sleep.

Fang Shi finally stayed in a hotel near Qiming Community. He was not at all sleeping in bed, and the warm and lovely woman still appeared in his mind. The accidental encounter of the occupied eastern planet of the Eastern Region of the Empire was always treasured. In his deep in one’s heart, it is warm and sweet.

The night is like water, flowing quietly.

It wasn’t until dawn that Fang Shi fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was 8am.

Fang Shi quickly rinsed and then dressed up carefully. The face in the mirror was not what he really looked like. Since he now knows almost nothing about Gu Ruxin ’s retirement, if Gu Ruxin already has the other half Happy and happy family, then he is not easy to break, he is willing to stand in the distance and bless silently. Therefore, before clarifying the specific situation of Gu Ruxin, he still decided to disguise one.

At 9 am, Fang Shi and the big man walked into Qiming Community again.

Outside the door of Room 19, No. 302, Qiming Community, Fang Shi took a deep breath and gently pressed the doorbell.

Soon, the door was opened.

The door was opened by an elderly man with glasses, about 60 years old, his temples were slightly white, and he saw Fang Shi and the big man with some doubt.

Fang Shi asked politely: “Is this Mrs. Gu Ruxin’s home?”

The old man with glasses gently nodded and asked suspiciously: “Are you?”

Fang Shi smiled and replied: “I am her friend.”


The old man gave Fang Shi a lot of glances up and down, with a slight suspicion on his face. The youngster in front of him was very fresh. It should be the first time he saw him.

Fang Shi quickly nodded and said: “Well, I was a friend when I was in the Imperial Army. This time I just came to the planet of Xi Lin and wanted to visit her.”

The old man hearing this, the doubts on his face immediately dissipated a lot, and said with a gentle smile: “Oh, it turns out that Ruxin’s friend in the military, come in quickly.”

While speaking, the old man had completely opened the door, and Fang Shi entered the house.

Fang Shi and the big man walked into the room slowly.

The old man continued: “Oh, you came a bit unlucky today. Ruxin just happened to work overtime today. It seems that there is a case that needs urgent treatment.”


There was a slight accident on Fang Shi’s face.

The old man greeted Fang Shi and the big man to sit down in the living room, explaining: “Well, police stations often have similar emergencies, often too busy to rest.”

Fang Shi was slightly surprised and asked, “Ruxin, work at the police station?”

The old man looked at Fang Shi, and there was a hint of doubt on his face. In his consciousness, since the other party is a daughter’s friend, these basic situations should be known. After all, the daughter has been working in the police station for almost 6 years.

Fang Shi immediately noticed the old man’s doubts and immediately explained: “The empire has been in war all these years. I have not quite clear what happened after Ruxin retired. I came here to find her because of the information reserved in the military information.”

The old man’s doubts dissipated, said with a slight smile: “so that’s how it is, Ruxin entered the police station shortly after retirement, and now she is a Level 2 Superintendent.”

It was at this time that a 60-year-old Old Lady walked out of the room, followed by a little boy with a small mouth for a year.

“Xiao Shi, listen to damn it, don’t make a fuss anymore. Grandma will take you to the park later. My mother can’t go to the amusement park today.” Old Lady touched the little boy’s head lovingly and said softly.

The little boy grumbled and said, “Mom is always a lie, she promised to take me to the amusement park on the last planet, and it doesn’t matter.”

The Old Lady showed a little helplessness, then looked towards Fang Shi and the big man in the living room, and said, “Uh … there is a guest at home.”

The old man was immediately introduced: “Well, these 2 were Ruxin’s friends when he was in the army, just came to the planet of Xi Lin to take a look at Ruxin. Ha ha, I forgot to introduce, I am Ruxin’s father, this is Ruxin’s mother. “

Fang Shi stood up immediately and said politely: “It turns out to be Uncle and Aunt.”

Gu Ruxin’s mother immediately politely said: “Sit, sit down, I will prepare some fruit for you.”

In the living room, Fang Shi and Gu Ruxin’s father chatted at a moderate pace.

Gu Ruxin’s mother sat down to join the conversation after serving the fruit.

The two old people told Fang Shi a lot of things about Gu Ruxin, such as the funny things that happened when she was a child, and what happened to Gu Ruxin in the police station in the past few years.

Fang Shi talked about what happened to Gu Ruxin in the army, but it didn’t tell much about it. Among them were some experiences of the spiked star in the Eastern Region. Another part was about Gu Ruxin mentioned in the information he obtained from the Imperial Army Issues.

