My Italy

Chapter 553 The Second Moroccan Crisis (Part 1)

The French were surprised when the Leopard suddenly appeared in the Moroccan port of Agadir. What surprised them even more was that this gunboat, which was just over a thousand tons, also aimed its guns at the French troops on the shore.

The Leopard's bold move shocked the French troops on the shore.

The Leopard's behavior may also be related to its long-term dealings with small countries. It is used to being domineering and a little unclear about the situation.

However, the daring Leopard acted like this. On the contrary, the French army in Agadir had a clear mind and did not react excessively. Instead, they informed their superiors of the Leopard's actions, and Paris quickly received the news.

France was furious about the appearance of German warships in Morocco. Because Germany dared to directly challenge France's colonial interests with only a small gunboat, it was a great shame for France. Then Germany sent a telegram asking the French to respect Germany's interests in Morocco.

Regarding the telegram from Germany and the gunboat that appeared in Morocco, the French believed that this was German diplomatic blackmail. The proud France could not accept it. Otherwise, every time Germany blackmailed France, France would take a step back, which would be a serious blow. The national enthusiasm of the French.

Therefore, France's attitude was extremely tough this time and it directly rejected the German request. Instead, it accelerated its actions in Morocco.

The Germans also became dissatisfied with the French's disregard for their attitude. Kaiser Wilhelm II believed that the French had humiliated Germany by ignoring Germany's advice.

For this reason, Germany took the situation one step further and mobilized the main force of the army to the French border.

In response to Germany's hostile actions, the French were not to be outdone, and also transferred the main force of the army to the border adjacent to Germany. In addition, France went a step further and announced military mobilization.

The French's actions further stimulated Germany. Faced with France's military mobilization order, Germany was not to be outdone and also announced military mobilization. In addition, it is not only military mobilization, the German General Staff has already come up with a combat plan and is preparing to issue it.

At this time, Germany and France refused to give in and looked like they were going to fight, which shocked other European countries. Other countries expressed their opinions one after another, hoping that the two countries could calm down the dispute and avoid the outbreak of war in Europe.

However, this peace speech lacked one country, and that was the British Empire. At such a dangerous moment, it is incredible that the British Empire, as the world's hegemon, did not speak.

In fact, this is not surprising, because this time France was able to remain so unyielding because of the support of the British Empire.

The British Chief of General Staff visited France and inspected the Franco-German border in person. In addition, the British fleet also received a message from the Admiralty, asking them to prepare for battle.

It is precisely with the support of the British that the French have the confidence to defeat Germany.

Germany feels huge pressure on Britain and France to join forces, and it urgently needs support from its allies at this time.

An airship bearing the emblem of the Savoy family slowly landed on the ground apron. Many people were already waiting below the apron.

Among those waiting, Foreign Minister Vechtel was at the core. Wechtel was a diplomat who became a monk by the way. He was born in a banker family in Stuttgart, and participated in the Franco-Prussian War, and later studied law. It was not until 1879 that this man entered the diplomatic world.

However, although he entered the diplomatic field late, he has a good resume. In 1898, he served as minister to Bucharest and later to Istanbul to support the construction of the Baghdad Railway.

In addition, Lord Wechtel opposed maintaining a naval balance with Britain and advocated firmly establishing Germany's leadership position in Europe through the Triple Alliance. In 1910, he was appreciated by the new Prime Minister Holweg and was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs.

His mission this time was to welcome the Italian delegation led by Carlo. This time the Italian delegation traveled in a somewhat special vehicle. It came by airship.

Carlo's sudden visit to Berlin was nominally to mediate the dispute between Germany and France in Morocco, but in reality he had another purpose.

But whatever the purpose, at least words of peace need to be expressed now.

"Your Majesty, you can disembark now."

The words of the captain of the guard made Carlo stop thinking, and he walked toward the cabin door with a smile. When he walked out of the cabin, welcoming music and cheers immediately sounded, and Wechtel, who was responsible for welcoming him, walked quickly towards him.

"Welcome His Majesty King Carlo to Berlin."

"You're welcome, Lord Vechtel, I'm here for peace."

Afterwards, the two exchanged brief greetings, took photos together, and then were interviewed by reporters.

"Your Majesty Carlo, I heard that your visit to Berlin this time is to mediate the current tense situation between Germany and France?"

This reporter's question seemed to other reporters to be nothing new, and it was a waste of opportunity. However, Carlo didn't care about what other reporters thought. Instead, he liked such friendly questions very much.

"Yes, I came to Berlin this time with great sincerity and for peace in Europe, so I showed up in Berlin because I know that Germans are the most reasonable."

These words made the reporters at the scene brighten up, and they all raised their hands to get a chance to ask questions.

But it was a pity that King Carlo only answered one question, and then at the invitation of Foreign Minister Wechtel, he got in the car and left. Also leaving with him was the Italian delegation.

"His Majesty King Carlo, your words are going to cause quite a bit of controversy." Vechter, who was riding in the same car with Carlo, started talking and laughing as if to mediate the atmosphere.

"What does it matter? What I said is the truth. For us in Italy, your country's credibility is worthy of trust."

Carlo's words sounded like he was praising Germany, but they were actually true. However, one thing is recognized by Italy, at least compared to France, Germany is more trustworthy.

"Thank you, His Majesty Carlo, for trusting us in Germany. Let the members of your group take a rest today. How about we arrange a meeting tomorrow?"

"Okay, but I want to see William as soon as possible. I think you should know the purpose of my coming this time."

"Okay, I will inform His Majesty the Emperor when I get back."

Of course Wechtel knew what Carlo said.

This person did not come with sincerity for peace, but wanted to break up peace.

In the current situation where tensions in Europe are on the verge of breaking out, Carlo is not sure whether the war will be brought forward due to his own stirring up the situation.

If it is ahead of schedule, what should Italy do and how to plan for the best interests of this is a question he has been thinking about for more than ten days.

After thinking about it for a while, Carlo found that changing jobs was not a good option.

Of course, if you want Italy to join, Carlo must determine a few requirements and then negotiate other conditions. Otherwise, all my efforts in Italy over the years would have been in vain. This is also the reason why he came in person. He was not sure about some of Germany's attitudes. How could Italy dare to place bets at will? It was still a high-risk Germany.

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