My Italy

Chapter 530 Gustone Explosion

The British's fruitless proposal to reduce the navy was just an episode in 1908. Except for the three parties involved, people in other countries are not aware of the proposal.

The international event that attracts the most attention from all countries at present is the war in the Balkans.

The Three Kingdoms of Bosio are now fighting in full swing. The three countries have gathered more than 600,000 troops in Adrianople and surrounding areas for a decisive battle.

Regarding this decisive battle, most people are optimistic about the Bulgarian-Greek coalition. The reason is very simple. The reports sent back by the observer missions sent by various countries basically have the same conclusion, that is, if no other countries intervene in this war, then the Bulgarian-Greek two countries will There is a high probability of winning.

The form of the battlefield also matched what they said. Although the Ottoman army was well equipped and well trained, it was far inferior to the two countries. In order to prepare to seize the remaining Ottoman territories in the Balkans, the military expenditures of Bulgaria and Greece accounted for about 40% of the budget all year round. Moreover, in terms of artillery, morale and combat level, Bulgaria and Greece had the absolute upper hand.

In this case, when there is no difference in the strength of the two sides, the balance of the battlefield will inevitably tilt towards the Bulgarian-Greek coalition. Important places such as the towns of Shantanu, Gardner, and Mount Bavit located in Adriano were successively captured by the Bulgarian-Greek coalition. The Bulgarian-Greek coalition forces have assumed a semi-encirclement posture facing Adrianople on three sides.

Faced with such a dilemma, the Ottomans on the one hand used the strong fortifications of Adrianople to hold on, and on the other hand stepped up the deployment of troops from Asia. At present, the Ottomans have mobilized 181,000 troops from Asia to reinforce Adrianople. However, the equipment, training and morale of these armies from Asia are not as good as those in Europe, so their performance on the battlefield is not very good, but this can serve the purpose of consuming the Bulgarian-Greek coalition forces to some extent.

In the face of the Ottoman army's attempt to use manpower to consume them, the Bulgarian-Greek coalition was actually well aware of it. The way the Bulgarian-Greek coalition responded was to use its trump card. The heavy siege artillery units of the two countries had been transported to Adrianople. They planned to use the heavy artillery in their hands to crack open the hard nut of Adrianople.

The decisive battle of Adrianople was in full swing, which naturally attracted the attention of all countries. However, an inexplicable strange thing happened at this time, which also attracted attention.

On the early morning of the last day of June in 1908, near the Tunguska River in the Russian Far East, local residents had just woken up. The sun shone lazily through the windows. Suddenly, they discovered that there was an extra "sun" in the sky. !

A fireball-shaped object with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters crossed the sky from southeast to northwest. A few minutes later, a bright light illuminated the entire sky. Later, an explosion occurred with a loud noise like thunder. A huge roar was heard within a thousand kilometers.

The explosion was recorded by seismic stations across Eurasia, and the pressure instability it caused was even detected by the automatic pressure recorder just invented in Britain at the time. In the days following the incident, the night skies across Asia and Europe turned dark red.

In the United States, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Mount Wilson Observatory observed a decrease in atmospheric transparency for at least several months. People in many European countries saw daylight-like flashes in the night sky, and even as far away as the United States across the ocean, people felt the earth shaking.

Faced with such a phenomenon, no one can explain what happened. For this reason, newspapers publicized that this was the end of the world predicted by the Mayans. Some people say it's an alien invasion, while others say it's a natural phenomenon.

But no matter what it was, it caused a huge increase in the sales of newspapers in various countries, and various scientists tried to interpret the phenomena they encountered.

The newspaper's extensive coverage naturally attracted Carlo's attention.

"How could I forget this?"

Carlo looked at the newspaper reports and recalled seeing a trace of red in the night sky two days ago, and a memory came to his mind.

Yes, the Tunguska explosion was very popular in later generations. Some people say that it was caused by antimatter. A meteorite composed of "antimatter" accidentally broke into the earth and caused this disaster.

Others say it was caused by the impact of a comet, a comet composed of loose snow from far away in the solar system. When it breaks through the Earth's surface atmosphere at a speed of 40,000 kilometers per hour, superheated gases are produced due to friction. As soon as this gas touched the ground, a huge shock wave equivalent to the destructive power of several atomic bombs occurred. Since the comet evaporated quickly, no debris was left on the earth as "physical evidence."

Others say it is caused by icy bodies, comets composed of ice and gas, or the impact of snow-like gas mixed with high-melting point particles.

Even more unreliable is the belief that this was a big explosion caused by the crash of an alien spacecraft.

The most recognized thing is that the Tunguska explosion may have been caused by an asteroid impact.

As for the various speculations that have been circulating in the past life, the main reason is that no one was sent to investigate in the first time. The first survey in history had to wait until 1927, when a scientific expedition team composed of Soviet scientists conducted the first survey of the area.

This is 19 years after the Big Bang. As time goes by, traces of many things can no longer be found.

But despite this, the expedition team was also very shocked by this. An impact crater with a span of about 50 meters, the surrounding 30 kilometers are covered with scorched earth after the fire, and beyond that are thousands of square kilometers of fallen trees. Kulik dug several meters near the impact crater and unexpectedly found no trace of the meteorite.

Carlo was very curious about this and wanted to know the cause of the big explosion, so he wanted to send a scientific expedition team to conduct a thorough investigation.

"Ask the captain of the guard to come see me. I have something to arrange. Also, please ask Mr. Bacona to come over. I need him to communicate with Russia."

Following Carlo's order, the captain of the guard rushed over immediately.

Carlo asked the captain of the guard to convene a group of geologists, biologists, and astronomers to form a scientific expedition team to conduct investigations in Tunguska.

Facing Carlo's order, the captain of the guard immediately started to do it.

He came and went in such a hurry that when the Foreign Secretary arrived, he could only see his back.

"Your Majesty, why are you summoning me?"

Facing Bacona's inquiry, Carlo spoke. "I want you to send someone to communicate with the Russians."

Carlo's words made Bacona feel nervous. At this time, when the situation in the Balkans was so complicated, it was too conspicuous to send people to communicate with Russia. You must know that the interests of Italy, Germany and Austria are currently very closely entangled, so it is not a good idea to send people to contact Russia.

But Carlo didn't give the foreign minister in front of him much time for inner drama.

"Our country wants to send a scientific expedition team to investigate the big explosion that occurred in the Russian Far East."


Bacona was surprised by Carlo's words. He did not expect that His Majesty would want to investigate a big explosion when the situation in the Balkans was so tense.

"What, what's the problem?"

Seeing the surprised and stunned Foreign Minister, Carlo asked about him.

"As you command, Your Majesty, I will do it right away."

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