My Italy

Chapter 615 Impact

The fall of Paris was also a very important event for the world.

In Germany, people all over the country are holding celebrations to celebrate the heroic German army defeating the British and French forces and occupying the enemy's capital. Perhaps in their view, since France has occupied the capital, the rumors that the war will be over years ago will be confirmed. Isn't this worth celebrating?

While the German people celebrated happily, the people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as their allies, had mixed emotions. Because of Austria-Hungary's defeats on two fronts (the Battle of Serbia and the Battle of Galicia), the Austro-Hungarian people could not celebrate even if they wanted to, and could only watch their neighbors celebrate.

Of course, the Allies were celebrating, but the Allies were secretly sad.

First of all, for the French, this was a major blow, whether in terms of strategy, tactics, or even morale.

For France, the importance of Paris cannot be overstated. The Paris Basin where it is located is the most elite region in France, with numerous industries and the best agriculture.

The fall of Paris caused France to lose nearly one-third of its strength (including its northeastern France occupied by the German army), which was a serious loss of vitality.

Of course, someone needs to be responsible for the fall of Paris. Among them, Gallielli, who was the initiator of the Battle of the Marne, was relieved of his post after the fall of Paris. The savior of Paris in his previous life is in a bad situation this time, and he needs to bear half of the responsibility for losing Paris.

However, Gallieri alone could not bear this responsibility, and Joffre, the commander-in-chief of the French army, was also dismissed.

In fact, the fall of Paris alone was not enough to make this respected French commander-in-chief step down, but if a series of previous defeats were added, then the French commander-in-chief would need to bear considerable responsibility.

You must know that from the beginning of the war, under this leadership, the French army has never won a battle, and the French army suffered heavy casualties at his hands. Counting from the beginning of the war, the French army lost nearly 800,000 men in a series of defeats.

This is not a small number. You must know that the French army only has more than two million people. Who can bear this loss of 800,000 people? Although many soldiers can recover, the current shortage of troops has caused a headache for the French army.

The third wave of mobilization orders has been issued, and the age limit for mobilization has been expanded from 20-35 years old to 38 years old. These three additional years are a concrete manifestation of the pressure on the French army's military strength.

In addition, the French army is also looking for ways from the colonies. First, its colonial troops in Asia have received orders to send sufficient colonial troops to the mainland. Secondly, in black Africa south of the Sahara, the French army was also ordered to form more colonial troops.

It is obvious that these troops, which are basically formed by the colonies, are to prepare for the mainland. I just don’t know how much combat effectiveness these colonial troops can have when even the French native troops suffered heavy casualties.

Sometimes the losses in battle are too great to care about, even a piece of straw can be used to save one's life.

In addition to the reasons for military strength, the French army also reviewed itself after pushing across the Seine. First of all, in terms of tactics and strategy, find reasons for previous defeats.

This review is very intensive, which can be seen from the treatment of Miss 75. You must know that before the war started, the French army tried to equip only one type of artillery, which was the 75mm rapid-fire cannon. Even for this gun, the French army formed a rapid-fire gun theory, and even tactics needed to be developed around this gun.

It can be said that before the war started, Miss 75 was the absolute protagonist in the French army, the one who had to be in the C position at all times.

After the review, Miss 75 is no longer the only protagonist in the French army. The French army is not a tough one. After being educated by various large-caliber artillery of the German army, although Miss 75 is still important, she is no longer the only one in the French army. The protagonist.

Now the French army collects large-caliber artillery from all over the country. They even drag out their old large-caliber heavy artillery, mortars, siege artillery, etc. from museums. Many of them are muzzle-loading weapons from the Franco-Prussian War and even the Napoleonic era.

The French army is working hard to clear its name, and the French government has also issued a statement to express its attitude. The statement expressed sadness at the fall of Paris and also elaborated on the French government's next task, which is to recapture Paris from the Germans. At the same time, it was also stated that France would not surrender because of the fall of Paris.

France's tough statement attracted praise from its allies. Among them, Britain and Russia, the most worried countries, highly praised the French for their toughness.

In response to France's tough stance, St. Petersburg stated that they would continue to launch a major battle to relieve the pressure on their allies on the Western Front.

Although Russia lost 280,000 troops in the previous Battle of Tannenberg, what makes the huge polar bear scary is its huge military strength. The conscripted soldiers were called gray beasts for a reason.

In addition, Russia is not without its bright spots. In the Battle of Galicia, Russia drove the Austro-Hungarian army to the Carpathian Mountains at the cost of 200,000 losses, and the Galicia region fell into Russian hands.