Two old people heard Fang Shi’s quite detailed description, and their doubts about Fang Shi were completely eliminated. I was sure that the youngster in front of me should have a good relationship with the daughter, otherwise I would not know so much about the daughter Gu Ruxin happened in the imperial army. Things.

Unconsciously, 3 people talked for more than an hour.

Fang Shi side The big man has been sitting in full danger, keeping silent.

After some exchanges, Fang Shi actually got a lot of information about Gu Ruxin from the two old populations. Gu Ruxin still maintained a single state, but he relaxed a little. From a man’s point of view, he is more than happy with this result. At least he still has a chance to fight for it, but I don’t know what attitude he will be towards him now.

After more than an hour, Fang Shi finally shifted the topic to the issue he is most concerned about now, that is, a little boy with a sullen mouth, and the words of the two old men not at all involved the little boy.

Fang Shi looked at the little boy casually and asked, “Uncle, aunt, Xiaoshi, he is …”

Before, Fang Shi had heard the two old people call the little boy, and although his question did not tell the whole story, the general meaning is to believe that the two people should understand.

Gu Ruxin ’s mother sighed slightly, and said in a helpless voice: “Xiao Shi is Ru Xin ’s child. When she retired to Xi Lin, she was pregnant for more than 5 months. At the time, we did not agree that she gave birth to the child. Come down, after all, she is not married yet, and the child’s father … Actually, even we do n’t know, that girl is too stubborn, and we would not even disclose half a word. For him, Ruxin has been waiting for these years, but if he A responsible man should stand up and push everything to a woman … “

After saying that Gu Ruxin’s mother was already a little excited, and obviously was a little angry at the man who was not responsible for touching his daughter.

Gu Ruxin’s father stopped softly: “Okay, let’s not talk about these things.”

Listening to Gu Ruxin’s mother’s words, Fang Shi’s heart was filled with waves, he felt more and more that things seemed to be inseparable from him. For a time, it made it difficult for him to face Gu mother. The man in charge is most likely him.

Fang Shi secretly blushed with shame and asked, “What is Xiao Shi’s full name?”

Gu father replied: “Follow Gu’s family name, call Gu Xiaoshi.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, and then he seemed to ask Gu Xiaoshi something casually again.

The two elderly people said at a moderate pace, but they didn’t have the excitement before.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi looked at the little boy who was still unhappy and playing alone, and proposed: “Uncle and aunt, if you two don’t mind, let me take Xiaoshi to the amusement park today, just like Xin I came back in the evening, and I just had time. Xiaoshi, would you like to go to the amusement park with Uncle? “

The little boy looked at Fang Shi with a smile, hesitated for a moment, and finally it was nodded. Obviously, the amusement park was still very tempting to him.

“This one……”

Gu mother was hesitant. After all, the youngster in front of him was the first time he came to his house. It seemed that she had n’t gotten acquainted to let her give Xiaoshi to his level.

Father Gu on the side looked at Fang Shi, but nodded and said: “OK, then please Mr. Fang.”

Gu Mother looked towards Gu Father slightly doubtfully.

The old man grabbed his wife’s hand gently, as if to signal her peace of mind.

Soon after, Fang Shi led the little boy out of Gu’s house.

After Fang Shi took Gu Xiaoshi away, Gu mother complained a little bit: “old fogey, how can you agree to give Xiaoshi to others, what will happen in 10000 …”

Obviously, Gu’s mother was quite worried. Although she could be sure that the other party was a daughter’s friend, it was the first time to meet after all, and she was still worried.

Father Gu was very calm and said slowly: “Relax, nothing will happen, don’t you think that the youngster is special?”


Gu Mu stunned, glanced at her husband carefully, and then seemed to realize something instantly, his face dignified, and said: “old fogey, you mean he is Xiao Shi …”

The last two words, Gu mother did not say it.

Gu Father took a breath and was slightly nodded. Although he still couldn’t be 100 or 100 sure, but from the conversation and the words and deeds of Ruxin and Xiaoshi, I was still able to see some special things.

The Gu mother who got the answer showed a hint of anger and hummed: “You don’t say that, he still has a face to come to our house. Such an irresponsible man can hurt Ruxin. Scold him for a meal … “

Gu’s emotions became a little excited again.

Father Gu hooked the head and said, “Okay, do n’t scold, do n’t scold, now I ’m just guessing, understood at night when Ruxin comes back, and do n’t worry about it, let the children do their own things. Come to solve, dinner preparation is more abundant. “


Walking out of Qiming Community, Fang Shi took Gu Xiaoshi to the car and went to the amusement park. Before leaving Gu’s house, he had carefully understood the relevant information of a downstream park.

