My Italy

Chapter 565 Resident Certificate

With the arrival of the new year, for the Italian people, it is no different from the past. They all go to work in the fields or work to earn money to support their families.

However, for many factory owners, they obviously feel something different after entering the new year. For example, industries related to the military industry have become increasingly prosperous since this year, and many of their factory orders have been scheduled for three months. Some factories are even expanding their factories to recruit more workers, as if they are going to do something big.

This information is very useful to factory owners because it lets them know what to do next to make more money.

Of course, this is not the only difference. The government is also taking some actions. For some unexplainable reasons, the Ministry of Interior received a more difficult task.

That is to require every adult in Italy who is over 18 years old to apply for a resident card.

This request left officials at the Ministry of Interior scratching their heads for a while. Because the Italian government has been able to apply for a resident certificate before, but it is not a mandatory requirement.

In fact, at this time, such documents with personal information are not mandatory in European countries. On the one hand, the workload is too heavy, and on the other hand, there is no awareness of this aspect. I don’t know what the use is of asking every adult to apply for such a personal information certificate. In addition to increasing the workload of government personnel and spending money, what else can it do?

It is obvious that European countries do not have a good understanding of documents carrying personal information and do not know the huge role they play.

It was obvious that the order received by the Ministry of the Interior came from someone with a hereditary mindset.

Many people may have become accustomed to securities that prove their identity. Because you need this little card wherever you go, whether you want to stay in a hotel, take long-distance transportation, buy valuables, etc. It involves all aspects of life.

However, this small card is not simple, because it allows the government to have more control over your information, so that it can be analyzed at the big data level, and it is also conducive to mobilization at the government level.

As for someone now pushing the Italian government to take coercive measures to allow people to apply for such documents with personal information, he also has other purposes.

The first is to strengthen the management of the people. You must know that Italy needs to explode with twelve points of strength to face this world war. Then we need to mobilize far greater strength than before. Strengthening the management of the people is definitely very beneficial and worthwhile for the Italian government.

First of all, it is convenient for the government to conduct statistics at the level of troop surge, because personal information has been compiled by the government, and selection is faster than in countries that have not compiled information. The improvement is most obvious in the speed of mobilization. Other countries have a similar population to yours. They mobilize one million people in two months, but you only need one month to mobilize one million people. Moreover, the quality of your one million people is still better than others. Because personal information across the country is stored with the government, it just needs to be withdrawn. There is no need for temporary investigation like other countries.

The second is aspect control. You must know that once a war breaks out, it is necessary to mobilize the strength of the whole country. What positions those people should be assigned to can be coordinated from the government level.

There is also the issue of distribution of supplies during wartime, which also requires the use of personal information. You must know that the final defeat of Germany and Austria in World War I was due to the shortage of materials. In the last year of the war, the people in the country could not live any longer. At this time, no matter how many honors and dreams they had, they were no match for the growling belly. For With enough to eat, these hungry people don't mind doing anything, such as overthrowing the government and changing the system.

Therefore, in order to prevent this situation in Italy, future supplies need to be controlled, and of course personal information will be used for distribution.

Moreover, personal information is not only used in the above-mentioned ways, but can be used in all aspects of life.

However, although the collection of personal information is so useful, no country has ever implemented it, also because it is difficult. It costs a lot of energy and money, which is why Italy has delayed starting until now, all for the sake of the next war.

However, for Interior Minister Brugge, he vaguely sensed a hint of the intention from the palace man, so this time when faced with the task personally assigned by His Majesty, he had to complete it no matter what.

"Everyone, the most important thing for our Ministry of Interior to do next is to allow people to apply for ID cards. If you have any good ideas or suggestions, please mention them."

In the conference room, Interior Secretary Brugger raised the issue in front of several deputies and department heads.

The people present were all human beings. Although they did not know that this task was personally issued by the king, they knew from Brugger's tone that this matter was non-negotiable and must be carried out.

“I think that if we want people to accept the application of a resident certificate, we must let them know the benefits of applying for it. We can completely let newspapers and other media publicize it and link the application with fighting crime and helping the poor, so as to reduce people’s anxiety. Resistance."

The person who spoke was Director Arboleda of the Press Censorship Department of the Ministry of Interior. Since he is in charge of press censorship, he has more contact with the media and is more concerned about the importance of propaganda.

"I have a suggestion. I think that in addition to letting the public know the benefits of the resident card, we also need the public to know the inconveniences in life without a resident card. For example, in the field of public transportation, we can use the requirement that a resident card is required to buy tickets. This approach allows residents to apply for it voluntarily, and in addition, accommodation, children’s education, work, and personal handling of any government-related matters can all require a resident certificate.”

The person speaking this time was Cajalo, director of the Ministry of Interior’s most important Public Security Department, who is mainly responsible for the work of the national police.

"I also have a suggestion..."

"I have some ideas..."

With these two taking the lead, others also spoke one after another. Most of them provided suggestions and suggestions for the processing of resident certificates from their own familiar perspectives.

Soon the minutes in the hands of the meeting recorder were covered with a thick pile of notes.

But at this time a voice sounded. "With so many suggestions put forward, many of them cannot be implemented by the Ministry of Interior alone and require coordination from other departments."

The person who spoke was Deputy Minister of the Interior Pipedicchi. This was an old man from the Ministry of the Interior. He had served as minister for several times and was very experienced. Since he was going to retire in two years, he was promoted to this position by Brugger. Under-Secretary of State, assisting himself in running the Home Office.

Pipedicchi's words are also mature words, because the more departments involved, the easier it is to fall into a dispute.

Brugger smiled slightly at the deputy's words. "Regarding this worry about falling into a dispute, don't worry, Pipedicchi, I will coordinate and will never hold you back."

Since Brugger, as the Minister of the Interior, is so confident, there is nothing to worry about. Everyone present just needs to do their job well.

After the meeting determined that it would be compulsory for people across the country to apply for resident certificates, everyone in the Ministry of Interior also started to get busy.

Three days later, major newspapers and other media began to publicize the benefits of applying for a resident certificate. The government has also announced that within the next six months, all Italians over the age of 18 will need to apply for a resident card. Moreover, the government also announced that in half a year, residents will be required to hold a resident card in order to receive services in public sectors such as transportation, education, and medical care.

In addition, various domestic companies have also been notified by the government that their employees must have resident certificates before they can work.

It is said that this series of combination punches made the Italian people very confused. How could they have to have this thing overnight?

But as the saying goes, an arm cannot twist a thigh. Faced with the government's actions, whether they understand it or not, for the sake of their own lives, Italian residents began to line up to apply for their resident certificates from the government.

Of course, not everyone has applied for it. There are always some people who feel that they belong to the special category. However, there are only a very small number of such people. As long as it does not affect the overall situation, the government will not force them. After all, if you really don’t need any government services, then you really don’t need them.

Wherever the monthly tickets are and where the recommended tickets are, leave them all for me so that I can start walking in the middle of the night.

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