My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 166: the beginning of the invasion

In the Time Cabin, Xu Fan, who has become an old man, is falling asleep.

At this time, the sound of grapes sounded.

"Wansen Country, Chaohai County has detected a large amount of demonic energy, and it is suspected that the demon clan has appeared. Please order the master."

The sleepy Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes, and said with great energy, "According to the plan, if you find a monster above the fusion stage, then implement the migration plan."

"As ordered."

In a dojo at the top of a mountain in Yinlingmen, Xu Gang was teaching Xu Lingtai.

"Wansen Country, in the western grasslands of Chaohai County, a monster invasion was detected, please be prepared and go to battle at any time."

At the same time, Xu Yuexian, Wang Xiangchi, and Li Xingci all received orders from Grape.

The deacon of the presbytery affiliated to Linsen Xiancheng also received the message from Xu Fan.

Suddenly, more than ten streams of light rose from the Elder Council and flew towards Wansen Country.

Wansen Country is located 100,000 miles north of Linsen Xiancheng. At this time, on a vast prairie in the west of Chaohai County, a group of mighty men are riding horses, with dozens of shepherd beasts driving thousands of sheep. graze.

"Haha, Daniel, look at how lush the grass grows this year. We can feed at least a thousand more lambs this year."

"When the time comes, Daniel, you can go to the Yunhai tribe to marry the most beautiful **** the grassland." A man riding a black horse said with a smile.

The man named Daniel did not respond, but stared straight at the meteor that streaked across the sky in the distance, looking at the sky dyed purple by demon power in the distance, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Xiaofeng, Dajiao, and Feipeng, you all rush to the vicinity of the Zhenhai Camp first. I feel something is wrong, don't encounter immortals fighting again."

"I'll go over there to see what's going on."

The Daniel said that he ran on horseback in the direction of the falling meteor. Before he ran far, the sound of the roar of the earth was heard in the distance, and then came a strong aftermath, which directly lifted the riding Daniel into the air.

In the most central area of ​​Wansen Kingdom, ten spirit boats slowly rose from the ground, carrying tens of thousands of puppets and flew towards the west of Chaohai County.

At this time, a teleportation array with a diameter of 100 meters appeared where the teleportation array plate landed, flashing purple aura.

Soon, a monster with a wolf-headed human body in the virtual refining stage walked out of the teleportation formation, followed by dozens of the same monsters.

The leader of the Void Refining Stage Wolf Demon first looked around, then launched a portal with a height of 100 meters, which was combined with the entire teleportation array.

"Today is the day our Ghost Wolf clan rises."


Countless giant wolves rushed out of the portal.

"East, I feel a lot of human mortal breath in the east."

"Come on, go and conquer those cowardly human races and restore the ancient glory of the ghost wolf clan."

All the wolf demons turned into their original forms and rushed towards the east frantically, with bloodthirsty desire in their eyes.

"When the human race's immortal cultivators haven't come, hurry up and make more teleportation points. In the future, this will be the foundation of our ghost wolf tribe." Lianxuqi looked around and said.

At this time, the four demon clans in the fusion period came out and stood on both sides of the portal waiting for the arrival of the patriarch.

After waiting for a long time, the four ghosts of the secluded wolf clan all looked at the portal in confusion.

"The patriarch and the two elders, why haven't they come out yet," said the integrated demon clan of the secluded wolf clan.

"It may be a temporary issue, I'll go back and check the situation first."

A wolf demon in the fusion stage drilled back into the teleportation array.

It came out again shortly after.

"That's not right, the brothers guarding the clan over there said that the patriarch and the elders have already come."

At this time, greetings appeared on the heads of all the ghost wolves.

At this time, this situation happened to countless monsters who were sent over. .

Stone Spirit Monster Clan, Baimei Fox Clan, Fire Wolf Clan, Lihu Clan, Broken Gold Mouse Clan, ......

They found that the patriarchs and elders who had been teleported were gone, and to be precise, all the monsters above the fusion period were gone.

Daniel looked at the frightened horse, which was flowing with feces and urine, and then looked at the wolves in the distance like waves. His legs suddenly became weak, and he couldn't stand up on the ground.

The wolf howl coming from his ear made Daniel's pants wet. He had only heard of the legendary monster before. It was a beast that was even more powerful than the beast. He didn't expect to see Zhenzhang today.

"Ami, I will marry you again in my next life."

Daniel's eyes are very good, he has already seen the appearance of the monster a few hundred meters away.

At this time, the ghost wolf of the foundation-building stage who ran to the front was already drooling with excitement. For the demon race, the human race is the most delicious flesh and blood, especially the immortal cultivator who has been nourished by spiritual power.

The mortal in front is just an appetizer, the most advanced wolf, and it is qualified to enjoy the most delicious heart.

"No, I can't die, I want to go back."

Looking at this endless wolf demon, Daniel collapsed. Using both hands and feet, he began to crawl towards the town's naval camp.

The first wolf looked at the Daniel who was still struggling to die, and his eyes became more and more cruel.

Just when the wolf demon was less than 100 meters away from Daniel, Daniel was caught on the spirit boat by a Jindan stage puppet.

At this time, hundreds of flying boats gathered in the sky.

The magic weapon of an eye of detection appeared on the flying boat and began to detect the situation of the demon clan below.

"Wolf-like monsters, with a scale of 100,000, 50% Jindan stage, 20% Yuanying stage, 156 virtual refining stage, 4 fusion stage."

"It has exceeded the current limit, and the news has been sent to the headquarters and the Presbyterian Church."

"The space-based satellite is dispatched, target, and strike the most core teleportation array."

"The task at this stage is to prevent the demon race from slaughtering mortals on the premise of ensuring the lives of mortals."

At this time, a huge wolf claw appeared in the sky, directly smashing more than 30 flying boats in the air.

The remaining more than 60 flying boats flew towards the nearest city, and scattered countless watermelon-sized remote sensing thunderbolts on the ground.

On the flying boat where Daniel was located a Jindan stage puppet suddenly asked: "Mortal, how many miles is this from the nearest town."

"Immortal, the nearest Sheep Town is 150 miles away." Daniel said with a trembling voice, and pointed to the direction of the Sheep Town.

"Immortal, my brothers haven't run far, can you save them?" Daniel suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said to the puppet who was talking to him.

Daniel still wanted these immortals who didn't look like immortals to save his thousands of sheep, but he didn't say it in the end, he was afraid of being thrown away.

"Already rescued, a total of three people and six sheep." The Jindan stage puppet said coldly.

"Thank you immortal," Daniel said kowtow.

As time went by, more and more flying boats gathered from the sky, there were as many as 300.

Now that all the spirit boats have fallen in front of Selling Sheep Town, 300,000 puppets form an iron wall-like line of defense.

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