Gu Xiaoshigang at first still feels a little strange to Fang Shi.

However, after a while of communication, the two quickly became more intimate.

In the car, Fang Shi took Gu Xiaoshi’s small shoulders with one hand and smiled and asked, “Xiao Shi, how do you like your mother?”

The little boy thought for a while and said seriously: “Mum is the best in the world. Although she sometimes does not speak, Xiao Shi still likes her most. Xiao Shi should grow up quickly and protect her mother.”

Looking at the very serious look of the little boy, Fang Shi felt relieved in his heart. Although he does not know whether Gu Xiaoshi has any special relationship with him now, it is undeniable that he still likes the little boy in front of him.

“Well, when Little Stone grows up, must protect his mother.” Fang Shi took a breath, then asked tentatively: “Oh, do you want to father?”

The boy opened the mouth and said directly, “I don’t want to.”

Fang Shi was slightly bitter and continued to ask: “Why don’t you want to father?”

The little boy was silent for more than ten seconds, and then looked at Fang Shi and said: “Mom won’t let me say, but, Uncle, if you promise me not to tell mom, I will tell you.”

Fang Shi thought about it, nodded and said: “OK, I won’t tell your mother.”

The little boy reached out his hand and said, “Then we pull the hook.”

“it is good.”

Fang Shi reached out and pulled the hook with the little boy.

While holding the little hand, the little boy said seriously: “The hook must not be changed for 100 years. Anyone who changes is a fool.”

Fang Shi said with a slight smile: “Okay, after pulling the hook, you can now tell Uncle why you don’t want to father.”

The little boy gently nodded and said, “Because father is a bastard.”


Fang Shi froze for a moment, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.


After more than half an hour, Fang Shi 3 people arrived at the largest amusement park in Dongning City. Because it is a day off, the amusement park has a large number of people and is slightly crowded.

Fang Shi held Gu Xiaoshi’s hand in one hand and started the amusement park tour.

When the little boy arrived at the amusement park, he seemed extremely excited. Almost he dragged Fang Shi away along the way, and stopped when he saw what he wanted to play.

“Uncle, I want to play with this.”

“Uncle, can I play again?”


Facing Gu Xiaoshi’s request, Fang Shi seemed unable to find any reason to refuse. Looking at the cheerful and excited little face, he seemed to feel a trace of happiness and satisfaction in his heart.

For some special entertainment projects, Fang Shi will also follow Gu Xiaoshi.

Time passed by in a joyous atmosphere.

In the evening, the lively amusement park gradually became quieter.

Fang Shi led Gu Xiaoshi out of the amusement park slowly.

The little boy glanced back at the amusement park slightly and then said to Fang Shi: “Uncle, Xiaoshi had a great time today. Can you bring me next time?”

Fang Shi said with a slight smile: “Of course.”

The little boy said happily: “Uncle, you are so nice.”

Fang Shi touched Gu Xiaoshi’s head, but he didn’t say much. If Gu Xiaoshi really had that special relationship with himself, then he really owed Gu Ruxin mother and child 2 too many people, I am afraid this life will not be over .

The big man immediately followed Fang Shi, and rarely spoke.

Soon, three people got on the trolley back to Qiming Community.

Back at Gu’s house, it was already nightfall.

Gu mother prepared a sumptuous dinner in the kitchen.

Fang Shi not at all allows the big man to follow him into his family. After all, his body does not need food supplements. If he eats together, I am afraid that he will show nothing.

In the living room, Fang Shi and Gu Gu watched the TV light screen and chatted a few times.

The little boy is happy to play, but now he is very close to Fang Shi. Finally, he took Fang Shi to visit his small room and introduced his various toys.

Half an hour later, a beautiful silhouette came into Gu’s house.

“Ruxin, how is your Tianxun always closed today?” Gu Father in the living room looked at Gu Ruxin who came in and asked with concern.

Gu Ruxin’s face was slightly tired, and lightly said: “Today, there is a special operation, the sky news is closed, and I have been busy forgetting to open it, what’s wrong, is there anything?”

Father Gu looked calm and said with a slight smile: “You go to Xiao Shi’s room to see it understood.”

“Xiao Shi’s room?”

Gu Ruxin was slightly puzzled, and moved towards his son’s room.

At the same time, Gu Xiaoshi is looking seriously to introduce Fang Shi to his Mecha toy, the silver white Mecha model that is more than half a meter tall.

