My Italy

Chapter 596 War Mobilization Order

Austria-Hungary's declaration of war on Serbia seemed to open the safety valve in Europe, and countries that had already been overwhelmed by the pressure exploded one after another.

The day after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia announced an order for general military mobilization. This was a strong response to Austria-Hungary's move on its younger brother.

Following Russia's military mobilization, Germany, which had already promised Austria-Hungary, immediately announced its military mobilization. Germany's reaction fell into the eyes of the French, so the French also launched military mobilization.

The current situation has become passive as all countries have announced military mobilization. At this time, everyone seems to be playing a coward's game, and no one dares to take a step back. Because of the surging public opinion, they had no way to retreat.

As for Italy, as an ally of Germany and Austria, Italy also needs to fulfill its obligations as an ally after reaping the benefits for so many years. Besides, Austria-Hungary also offered the Tyrol region as a benefit, and Italy was even more obliged to do so.

So the day after Germany announced military mobilization, Italy was also preparing for military mobilization.

In his office, Carlo signed his name on the military mobilization decree under the watchful eyes of the Prime Minister and the military.

This Italian military general mobilization order will allow Italy to recruit militia reserves into the army. In addition, transportation and tools, military industry and various departments will enter military control. It can be said that as long as Carlo signs the decree, Italy will enter military control.

After recruiting a large number of reserves and militia, the Italian army will reach 1 million in three months and 1.5 million in half a year.

Carlo then handed the signed decree to Prime Minister Cruz.

"Prime Minister Cruz, I now authorize a general military mobilization by Your Excellency."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

With everyone watching, Prime Minister Cruz took over the bill.

All walks of life are full of expectations for this military mobilization decree.

Nationalists saw this as a sign of Italy's rise and that the Kingdom of Italy should cede all Italian-speaking territories to the kingdom. In addition, Italy should also bring the Mediterranean under its jurisdiction, just like the Roman Empire in history.

The same is true for the industrial and commercial circles. The kingdom should occupy more territories and colonies so that its products can sell well all over the world under the glory of the kingdom.

For ordinary people, under the government's conscious propaganda in recent years, they have also linked their destiny to the kingdom. For them, their life will be better when the kingdom becomes stronger. In order to have a better life in the future, they must have someone to stand up and make sacrifices for the kingdom. These sacrificers are great and will be praised by future generations. It lives in everyone's heart.

Does it sound familiar? Yes, this is someone who has passed on the essence of Confucianism to the public bit by bit through public opinion over the years. Of course, it was also in these years, Italy's rapid development and the victory in several wars. With the help of these, the people of the Kingdom chose to accept this.

If it is replaced by repeated defeats and an economic downturn, it depends on whether the people believe what you say.

As for Cruz, he is also confident about this game. However, unlike the blindness of the public, his confidence is more reflected in the data.

Because of his location, Cruz knew the kingdom's preparations for war. He believed that no country was better prepared than Italy. Various combat readiness materials have already been filled in Italian reserve warehouses, and Italian military industrial enterprises have begun operating at full capacity a few years ago.

He really couldn't think of any reason why the kingdom could lose in this war.

As for the military, let alone that. In addition to the equipment, training and morale of the military, the military. They can also be very proud to say that their own reserves of weapons and ammunition alone are enough to expand the Italian army to three million and meet half a year's combat reserves.

War is all about logistics. The Italian military has already understood this concept, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, the military is also confident about the upcoming war and is ready to show its strength in this war and gain sufficient benefits for the Kingdom of Italy.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that the government and public opinion have completed preparations for war. In addition, various departments are already studying and negotiating plans for wartime economic control and national material rationing, and the results are expected to be available in three months."

Cruz took the bill and stated to Carlo the next steps the government needs to prepare.

Yes, Cruz is talking about wartime economic controls.

For every future generation, it is very natural for the war to enter wartime control.

At this time, various countries actually had wartime controls, but they were very rough and could even be described as hindsight.

For Carlo, this kind of pediatric wartime control does not meet Italy's needs. Although it is difficult for Italy to have a national wartime system like a red country, it can still be achieved by learning its essence.

Therefore, combined with Italy's own national conditions, the Italian version of the wartime system was gradually improved under Carlo's auspices. Mainly focused on the losses in the crushing production stage, every ounce of Italian energy was devoted to the war. The core of this wartime system is the rationing of national supplies. To put it simply, the government controls the daily necessities. The government must distribute how much food each person eats every day.

Some people may ask, isn’t it possible for farmers to grow their own food and sell it?

Yes, farmers can indeed sell their food, but there can only be one buyer, and that is the government. Others who buy directly from farmers will be punished according to the law, and the most serious ones will be sent to the battlefield to atone for their sins. Doing the hardest and most tiring work, and not being able to enjoy the treatment that a soldier deserves.

Of course, in addition to food, other factories producing daily necessities in Tawau were under the jurisdiction of the government at this time. Their original factory owners could become management, but they must obey the government's orders.

Of course, this system is not perfect yet, and there will definitely be people who exploit loopholes, but as long as we can ensure that the vast majority of people comply with the requirements and publicize the punishment of those caught exploiting loopholes, it will be enough to ensure the implementation of the bill.

The government has not yet introduced the Italian version of wartime controls. The reason is very simple. Officials have not yet figured out many things. If they want people to implement them, they must understand that they are not.

"Prime Minister Cruz, it's all your fault."

At this time, the captain of the guard came in with a secret message and whispered something in Carlo's ear. "Your Majesty, both Germany and Austria-Hungary have agreed to hold an emergency negotiation in Munich to discuss the war trends among the three countries. The time is set for tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, I get it."

After replying to the captain of the guard, Carlo then spoke to the military and political officials present. "Everyone, Germany and Austria have agreed to our request for talks in Munich. However, in view of the current situation, I will lead the team to negotiate with the two ministers of navy and army and the minister of foreign affairs. The others will stay at home for pre-war preparations. final preparations.”

"As you command, Your Majesty."

This emergency negotiation was initiated by Carlo, but it was also in the interests of the three countries. After all, there were some things that needed to be negotiated before the war started. Especially Italy's ambitious needs to explore the Mediterranean need to be negotiated before the war. As for why we chose to talk so close to the start of the war, this is a question of benevolence and wisdom.

I'm sorry everyone, because of my father-in-law's esophageal cancer these two days, I'm sure you won't be able to read one chapter of the steamed buns every day. It doesn't matter, I will resume three chapters tomorrow without any other surprises.

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