My Italy

Chapter 524 White Swan

With the new Prime Minister Cruz taking office, Rome has fallen into a new political whirlpool, and the people of Rome can get new things to talk about every day.

However, today in the spring breeze, no one in Rome is talking about politics, because today people have new things to talk about.

"It's truly spectacular, a miracle."

"Yes, it's God's work. It's just spectacular."

"I saw it flying through the sky and its shadow on the ground was bigger than my neighborhood."

Today in Rome, everyone is talking excitedly about the same thing, or the same aviation machine, an airship that looks like a cigar.

People in Rome are actually no strangers to airships, because Alitalia has more than ten airships. Everyone has seen these big guys that are 100 meters long and fly around in the sky.

But this time, this big ship is really extraordinary. No one has ever seen an airship nearly 300 meters long.

This is enough to become a new talking point for everyone, it is really too big.

"What a wonderful masterpiece."

In the 150-hectare airport on the outskirts of Rome, as the main promoter of the construction of giant airships, Alitalia General Manager Arman looked up at the huge airship and introduced it to others.

“This is our new masterpiece of Alitalia, the Swan intercontinental airship. The boat is 291 meters long, 48.9 meters in diameter, and has a volume of 267,000 cubic meters. It is equipped with four Naples 1,100 horsepower diesel engines and has a top speed of 125 kilometers per hour. , currently the largest industrial crystallization in the world.”

Next to Arman were a group of Italian celebrities and gentlemen. Even they, who were well-informed, looked at the snow-white giant airship "Swan" with expressions of surprise.

"So how many people are needed to operate this type of airship, and how many people and cargo can it carry at one time?" A well-dressed gentleman looked at the airship and asked.

Faced with this question, Arman replied. "President Breazeale, the airship has 24 operators, plus 18 waiters, and can carry up to 60 passengers and 8 tons of cargo. However, given that this is the first intercontinental voyage, we are only prepared to sell 36 Zhang Chengtiao, after all, we still adhere to the concept of safety first when using airships to sail around the world.”

At this time, a bald middle-aged man complained. "You only sold 36 tickets, and you only sold 12 in Italy. Even I didn't get it, which is incredible."

Faced with these words, Arman smiled slightly. "I'm sorry, Mr. Marco, I can't help you with this because I don't have tickets in my hand. I believe you all know how popular the tickets for the Swan airship are at the moment. After the round-the-world voyage is completed, the Swan will be put into service in the Americas and Europe on a triangular voyage.

Think about it, it only takes three days for an airship to fly from Europe to North America. Compared with cruise ships, it is much faster. Moreover, airships are much more comfortable and can also see the scenery from the air. In the future, airships will become an intercontinental travel destination. First choice for sailing. It is expected that the Swan airship will recover its cost in only four to five years, and our company will increase its investment in intercontinental routes so that more people can enjoy the fun of air travel. "

Arman's words made many people think deeply. Intercontinental sailing has always been a hot business. In recent years, major shipping companies have launched their own cruise ships, just to get a piece of the pie. Before, everyone was fighting for it at sea. Currently, only Alitalia is competing in the air. If this first airline tries to take advantage of the competition, it will definitely be a mouthful. Some people are already interested in this.

Facing the scene in front of him, Arman added another fire. "Everyone, let me tell you another piece of good news. Currently, all 36 tickets for the Swan airship's round-the-world voyage have been sold out. A total of 1.04 million liras have been sold so far."

Each ticket for this round-the-world voyage costs more than a thousand pounds, which seems to be dozens of times more expensive than a first-class cabin on a luxury cruise ship. However, considering that rich people usually travel with luxury packages, it is not much more expensive. (Take the Titanic as an example. The ticket price for a suite with a private balcony is as high as 870 pounds. Passengers can enjoy luxurious facilities such as a heated swimming pool, gym, squash court, Turkish bath, sunbathing deck, etc. for first-class passengers. Even pet dogs have special facilities. kennel.)

Of course, the Swan does not have such a large space to arrange luxurious facilities, but one is aviation and the other is shipping. In this initial stage of the aviation industry, there is no comparison between the two. Being able to travel safely by airship is simply a super-class enjoyment. If you also want facilities such as a swimming pool and gym, you are overthinking it.

"Gentlemen, let's go into the airship and take a look."

With the help of the staff, Arman led everyone into the interior of the Swan. Everyone visited a series of facilities such as the cab, lounge, guest room, restaurant, etc. one by one. Of course, given the limited available area inside the airship, the level of luxury is definitely not as good as that of a cruise ship, but everyone watched it with gusto.

"Everyone, the aviation industry has great potential in the future, and Alitalia will definitely be the leader."

After everyone had finished visiting, Arman began to make a summary.

"That's not necessarily true. Won't others enter this industry?" Someone expressed an objection.

Faced with these words, Arman said with a smile. "It is possible to enter. The aviation industry is not monopolized by Alitalia. However, the other party needs to meet a condition and needs a new airship manufacturer. As far as I know, the Zeppelin airship manufacturing factory is currently fully booked with orders, which will last at least two years. There is no way to build rigid airships for others. Secondly, we need Alitalia to no longer provide orders to them, because we Alitalia have priority in construction.”

Arman's words made anyone who had the intention to interfere immediately stop some of their inner thoughts.

There is a reason for Alitalia's priority. Before the successful construction of Zeppelin's first airship, a sponsorship from Savoy helped it a lot. After the invention of the rigid airship was successful, Alitalia, which had investment from Savoy, placed a large order with the Zeppelin Airship Company. Under various circumstances, His Excellency Count Zeppelin gave Alitalia priority in view of Italy's help.

The people Arman invited this time were all carefully selected, and they are all able to provide Alitalia with various conveniences in the future. Whether it is in terms of financing or opening of routes.

In addition to Arman personally leading the team to visit the Swan, there is also an endless stream of people coming to the airport to watch the Swan airship in the past few days. Due to the snow-white appearance of the Swan airship, many people also call it the White Swan. .

The White Swan did not stay in Rome for long. After careful maintenance, the Swan left with 12 passengers and 7 tons of cargo under the attention of the Roman people. Its next stop was Paris, the capital of France.

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