In addition to causing Austria-Hungary to lose Galicia, this battle also caused a loss of 400,000. A large number of elite troops and officers were killed, which greatly weakened the Austro-Hungarian army. I heard that Vienna has asked Berlin and Rome for help, asking the two allies to increase their forces to help them deal with the Russian offensive and the Kingdom of Serbia.

Russia contained a large number of German and Austrian troops on the Eastern Front and made outstanding contributions to the Entente camp.

As the strongest force in the Entente camp, the United Kingdom certainly cannot lag behind. After the fall of Paris, the British government announced that it would expand the size of the British Expeditionary Force in France from the current 200,000 to 600,000 within three months. people.

Although compared with the size of the millions of armies in various countries, the British army's current army of just over one million is indeed not very impressive, but the UK still has an important task, which is to suppress the navy of the Allied camp. This task was not easy at all, because the Allied navies at this time were much more powerful than in history.

It is extremely difficult for the British family to cope, so in addition to relying on their own strength, they are also considering finding other ways to supplement. For example, among the four battleships built and launched for sea trials in the UK, in addition to the two famous battleships ordered by the Ottomans, there are also two battleships ordered by Chile.

The two battleships ordered by Chile are based on the Iron Duke as a template. After expanding the main gun caliber to 356 mm, their armor protection level has been slightly reduced. Currently, one has been launched and another is under construction.

These two battleships are a good supplement for the UK, which is in urgent need of battleships. After some friendly negotiations, the UK requisitioned two battleships.

Since even the warships of traditional ally Chile have been requisitioned, the two Ottoman warships that have already undergone sea trials will naturally not be spared.

Britain has seized two Turkish battleships. Let’s not talk about compensation. Even the advance payment paid by the Ottomans before, the British do not intend to return it now.

As for why the British did this, on the one hand, it was the needs of the navy, and on the other hand, there were also Russian factors. As soon as the war broke out, Russia sent a report to London, requesting the temporary detention of the Ottoman battleships because these two battleships seriously affected Russia's control of the Black Sea.

Of course, there is also a deeper reason, that is, Germany is so influential among the Ottomans, maybe it will be won over, and then these two warships will become enemies.

Another unexplainable reason is that Russia wants to take this opportunity to force the Ottomans to oppose itself, so Russia has sufficient reasons to take action against the Black Sea Strait.

As for the British side, why is it so cooperative? Doesn't it require Russia to contain Germany and Austria? There are some things that cannot be stated openly.

Otherwise, why historically Britain and France pushed for the Battle of Dardanelles. In addition to rescuing Russia, they also had the intention of occupying the Black Sea Strait first.

In addition to the related countries, several neutral countries also have their own views on the fall of Paris.

In Washington, Wilson, who had only become president this year, discussed with several cabinet members and decided to remain neutral and wait and see. In addition, for purchases from Britain and France, the U.S. government has also decided not to grant credit lines for the time being, and all transactions must be paid.

That's right, the United States has decided not to show any inclination for the time being, and will wait until the next war situation.

The United States can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, but another country cannot.

In Tokyo, Japan had just made a decision. If the Entente camp really promised to give them German and Italian colonies in Southeast Asia, then Japan would send troops to join the war. In addition, its combined fleet will also dispatch only three dreadnoughts to form a support force to fight for the Allied camp.

As for why the Japanese are so aggressive, they place bets when the situation is unclear. The reason is simple, economic issues.

Because Japan was disturbed by a certain butterfly before, its national strength is far less than it was at the same time in history. Therefore, Germany and Italy have long been coveting their colonies in Southeast Asia.

After the war broke out, facing the British's solicitation, Japan proposed the Southeast Asian colonies of Germany and Italy as a condition for participating in the war. The British were stunned by the Japanese appetite and rejected their request outright.

If the Japanese were put into Southeast Asia, they would be able to threaten the British and French colonies there by virtue of their close proximity to the mainland. This would be an even greater threat. The British are not stupid, and they will not let Japan grow too much.

However, after the fall of Paris, the British attitude changed. He proposed to the Japanese government that the colonies of Germany and Italy in Southeast Asia were too large. If Japan only wanted one country's colonies and was willing to send troops to Europe, then Britain could make the decision and agree.

As for the conditions of the British and Japan, we can only wait and see how they negotiate next.

Other countries have modified their actions after the fall of Paris. So what should Italy do under Carlo's leadership?

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