“Uncle, this is a birthday gift from my mother, a special Mecha model. My mother said it seemed to be based on the prototype of the most powerful phantom Mecha in the empire. She also said that father had also participated in the design of the phantom Mecha. , I really want to see the real phantom Mecha. “The little boy said slightly proudly.

Fang Shi froze for a moment, then asked with a little excitement: “What, did you participate in the design of Mirage Mecha?”


Just then, the door of the room opened.

At the door stood a beautiful woman wearing a blue shirt and a black midi skirt, a delicate face, exquisite facial features, and black hair …

It was Gu Ruxin who pushed the door open.

Fang Shi turned his head and looked at Gu Ruxin in the doorway, a beautiful silhouette immediately appeared in his mind, and then quickly overlapped with the woman in front of him, not seen in 7 years, Gu Ruxin not at all what changed, familiar face, familiar Eyes, familiar silhouette …

Looking at Gu Ruxin’s moment, the deep emotion in Fang Shi’s heart surged quickly, and his breathing changed slightly.

Gu Ruxin glanced at the room, her eyes quickly placed on Fang Shi’s body, but there was a trace of puzzled expression on her face. She did not expect that there would be a strange man in her son’s room. The man’s eyes were rather strange, giving him a familiar feeling.


When the little boy saw Gu Ruxin at the door, he didn’t respond slowly. He immediately put down the Mecha model in his hand, opened his arms, and moved towards Gu Ruxin.

“Little Rock.”

Gu Ruxin bowed slightly and hugged Gu Xiaoshi, kissed him slightly on his small face, and then asked softly, “I’m not at home today.”

The little boy said happily: “Mom, I am not at home today. Uncle took me to the amusement park and played a lot of fun. There are flying trains, dream runners, pirate ships …”

Gu Xiaoshi said a dozen times before stopping.


Gu Ruxin was puzzled. Before that, she promised her son to take him to an amusement park today, but who knows that there is an emergency case today, he can only cancel the plan to take his son to the amusement park. Yes, but I did n’t expect my son to go to the amusement park today, and Uncle, who most surprised her by her natural son ’s mouth.

The little boy quickly nodded, pointing at Fang Shi and saying, “This is Uncle.”

Gu Ruxin’s eyes were once again focused on the man who was staring at him in a daze. Facing the burning eyes, she was slightly trembled in her heart, which was a familiar look, a look that did not make her repulsive.

Fang Shi took a deep breath and said slightly, “Ruxin, it’s me.”

Familiar voice!

The voice of the soul!

Gu Ruxin’s mind shook slightly, and his originally calm heart in this brief moment seemed to burst into waves and became more and more intense, but she still had a trace of doubts, that is, the face of the man in front of her, and her memory The man in the middle is out of place.

Fang Shi immediately realized Gu Ruxin’s doubts, immediately removed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and gently removed the thin mask on his face to restore his original face.

Looking at the familiar face, Gu Ruxin’s face changed suddenly. At this moment, she no longer had any doubts. The man in front of her was the one who was deep in her heart. Her familiar eyes, her familiar eyes, her familiar face. …

7 years!

At this moment, she had been waiting for almost a year.

At the beginning of the Spike Star in the Eastern Region of the Empire, she had already put the man in front of her in her heart. It was just that at that time she didn’t seem to dare to express it directly, it was only a vague hint, but that man seemed to be relatively indifferent. Afterwards, two people met unexpectedly on the planet invaded by the Galactic Alliance in the Eastern Region of the Empire, and he bravely stepped out of the way to make her think about it. She will give this man the first time, that is a kind of Feeling hard.

Later, the planet invaded by the Galactic Alliance returned to the Xingluo Empire, and she also returned to the empire, but soon after returning to the Imperial Army, she accidentally found that she was pregnant, and at that moment she felt happy , And at the same time a bit dazed.

In the end, she chose to leave the imperial army and return to the planet of Xi Lin, giving birth to the man’s child, because she loved him, a persistent love.

Since then, she has also begun a long wait. For the past seven years, she has been asking friends of the previous army to find out if there is news of Fang Shi, but after all, nothing is found. The man seems to disappear in her vision forever.

At this moment, she finally appeared in the man’s field again, just in front of her, so close.

A huge surprise swept her.

“Uncle, how did your face change!”

Gu Xiaoshi looked at Fang Shi’s face-changing scene, widening his small eyes, and asked curiously on his face.

The little boy’s voice actually caused two slightly distracted people to quickly come back to his senses.

Fang Shi slightly laughed, said softly: “This is called Yi Rong mask, the look with this face becomes another look, Uncle’s current appearance is the real look.”

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