My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 247: The underground base of the demon world was destroyed

Just when Wuling Ming Monkey rushed towards the crystal spider, he found a sneer on the humanized face of the crystal spider.

Xu Fan suddenly felt that this matter was not easy.

You, a little spider in the spirit-transforming stage, are not afraid to see a five-spirit monkey as big as me.

"Five Spirit Monkeys in the Spirit Transformation Stage, today's food is yours." The voice of a tyrannical little girl sounded.

"???" Xu Fan.

Xu Fan looked at the one-meter-long god-transforming earth crystal spider in front of him, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Saying the most ruthless words and being beaten the most, this is the first time I have ever met such a monster.

A giant rock hand suddenly appeared at the foot of the god-transforming earth crystal spider.

Just when he was about to pinch the crystal spider, the world was shrouded in endless spider silks that were several times thinner than hair.

Then began to strangle the space in this area.

'Thorn~~' The rock giant transformed by the Wuling Ming Monkey was cut into pieces before he even started.

Then the one-meter-long Earth Crystal Spider quickly ran to the place where the Wuling Ming Monkey was cut, and began to look for pieces of meat.

"Hey, where did the meat go." The crystal spider made a little girl's voice, rummaging through the pieces on the ground while talking.

A big rock hand suddenly pinched the crystal spider.

"The meat is here, I don't know if you are alive to eat it." Xu Fan said with a smile.

I saw a rock giant transformed into a five-spirited monkey that stretched out by pinching the hand of the crystal spider, and his eyes were looking at the crystal spider playfully.

"Listen to your voice, you went out hunting before you were an adult, aren't your family worried?" Xu Fan's voice contained a hint of killing intent.

Grape reported just now that the invasion of the crystal spiders has basically been suppressed, but the treasure houses of several peripheral spirit stones have been taken away by the crystal spiders.

The original puppets of the underground base were also damaged by 58%, and they were all cut into pieces, and the recycling value was not high.

Years of hard work ruined more than half, Xu Fan certainly would not let go of the little spider in front of him.

"You'd better let me go, or you'll be finished when my mother-in-law comes." The Earth Crystal Spider looked like someone was above me.

"Oh, I wonder if your mother will be sad when she sees your body."

As Xu Fan said, he pinched the small earth crystal spider in front of him and said, "Don't say it, you are so cute, I can't bear to kill you."

"Then you let me go. My mother is very powerful, and monkeys like you are one bite at a time."

The little spider looked at the naked killing intent in the eyes of the rock giant, and his tone could not help weakening.

"Dare to threaten me."

A blade condensed by the Five Elements Spirit Fire appeared and slowly stabbed at the center of the Earth Crystal Spider's eyebrows.

"Then you should wait for your mother-in-law on the ground." Xu Fan said, and then controlled the blade to stab down.

"Stinky monkey, go to hell, I have already remembered the smell of your soul."

"When I reach the virtual refining stage, I will definitely eat you." The small crystal spider said and took a deep breath.

Just when the blade was about to stab the goblin spider, a force of space appeared and took away the goblin spider.

Xu Fan looked at the hand holding the small crystal spider and said helplessly, "It's time to change the base."

When Xu Fan controlled the crystal spider, he used his magical power to seal all the surrounding space.

At this time, the space can still be broken, and at least the strength above the fusion period is required.

The power of space just now is more like the power of space sealed by the demon clan of the great supernatural power in the small earth crystal spider, so Xu Fan decided to relocate the underground base of the demon spirit world just to be cautious.

"Grape, move all the valuable things from the underground base back to the underground space of Yinling Island."

"Open a new floor in the underground space for these things."

"In addition, send a few teleportation arrays to the thick-armored honey badger clan, and first establish a sub-base underground for them."

"Those backhands should also be activated." Xu Fan said.

"As ordered."

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he controlled the Five Spirit Monkeys and returned to the satellite island to continue practicing.

He found that with the improvement of the Wuling Ming Monkey Exercise, he became more and more handy in controlling it.

"Should we give some rewards to pangolins? After all, Wu Lingming Monkeys can make progress so quickly. Pangolins have contributed a lot." Xu Fan said while rubbing his chin.

Regarding the loss of the underground space in the Wanzhong Mountains, Xu Fan felt that it was not a big deal. Except for the puppet, he also lost some spiritual stones that provided energy for the puppet.

The core treasure house is intact, and the contents in it can be brought back to Yinling Island.

"The only pity is this place, less than one-fifth of it has been detected."

"It will be difficult to find a place like the Wanzhong Mountain Range in the future." Xu Fan said regretfully.

Although the Ten Thousand Layers Mountain Range is not too rich in resources, it is better than safety. There are many types of spiritual mines, just enough to meet the needs of building an underground base.

With the evacuation of the underground base of the Demon Spirit Realm, the underground space of Yinling Island was also filled to the brim. The second floor of the underground space had not been fully developed, and the underground space could only be in this state.

Xu Fan looked at the partners he had accumulated over the years, and sighed a little that time passed so quickly, and unknowingly, the underground base in the demon spirit world had been developed for several years.

"These tool puppet production lines have just been merged and upgraded, and all the tool puppets at the base-building stage have been replaced with Jindan stage."

"The battle puppet production line has been upgraded to the Nascent Soul period." Xu Fan ordered.

"As ordered."

Nowadays, the production lines of the puppets in the underground space of Yinling Island are being upgraded and constructed. The production lines for the God Transformation Stage heavy armored puppets and ordinary models of God Transformation Stage puppets have been initially established successfully and are being debugged on a small scale.

The most important puppet production line in the refining stage is under construction. Relying on the Tao-level alloy formula researched by sand sculptures, the cost of making puppets in the refining stage is now several times lower.

While Xu Fan was thinking about how to collect resources in the Demon Spirit World, Grape reported that the underground base in the Demon Spirit World had been attacked by a Mahayana crystal spider.

All puppets in the underground base were destroyed.

"All the spiritual mines and exotic treasures stored in the central treasury have been The puppets sent to deliver the teleportation disk to the thick-armored honey badger family have been delivered safely," Grape said.

"Report the loss." Xu Fan said.

"All the treasure houses storing spirit stones in the core area were invaded, and 43.46 million top-grade spirit stones were lost."

"124,862 battle puppets were lost in the Nascent Soul period, 64 heavy-armor puppets were lost in the divine transformation period, 106 mining puppets were lost, and professional transport puppets were lost..."

After listening to Grape's report, Xu Fan secretly rejoiced that the order he issued was timely. If it was later, the core treasure house would not be able to be preserved.

Then Xu Fan silently calculated the loss and found that it was not unacceptable.

Looking at the closed teleportation formation, Xu Fan murmured, "Fortunately, I left behind a lot."

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