My Italy

Chapter 594 Ultimatum

The Austro-Hungarian Empire, which got the results it wanted from Germany and Italy, was naturally confident, and then Austria-Hungary began some preparations for war.

Such as starting to reserve ammunition, recruiting and mobilizing troops, controlling public opinion, and formulating combat plans and other measures. However, for Vienna, these preparations are secondary. The first thing is to formulate a diplomatic strategy for Serbia.

Therefore, one month after the murder of Archduke Ferdinand, public opinion in Austria-Hungary immediately changed drastically, from mourning the murdered crown prince to the need to punish the murderer and the forces behind it.

Then major Austro-Hungarian newspapers obtained detailed information about the murderer Princip, focusing on the situation of the Serbian terrorist organization Black Hand. With the help of the government and the publicity of the Austro-Hungarian newspapers, Serbia and its Black Hand with military and intelligence backgrounds became notorious in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Public opinion in Austria-Hungary also became violent, and punishing Serbia became the mainstream in the country.

Austria-Hungary took advantage of domestic public opinion and took the opportunity to submit an ultimatum to Serbia.

The main contents of this ultimatum are as follows:

Article 1: Immediately ban national self-defense organizations and other organizations that produce anti-Austro-Hungarian propaganda.

Article 2: Immediately delete from educational groups and teaching methods any teaching content that will or may incite anti-Austro-Hungarian propaganda.

Article 3: The removal of officials from the military or administrative departments who are accused of carrying out anti-Austro-Hungarian propaganda, and the list of such officials shall be provided by the Austro-Hungarian government.

Article 4: Accept cooperation with relevant departments of the Austro-Hungarian government to suppress activities in Serbia that attempt to subvert the territorial integrity of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Article 5: With the assistance and instructions of the relevant departments designated by the Austrian government, legal action will be taken to punish those who planned, participated in or executed the assassination.

Article 6: Arrest anti-Austrian figures investigated by the Austro-Hungarian government.

Article 7: Maintain cooperation and take effective measures to curb arms smuggling within its territory.

Article 8: Explain to Austria-Hungary the statements of senior Serbian officials in Serbia or abroad who are hostile to it.

Article 9: Seize any publication that arouses hatred and contempt for the royal family of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Article 10: Take the above measures immediately and inform the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

These ten items were Austria-Hungary's demands on Serbia, and Austria-Hungary only gave Serbia three days to respond.

This ultimatum was personally delivered to Prime Minister Pasic by Austro-Hungarian Minister Gisl in Serbia. Regarding the ultimatum in his hand, the Serbian Prime Minister also felt bitter in his heart, because when Archduke Ferdinand visited Sarajevo, the Serbian government got part of the news.

Of course, compared with the military and intelligence agencies, the Serbian government is much more rational. They know that this kind of assassination of politicians from neighboring countries will add fuel to the already tense relations between Austria and Serbia. Therefore, the Serbian government ordered the border between the two countries to be closed to prevent those passionate young people in the country from doing such dirty things as assassinating political figures.

Unfortunately, Belgrade's orders also required lower-level officials to execute them, so Princip and others were allowed to cross the border easily.

Later, the murderer of the Grand Duke and his wife was caught on the spot, which put the Serbian government on pins and needles. At that time, it felt that Vienna had not made any big moves. Unexpectedly, one month later, Austria-Hungary finally took action, and it was conditions that Serbia could not accept.

If you look carefully, you will find that all the conditions in the ultimatum are actually interfering in Serbia's internal affairs. Of course, this is light or serious. Among them, Articles 5 and 6 are the most serious because they directly interfere with Serbia's judicial power.

The Serbian government is not willing to accept these two conditions, but is willing to accept other conditions. In fact, Serbia did not want to accept any of these conditions, but because of the serious consequences, coupled with the already furious Austro-Hungarian government, Serbia's small body simply could not resist it alone.

So after Austria-Hungary submitted an ultimatum to it, Serbia immediately reported the ultimatum to the Russian Empire, which had been supporting him behind it.

Of course, Russia was furious about the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum handed over by Serbia. Russian Foreign Minister Sazonov publicly spoke. Austria-Hungary made such harsh demands on Serbia, completely ignoring Russia's special interests in Serbia.

Speaking of which, Russia has been good enough to Serbia in recent years. In the previous Serbian-Bulgarian war, as well as the wars in the Balkan countries, Russia has always stood firmly behind Serbia. Not even the Kingdom of Bulgaria, which had always considered it a protectorate.

Of course, this is also related to Russia's own needs (Serbia can block Austria-Hungary's expansion into the Balkans, so Russia will defend it to the death), but this can also show how much Russia attaches importance to Serbia.

Since we attach so much importance to Serbia, we naturally have something to express. Even Russia is very troubled by the assassination, but when it comes to its own interests, it needs to speak for its own needs.

Therefore, Russian Foreign Minister Sazonov summoned the Austrian-Hungarian Ambassador Szapari and told him that Russia firmly opposed the two terms of the ultimatum. The Serbs would never disband the National Self-Defense Forces, nor would they allow Austria-Hungary to operate in Serbia. Investigation into the Sarajevo assassination in the territory.

Faced with the words of the Russian Foreign Minister, the Austrian-Hungarian Ambassador Szapari immediately explained, "Austria-Hungary is just suppressing terrorist movements and riots, which is beneficial to all civilized countries."

Regarding the Austro-Hungarian ambassador's words, Sazonov immediately showed Russia's tough side. "This is a false statement. You are provoking a war in Europe."

Obviously, Russia has noticed some trends, so it is impossible to retreat. Of course, it is not easy for Russia to back down. The greedy bear has always had a good appetite. If you don't hurt it, you won't listen to other people's opinions at all.

Later, the Russian Foreign Minister made it clear that if Austria-Hungary makes a move to attack Serbia, Russia will carry out general mobilization, and do not doubt Russia's determination to defend Serbia.

Russia is certainly determined to defend Serbia. After receiving the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum from Serbia, the Russian military began to order secret mobilization.

Moreover, the government also held a cabinet meeting under the auspices of Foreign Minister Sazonov to discuss preparations for war.

As for why it was convened by the Foreign Minister, because Prime Minister Goremekin was a figurehead, and His Majesty the Tsar was on vacation with his family and could not return to St. Petersburg yet, so the Foreign Minister presided over it on his behalf.

Although Russia has shown an extremely tough attitude, how can Austria-Hungary shrink back this time. You must know that this time they have the full support of the two allies.

Therefore, Austria-Hungary is sharpening its sword against Serbia, and has no fear of Russia, which provides protection for it.

I'm sorry everyone, Mantou's father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer today, and his wife was crying hard. Mantou can only comfort his family first, and also needs to help, so he only updated one chapter today.

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